Majlis- Ittehadul- Muslimeen Party role

Majlis- Ittehadul- Muslimeen Party role

The All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen or AIMIM  is a recognized regional political party based in the Indian state of Telangana, with its head office in the Aghapura Hyderabad Telangana, India, which has its roots in the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen founded in 1927 in the Hyderabad State of British India. AIMIM has held the Lok Sabha seat for the Hyderabad constituency since 1984. In the 2014 Telangana Legislative Assembly Elections, the AIMIM won seven seats and received recognition as a ‘state party’ by the Election Commission of India.

The party has roots back to the days of the princely State of Hyderabad. It was founded and shaped by Nawab Mahmood Nawaz Khan Qiledar of Hyderabad State with the “advice” of Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan, the Nizam of Hyderabad and in the presence of Ulma-e-Mashaeqeen in 1927 as a pro-Nizam party.Then it was only Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) and the first meeting was held in the house of Nawab Mahmood Nawaz Khan on November 12, 1927. The MIM advocated the set up of a “Muslim dominion” rather than integration with India.In 1938, Bahadur Yar Jung was elected “president” of the MIM which had a “cultural” and religious manifesto. It soon acquired political complexion and, alongside the Muslim League, were collaborators of British-occupied India forces. After the death of Bahadur Yar Jang in 1944, Qasim Rizvi was elected as the leader.

Rajakars and Kasim Razvi

Syed Kasim Razvi also Qasim Razvi was the president of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen party in the princely state of Hyderabad from December 1946 till the State’s annexation to India in 1948. Then he settled down as a lawyer in Latur. He was also lawyer in Latur’s court. He was also the founder of the extremist Razakar militia in the State and held the levers of power with the Nizam of Hyderabad, blocking the possibilities of his accommodation with the Union of India. According to scholar Lucien Benichou, “[Razvi] can arguably be considered to have been the political figure whose influence and unrealistic vision proved the most detrimental to the interests of the State in the crucial years of 1947–48.

fter the premature death of Nawab Bahadur Yar Jung (the founding leader) in 1944, the Ittehad party fell into fractious extremism. Razvi tried to establish his distinctiveness by advocating political reforms, even though they were not palatable to the Ittehad membership. Then he established his own association in Latur, named Majlis-e-Islah Nazm-o-Nasq, ostensibly to bring about reforms but more likely to establish his own independent following away from the mainstream of the party.  In February 1946, the extremists in the party led by Abdur Rahman Rais staged a violent protest over the reconstruction of a mosque, burning down the house of the prime minister Nawab of Chhatari and Sir Wilfrid Grigson, the minister for revenue and police. The incident led to the resignation of the leader of the Ittehad. In the ensuing contest for the new president, Kasim Razvi defeated Rais to emerge as the leader of the Ittehad. His extremism matched that of Rais and the moderates in the party distanced themselves from both the candidates. From this point on, Razvi called the shots in Hyderabad politics.

The Hyderabad State was a Hindu-majority state that was ruled by the Nizam. When India became independent in 1947, like all the other Princely states, the Hyderabad State was also given the choice of either joining India or Pakistan. The Nizam wanted neither- he wanted to remain independent. The Nizam finally entered into a standstill agreement with India on 29 November 1947 to maintain status quo. Hyderabad state had been steadily becoming more theocratic since the beginning of the 20th century. In 1926, Mahmud Nawaz Khan, a retired Hyderabad official, founded the Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (also known as MIM). The MIM became a powerful organization, with the principal focus to marginalize the political aspirations of moderate Muslims.

MIM “had its storm troopers in the Razakars who were headed by Kasim Razvi, a Muslim educated at Aligarh University who claimed Hyderabad was a Muslim state and that Muslim supremacy was based upon the right of conquest”. The Razakars demanded special powers from the Nizam, which they started to misuse and the helpless Nizam had to abide by their dictates. The Nizam sent a delegation to the United Nations to refer the Hyderabad State case to the UN Security Council. Qasim Rizvi and the Razakars had the additional agenda to persuade the Nizam to accede to Pakistan, instead of remaining independent of both India and Pakistan.

The Razakar militia brutally put down the armed revolts by Communists and the Peasantry and even eliminated activist Muslims such as Shoebullah Khan who advocated merger with India.The Razakars terrorised the Hindu and pro-India Population causing them to flee to the Indian provinces.The Hyderabad State Congress was banned and its leaders forced to flee to Bezawada or Bombay. The Communist Party of India also became active in defending the general population from the Muslim Razakar militia.,

The Majlis-e-Ittehadul-Muslimeen (MIM) is an Indian political party based in Hyderabad, Telangana. It was founded in 1927 by Abdul Wahed Owaisi. The party’s ideology is based on Islam and it advocates for the rights of Muslims in India. The MIM has been a member of the All India Trinamool Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) since 2004. The party has won several seats in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly and the Telangana Legislative Assembly. The MIM has also won seats in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

The MIM has been criticized for its alleged links to Islamic extremism. The party has also been accused of Communalism and violence. However, the MIM has denied these allegations. The party has said that it is a secular party that works for the welfare of all people, regardless of their religion.

The MIM’s role in Indian politics is controversial. Some people believe that the party is a threat to national unity. Others believe that the party is a legitimate voice for the Muslim community in India. The MIM’s role in Indian politics is likely to remain controversial in the future.


