Measuring Corruption

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                     MEASURING Corruption

  • Due to its nature, the scale of corruption is impossible to measure with complete accuracy. But there are informed estimates available, and Transparency International regularly publishes a number of assessments, surveys and indices which measure corruption:



  • TI’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is the best known of our tools (see animation above). First launched in 1995 it has been widely credited with putting the issue of corruption on the international policy agenda. The 2011 CPI measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption in 183 countries and territories around the world.



  • The Global Corruption Barometer is the only world-wide public opinion survey on corruption



  • The 2011 Bribe Payers Index (BPI) ranks the likelihood of companies from 28 leading economies to win Resources-resources-business abroad by paying bribes.



  • The 2011 Report on Oil and Gas Companies which is based on research conducted in 2010 and is an expanded version of a report published in 2008, rates 44 companies on the public availability of information on their anti-corruption programmes and how they report their financial results in all the countries where they operate.



  • This study analyses the transparency of corporate reporting on a range of anticorruption measures among the 105 largest publicly listed multinational companies. Together these companies are worth more than US$11 trillion and touch the lives of people in countries across the globe wielding enormous and far reaching power.



  • The CI analyses anti-corruption and compliance systems in 129 defence companies around. The next iteration to be published in spring 2015, will cover more than 160 defence companies.



  • The GI measures the risk of corruption in 82 national defence establishments around the world. The next iteration, to be published in spring 2015, will cover more than 130 countries, including all of Africa.


Measuring corruption

  • There are two main types of Corruption  based on its quantum – Petty Corruption faced by common man in his day to day life and Grand Corruption which takes place at higher levels. While the former is based predominantly on duress, the latter is more consensual and is driven by expectations of mutual gain. Out of the two, Grand Corruption is more difficult to measure as both parties have an interest in keeping things under cover.
  • Measurement of Corruption thus far, has been limited to measuring perception of Corruption (CPI). This is an indirect measure of Corruption where a sample of Population is polled about their perception of the level of Corruption present in a region or service.
  • Direct Measurement of Corruption is a daunting task because of the cloud of secrecy and fear associated with it. The victims fear retaliation and the perpetrators have a vested interest in secrecy, leading to a quiet burial of the incident. So most often, any direct corruption data is difficult to obtain and its also more likely to be intentionally tampered .
  • Various approaches to measure Corruption directly may be suggested based on how other intractable quantities are measured.  One such model to measure petty Corruption based on Inflation, is discussed below:-

Inflation Model:

  •  As Inflation is measured on the basis of prices of a basket of goods and Services, similarly a basket of public services that suffer from rampant corruption may be surveyed on a regularly basis to measure Corruption trends. The basket of services may consists of common services like a) Driving License b) Registration of new Company c) New Vehicle Registration d) Registration for Sales Tax e) Passport Application f) Issuance of ‘C’ Forms etc. .
  • Other models for measurement of Corruption may be built around Exit Polls or Confession Boxes.  Those who have recently paid bribes or are  likely to have paid a bribe, should be encouraged to anonymously disclose their bribes. Exit polling may be attempted discreetly near the places of service delivery.


India Corruption Report

Companies operating or planning to invest in India face high corruption risks. Despite that the government has stepped up its efforts to counter corruption, red tape and bribery continue to be widespread. Corruption is especially prevalent in the judiciary, police, public services, and public procurement sectors. Due to varying levels of corruption and quality of government operations across India, local Investment conditions vary between and within states.The Prevention of Corruption Act is the principal legal framework that focuses on corruption in the public sector. Both active and passive bribery are covered by legislation, and public officials are only allowed to accept gifts of nominal value. Private sector corruption is addressed by the companies Act. Due to low levels of enforcement and monitoring, Integrity in all state bodies is lacking, and corrupt practices such as facilitation payments and bribes persist.

Judicial System

There is a high risk of corruption when dealing with India’s judiciary, especially at the lower court levels. Bribes and irregular payments are often exchanged in return for favorable court decisions .As established by the constitution, the judiciary is largely independent, but tension between the legislative and judicial branches is longstanding .Prosecution of corruption can be cited as an example, as any appeals in the prosecution of office abuse by public servants have to be authorized by a minister prior to launching an appeal.

India is a signatory to the 1958 New York convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral Awards , but it is not a member state to the international centre for the settlement of investment disputes(ICSID). Adjunction of commercial disputes is governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act based on the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law model.


The police sector in India is susceptible to corruption and can thus carry high risks for businesses. The efficiency of the institution varies across the country, yet, on a general level, business executives report that the police is fairly reliable in protecting them from crime and in enforcing order .Notwithstanding, more than half of companies in India pay for security. Three-quarters of surveyed households in India perceive the police to be corrupt and citizens frequently encounter bribery demands when dealing with officers .

Public Services

The public services sector carries high corruption risks for businesses. Companies are likely to encounter red tape,petty corruption, bribery and facilitation payments when dealing with India’s Public Administration .India’s economy continues to face constraints in the form of conflicting rules and a complex bureaucratic system with broad discretionary powers .Businesses find the government’s Bureaucracy to be inefficient and rather burdensome, and report that bribes are often exchanged when applying for public utilities. Facilitation payments to expedite public services, such as police protection, water supply, and government assistance are also common.

