Medieval history of Madhya pradesh- Kalachuri dynasty

Medieval history of Madhya pradesh

After the fall of The Gupta Empire, parts of northern Madhya Pradesh went under the suzerainty of Harsavardhana of Kanauj. He once visited the thick Vindhya forests while making a search for his sister Rajyasri. Banabhatta, the celebrated court-poet of Harsa, has left a vivid description of the Vindhya forest. It seems plausible that Bana was bom and brought up near Chandreh in the Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh.

From 650 to 1250 A.D. several dynasties ruled over different parts of Madhya Pradesh. The chief dynasties of the early medieval period were the Guijara-Pratiharas, the Chandellas, the Kalacuris (of Tripuri and Ratanpur), the Panduvamsis, the Kacchapaghatas and the Paramaras. There were occasional skirmishes for political supremacy among these and other contemporary powers.

The Chandella dynasty of Bundelkhand was succeeded by Bundella, who entered into his part in the 13th century .(The trace this origin /’ from Raja Pancama, son of Gahadvala Chief Called Virafehadra.

Kalachuri dynasty

The earliest known Kalachuri family (c. 550–620 CE) ruled in northern Maharashtra, Gujarat, Malwa, and parts of the western Deccan and probably had their capital at Mahishmati in the Narmada River valley. Three members of the family—Krishnaraja, Shankaragana, and Buddharaja—are known from epigraphs and coins distributed over a wide area. Although the rise of the Badami Chalukyas ended Kalachuri power in the early 7th century, the dynasty seems to have lingered in the Malwa region until a late date.

Another Kalachuri dynasty rose to power in the Deccan from 1156 to 1181. This family traced its origin to Krishna, conqueror of Kalanjara and Dahala in Madhya Pradesh, but its authority in Karnataka was established by Bijjala, who originally served as a feudatory of the Kalyani Chalukyas at Banavasi, Nolambapadi, and Tarddevadi and wrested power from Chalukya Taila III. The Kalachuris held power in Karnataka during the reigns of Bijjala’s sons Someshvara and Sankama, but after 1181 Ahavamalla and Singhana, two other sons of Bijjala, gradually surrendered authority back to the Chalukyas. Despite its brevity, the Kalachuri period in Karnataka is historically important because it coincides with the rise of the Lingayat, or Virashaiva, Hindu sect.

The best-known Kalachuri family in Indian history ruled in central India, with its base at the ancient city of Tripuri (modern Tewar). Its origin is placed about the beginning of the 8th century, but little is known of its early history. The line comes into clearer focus only with Kokalla I (reigned c. 850–885). The period between Kokalla I and Kokalla II (reigned c. 990–1015) is marked by a consolidation of Kalachuri power and by their relations with contemporary dynasties. The success attributed to Kokalla I against the Pratiharas, the Kalachuris of Uttar Pradesh, the Guhilas of Marwar, The Chauhans (Chahamanas) of Shakambhari, and the kings of Vanga and Konkan appears somewhat exaggerated. Matrimonial relations with the powerful Rashtrakuta family of the Deccan remained uninterrupted for some time, and the Kalachuris were at times involved in Rashtrakuta politics, as in the period of Yuvaraja I (reigned c. 915–945). Between the mid-9th and the early 11th centuries, the Kalachuris pursued a policy of traditional hostility toward the kingdoms of south Kosala, Kalinga, Gauda, and Vanga; occasional clashes with the Gurjaras, The Chandelas, the Eastern Chalukyas, the Gujarat Chalukyas, and others are mentioned in their records.

These military exploits, however, did not produce any substantial results until the period of Gangeyadeva (reigned c. 1015–41), who, besides achieving success against the traditional rivals Daksinakoshala and Orissa, pushed northward to acquire the Varanasi area at the expense of The Palas; he also had substantial success against the Chalukyas of Kalyani (between the Bhima and Godavari rivers). The reign of Gangeyadeva’s son Karna (reigned 1041–73) represents a high point in contemporary military adventurism. He consolidated his power in the Varanasi-Allahabad area and undertook large-scale military campaigns in eastern, southern, central, and western India. His successes were short-lived, however, and Kalachuri power declined steadily in the period between Yashahkarna (reigned 1073–1123) and Vijayasimha (reigned c. 1188–1209). The neighbouring Gahadavalas, Paramaras, and Chandelas started encroaching on the Kalachuri kingdom, and soon after 1211 Baghelkhand and almost all Dahalamandala were incorporated into the Chandela kingdom.

Two other Kalachuri families are known to history: the Kalachuris of Sarayupara and the Kalachuris of Ratanpur. The Sarayupara family ruled a territory along the banks of the Sarayu (modern Ghaghara) River, in the Bahraich and Gonda regions of Uttar Pradesh. The family originated in the late 8th century and lasted until the last quarter of the 11th century, when its kingdom extended from the Ghaghara River to the Gandak River and included the cities of Bahraich, Gonda, Basti, and Gorakhpur.

The Ratanpur Kalachuris, who first ruled from Tummana and later from Ratanpur (16 miles (26 km) north of Bilaspur), were distantly related to, and feudatories of, the Tripuri Kalachuris. Beginning to rule in the early 11th century, they gained prominence under Jajalladeva I in the early 12th century. Early historical documents of their rule continue to Pratapamalla (reigned c. 1188–1217) and are then interrupted until the 15th century, by which time the family had split into two branches—Ratanpur and Raipur. No authentic historical document relating to their history after the 15th century is known.,

The Kalachuri dynasty was a medieval Indian dynasty that ruled over parts of central and western India from the 6th to the 13th centuries. The dynasty was founded by Jayasimha I in the 6th century, and its capital was at Tripuri (modern-day Jabalpur). The Kalachuris were a powerful dynasty, and they ruled over a large territory that included parts of present-day Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh. The dynasty was known for its military prowess, and it was able to defeat many of its enemies, including the Chalukyas, the Rashtrakutas, and the Pratiharas. The Kalachuris were also patrons of art and literature, and they built many temples and palaces. The dynasty came to an end in the 13th century, when it was defeated by the Delhi Sultanate.

