Malwa Sultanate

Malwa Sultanate

The Malwa Sultanate was a late medieval kingdom presumably of Turkic origin, in the Malwa region of the present day Madhya Pradesh state in India in 1392–1562.

The sultanate of Malwa was founded by Dilawar Khan Ghuri, the governor of Malwa for the Delhi Sultanate, who asserted his independence in 1392, but did not actually assume the ensigns of royalty till 1401. Initially Dhar was the capital of the new kingdom, but soon it was shifted to Mandu, which was renamed Shadiabad (the city of joy). After his death, he was succeeded by his son Alp Khan, who assumed the title of Hoshang Shah. The Ghurid dynasty, founded by Dilawar Khan Ghuri, was replaced by Mahmud Shah I, who proclaimed himself king on 16 May 1436. The Khalji dynasty, founded by him, ruled over Malwa till 1531. Mahmud Khalji I was succeeded by his eldest son Ghiyas-ud-Din. The last days of Ghiyas-ud-Din were embittered by a struggle for throne between his two sons, with Nasir-ud-Din emerging victorious over Ala-ud-Din and ascending the throne on 22 October 1500, The last ruler Mahmud Shah II surrendered to Bahadur Shah, the sultan of Gujarat after the fort of Mandu fell to Bahadur on 25 May 1531.

During 1531 – 1537 the kingdom was under the control of Bahadur Shah, though the Mughal padshah (emperor) Humayun captured it for a short period during 1535-36. In 1537, Qadir Shah, an ex-officer of the previous Khalji dynasty rulers, regained control over a part of the erstwhile kingdom. But in 1542, Sher Shah Suri conquered the kingdom, defeating him and appointed Shuja’at Khan as the governor. His son, Baz Bahadur, declared himself independent in 1555. In 1561, Akbar the Great‘s Mughal army, led by Adham Khan and Pir Muhammad Khan, attacked Malwa and defeated Baz Bahadur in the battle of Sarangpur on 29 March 1561. Akbar soon recalled Adham Khan and made over command to Pir Muhammad. Pir Muhammad attacked Khandesh and proceeded up to Burhanpur, but he was defeated by a coalition of three powers: Miran Mubarak Shah II of Khandesh, Tufal Khan of Berar Sultanate and Baz Bahadur. Pir Muhammad died while retreating. The confederate army pursued the Mughals and drove them out of Malwa. Baz Bahadur regained his kingdom for a short period. In 1562, Akbar sent another army, led by Abdullah Khan, an Uzbeg, which finally defeated Baz Bahadur. He fled to Chittor. It became the Malwa Subah (top-level province) of the Mughal Empire, with seat at Ujjain and Abdullah Khan became its first governor.


The Malwa Sultanate was a Muslim sultanate that ruled over the Malwa region of central India from 1392 to 1562. It was founded by Dilawar Khan Ghuri, a former governor of the Delhi Sultanate. The sultanate reached its peak under the rule of Ghiyasuddin Khalji, who conquered much of central and western India. However, the sultanate declined after Khalji’s death, and it was eventually conquered by the Mughal Empire in 1562.

The Malwa Sultanate was a major center of Islamic culture and Learning. The sultans built many mosques, madrasas, and libraries. The sultanate also produced a number of important scholars and poets.

The Malwa Sultanate was a feudal state. The sultan was the supreme ruler, and he appointed governors to administer the provinces. The sultanate had a strong military, which was used to defend the state from its enemies.

The Malwa Sultanate was a Muslim state, but it tolerated other religions. Hindus and Jains were allowed to practice their religions freely. However, they were required to pay a special tax to the state.

The Malwa Sultanate was a major economic power. The sultanate was rich in agricultural land, and it also had a thriving trade Industry. The sultanate exported textiles, spices, and other goods to other parts of India and the world.

The Malwa Sultanate was a major political power in central India. The sultanate was often at war with its neighbors, including the Delhi Sultanate, the Gujarat Sultanate, and The Bahmani Sultanate. The sultanate was also involved in the Mughal conquest of India.

The Malwa Sultanate was a major cultural center in India. The sultanate produced a number of important scholars, poets, and artists. The sultanate also built many beautiful mosques, madrasas, and libraries.

The Malwa Sultanate was a major power in India for over 200 years. It was a center of Islamic culture and learning, and it played an important role in the Mughal conquest of India.

The Malwa Sultanate was founded in 1392 by Dilawar Khan Ghuri, a former governor of the Delhi Sultanate. Ghuri was a Pashtun from Ghor in Afghanistan. He had been appointed governor of Malwa by the Delhi Sultan, Firuz Shah Tughluq. However, Ghuri rebelled against the Delhi Sultanate in 1392 and declared himself the sultan of Malwa.

Ghuri’s son, Hoshang Shah, succeeded him as sultan in 1405. Hoshang Shah was a powerful and successful ruler. He expanded the Malwa Sultanate to include much of central and western India. He also built many mosques, madrasas, and libraries.

Hoshang Shah’s son, Mahmud Khalji, succeeded him as sultan in 1436. Mahmud Khalji was a great warrior. He conquered much of Gujarat and Rajasthan. He also defeated the Delhi Sultanate in a number of battles.