Land Administration

When dealing with India’s land administration, businesses are exposed to high risks of corruption. Over a third of companies expect to pay bribes when obtaining a construction permit . Private property is legally safe-guarded and adequately respected by the government in practice .

Tax Administration

Corruption and bribery present low to moderate risks for companies dealing with India’s tax administration. Few firms identify the tax administration to be a major constraint to doing business in India .However, tax regulations are ranked as the most competitive disadvantage by business executives .Bribes and irregular payments are sometimes exchanged in meetings with tax officials.

Customs Administration

Corruption is a moderate to high risk when dealing with India’s customs authorities. Irregular payments in exports and imports are sometimes exchanged .Businesses find burdensome import procedures and corruption at the border to be among the most significant obstacles to importing. Companies report lower than Average regional costs for border compliance, but it takes almost three times as many hours as the regional average in terms of border compliance.

Public Procurement

Businesses identify public procurement in India as especially vulnerable to corruption . Companies report that public funds are at times diverted to companies, individuals or groups as a result of corruption, and that favoritism influences the decisions of government officials. Bribes and irregular payments are often exchanged in return for government contracts and licenses .Four in every ten surveyed firms expect to give gifts in order to secure a government contract.

Natural Resources

Corruption in the natural resources sector in India is pervasive. There is a widespread problem with the illegal mining of sand in India; with the bribery of local officials and police further exacerbating the problem. High profile arrests have been made recently, but the issues remain pervasive.Bribery in the mining Industry is a common occurrence.


The three main legal frameworks addressing corruption in India are the prevention of corruption Act, the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act. The prosecution of corruption has proven effective only among the lower levels of the bureaucracy, with senior officials being generally spared .The Prevention of Corruption Act addresses public sector corruption and criminalizes attempted corruption, active and passive bribery, exortion, abuse of office and Money laundering . Facilitation payments are not covered by the law. The Supreme Court expanded the definition of ‘public servant’ to include officials employed at private banks, making them liable for prosecution under the aforementioned act .

Civil Society

India’s constitution provides for freedom of speech and expression but does not mention freedom of the press .In practice, the government generally respects these rights .India’s press remains the freest in South Asia, but concerns over lack of access to government information and heavy-handed government censorship under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, are causes for increased concern . Journalists often face charges of libel and defamation when criticizing the political or corporate elite .

Civil society organizations operate freely, but face threats, legal harassment, excessive police force, and sometimes even lethal violence .India is home to a strong civil society sector and academic community; however, foreign monitors and journalists are reported to sometimes be denied visas to conduct research trips on Human Rights and other related issues .The government is accused of abusing this power under the Foreign contribution (Regulation)Act by denying NGOs access to foreign funding in order to target political opponents . The Modi government has been cracking down on NGOs in recent years, leading to international condemnation .






Corruption is a major problem in many countries around the world. It can take many forms, such as bribery, extortion, Nepotism, and cronyism. Corruption can have a devastating impact on a country’s economy, society, and political system.

There are a number of ways to measure corruption. One common approach is to use surveys to ask people about their perceptions of corruption. Another approach is to use data on corruption-related arrests and convictions.

One of the most well-known corruption indices is Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The CPI is based on surveys of business people and experts who are asked to rate the level of corruption in a country on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean.

Another well-known corruption index is the World Bank‘s Control of Corruption Index. The Control of Corruption Index is based on a variety of data sources, including surveys, expert assessments, and country reports. The index measures the extent to which public officials are able to exercise their power for private gain.

The Global Corruption Barometer is a survey that is conducted by Transparency International. The survey asks people about their experiences with corruption in a variety of areas, such as public services, businesses, and the police.

The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is an international organization that provides training and Education on anti-corruption. The IACA offers a variety of courses and programs, both online and in person.

The International Monetary Fund‘s Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR Initiative) is a program that helps countries recover stolen assets. The StAR Initiative provides technical assistance, training, and support to countries that are working to recover stolen assets.

The Open Government PARTNERSHIP (OGP) is an international initiative that promotes Transparency and Accountability in government. The OGP is a voluntary partnership between governments and civil society organizations.

Transparency International is a non-governmental organization that works to fight corruption. Transparency International publishes the CPI and a variety of other reports on corruption.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is a global treaty that aims to combat corruption. The UNCAC was adopted in 2003 and has been ratified by over 180 countries.

The World Bank’s Governance Indicators are a set of indicators that measure the quality of governance in countries around the world. The Governance Indicators include indicators on corruption, Rule of Law, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and political stability.

Corruption is a complex problem that can have a devastating impact on a country’s economy, society, and political system. There are a number of ways to measure corruption, and a number of organizations that are working to fight corruption.

What is corruption?

Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It can take many forms, such as bribery, extortion, nepotism, and cronyism. Corruption can have a devastating impact on societies, economies, and individuals.

How does corruption affect the economy?

