Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting

Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting


It is a process wherein the Ore is heated either alone or with some other material in excess of air below the fusion point of the ore. Usually, this method is used for sulphide ores. In roasting, definite chemical changes take place to form oxide or chloride of the Metal. Ores of metals like zinc, lead, copper and nickel, when roasted in air, are converted to their oxides. Ores of some metals like lead may get partially oxidized and converted to sulphate. In such case, it is called sulphating roasting or partial roasting. Ores of metals like silver and gold are mixed with common salt and are heated in air. They are converted to their chlorides which are easy to reduce. This type of roasting is called chlorinating roasting. The purpose of roasting is to convert the ore in a form suitable to reduce. The gaseous product of sulphide roasting, sulphur dioxide is often used to produce sulphuric acid.



Smelting is the basic process by which one produces workable metal from metal ores. The Minerals in copper ores are reduced to copper through mixing carbon with the ore and heating the combination to about 1,100°C. (This can be done directly with copper oxide ores. Copper sulphide ores are heated in contact with air first.) At this temperature the metal, now liquid, flows to the bottom of the furnace, and the remaining matter (slag) floats to the top, whence it is removed. (Slag usually includes large amounts of silicon and related material and produces waste heaps of glass-like or cinder-like material.) Although this sounds straightforward, in antiquity, and especially before the invention of a bellows, it was difficult to attain the necessary temperature, and the extraction of copper from slag was in fact a difficult, messy, and extremely labor-intensive project.

Smelting produces a blob of metal (called bloom) prepared for the next step. In the case of copper, that step is often casting.

Iron has a higher melting point than copper. But below its melting point iron can still become spongy and amenable to treatment by hot hammering (forging), which helps to extract some of the remaining impurities.



Metals obtained by reduction processes still contain some objectionable impurities and hence have to be refined. Refining techniques vary widely from metal to metal and also depend on the use to which a metal has to be put. Sometimes during refining some substances may have to be added to impart some desirable characteristics to the metal. In some cases a metal is refined to recover valuable by-products present as impurities. Some of the refining processes used are defined below.

By Poling

Readily fusible metals like Sn, Pb and Bi are refined by this method. Impure metal in the form of ingots blocks in the upper part of a sloping hearth (usually of a reverberatory furnace) maintained at a temperature slightly above the melting point of the metal.

By Liquation

Readily fusible metals like Sn, Pb and Bi are refined by this method. Impure metal in the form of ingots blocks in the upper part of a sloping hearth (usually of a reverberatory furnace) maintained at a temperature slightly above the melting point of the metal. The impurities remain behind as dross while the pure metal melts and flows down into a well at the bottom of the incline.

By Cupellation

This method employed to purify silver containing lead as an impurity. The impure silver is heated in a shallow vessel made of bone-ash under a blast of air. The lead is easily oxidized to powdery lead monoxide. Most of it is carried away by the blast of air. The rest melts and is absorbed by the bone ash cupel. Pure silver is left behind. Silver itself is not oxidized under these conditions.

By Distillation

Some metals have very low melting point and soon vaporize on heating while the associated impurities remain the solid state. Zinc, mercury and arsenic are purified by this method. Vacuum distillation gives very pure product and is used in the refining of the metals of IA and IIA.

By Fractional Distillation

This process is applied for the separation of cadmium from zinc. In the metallurgy of zinc, the metal is invariably associated with cadmium. The impure zinc is mixed with powdered coke and heated when the first portion of the condensate contain cadmium while zinc is obtained in the subsequent portions.

By Electrolytic Refining

This a very convenient method for refining many impure metals. Most of the metals such as copper, silver, gold, zinc and chromium are refined electrolytically. The impure metal is made the anode and a thin sheet of the pure metal as cathode. A solution of a salt of the metal serves as the electrolyte. On passing an electric current through the electrolyte, the metal dissolves in the electrolyte by oxidation of the anode and pure metal is deposited at the cathode. The impurities present in the anode either dissolve in the electrolyte or collect below the anode as anode mud. In the electrolytic refining of copper, impurities of iron and zinc are dissolved in the electrolyte and white gold, platinum and silver are left behind as anode mud.

