Major Service Sector Issues of Rajasthan.

&<2/”>a >nbsp;

Information Technology and IT enabled Services

Software and services exports continued to remain on top of the IT Industry‘s revenue. The export-driven software sector saw major long-term projects come to Indian ICT leaders and Indian Companies bagging a larger and larger share of the global outsourced business.

The state of Rajasthan offers huge Investment opportunities in IT sector especially ITeS. Rajasthan State Industrial Development and investment Corporation Limited (RIICO) has developed state of art IT parks at Jaipur, Kota, Udaipur and Jodhpur to attract investment in IT sector.RIICO is also considering developing such IT parks at Bhiwadi (Alwar). The Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE in terms of developed plots, continuous power High-Speed Data Com Facility through satellite earth station, road etc. are being made available to the IT industries in IT parks.

The major industries are Electrolux, Ericsson, GE, Samcor, Instrumentation, Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments (REIL), Genus overseas, Allied Electronic, Compucom, Cistems software, Lipi Data, AkshOptifibre etc.

An investor friendly IT policy is already in place and provides lucrative incentives to IT industries.

The Major Issues faced by Service Sector in Rajasthan are as follows:-

  1. Our infrastructure is inadequate not only in the ruralareas but also in the urban areas. For example, power shortage and traffic congestions are very common inBangalore, the silicon city of India. These effect thequality of services provided.


  1. Though service sector has been the fastest growingsector in the last decade and has contributed more than57% of the GDP, it provides less than 25 % of the totalemployment.


  1. India has great potential in the tourism sector. But thereis a need to create proper setup for attracting tourists.Foreign tourists often get harassed and cheated in thehands of babus and officialdom, touts and conmen.


  1. Etiquettes and good behaviour are the hallmarks of theservice sector. Indian service providers whether they arebanks, hotels and restaurants, hospitals or Public Administration, they need to be trained thoroughly inpublic dealing, etiquettes, hospitality and manners.


  1. The Airports, railways etc. in India are not clear and wellorganized. They need to be revamped and reorganized.


  1. Our consular division also is not proper. It takes manydays to issue visas. This hampers the Growth of thetourism sector. For this, we need to have a system which

entails single window clearance.


  1. Service trade also faces a number of problems. Theseinclude lack of setup like Export Promotion councils(other than for computer software), various visible andinvisible barriers to service trade like visa restrictions,sector specific restrictions and preferential market


Growth, Development and Planning of Rajasthan.

Five Year Plan 2012-17


Plan Size:

`  196992.00    crores is                proposed   for      the    12             Five   Year Plan     2012-17.  This       includes       gross    budgetary         support     of                 `    130084.32    crores and Internal& Extra Budgetary Resources (IEBR) of ` 66907.68 crores

  1. agriculture & Allied Services

  Includes IEBR of ` 514.30 crores.


` 485.00 crores of Agriculture Marketing Board


–    ` 29.30 crore of State Warehousing Corporation


  Provision      of                                 `                  2112.91 crores for Agriculture      Department which                          includes funds for weather based Crop Insurance Scheme also.

  Provision      of             `          155.56                            crores          for Integrated Scheme       of Oilseed, Pulses, Oil Pam & Maize (ISOPOM) as State Share.

  Provision of ` 3720.80 crores as ACA for RastriyaKrishiVikas    Yojana (RKVY).

  Provision of ` 57.50 crores for National Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture Mission and ` 180.28 crores for Micro Irrigation Scheme as State Shares.

  ` 575.06 crore additional subsidy for drip installation under Micro Irrigation Scheme.

  Important physical targets:


– 2 –


Area under Food Crops – 141.77 lakh ha.


Production of Food Crops – 207.77 lakh tonnes


Area under Oilseeds – 50.26 lakh ha.


Production of Oilseeds – 60.95 lakh tonnes


Area under Sugarcane – 0.05 lakh ha.


Production of Sugarcane – 3.42 lakh tonnes


Area under Cotton – 4.60 lakh ha.


Production of Cotton – 12.46 lakh bales


Consumption of Fertilizer – 13.89 Lac Tonnes


Fruit Plantation – 550 ha.


Artificial Insemination – 150 lakhs


Castration – 30 lakhs


Fish Seed Production – 600 Million No.


Fish Production – 50000 Tonnes


Distribution of short, medium and long term loan through CooperativeInstitutions – ` 50885.00 crores (level).


