Major Irrigation Projects and Command Area Development

Major Irrigation Projects of India and Command Area Development

Command area development programme

The Centrally sponsored Command Area Development (CAD) Programme was launched in 1974-75 with the main objectives of improving the utilization of created irrigation potential and optimizing agriculture production and productivity from irrigated agriculture through a multi-disciplinary team under an Area Development Authority.  Initially, 60 major and medium irrigation projects were taken up under the CAD Programme, covering a Culturable Command Area (CCA) of about 15.00 million hectare. From 1974-75 till now 314 projects with a CCA of 28.95 Million ha have been included under the programme. After inclusion of new projects, deletion of completed projects and clubbing of some projects, there are now 136 projects under implementation. The programme was restructured and renamed as Command Area Development & Water Management (CADWM) Programme w.e.f. 1-4-2004. The scheme is now being implemented as a State sector scheme during the XI Five Year Plan (2008-09 to 2011-12).

The National Water Policy, 2002 stresses on participatory approach in water Resources management. It has been recognized that participation of beneficiaries in Water Resource Management will help considerably in proper upkeep of irrigation system and optimal utilization of irrigation water. The participation of farmers in the management of irrigation would promote responsibility for operation and maintenance and collection of water charges from the areas under the jurisdiction of Water Users’ Association (WUAs). A one-time functional grant is provided to the registered WUAs under the programme. Minimum contribution of 10 per cent for beneficiaries has been made mandatory in the cost of construction of field channels, full package OFD works, reclamation of water logged areas and one time functional grant to WUAs.

The evaluation made in the past has revealed that the CAD Programme made positive impact on various important indicators, like increase in the irrigated area, productivity and production, irrigation efficiency etc. Despite efforts for efficient irrigation water management, the problem of Water Logging has surfaced in many irrigated commands. Under the component on reclamation of water logged areas, 482 schemes of nine States, namely, Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh have been approved for reclamation of 63,566 ha. of water logged area. Out of this, an area of about 50,249 ha. has been reported to be reclaimed by these States up to March 2009.

Major irrigation projects

The Lower Bhavani Project 

The Lower Bhavani project was one of the British achievements in the Tamil country. For the preliminary works regarding the Lower Bhavani project that government appointed Sir. Charles Innes in 1906 as the Special Revenue Officer instructing him to report on the various aspects of the scheme. After extensive enquiry Sir. Charles Innes recommended the Lower Bhavani project as more remunerative. But the proposal for the scheme had to be dropped due to the outbreak of the First World War. Later Sir Priestly was appointed as the Special Revenue Officer. His recommendation was also favourable for the scheme4 . Then the Public Works Department proceeded with the preparation of plans and estimates for the scheme. The scheme was about to be sanctioned in 1938. But due to the outbreak of the Second Global War in 1939 the project had to be dropped again . After the Second World war in 1946, the Chief Engineer for irrigation Shri. A.R. Venkatachari prepared a plan. The government accepted the plan and ordered the execution of the project.

Farakka Project

Farakka Barrage is located in Murshidabad and Malda districts of West Bengal at about 300 km North of Kolkata. It is one of the largest barrage of its kind in the country having a Feeder Canal for a flow of 40000 cusec (1135 cumec) whose bed width is wider than that of Suez Canal. The Feeder Canal originates in upstream at Right Bank of Farakka Barrage and outfalls into the Bhagirathi, right channel of the river Ganga at 40 km downstream of Farakka Barrage.



Hirakund bandh

Hirakud is historical dam constructed across the River Mahanadi. Of all Dams, Hirakud is the longest dam in India. Apart from being a prominent reservoir, this beautiful dam is also a revered tourist attraction in Odisha which is known for its eternal beauty and gorgeous surrounding. From its construction in 1957, this iconic masterpiece is making the country proud by being one of Asia’s biggest artificial lake. Moreover, the 21 km stretch of the dam is ideal for a drive. Besides, the stunning water along with the scenic setting of this place can blow your mind with just one glance. In the monsoon season, the beauty of the place rejoices and attracts a large number of tourists. There are also two observation tower – Gandhi Minar and Nehru Minar. From these towers, one can have a bird-eye view of the surrounding. Cattle Island, Vimleshwar Temple, Huma Temple, and Ushakothi Wildlife Sanctuary are some of the nearby tourist attractions from the dam where you won’t mind to extend your Hirakud Dam trip. Just to let you know, the place does not have any accommodation facilities, and hence, make sure you plan your outing accordingly. However, you can choose to stay at Sambalpur which is located at a distance of 21 km. Therefore, come and relish some time at Hirakud Dam.

Nagarjuna sagar irrigation project

Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is one of the world’s largest and tallest Masonry dams built across the Krishna river at Nagarjuna Sagar which straddles the border between Nalgonda District, Telangana State, India and Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh State, India. Constructed between 1955 and 1967, the dam created a water reservoir with gross storage capacity of 11.472 billion cubic metres (405.1×109 cu ft). The dam is 590 feet (180 m) tall from its deepest foundation and 0.99 miles (1.6 km) long with 26 flood gates which are 42 feet (13 m) wide and 45 feet (14 m) tall.