Van-Arke Method

This is used for getting ultra pure metals. The principle involved is to convert the metal to a volatile unstable compound and to subsequently decompose it to give the pure metal. The impurities present should be such as not to be affected. Metals like titanium, zirconium etc. are purified by using this method.

Ti(s) + 2I2(g)  Ti I4(g)
TiI4(g)  Ti(s) + 2I2(g)

Zone- Refining

Meals of very high purity can be obtained by this method by removing an impurity, which shows difference in solubility of the liquid and solid states of the metal. A circular heater is fitted around a rod of impure metal and is slowly moved down the rod. At the heated zone, the rod mellts and as the heater passes on, pure metal crystallizes while impurities pass into the adjacent molten part. In this way, the impurities are swept over one end of the rod, which is finally discarded. The heater may have to be moved from one end to the other more than once. Ge, Si and Ga are used as semiconductors are refined in this manner; gallium-arsenide and indium-antimonide are also zone refined.


Chromatography (Ion Exchange Method)

Chromatography is based on the differential adsorption of the various components in a mixture on a suitable adsorbent. In its various forms like column chromatography, TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography), GLC (Gas Liquid Chromatography), Ion-exchange chromatography and Paper chromatography, it is widely used for the separation of mixtures and concentration, identification and refining of materials.





Concentration is the process of increasing the concentration of a substance in a solution. This can be done by a variety of methods, including Evaporation, distillation, and crystallization.


Roasting is a process of heating a material to a high temperature in the presence of air. This process is used to convert ores into metal oxides, to remove impurities from metals, and to produce chemicals.


Smelting is a process of extracting a metal from its ore by heating it to a high temperature and then reducing it with a chemical reducing agent. The most common reducing agent used in smelting is carbon.


Refining is the process of removing impurities from a metal. This can be done by a variety of methods, including electrolysis, distillation, and chemical treatment.


Casting is a process of manufacturing a metal object by pouring molten metal into a mold. The metal then cools and solidifies in the shape of the mold.


Forging is a process of shaping metal by hammering or pressing it. This process is used to create objects with complex shapes and to improve the strength of the metal.


Wroughtworking is a process of shaping metal by hammering, rolling, or drawing it. This process is used to create objects with thin walls and to improve the ductility of the metal.

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is a process of heating and cooling a metal to change its properties. This process is used to improve the strength, toughness, and machinability of the metal.


Machining is a process of shaping metal by cutting it with a tool. This process is used to create objects with precise dimensions and to remove material from the metal.


Joining is a process of connecting two or more pieces of metal together. This process is used to create objects with complex shapes and to improve the strength of the metal.


Finishing is a process of applying a protective coating to a metal object. This coating can protect the metal from corrosion, wear, and other damage.


Testing is a process of evaluating the properties of a metal object. This process is used to ensure that the object meets the required specifications.

Quality control

Quality control is a process of ensuring that metal objects meet the required specifications. This process is used to prevent defects and to improve the quality of the metal objects.


Recycling is the process of converting waste metal into new metal products. This process helps to conserve Resources and to reduce pollution.

Environmental impact

The extraction, processing, and use of metals can have a significant impact on the Environment. Mining can cause deforestation, Soil erosion, and Water Pollution. Smelting can release air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Metalworking can generate noise and Air Pollution. And the disposal of metal products can contribute to land contamination.

Health and safety

The extraction, processing, and use of metals can pose a number of health and safety risks. Mining can expose workers to dust, fumes, and noise. Smelting can expose workers to heat, fumes, and noise. Metalworking can expose workers to sharp tools, hot metal, and fumes. And the disposal of metal products can contaminate soil and water.

It is important to take steps to minimize the environmental impact and health and safety risks associated with the extraction, processing, and use of metals. These steps include:

  • Using sustainable mining practices
  • Using pollution control technologies
  • Implementing good housekeeping practices
  • Providing adequate training and personal protective equipment to workers

Topic 1: Concentration

  • What is concentration?
    Concentration is the process of increasing the amount of a substance in a solution. This can be done by a variety of methods, including evaporation, filtration, and distillation.

  • What are the different types of concentration?
    There are two main types of concentration: physical concentration and chemical concentration. Physical concentration involves the separation of a substance from a solution by physical means, such as evaporation or filtration. Chemical concentration involves the reaction of a substance with another substance to form a new substance that is more concentrated.