Storage Capacity – 81000 MTs


  1. Rural Development

  Provision of        `      15587.77         crores has been         kept                for        Rural                    Development              which also           includes                State        Matching       Share        for

following Centrally Sponsored Schemes.


–    `  1104.62crores for National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM).


–    `  915.00crores for Mid-day-meal


–    `  732.00crores for Indira AwasYojana (IAY)


–    `  1850.00          crores          for        Mahatma       Gandhi     National     Rural      EMPLOYMENT      Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)


–    `  68.00crores for DRDA Administration


`  133.97crores for strengthening of revenue administration


–    `  321.04crores for Settlement etc.


–    ` 497.62 crores for Integrated Watershed Management Programme.


–    ` 126.97 crores for Total Sanitation Campaign.


  Provision of ` 1000 crores for MLA Local Area Dev. Scheme.    Provision of ` 2500 crores as Grants to PRIs under SFC.

  Provision of ` 2150.62 crores as ACA for Backward Region Grant         Fun

  Provision of ` 94.02 crores for Externally Aided Project ‘Mitigating         POVERTY in Western Rajasthan’.

  Provision of ` 250 crores for Gramin Jan BhagidarivikasYojana.

  Provision of ` 5705.75 crores as Untied Funds to Panchayati Raj          Institutions.

  Important physical targets:


Construction of 713831 new houses under IAY


Mid-day-meal – 60.00 lakh students


144000 Formation of Self Help Group under National Rural LivelihoodMission (NRLM)


Plots to be allotted to 150000 persons.


Area                Treatment        under       Integrated   Watershed         Management         Project    – 36.68 Lakh Ha.


III. Special Area Programme


1026.94 Development Programme.




  Provision of ` 75.00 crores for Mewat Area Development and `  50.00 crores for Magra Development.


  1. Irrigation & Flood Control

  Provision of ` 883.60 crores for EAPs


141.00 crores for Raj.Water Sector Restructuring Project.


445.29 crores for Minor Irrigation Improvement Scheme.


297.31 crores for State PARTNERSHIP Irrigation Project.


  Provision of ` 3112.56 crores for AIBP Projects.


1847.49 crores for Narbada,


297.66 crores for Gang Canal Modernisation and


967.41 crores for minor irrigation projects in Desert / Tribal Areas.


  Additional irrigation potential to be created – 88970 hectares.


21000 ha.through IGNP


10900 ha.through Narmada


20000 ha.through minor irrigation schemes

– 4 –


  OFD works – 262295 ha.


57000 Chambal Command area


4000 ha.inSidhmukh-Nohar area


2500 ha.inAmarsingh Sub Branch area


39095 ha.inBisalpur area


159700 Gang Canal – CAD



  1. Power

  Includes IEBR of `  54634crores.


38077 crores of Raj. RajyaVidyutUtpadan Nigam


10080 crores of Raj. RajyaVidyutPrasaran Nigam


2524 crores of DISCOM, Jaipur


2029 crores of DISCOM, Jodhpur


1924 crores of DISCOM, Ajmer


  Provision of `  2210.25crores as Transition Support for FRP

  `  1400crores as Interest Free Loan to Power Companies by the State Government.

  `  14469crores as Equity contribution by the State Government.          Provision   of      `                 10 crore   for       Rajasthan          RENEWABLE ENERGY

Cooperation Limited.

  Electrification of 221 villages and energisation of 115000 wells.

  Installation of SPV-Domestic Lighting System (DLS) – 17000 No.


  1. Industry and Minerals

  Includes IEBR of ` 702 crores of RSMM Ltd.

  Provision of ` 133.75 crores for Industries Department including              CIPET.

  Provision of ` 37.18 crores for Khadi& Village Industries.

  Provision of ` 26.62 crores for Bureau of Investment Promotion.           Provision of ` 65.44 crores for Mines & Geology Deptt.

  Provision of ` 19.45 crores for RUDA.        Important physical targets:


Persons to be benefitted under Prime Minister RojgarYojana – 5440


– 5 –

Construction of roads in mineral areas – 53.95 km.


Regional Mineral Survey – 20000


Regional Geological Mapping – 1500


VII. Transport

  Includes IEBR of ` 1478.70 crores.