Koyna Project

The Koyna Hydroelectric Project is the largest completed hydroelectric power plant in India. It is a complex project with four dams including the largest dam on the Koyna River, Maharashtra hence the name Koyna Hydroelectric Project. The project site is in Satara district near Patan.  The Deshmukhwadi village on which koyna dam is situated is migrated on hill station near to Koyna Dam.  The total capacity of the project is 1,960 MW. The project consists of four stages of power generation. All the generators are located in underground powerhouses excavated deep inside the Mountains of the Western Ghats. A dam foot powerhouse also contributes to the electricity generation. Due to the project’s electricity generating potential the Koyna River is considered as the life line of Maharashtra.

Rihand Project

Rihand dam is a concrete gravity dam of length 934.21 m situated in Pipri in District Sonebhadra of U.P (India). The maximum height of the dam is 91.44 m and was constructed during period 1954-62.The dam comprises of 61 independent blocks and ground joints. The powerhouse is situated at the toe of the dam, with installed capacity of 6 units of 50 M.W. each . The water stored in Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar reservoir spreads over an area of 130 sq. km. (466 sq. km when full) and collects 10,608 m cu m of water. To let down the floods of the Rihand entering the reservoir, the dam is provided with a spill-way of 190 m. Power House-Downstream of the dam on the right side of spill-way has a power house with installed capacity of 300 mw (6 units of 50 mw each). The power is transmitted through 829 km of 132 km transmission line and 383 km of 66 km transmission line.

Bhakra nangal dam

The Bhakra-Nangal dam is one of the earliest river valley development schemes undertaken after the independence of India.  The project was signed by then Punjab Revenue Minister Sir Chhotu Ram in November 1944 with the king of Bilaspur and was finalised on January 8, 1945.  The construction of the multipurpose dam was initially started in 1984 by the then Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, Sir Louis Dane.  But, it got delayed and it was resumed after independence under the chief Architect Rai Bahadur Kunwar Sen Gupta.  The dam was completed in 1963, and it was dedicated to the nation by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.



Major Irrigation Projects and Command Area Development

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land to assist in the growing of crops. It is one of the most important agricultural practices, and it has been used for thousands of years. Irrigation can be used to grow crops in areas that would otherwise be too dry, and it can also be used to increase crop yields in areas that are already irrigated.

There are many different types of irrigation systems, and the best system for a particular area will depend on a number of factors, including the Climate, the type of crops being grown, and the availability of water. Some common irrigation systems include:

  • Surface irrigation: This is the oldest type of irrigation, and it involves flooding the land with water. Surface irrigation is relatively simple and inexpensive, but it is not very efficient, and it can lead to waterlogging and Soil erosion.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation: This system uses sprinklers to spray water onto the crops. Sprinkler irrigation is more efficient than surface irrigation, and it does not lead to waterlogging or soil erosion. However, it is more expensive to install and operate.
  • Drip Irrigation: This system delivers water directly to the roots of the Plants through a Network of small pipes. Drip irrigation is the most efficient type of irrigation, and it can save water and fertilizer. However, it is the most expensive type of irrigation to install and operate.

Irrigation can have a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased crop yields: Irrigation can increase crop yields by up to 50%.
  • Improved crop quality: Irrigation can improve the quality of crops by reducing the risk of pests and diseases.
  • Increased Food Security: Irrigation can help to increase food security by making it possible to grow crops in areas that would otherwise be too dry.
  • Reduced POVERTY: Irrigation can help to reduce poverty by providing farmers with a Source Of Income.
  • Environmental protection: Irrigation can help to protect the Environment by reducing the risk of soil erosion and Water Pollution.

However, irrigation also has a number of potential drawbacks, including:

  • Water scarcity: Irrigation can lead to water scarcity, especially in areas where water is already scarce.
  • Water pollution: Irrigation can pollute water supplies with pesticides and Fertilizers.
  • Soil erosion: Irrigation can lead to soil erosion, especially if the land is not properly managed.
  • Salinization: Irrigation can lead to salinization, which is the buildup of salt in the soil.
  • Waterlogging: Irrigation can lead to waterlogging, which is the saturation of the soil with water.

Despite these potential drawbacks, irrigation is a vital agricultural practice that can help to increase food security, reduce poverty, and protect the environment.

Command Area Development (CAD) is a comprehensive approach to irrigation development that includes the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of irrigation systems. CAD projects typically involve the construction of dams, canals, and other Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, as well as the provision of training and extension Services to farmers.

The goal of CAD is to improve the productivity of irrigated agriculture and to increase the incomes of farmers. CAD projects can also have a number of other benefits, such as reducing poverty, improving food security, and protecting the environment.

CAD projects are typically funded by governments or international development agencies. The World Bank is one of the largest funders of CAD projects.

CAD projects are often implemented in stages. The first stage typically involves the preparation of a feasibility study. The feasibility study will assess the potential benefits of the project and the costs of implementation.