Corruption can have a number of negative effects on the economy, including:

  • Reduced investment: Investors are less likely to invest in countries where corruption is high, as they are concerned that their investments may be lost or stolen.
  • Increased costs: Businesses have to pay bribes to government officials in order to get things done, which drives up the cost of doing business.
  • Reduced efficiency: Corruption can lead to a loss of efficiency in the economy, as resources are diverted from productive activities to unproductive ones.
  • Increased inequality: Corruption can lead to increased inequality, as the wealthy are able to use their connections to get ahead, while the poor are left behind.

What are the causes of corruption?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to corruption, including:

  • Weak institutions: Corruption is more likely to occur in countries with weak institutions, such as a lack of an Independent Judiciary or a strong rule of law.
  • Low salaries: Corruption is more likely to occur when government officials are paid low salaries, as they may be tempted to supplement their income through bribery or other corrupt activities.
  • Lack of transparency: Corruption is more likely to occur in countries with a lack of transparency, as it is easier for corrupt officials to hide their activities.
  • Culture of impunity: Corruption is more likely to occur in countries where there is a culture of impunity, where corrupt officials are not held accountable for their actions.

What are the consequences of corruption?

The consequences of corruption can be far-reaching, including:

  • Economic damage: Corruption can lead to economic damage, as it can reduce investment, increase costs, and reduce efficiency.
  • Social unrest: Corruption can lead to social unrest, as people become frustrated with the government’s inability to address corruption.
  • Political instability: Corruption can lead to political instability, as it can undermine public trust in the government.
  • Human rights abuses: Corruption can lead to human rights abuses, as corrupt officials may use their power to violate the rights of citizens.

What can be done to fight corruption?

There are a number of things that can be done to fight corruption, including:

  • Strengthening institutions: One of the most important things that can be done to fight corruption is to strengthen institutions, such as the judiciary and the police. This will help to ensure that corrupt officials are held accountable for their actions.
  • Increasing transparency: Another important step is to increase transparency, which will make it more difficult for corrupt officials to hide their activities. This can be done by publishing government data, making government meetings open to the public, and requiring government officials to disclose their assets.
  • Fighting impunity: It is also important to fight impunity, which means holding corrupt officials accountable for their actions. This can be done by strengthening the judiciary, increasing the number of corruption investigations, and prosecuting corrupt officials.
  • Promoting a culture of integrity: Finally, it is important to promote a culture of integrity, which means encouraging people to be honest and ethical in their dealings with the government. This can be done through education and awareness campaigns.

What are the challenges of fighting corruption?

Fighting corruption is a complex and challenging task. There are a number of challenges that can make it difficult to fight corruption, including:

  • The lack of political will: One of the biggest challenges is the lack of political will. Corrupt officials often have powerful allies, and it can be difficult to get the political will to take action against them.
  • The complexity of the problem: Corruption is a complex problem, and there is no easy solution. It can be difficult to identify all of the factors that contribute to corruption, and it can be difficult to design effective anti-corruption measures.
  • The lack of resources: Fighting corruption can be expensive, and many countries do not have the resources to do it effectively.
  • The lack of public support: Fighting corruption can be unpopular, and it can be difficult to get the public to support anti-corruption measures.

Despite these challenges, it is important to fight corruption. Corruption can have a devastating impact on societies, economies, and individuals. By taking action to fight corruption, we can make our world a better place.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a type of corruption?

(A) Bribery
(B) Embezzlement
(C) Nepotism
(D) Measuring

(D) Measuring is not a type of corruption. The other three Options are all types of corruption.

Question 2

Which of the following is the most common type of corruption?

(A) Bribery
(B) Embezzlement
(C) Nepotism
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above are common types of corruption. Bribery is the act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty. Embezzlement is the fraudulent appropriation of money or property entrusted to one’s care. Nepotism is the practice of favoring relatives or friends in appointments or promotions.

Question 3

What are the three main causes of corruption?

(A) Lack of transparency
(B) Lack of accountability
(C) Lack of integrity
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above are main causes of corruption. Lack of transparency means that people are not able to see what is happening in government or businesses. This can lead to corruption because people are not able to hold those in power accountable. Lack of accountability means that people in power are not held responsible for their actions. This can also lead to corruption because people know that they will not be punished for their wrongdoing. Lack of integrity means that people do not have the moral principles to do what is right. This can also lead to corruption because people are more likely to break the rules if they do not believe in them.

Question 4

What are the three main consequences of corruption?

(A) Economic loss
(B) Social unrest
(C) Political instability
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above are main consequences of corruption. Economic loss occurs when money is stolen or wasted through corruption. Social unrest occurs when people are angry about corruption and take to the streets to protest. Political instability occurs when people lose faith in the government and the government is unable to function effectively.

Question 5

What are some of the ways to fight corruption?

(A) Increase transparency
(B) Increase accountability
(C) Increase integrity
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above are ways to fight corruption. Increasing transparency means making information about government and businesses more accessible to the public. This can help to reduce corruption by making it more difficult for people to hide their wrongdoing. Increasing accountability means holding people in power responsible for their actions. This can help to reduce corruption by making people less likely to break the rules. Increasing integrity means promoting moral principles and values. This can help to reduce corruption by making people more likely to do what is right.