The Majlis-e-Ittehadul-Muslimeen (MIM) was founded in 1927 by Abdul Wahed Owaisi. The party was formed to protect the rights of Muslims in Hyderabad State, which was then ruled by the Nizam. The MIM initially focused on social and educational work, but it soon became involved in politics. The party won its first seat in the Hyderabad Legislative Assembly in 1937.

After the Indian independence in 1947, Hyderabad State was merged with India. The MIM opposed the merger and it launched a movement for the independence of Hyderabad. The movement was unsuccessful and the MIM was banned in 1948. The party was revived in 1957 and it has been active in Indian politics ever since.


The MIM is a Muslim political party. The party’s ideology is based on Islam. The MIM believes that Islam is the only true religion and that it provides a complete code of life. The party also believes that Muslims in India are a minority and that they need to protect their rights.

The MIM’s ideology has been criticized for being divisive and for promoting communalism. However, the party has defended its ideology and it has said that it is a secular party that works for the welfare of all people, regardless of their religion.

Electoral performance

The MIM has won several seats in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly and the Telangana Legislative Assembly. The party has also won seats in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. The MIM’s electoral performance has been mixed. The party has won some elections and it has lost some elections. However, the party has always been a significant force in Indian politics.


The MIM has been criticized for its alleged links to Islamic extremism. The party has also been accused of communalism and violence. However, the MIM has denied these allegations. The party has said that it is a secular party that works for the welfare of all people, regardless of their religion.

The MIM’s role in Indian politics is controversial. Some people believe that the party is a threat to national unity. Others believe that the party is a legitimate voice for the Muslim community in India. The MIM’s role in Indian politics is likely to remain controversial in the future.

Role in Indian politics

The MIM is a significant force in Indian politics. The party has won several seats in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly and the Telangana Legislative Assembly. The MIM has also won seats in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. The MIM’s role in Indian politics is controversial. Some people believe that the party is a threat to national unity. Others believe that the party is a legitimate voice for the Muslim community in India. The MIM’s role in Indian politics is likely to remain controversial in the future.

What is the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen Party?

The Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen Party (MIM) is a political party in India that represents the interests of Muslims. It was founded in 1927 by Abdul Wahed Owaisi. The MIM is headquartered in Hyderabad, Telangana.

What is the MIM’s ideology?

The MIM is a conservative party that advocates for the rights of Muslims in India. It is opposed to Hindutva, the ideology of Hindu nationalism. The MIM has been accused of being communal and divisive.

What is the MIM’s role in the Indian political system?

The MIM is a significant player in the politics of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It has won seats in the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha, and the legislative assemblies of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The MIM has been a coalition partner in the governments of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

What are the MIM’s main achievements?

The MIM has been successful in representing the interests of Muslims in India. It has also been successful in providing social and economic upliftment to Muslims. The MIM has built schools, hospitals, and mosques. It has also provided financial assistance to poor Muslims.

What are the MIM’s main challenges?

The MIM faces the challenge of communal violence. It has also been accused of being involved in criminal activities. The MIM is also facing the challenge of competition from other Political Parties.

What is the future of the MIM?

The MIM is likely to continue to be a significant player in the politics of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It is also likely to expand its presence in other parts of India. The MIM is likely to continue to advocate for the rights of Muslims and to provide social and economic upliftment to Muslims.

Here are some MCQs about the topics of the Babri Masjid demolition and the role of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul-Muslimeen Party:

  1. The Babri Masjid was a mosque that was built in Ayodhya, India, in the 16th century. It was demolished on December 6, 1992, by a group of Hindu activists. The demolition led to widespread riots and violence between Hindus and Muslims.

  2. The Majlis-e-Ittehadul-Muslimeen Party is a political party in India that represents the interests of Muslims. The party was founded in 1920 and has been a vocal critic of the demolition of the Babri Masjid.

  3. The role of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul-Muslimeen Party in the Babri Masjid demolition is a controversial issue. Some people believe that the party played a key role in inciting the violence that led to the demolition, while others believe that the party was simply trying to protect the interests of Muslims.

  4. The Babri Masjid demolition was a major turning point in the history of India. It led to a rise in Hindu nationalism and a decline in communal harmony. The demolition also had a significant impact on the Majlis-e-Ittehadul-Muslimeen Party, which lost much of its support among Muslims.

  5. The Babri Masjid demolition is still a sensitive issue in India. There have been several attempts to rebuild the mosque, but these have been met with resistance from Hindu groups. The issue is likely to remain a source of tension between Hindus and Muslims for many years to come.

Here are some MCQs about the topics of the Gujarat riots and the role of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS):

  1. The Gujarat riots were a series of riots that took place in Gujarat, India, in 2002. The riots were sparked by the burning of a train carrying Hindu pilgrims in Godhra. The riots resulted in the deaths of over 1,000 people, most of whom were Muslims.

  2. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is a Hindu nationalist organization in India. The RSS has been accused of playing a role in the Gujarat riots. The RSS has denied these allegations.

  3. The role of the RSS in the Gujarat riots is a controversial issue. Some people believe that the RSS played a key role in inciting the violence that led to the riots, while others believe that the RSS was simply trying to protect the interests of Hindus.

  4. The Gujarat riots were a major turning point in the history of India. The riots led to a rise in Hindu nationalism and a decline in communal harmony. The riots also had a significant impact on the RSS, which lost much of its support among Muslims.

  5. The Gujarat riots are still a sensitive issue in India. There have been several attempts to investigate the riots, but these have been met with resistance from the government. The issue is likely to remain a source of tension between Hindus and Muslims for many years to come.