If the feasibility study is positive, the next stage is the construction of the irrigation system. The construction phase can be very complex and time-consuming.

Once the irrigation system is constructed, the next stage is the operation and maintenance of the system. This involves ensuring that the system is properly operated and that any repairs are made as needed.

The final stage of a CAD project is the evaluation of the project. The evaluation will assess the project’s impact on agricultural productivity, farmer incomes, and other development goals.

CAD projects can be very complex and challenging to implement. However, they can also be very successful in achieving their goals.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about major irrigation projects and command area development:

  1. What is a major irrigation project?
    A major irrigation project is a large-scale water management system that is designed to provide water for irrigation, drinking water, and other purposes.

  2. What are the benefits of major irrigation projects?
    Major irrigation projects can provide a number of benefits, including:

  3. Increased agricultural production
  4. Improved water supply for drinking and other purposes
  5. Reduced flooding
  6. Increased EMPLOYMENT opportunities

  7. What are the challenges of major irrigation projects?
    Major irrigation projects can also face a number of challenges, including:

  8. High construction costs
  9. Environmental impacts
  10. Social impacts
  11. Conflicts over water rights

  12. What is command area development?
    Command area development is the process of planning, developing, and managing the land that is irrigated by a major irrigation project.

  13. What are the goals of command area development?
    The goals of command area development include:

  14. Increasing agricultural productivity
  15. Improving water management
  16. Reducing soil erosion
  17. Improving the Quality Of Life for people living in the command area

  18. What are the challenges of command area development?
    Command area development can face a number of challenges, including:

  19. Lack of coordination between different government agencies
  20. Lack of funding
  21. Lack of technical expertise
  22. Social and political conflicts

  23. What are some examples of major irrigation projects?
    Some examples of major irrigation projects include the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, the Three Gorges Dam in China, and the Indira Gandhi Canal in India.

  24. What are some examples of command area development projects?
    Some examples of command area development projects include the Indus Basin Project in Pakistan, the Ganges Canal Project in India, and the Mekong Delta Project in Vietnam.

  25. What are the future prospects for major irrigation projects and command area development?
    The future prospects for major irrigation projects and command area development are uncertain. The challenges facing these projects are significant, but there are also opportunities for improvement.

  1. Which of the following is not a major irrigation project in India?
    (A) Indira Gandhi Canal Project
    (B) Narmada Dam Project
    (C) Tehri Dam Project
    (D) Bhakra Nangal Dam Project

  2. Which of the following is not a command area development project in India?
    (A) Command Area Development Project for the Indira Gandhi Canal Project
    (B) Command Area Development Project for the Narmada Dam Project
    (C) Command Area Development Project for the Tehri Dam Project
    (D) Command Area Development Project for the Bhakra Nangal Dam Project

  3. The main objective of major irrigation projects is to:
    (A) Increase agricultural production
    (B) Provide drinking water to people
    (C) Generate electricity
    (D) All of the above

  4. The main objective of command area development projects is to:
    (A) Improve the irrigation efficiency of major irrigation projects
    (B) Increase agricultural production in the command area
    (C) Provide employment opportunities in the command area
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is not a benefit of major irrigation projects?
    (A) Increased agricultural production
    (B) Improved water supply
    (C) Increased employment opportunities
    (D) Reduced soil erosion

  6. Which of the following is not a benefit of command area development projects?
    (A) Increased agricultural production
    (B) Improved water management
    (C) Increased employment opportunities
    (D) Reduced soil erosion

  7. Which of the following is a major challenge faced by major irrigation projects?
    (A) Waterlogging
    (B) Salinity
    (C) Sedimentation
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a major challenge faced by command area development projects?
    (A) Lack of coordination between different stakeholders
    (B) Lack of financial resources
    (C) Lack of technical expertise
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a measure to address the challenge of waterlogging in major irrigation projects?
    (A) Drainage System
    (B) Afforestation
    (C) Canal lining
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is a measure to address the challenge of salinity in major irrigation projects?
    (A) Leaching
    (B) Drainage system
    (C) Canal lining
    (D) All of the above

  11. Which of the following is a measure to address the challenge of sedimentation in major irrigation projects?
    (A) Dredging
    (B) De-silting
    (C) Canal lining
    (D) All of the above

  12. Which of the following is a measure to address the challenge of lack of coordination between different stakeholders in command area development projects?
    (A) Establishment of a command area development authority
    (B) Creation of a water user association
    (C) Development of a water management plan
    (D) All of the above

  13. Which of the following is a measure to address the challenge of lack of financial resources in command area development projects?
    (A) Government funding
    (B) Private sector participation
    (C) External funding
    (D) All of the above

  14. Which of the following is a measure to address the challenge of lack of technical expertise in command area development projects?
    (A) Training of farmers
    (B) Establishment of a technical support unit
    (C) Hiring of technical experts
    (D) All of the above

  15. Which of the following is the most important factor for the success of major irrigation projects?
    (A) Technical feasibility
    (B) Financial viability
    (C) Social acceptability
    (D) All of the above