  • What are the benefits of concentration?
    There are several benefits to concentration. One benefit is that it can increase the yield of a desired product. For example, if you are trying to extract gold from ore, you can increase the yield of gold by concentrating the ore. Another benefit of concentration is that it can improve the quality of a product. For example, if you are trying to produce a pure form of a chemical, you can improve the purity of the chemical by concentrating it.

  • What are the drawbacks of concentration?
    There are a few drawbacks to concentration. One drawback is that it can be expensive. The cost of concentration can vary depending on the method used and the type of substance being concentrated. Another drawback of concentration is that it can be energy-intensive. The amount of energy required for concentration can vary depending on the method used and the type of substance being concentrated.

Topic 2: Roasting

  • What is roasting?
    Roasting is a process of heating a material to a high temperature in order to change its properties. Roasting is often used to convert ores into metals, to remove impurities from materials, or to produce chemicals.

  • What are the different types of roasting?
    There are two main types of roasting: dry roasting and wet roasting. Dry roasting is the process of heating a material in the absence of water. Wet roasting is the process of heating a material in the presence of water.

  • What are the benefits of roasting?
    There are several benefits to roasting. One benefit is that it can improve the quality of a material. For example, roasting can remove impurities from a material, making it more pure. Another benefit of roasting is that it can increase the yield of a desired product. For example, roasting can convert ores into metals more efficiently.

  • What are the drawbacks of roasting?
    There are a few drawbacks to roasting. One drawback is that it can be expensive. The cost of roasting can vary depending on the method used and the type of material being roasted. Another drawback of roasting is that it can be energy-intensive. The amount of energy required for roasting can vary depending on the method used and the type of material being roasted.

Topic 3: Smelting

  • What is smelting?
    Smelting is a process of extracting a metal from its ore by heating it to a high temperature. The ore is melted and the metal is separated from the other Elements in the ore.

  • What are the different types of smelting?
    There are two main types of smelting: pyrometallurgical smelting and hydrometallurgical smelting. Pyrometallurgical smelting is the process of smelting a metal by heating it to a high temperature. Hydrometallurgical smelting is the process of smelting a metal by dissolving it in a solution and then extracting the metal from the solution.

  • What are the benefits of smelting?
    There are several benefits to smelting. One benefit is that it can produce high-quality metals. For example, smelting can produce metals that are free of impurities. Another benefit of smelting is that it can be a cost-effective way to produce metals. The cost of smelting can vary depending on the type of metal being smelted and the method used.

  • What are the drawbacks of smelting?
    There are a few drawbacks to smelting. One drawback is that it can be an energy-intensive process. The amount of energy required for smelting can vary depending on the type of metal being smelted and the method used. Another drawback of smelting is that it can produce air pollution. The amount of air pollution produced by smelting can vary depending on the type of metal being smelted and the method used.

  1. Which of the following is not a step in the extraction of metals from ores?
    (A) Concentration
    (B) Roasting
    (C) Smelting
    (D) Refining

  2. The process of concentration involves removing impurities from the ore. This can be done by a variety of methods, including:
    (A) Crushing and grinding
    (B) Flotation
    (C) Leaching
    (D) All of the above

  3. Roasting is a process that is used to convert ores into oxides. This is done by heating the ore in the presence of air.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  4. Smelting is a process that is used to extract metals from their ores. This is done by heating the ore to a high temperature in the presence of a reducing agent.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  5. Refining is a process that is used to remove impurities from metals. This is done by a variety of methods, including:
    (A) Distillation
    (B) Electrolysis
    (C) Both (A) and (B)

  6. Which of the following is a metal?
    (A) Iron
    (B) Copper
    (C) Gold
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is an ore?
    (A) Iron ore
    (B) Copper ore
    (C) Gold ore
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a reducing agent?
    (A) Carbon
    (B) Coke
    (C) Both (A) and (B)

  9. Which of the following is a slag?
    (A) A solid waste product that is formed during smelting
    (B) A liquid waste product that is formed during smelting
    (C) Both (A) and (B)

  10. Which of the following is a flux?
    (A) A substance that is added to ores to remove impurities
    (B) A substance that is added to molten metals to remove impurities
    (C) Both (A) and (B)