–    ` 478.70 crores of RSRTC


–    ` 1000 crores of RSRDC


  Provision of ` 3177.50 crores for NABARD assisted road works   under RIDF


religious roads and Modernization and Renovation of 2850 km. roads.



  Provision of ` 91068.00 crores (ACA) under Central Road Fund  (CRF)


Strengthening,                     modernisation      and   renovation of      2270          km.                       State Highway& Major District Roads and 3500 km. of other State Highway /District Roads.


  Provision of ` 1648.87 crores under State Road Fund.      Provision of ` 1100.00 crores for EAP.


Construction of 7350 km. rural roads.


  Provision of ` 112.50 crores for Upgradation and Improvement of         State      Highways             and District   Roads under Thirteen Finance


  Purchase of 2500 new buses by RSRTC.


VIII. Scientific Services

  Provision of `  55.68 crores  for Science &  Technology         and         `               186.38 crores for Environment Department.


Includes ` 89.49 crores for National Lake Conservation Programme.


Includes ` 70.08 crores for National River Conservation Scheme.


  1. Social & Community Services:



  Total provision of ` 14766.05 crores for Education sector.            Provision of ` 9569.52 crores for Elementary Education


Includes ` 7419.62 crores as State Matching Share for SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA).


– 6 –
Kosh    Yojana
` 4485.20
§      Provision of

crores for Secondary Education` 1177.21has State Matching Share for RMSA.



  Provision of `  150.72 crores  for University and other Higher Education.

  Provision of ` 105.00 crores for Literacy & Continuing Education.       Provision of ` 133.24 crores for Arts & Culture

  Provision of ` 213.75 crores for Technical Education

  Provision of ` 89.70 crores for Sports & Youth Welfare.


Medical & Health

  Provision of `  7466.99 crores  for Medical &  Health sector              including Ayurved.

  Provision of ` 1235.00 crores for National Rural Health Mission               (NRHM)        including     `195.00    crores     for        Mukhya         Mantri  Jeevan


and   `Ambulance Service Yojana.




  Provision of ` 4067.50 crores for Medical & Health Department.


Opening of 100 Primary Health Centres in Rural & Urban area


Setting up of ICU in District Hospital – 21


  Provision of `  1769.62              crores          for              Medical   Education including           ` 58.00 crores for Raj. Health Science University.

  Provision of ` 259.12 crores for Ayurved.



  Provision of ` 14615.91 crores for Water Supply Schemes


–    ` 5393.37 crores for Urban Water Supply Schemes


–    ` 9216.81 crores for Rural Water Supply Schemes


–    ` 5.73 crores for Training Institute for Engineering Subordinates.


  Above provision also includes `  3576.45              crores    for     Externally Aided Projects


–    ` 20.12 crores for Bisalpur-Jaipur Water Supply Project


–    ` 464.63 crores for reorganization of Urban Water Supply, Jodhpur


–    ` 533.50 crores for AapniYojanaPhsae-II.


–    ` 638.20 crores for Barmer Lift Canal Project Phase-II


–    ` 670.00 crores for Chambal-Bhilwara Drinking Water Supply Project


– 7 –
–     `
§     Provision

–    ` 1250           crores       for Nagaur          Lift     Canal           Drinking     Water      Supply           Project      Phase-II


  Target to cover 30000 slipped back NC/PC habitations.


Housing & Urban Development


of    `    19535.90 Development.





  Provision includes IEBR of ` 9578.68 crores


–    ` 1600 crores of Rajasthan Housing Board.


–    ` 2000 crores of Jaipur Development Authority.


–    ` 5978.68 crores of Other Urban Local Bodies.


  Provision of ` 1768.45 crores for Externally Aided Projects


1043.45 crores   for Investment Programme

Raj.   Urban   Sector   Development


` 725.00 crores for RUIDP- Phase-III

  Provision of `  700.81 crores  for payment of installment  to HUDCO for Police Housing.

  Provision of ` 1699.23 crores for JNNURM.

  Provision of `  865.06 crores  for Integrated Housing &  Slum Development Programme (IHSDP).


  Provision





Development Scheme for Small & Medium Towns (UIDSSMT).

  Provision of ` 2000.00 crores for Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation    Ltd.

  Provision of ` 152.00 crores for contribution to Rajasthan Urban  Development Fund.

  Provision of ` 720.00 crores as grants to ULBs under SFC.