Jayasimha I

Jayasimha I was the founder of the Kalachuri dynasty. He was born in the 6th century, and he came to power after defeating the previous ruler, the Vakataka king Rudrasena II. Jayasimha I was a powerful ruler, and he was able to expand the Kalachuri kingdom to include much of central and western India. He was also a patron of art and literature, and he built many temples and palaces. Jayasimha I died in the 6th century, and he was succeeded by his son, Varman.


Tripuri was the capital of the Kalachuri kingdom. It was located in the present-day state of Madhya Pradesh, and it was a major center of Trade and Commerce. Tripuri was also a major center of Learning, and it was home to many scholars and poets. The city was destroyed in the 13th century, but its ruins can still be seen today.

Military prowess

The Kalachuris were a powerful military dynasty. They were able to defeat many of their enemies, including the Chalukyas, The Rashtrakutas, and the Pratiharas. The Kalachuris were known for their use of elephants in battle, and they were also skilled in the use of archery and swordsmanship.

Art and literature

The Kalachuris were patrons of art and literature. They built many temples and palaces, and they also commissioned many works of art and literature. The Kalachuris were particularly interested in the Sanskrit language, and they produced many works of Sanskrit literature.

Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate was a Muslim empire that ruled over much of northern India from the 13th to the 16th centuries. The Delhi Sultanate was founded by Qutb-ud-din Aibak in 1206, and it reached its peak under the rule of Alauddin Khalji in the 13th century. The Delhi Sultanate came to an end in 1526, when it was defeated by the Mughal Empire.

The Kalachuri dynasty came to an end in the 13th century, when it was defeated by the Delhi Sultanate. The Kalachuris were a powerful dynasty that ruled over parts of central and western India for over 700 years. They were known for their military prowess, and they were also patrons of art and literature. The Kalachuris left a lasting legacy on the history of India.

The Kalachuris were a dynasty that ruled over parts of central India from the 6th to the 13th centuries. They were originally from the Deccan Plateau, but they expanded their territory to include parts of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha. The Kalachuris were known for their military prowess and their patronage of the arts. They built many temples and palaces, and they were also patrons of literature and music.

The Kalachuris were eventually overthrown by the Chandelas in the 13th century. However, their legacy continues to this day, and they are remembered as one of the most important dynasties in the history of central India.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Kalachuris:

  1. Who were the Kalachuris?
    The Kalachuris were a dynasty that ruled over parts of central India from the 6th to the 13th centuries. They were originally from the Deccan Plateau, but they expanded their territory to include parts of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha. The Kalachuris were known for their military prowess and their patronage of the arts. They built many temples and palaces, and they were also patrons of literature and music.

  2. When did the Kalachuris rule?
    The Kalachuris ruled over parts of central India from the 6th to the 13th centuries.

  3. Where did the Kalachuris rule?
    The Kalachuris originally ruled from the Deccan Plateau, but they expanded their territory to include parts of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha.

  4. What were the Kalachuris known for?
    The Kalachuris were known for their military prowess and their patronage of the arts. They built many temples and palaces, and they were also patrons of literature and music.

  5. Who were the most important Kalachuri rulers?
    Some of the most important Kalachuri rulers include:

  6. King Jayasimha I (6th century)

  7. King Vinayaditya (7th century)
  8. King Dantidurga (8th century)
  9. King Ramachandradeva (11th century)
  10. King Ratnapala (12th century)

  11. What was the legacy of the Kalachuris?
    The Kalachuris left a lasting legacy on the history of central India. They were one of the most important dynasties in the region, and their rule had a profound impact on the culture and Society of central India.

  12. What happened to the Kalachuris?
    The Kalachuris were eventually overthrown by the Chandelas in the 13th century. However, their legacy continues to this day, and they are remembered as one of the most important dynasties in the history of central India.

  1. The Kalachuri dynasty was founded by:
    (A) Jayasimha I
    (B) Vishnuvardhana
    (C) Dharavarsha I
    (D) Ramachandradeva

  2. The Kalachuris ruled over which of the following regions?
    (A) Central India
    (B) Western India
    (C) Eastern India
    (D) Southern India

  3. The Kalachuris were known for their:
    (A) Military prowess
    (B) Religious Tolerance
    (C) Architectural achievements
    (D) All of the above

  4. The Kalachuris were defeated by the:
    (A) Chalukyas
    (B) Rashtrakutas
    (C) Cholas
    (D) Pandyas

  5. The Kalachuri dynasty came to an end in the:
    (A) 11th century
    (B) 12th century
    (C) 13th century
    (D) 14th century

  6. The Kalachuris were a Hindu dynasty that ruled over parts of central India from the 6th to the 13th centuries.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  7. The Kalachuris were founded by Jayasimha I, who conquered the region of Malwa in the 6th century.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  8. The Kalachuris were known for their military prowess and their architectural achievements.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  9. The Kalachuris were defeated by the Chalukyas in the 11th century.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  10. The Kalachuri dynasty came to an end in the 13th century.
    (A) True
    (B) False