Mega Food Parks

Mega Food Parks

Mega Food Parks (MFPs) are large-scale, integrated food processing facilities that are designed to promote the growth of the food processing IndustryIndustry in India. MFPs provide a range of InfrastructureInfrastructure and support services to food processing companies, including land, buildings, utilities, common processing facilities, and marketing and distribution services.

The government of India has been promoting the development of MFPs since 2005, with the goal of increasing the value addition in the food processing sector and creating jobs in rural areas. The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) has set up a dedicated fund to finance the development of MFPs, and the state governments have also been providing financial and other support to MFPs.

As of 2019, there are 42 MFPs in operation in India. These MFPs have attracted investments of over Rs. 10,000 crore and have created over 1 lakh jobs. The MFPs have also helped to increase the value addition in the food processing sector, with the processed food exports from India increasing from Rs. 10,000 crore in 2005 to Rs. 30,000 crore in 2019.

The MFPs have been successful in promoting the growth of the food processing Industry in India. However, there are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to further improve the performance of the MFPs. These challenges include:

  • Lack of adequate Infrastructure: The MFPs often do not have adequate infrastructure, such as roads, power, and water supply. This can hinder the operations of the MFPs and make it difficult for them to attract InvestmentInvestment.
  • Poor quality of raw materials: The quality of raw materials available to the MFPs is often poor. This can lead to problems with the quality of the processed food products and can also make it difficult for the MFPs to compete with international players.
  • Lack of skilled manpower: There is a shortage of skilled manpower in the food processing sector. This can make it difficult for the MFPs to find the right people to work in their facilities.
  • High cost of operations: The cost of operations at the MFPs is often high. This can be due to factors such as the high cost of land, power, and water.

Despite these challenges, the MFPs have the potential to play a major role in the development of the food processing industry in India. The government and the state governments need to take steps to address the challenges faced by the MFPs. With adequate support, the MFPs can help to increase the value addition in the food processing sector, create jobs in rural areas, and improve the quality of life of the people.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Mega Food Parks?

Mega Food Parks (MFPs) are large-scale, integrated food processing facilities that are designed to promote the growth of the food processing industry in India. MFPs provide a range of infrastructure and support services to food processing companies, including land, buildings, utilities, common processing facilities, and marketing and distribution services.

What are the objectives of Mega Food Parks?

The objectives of Mega Food Parks are to:

  • Promote the growth of the food processing industry in India
  • Increase the value addition in the food processing sector
  • Create jobs in rural areas
  • Improve the quality of life of the people

How are Mega Food Parks funded?

The government of India has been promoting the development of MFPs since 2005, with the goal of increasing the value addition in the food processing sector and creating jobs in rural areas. The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) has set up a dedicated fund to finance the development of MFPs, and the state governments have also been providing financial and other support to MFPs.

How many Mega Food Parks are there in India?

As of 2019, there are 42 MFPs in operation in India. These MFPs have attracted investments of over Rs. 10,000 crore and have created over 1 lakh jobs. The MFPs have also helped to increase the value addition in the food processing sector, with the processed food exports from India increasing from Rs. 10,000 crore in 2005 to Rs. 30,000 crore in 2019.

What are the challenges faced by Mega Food Parks?

The MFPs have been successful in promoting the growth of the food processing industry in India. However, there are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to further improve the performance of the MFPs. These

Q: What is the purpose of this initiative?

A: The initiative aims to boost the food processing sector and facilitate the creation of modern infrastructure for food processing units.

Q: How does it benefit the food processing industry?

A: It provides state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities to food processing units, enabling them to enhance productivity, quality, and market reach.

Q: What are the key features of these parks?

A: They offer centralized processing facilities, including cold storage, warehouses, packaging units, and quality testing labs, to support food processing activities.

Q: How are these parks established?

A: They are established through a public-private partnership model, with financial support from the government and private Investment in infrastructure development.

Q: How do these parks contribute to employment generation?

A: They create employment opportunities across various skill levels, including skilled and unskilled labor, in food processing units and associated industries.

Q: What is the significance of location selection for these parks?

A: Location selection considers factors such as proximity to raw material sources, transportation infrastructure, market demand, and availability of utilities.

Q: How does the government support the establishment of these parks?

A: The government provides financial assistance, tax incentives, and regulatory support to promote the establishment and operation of mega food parks.

Q: What role do these parks play in reducing post-harvest losses?

A: By providing efficient storage, processing, and distribution facilities, these parks help minimize post-harvest losses and ensure Food Security.

Q: How do these parks contribute to value addition in the food processing sector?

A: They enable value addition by offering facilities for sorting, grading, processing, packaging, and labeling of agricultural produce and food products.

Q: How do these parks support small-scale food processing units?

A: They provide shared infrastructure and services, reducing capital investment requirements and operational costs for small-scale food processing units.

Q: What is the long-term impact of these parks on the food processing industry?

A: These parks contribute to the growth and modernization of the food processing industry, fostering innovation, competitiveness, and export potential.


  1. What is the primary purpose of establishing these parks?
    • A) Promoting tourism
    • B) Boosting the automotive industry
    • CC) Supporting the food processing sector
    • D) Enhancing textile production
    • Correct Answer: C) Supporting the food processing sector
  2. How do these parks benefit food processing units?
    • A) By providing entertainment facilities
    • B) By offering financial services
    • C) By providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities
    • D) By offering educational programs
    • Correct Answer: C) By providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities
  3. What types of facilities are typically available in these parks?
    • A) Recreational facilities
    • B) Banking services
    • C) Centralized processing facilities such as cold storage and packaging units
    • D) Healthcare facilities
    • Correct Answer: C) Centralized processing facilities such as cold storage and packaging units
  4. How are these parks usually established?
    • A) Solely through government funding
    • B) Through public-private partnerships
    • C) Through international aid
    • D) Through non-profit organizations
    • Correct Answer: B) Through public-private partnerships
  5. What is the significance of location selection for these parks?
    • A) It doesn’t affect park operations
    • B) It determines the availability of recreational activities
    • C) It considers factors such as proximity to raw material sources and transportation infrastructure
    • D) It is chosen randomly
    • Correct Answer: C) It considers factors such as proximity to raw material sources and transportation infrastructure
  6. How does the government support the establishment of these parks?
    • A) By providing tax incentives and regulatory support
    • B) By organizing cultural events
    • C) By offering free healthcare services
    • D) By providing subsidies for public transportation
    • Correct Answer: A) By providing tax incentives and regulatory support
  7. What role do these parks play in reducing post-harvest losses?
    • A) They don’t have any impact on post-harvest losses
    • B) They provide facilities for efficient storage and processing
    • C) They offer recreational activities for farmers
    • D) They provide financial assistance to farmers
    • Correct Answer: B) They provide facilities for efficient storage and processing
  8. How do these parks contribute to value addition in the food processing sector?
    • A) By offering entertainment OptionsOptions
    • B) By providing educational programs
    • C) By enabling sorting, grading, processing, and packaging of agricultural produce
    • D) By offering healthcare services
    • Correct Answer: C) By enabling sorting, grading, processing, and packaging of agricultural produce