  Provision of ` 300.00 crores for Railways Over Bridges (ROBs).         Provision of ` 100.00 croresSahari Jan SahabhagitaYojana.

  Provision of ` 55.24 crores as State Matching Share for Swaran     JayantiShahariRojgarYojana (SJSRY)


Target    to        benefit            70000              persons      of       BPL families      under            urban      self- employment


Creation of 12.50 lakh mandays.


  Construction of 35000 houses in urban areas by Rajasthan           Housing Board.


– 8 –

Welfare of Backward Classes

  Provision of   `   3143.36 crores   for   welfare of   SC/ST/Other           Backward Classes.

  Provision includes ` 1358.66 crores for Post-Matric Scholarship              to SC/ST/OBC Students.


Target to benefit 1274394 students


  Provision      of             `          214.29                crores        for        construction        of      various     Hostel          Buildings.

  Provision of ` 67 crores to provide infrastructure facilities in 80    Sambal Villages.

  Provision of `  16.70 crores  for Protection of Civil Rights to SCs/STs.

  Provision of ` 5 crore as matching assistance to RSCSTFDCC.

  Provision      of             `          406.45           crores   for Palanhar  Yojana       for      providing care to destitute children and two children of widow pensioners

through close relatives.

  Provision of `  19.20 crores  for “Anupriti  Scheme” to provide financial      assistance    to         SC/ST    students     for the preparation of

various exams.

  Provision of ` 541.73 crores for DevnarayanYojana.          Provision of ` 172.03 crores for Sahayog Scheme


Social Welfare 

  Provision of ` 2499.45 crores for Social Welfare.

  Provision of ` 1537.31 crores for Old-age Pension under NSAP.

  Provision      of             `          120.20             crores             for         Jan Shree       Bima             Yojana         under        NSAP.


Life insurance coverage to 11115925 lakh BPL families


  Provision      of             `          356.88     crores   for           Indira    Gandhi       Rastriya     Widow      Pension Yojana under NSAP.

  Provision      of           `          61.82        crores   for           Indira     Gandhi       Rastriya     Disable    Pension Yojana under NSAP.

  Provision of   `  324.34 crores  for   education and welfare of Handicapped Persons


Organisation of 7000 Polio Correction Camps


Prosthetic Aid to 17902 persons


§     Provision

Handicapped Scholarship to 168000 persons


Assistance to 850 disabled persons for self-employment & training.


  Provision of ` 182.25 crores for Child Welfare. Provision of ` 4.36 crores for Women Welfare.

  Provision of ` 7.58 crores for establishment of Old Age Homes.


Disabled Department


of   `Department.





Tribal Area Development 

  Provision of ` 684.63 crores as Special Central Assistance (SCA).        Provision of ` 811.13 crores as ACA under ARTICLE 275(1) of the


  Provision of ` 900.00 crores as untied grant under the “Jangati             KalyanNidhi” for the development of tribal areas.


Women and Children Development 

  Provision of ` 276.91 crores for Women Development programme


Payment of Honorarium to Sathins


For                imparting                   training              in    managerial     capacity     building        and         income generation activities.


For providing grant for Community Marriages.


For                providing assistance         to Women SHGs as   incentive    in       rate   of interest for timely repayment of loan.


  Provision of ` 3777.13 crores for Nutrition


To            benefit      60.95   lacs            children      and   women       through       Supplementary Nutrition.


For payment of Honorarium to AshaSahyoginis.


For payment of Honorarium to anganwari workers and helpers.


For administration and training under ICDS.


For construction of 8077 AWCs Buildings.


Minority Development 


Provision of ` 385.17 crores for various activities for the department.


  1. Economic Services

  Provision of ` 175.20 crores for Tourism Department




  Provision of `  840.00 crores  for Rajasthan Rural Livelihood           Project (RRLP).

  Provision of   `  512.33 crores  for Information &   Technology           including funds for National e-Governance Plan   (NeGP).

  Provision of `  889.59 crores  for Food &  Civil Supply which includes ` 52.09 crores for Annapurna Yojana, ` 625 crores for   Subsidy on Domestic LPG, ` 150 crores for Computerization of

Fair Price Shop and ` 2.50 crores for Ration Ticket Scheme.     Provision of ` 38.11 crores for Civil Aviation.

  Provision of ` 300.00 crores for State Planning Board.

  Provision of ` 739.52 crores for State Level New Schemes.