Mahmud Khalji’s son, Ghiyasuddin Khalji, succeeded him as sultan in 1469. Ghiyasuddin Khalji was the greatest sultan of the Malwa Sultanate. He was a brilliant military strategist and a wise administrator. He expanded the Malwa Sultanate to its greatest extent. He also built many beautiful mosques, madrasas, and libraries.

Ghiyasuddin Khalji’s son, Nasiruddin Mahmud, succeeded him as sultan in 1500. Nasiruddin Mahmud was a weak and incompetent ruler. He was unable to control his nobles, and the Malwa Sultanate began to decline.

In 1530, the Mughal emperor Babur invaded Malwa. Nasiruddin Mahmud was defeated and captured by Babur. The Malwa Sultanate was annexed to the Mughal Empire.

The Malwa Sultanate was a major power in India for over 200 years. It was a center of Islamic culture and learning, and it played an important role in the Mughal conquest of India.

What is the Malwa Sultanate?

The Malwa Sultanate was a Muslim sultanate that ruled over the Malwa region of central India from 1392 to 1531. It was founded by Dilawar Khan Ghuri, a former governor of the Delhi Sultanate. The sultanate reached its peak under the rule of Ghiyasuddin Khalji, who conquered much of central India and Gujarat. The Malwa Sultanate declined after the death of Ghiyasuddin Khalji, and it was eventually conquered by the Mughal Empire in 1531.

What are some of the key events in the history of the Malwa Sultanate?

Some of the key events in the history of the Malwa Sultanate include:

  • The founding of the sultanate by Dilawar Khan Ghuri in 1392.
  • The conquest of much of central India and Gujarat by Ghiyasuddin Khalji in the early 15th century.
  • The decline of the sultanate after the death of Ghiyasuddin Khalji.
  • The conquest of the sultanate by the Mughal Empire in 1531.

Who were some of the key figures in the history of the Malwa Sultanate?

Some of the key figures in the history of the Malwa Sultanate include:

  • Dilawar Khan Ghuri, the founder of the sultanate.
  • Ghiyasuddin Khalji, the sultan who conquered much of central India and Gujarat.
  • Mahmud Khalji, the sultan who was defeated by the Mughal Empire in 1531.

What was the impact of the Malwa Sultanate on the region?

The Malwa Sultanate had a significant impact on the region. It brought Islam to the region and helped to spread the culture of the Delhi Sultanate. The sultanate also built many mosques, tombs, and other monuments.

What are some of the legacies of the Malwa Sultanate?

Some of the legacies of the Malwa Sultanate include:

  • The spread of Islam to the region.
  • The construction of many mosques, tombs, and other monuments.
  • The development of a unique culture that blended Elements of Hindu and Muslim traditions.

Here are some MCQs about the Delhi Sultanate:

  1. The Delhi Sultanate was founded in:
    (a) 1206
    (b) 1210
    (c) 1215
    (d) 1220

  2. The founder of the Delhi Sultanate was:
    (a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
    (b) Iltutmish
    (c) Balban
    (d) Muhammad bin Tughluq

  3. The Delhi Sultanate reached its peak under the rule of:
    (a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
    (b) Iltutmish
    (c) Balban
    (d) Muhammad bin Tughluq

  4. The Delhi Sultanate declined under the rule of:
    (a) Firuz Shah Tughluq
    (b) Muhammad bin Tughluq
    (c) Sikandar Lodi
    (d) Ibrahim Lodi

  5. The Delhi Sultanate was finally overthrown by:
    (a) Babur
    (b) Humayun
    (c) Akbar
    (d) Jahangir

Here are some MCQs about the Mughal Empire:

  1. The Mughal Empire was founded in:
    (a) 1526
    (b) 1527
    (c) 1528
    (d) 1529

  2. The founder of the Mughal Empire was:
    (a) Babur
    (b) Humayun
    (c) Akbar
    (d) Jahangir

  3. The Mughal Empire reached its peak under the rule of:
    (a) Akbar
    (b) Jahangir
    (c) Shah Jahan
    (d) Aurangzeb

  4. The Mughal Empire declined under the rule of:
    (a) Aurangzeb
    (b) Bahadur Shah I
    (c) Jahandar Shah
    (d) Farrukhsiyar

  5. The Mughal Empire was finally overthrown by:
    (a) Nadir Shah
    (b) Ahmad Shah Durrani
    (c) the British East India Company
    (d) the MARATHA EMPIRE

Here are some MCQs about the British Raj:

  1. The British Raj was established in:
    (a) 1757
    (b) 1765
    (c) 1772
    (d) 1784

  2. The British Raj ended in:
    (a) 1947
    (b) 1948
    (c) 1949
    (d) 1950

  3. The British Raj was a period of:
    (a) British rule in India
    (b) British rule in Pakistan
    (c) British rule in Bangladesh
    (d) British rule in Sri Lanka

  4. The British Raj was a time of:
    (a) economic prosperity for India
    (b) economic hardship for India
    (c) political stability for India
    (d) political instability for India

  5. The British Raj was a time of:
    (a) cultural assimilation for India
    (b) cultural preservation for India
    (c) cultural destruction for India
    (d) cultural revival for India