  Provision of `  19.52 crores  for D.O.P. Secretariat for various construction works.


  1. General Services

  Provision of ` 752.42 crores for construction of various State and            District level buildings.


–    ` 10 crores for Jail Buildings,


–    ` 280.32 crores for Police Buildings,


–    ` 283.53          crores   for    New High     Court        Building          at      Jodhpur     and      other      Judicial Buildings,


–    ` 53.30 crores for GAD Buildings,


–    ` 39.28 crores for Devsthan.


–    ` 35.04 crores for Excise Department.


–    ` 15.42 crores for Civil Defence & Home Guards.


–    ` 35.53 crores for Treasuries & Accounts.


  Provision of ` 700.81 crore for grant under Rajasthan Investment          Promotion Policy-2003.

  Provision of ` 140.92 crores to meet the committed liability of 83  fast track courts.

  Provision      of           `          23.31     crores          to                  meet      the    running      expenditure of           Judicial Academy.



Infrastructure of Rajasthan.

Infrastructure is back bone of any economy. The brilliant conceptualization and infrastructure made  Las Vegas what it is today from a desert, and this is a lesson for Rajasthan.


Transport Network plays a backbone for the economic growth of the state.Following facts are important for RAS/RTS Prelims:-

  • Total Road Length=2015003 KM
  • Total National Highway= 7310KM
  • District with Largest Road length= Barmer>jodhpur.nagaur.bikaner.pali
  • National Highway number 15 has largest length in Rajasthan ie 875Km

Major National Highways:-

  • NH 8- From delhi
  • NH 11-agra-bharatpur-jaipur-bikaner (521 km)
  • NH12- Jaipur-tonk-bundi-kota-jhalawar-bhopal(412 km)
  • NH15 –pathankot-sriganganganagar-bikaner-jaisalmer-barmer(875 km)
  • NH14- bewar-pali-sirohi (306 km)
  • NH11A- dausa-manohapur(61 km)

Chief Minister VasundharaRaje in the Budget 2014-15 speech also announced to develop six roads of 1,000 km as East-West Corridor, establishment of Rajasthan State Highway Authority, output and performance based road contract system (OPRC system) for proper maintenance and development of one road in every Panchayat under ‘GraminGaurav Path Scheme’.

Road Development Policy 2013 of Rajasthan was enacted for the development of roadways within the state.


Road Infrastructure Development Company of Rajasthan (RIDCOR), which is a 50:50 joint venture between Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services and Rajasthan government

The Rajasthan MEGA HIGHWAYS PROJECT is premised on the Government of Rajasthan’s vision of creating world-class infrastructure facilities in the State with the aim of making it the most favoured investment and tourism destination in the country


On its part, RIDCOR has set for itself the mission of delivering the Rajasthan MEGA HIGHWAYS PROJECT within cost, time and quality. RIDCOR’s success in implementing the Project would enable it to obtain additional mandates from Government of Rajasthan, Government of India and National Highways Authority of India


  • Jaipur-Sangner
  • Udaipur-Dabok
  • Jodhpur-Ratanada
  • Kota


The service sector is a major contributor to the economy of Rajasthan. It accounts for about 50% of the state’s GDP and employs about 60% of the workforce. However, the service sector in Rajasthan faces a number of challenges, which are hindering its growth.

One of the major challenges faced by the service sector in Rajasthan is the lack of skilled workforce. The state has a shortage of skilled workers in the service sector. This is due to the lack of vocational training institutes and the poor quality of education in government schools. As a result, businesses in the service sector are finding it difficult to find skilled workers.

Another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan is poor infrastructure. The state has poor infrastructure, especially in rural areas. This makes it difficult for businesses to operate and for people to access services. For example, there is a lack of good roads, electricity, and water supply in many parts of the state. This makes it difficult for businesses to set up and operate in these areas.

Corruption is another major problem in the state. It affects all sectors of the economy, including the service sector. Corruption makes it difficult for businesses to operate and for people to access services. For example, businesses may have to pay bribes to get things done, and people may have to pay bribes to get access to services.

Red tape is another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan. The state has a lot of red tape. This makes it difficult for businesses to start and operate. For example, businesses have to go through a lot of paperwork and procedures to get approvals from the government. This can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

Taxes are another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan. The state has high taxes. This makes it difficult for businesses to operate and for people to afford services. For example, businesses have to pay high taxes on their profits. This reduces their profits and makes it difficult for them to invest in their businesses.

Lack of competition is another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan. The state has a lack of competition in the service sector. This is due to the presence of a few large companies that dominate the market. This lack of competition leads to higher prices and lower quality services.

Poor customer service is another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan. This is due to the lack of training and motivation of employees. Employees in the service sector are often not well-trained and are not motivated to provide good customer service. This leads to customer dissatisfaction and can damage the reputation of businesses.

Lack of innovation is another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan. This is due to the lack of investment in research and development. Businesses in the service sector are not investing enough in research and development to develop new products and services. This lack of innovation can lead to businesses falling behind their competitors.

Lack of awareness is another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan. This is due to the poor quality of education and the lack of media coverage. People in Rajasthan are not aware of the importance of the service sector. This lack of awareness can lead to people not choosing to work in the service sector.

Lack of government support is another challenge faced by the service sector in Rajasthan. The state does not provide enough support to the service sector. This is due to the lack of understanding of the importance of the sector by the government. The government does not provide enough funding for the development of the service sector. It also does not provide enough support to businesses in the service sector.

The challenges faced by the service sector in Rajasthan are hindering its growth. The state government needs to take steps to address these challenges. It needs to invest in education and training, improve infrastructure, reduce corruption, and simplify procedures. It also needs to provide more support to businesses in the service sector.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the major service sector issues of Rajasthan:

  • What are the major service sector issues of Rajasthan?

The major service sector issues of Rajasthan are:

  • Lack of skilled manpower
  • Poor infrastructure
  • Lack of investment
  • Corruption
  • Bureaucracy

  • What are the effects of these issues on the economy of Rajasthan?

The effects of these issues on the economy of Rajasthan are:

  • Low productivity
  • Low investment
  • Low growth
  • High Unemployment
  • Low per capita income

  • What are the solutions to these issues?

The solutions to these issues are:

  • Improve the quality of education and training
  • Improve the infrastructure
  • Increase investment
  • Reduce corruption
  • Streamline the bureaucracy

  • What are the benefits of solving these issues?

The benefits of solving these issues are:

  • Increased productivity
  • Increased investment
  • Increased growth
  • Reduced unemployment
  • Increased per capita income

  • What are the challenges in solving these issues?

The challenges in solving these issues are:

  • Lack of political will
  • Lack of financial resources
  • Lack of coordination between different government departments
  • Lack of public awareness

  • What are the roles of different stakeholders in solving these issues?

The roles of different stakeholders in solving these issues are:

  • The government should provide the necessary infrastructure and incentives to attract investment.
  • The private sector should invest in the service sector and create jobs.
  • The academia should focus on research and development in the service sector.
  • The civil Society should raise awareness about the importance of the service sector and the need to solve the issues faced by it.

  • What are the future prospects of the service sector in Rajasthan?

The future prospects of the service sector in Rajasthan are bright. The state has a number of strengths, such as a young Population, a skilled workforce, and a strategic location. With the right policies and investments, the service sector can play a major role in the Economic Development of Rajasthan.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a major service sector in Rajasthan?

(A) Tourism
(B) Agriculture
(C) IT and ITES
(D) Education


(B) Agriculture


The major service sectors in Rajasthan are tourism, IT and ITES, and education. Agriculture is not a major service sector in Rajasthan.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a major tourist attraction in Rajasthan?

(A) The Taj Mahal
(B) The Amber Fort
(C) The Hawa Mahal
(D) The City Palace


(A) The Taj Mahal


The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. The major tourist attractions in Rajasthan are the Amber Fort, the Hawa Mahal, and the City Palace.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a major IT and ITES company in Rajasthan?

(B) Infosys
(C) Wipro
(D) Reliance


(D) Reliance


Reliance is an oil and gas company. The major IT and ITES companies in Rajasthan are TCS, Infosys, and Wipro.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a major educational institution in Rajasthan?

(A) The University of Rajasthan
(B) The Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
(C) The Indian Institute Of Management, Ahmedabad
(D) The Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani


(B) The Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee


The Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee is located in Roorkee, Uttarakhand. The major educational institutions in Rajasthan are the University of Rajasthan, the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani.

Question 5

What is the capital of Rajasthan?

(A) Jaipur
(B) Jodhpur
(C) Udaipur
(D) Bikaner


(A) Jaipur


Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan.