Main Features of budgets of Haryana

Main Features of budgets of Haryana


New Elements in budget:

  • Present the Budget in terms of revenue and capital Classification
  • Classify the allocation of Resources into rural and urban categories, wherever feasible, to have clearer view about the fund flow to priority areas
  • Dispense with the Plan and Non-Plan classification of expenditure

New Initiatives

  • A new scheme in the name of Late Dr Mangal Sain, former Deputy Chief Minister and a great leader of Haryana as “Mangal Nagar Vikas Yojana” to create modern Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE and for maintenance of existing infrastructure in urban areas,. An outlay of Rs 1000 crore has been allocate for this scheme in 2017-18, to begin with.
  • A new scheme in the name of the great leader of Haryana, Rehbare Azam late Choudhry Chhotu Ramji as “Deenbandhu Haryana Gram Uday Yojana” to develop about 1500 villages having Population between 3,000 to 10,000 by providing necessary physical, social and economic infrastructure facilities at par with the urban areas, in a phased manner within three years, with an outlay of Rs 5000 crore. For 2017-18, allocate of Rs 1200 crore has been made for this scheme
  • It has been decided that all Government payments of more than Rs 5000 should be made through digital mode only. Five per cent rebate will be given on bill payments to Utilities and other Government payments through BHIM App, subject to a maximum of Rs 50
  • In order to provide seamless and expeditious Health Services to the serving and retired employees, Government intends to explore the possibility of introducing “Cashless Health Insurance Scheme” for State employees and pensioners
  • Propose to create a dedicated “Asset Augmentation Fund” for strengthening public assets
  • A dedicated Asset Management Cell is being created in the Revenue Department to carry out asset mapping of the State resources and to prepare a register of all public assets

Saksham Scheme

  • On the occasion of Haryana Swarn Jayanti, a new scheme ‘Saksham Yuva Scheme’ was launched on November 01, 2016 for educated youth of the State. The scheme has three important components vis, Unemployment allowance, skill training and honorarium
  • Under the scheme, unemployment allowance at the rate of Rs 3000 per month and honorarium at the rate of Rs 6000 per month, in lieu of 100 hours of work, will be given to the eligible registered post graduates
  • Thus, they can earn upto Rs 9,000 per month
  • The scheme got overwhelming response from the applicants. By 28.02.2017, 18624 applicants have registered on the portal, and the eligible persons out of these will get the benefit of the scheme.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

  • Goods and Services Tax (GST), a uniform nation-wide IT driven Indirect Tax system, is a major Taxation reform in the country, likely to be implemented from 1st July 2017. This uniform taxation law, across States and different sectors, would make supply of goods and services hassle-free throughout the country. This tax reform would make the concept of “One Nation One Tax” a reality.
  • In 2017-18, revenue from VAT is likely to be about Rs 8500 crore in first quarter and about Rs 22000 crore from the second to fourth quarters of fiscal 2017-18 from GST, indicating the Growth rate of 15.5 per cent over RE of 2016-17. Besides, resources of Rs 6100crore from State Excise Duty, Rs 3900 crore from Stamp & Registration Fee and Rs 2400 crore from tax on vehicles are expected to be mobilised.


Sectoral Allocations in 2017-18

  • agriculture and allied sectors (including Irrigation, Cooperation and Rural Electrification subsidy) is proposed to receive Rs 12784.72 crore
  • For Rural Development and Panchayats, an amount of Rs 4963.09 crore
  • Rs 15546.65 crore for Education sector (comprising Elementary, Secondary, Higher, Technical Education, Industrial Training, Sports, Art and Culture)
  • Rs 3839.90 crore for Health and Family Welfare
  • Rs 6859.55 crore for Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, and Welfare of SCs and BCs
  • Rs 12685.71 crore for Power sector
  • Rs 3382.84 crore for Public Health Engineering
  • Rs 399.88 crore for Development Of Industries and Minerals
  • Rs 4973.58 crore for Urban Development and
  • Rs 400 crore for District Plan.
  • Rs 6859.55 crore for Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, and Welfare of SCs and BCs
  • Rs 12685.71 crore for Power sector
  • Rs 3382.84 crore for Public Health Engineering
  • Rs 2549.81 crore For Transport sector.
  • Rs 3827.70 crore For Buildings & Roads sector
  • Earmarked an outlay of Rs 7230 crore, being 20.15 per cent of the development schemes outlay of Rs 35885 crore, for the welfare of schedule castes under SCSP component in 2017-18


State of the economy – Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)

GSDP at constant prices (2011-12) has registered a high growth of 9.0 per cent in 2015-16 as compared to 5.7 per cent in 2014-15

In 2016-17, GSDP is growing at 8.7 per cent, and expected to rebound to 9 per cent plus growth in 2017-18

GSDP growth rate had never touched 9 per cent during the last five years of the previous regime. It was 7.4 per cent in 2010-11, 8.0 per cent in 2011-12, 7.7 per cent in 2012-13, 8.2 per cent in 2013-14 and as low as 5.7 per cent in 2014-15. The GSDP growth rate has remained significantly higher than the all-India GDP growth during the tenure of the present government.

Per capita income (PCI) growth rate was 4.0 per cent as compared to the All India figure of 5.8 per cent in 2014-15. The per capita income growth rebounded to 7.5 percent in 2015-16 as against All India figure of 6.6 per cent. In 2016-17, PCI is expected to show a growth rate of 7.2 per cent while All India PCI is expected to grow at 5.9 per cent

Primary Sector (agriculture and allied sectors), registered negative growth of 2 percent in 2014-15, rebound to growth rate of 3.2 percent in 2015-16. In 2016-17, it is estimated to grow at 7.0 percent

Secondary Sector (Industry) had shown a robust growth of 7.7 percent in 2015-16 as against only 2.3 percent in 2014-15. In 2016-17, 6.1 percent is the estimated growth for this sector.

Tertiary (services) sector has shown an impressive growth rate of 10.9 percent in 2015-16 as compared to 10.3 percent in 2014-15. In 2016-17, the growth rate of the sector is expected to be 10.8 percent

Share of services sector had increased from 49.6 percent in 2014-15 to 50.7 percent in 2015-16 and further to 51.7 percent in 2016-17

Share of secondary sector remains more or less constant in the range of 30 to 31 per cent during the last three years

Share of primary sector has shown a declining trend from 19.3 percent in 2014-15 to 18.3 percent in 2015-16 and further to 18.1 percent in 2016-17.


Fiscal Parameters

In 2014-15, the Revenue Deficit was 1.90 per cent of GSDP, had declined to 1.60 per cent in 2015-16 and in 2016-17, it is likely to be 1.33 percent. For the fiscal 2017-18, it is expected to further down to less than one per cent and by the end of 2019-20, target is to bring it down to zero.

Fiscal Deficit has remained within the stipulated limit of 3 percent of GSDP prescribed by the Fourteenth Finance Commission for the States. In 2015-16, fiscal deficit of the State was 2.92 percent of GSDP, while in 2016-17 it is expected to be 2.49 percent of GSDP. For the next year, it is likely to be in the range of 2.61 (without UDAY) to 2.84

Interest payment to Total Revenue Receipts ratio was 16.98 percent in 2014-15, increased to 17.42 percent in 2015-16. However, it has declined to 15.94 percent in 2016-17. Projected around 16.36 percent for 2017-18


Capital Expenditure

As against the total capital expenditure of Rs 6780.12 crore in 2015-16, it increased by 9.6 percent to Rs 7432 crore at RE 2016-17. For the next fiscal 2017-18, it is proposed to double it to Rs 14932 crore, over RE 2016-17.

In addition, capital expenditure to the tune of Rs 4725 crore is likely to be incurred by public sector units in 2017-18. Hence, total capital expenditure is estimated to be Rs 19657 crore in 2017-18.


Rural Urban Classification

Women and Child Department – 87 per cent (Rs 1050.52 crore)

Social Justice and Empowerment Department – 70 per cent (Rs 2947 crore) Welfare of SC and BCs – 43 per cent (Rs 331 crore)

Public Health Engineering Department – 38 per cent (Rs 513) crore)

Electronics and IT Department–33 per cent (Rs 28 crore) and

Higher Education Department 17 per cent (Rs 288 crore) in rural areas.

Needless to say, that bulk of the allocation made to Agriculture Department, Panchayats and Rural Development and Irrigation Department are meant for rural areas.

It is expected that in the next financial year, the allocation for rural areas will further get a boost.

Identify the expenditure incurred by 8 Departments in rural areas in 2016-17.

Elementary Education is estimated to spend its 91 per cent outlay (Rs 7296 crore)

Secondary Education is likely to spend 88 per cent (Rs 3870 crore)


Review of Public Sector Enterprises:

Out of 22 PSEs registered under the Companies Act, 1956, 15 PSEs earned a net profit of Rs 299.85 crore in 2015-16 as compared to 13 PSEs in 2013-14.

The profit earned by these 13 PSEs was Rs 803.92 crore.

The number of loss making PSEs reduced to six in 2015-16 from nine in 2013-14.

The losses reduced drastically by 78.67 per cent to Rs 811.63 crore in 2015-16 from Rs 3806.38 crore in 2013-14.

19 PSEs registered under the Cooperative Societies Act have also been able to reduce losses, thereby showing sign of improvement.

Number of PSEs that were under losses reduced to 11 in 2015-16 from 13 in 2013-14 and the losses reduced to Rs 407.70 crore in 2015-16 as compared to Rs 435.39 crore in 2013-14

Number of profit making PSEs increased from five to six. The total accumulated profit rose from Rs 451.07 crore in 2013-14 to Rs 468.02 crore in 2015-16.

The performance of five PSEs registered under special statutes have also considerably improved as these PSEs have been able to reduce their losses drastically to Rs 39.43 crore in 2015-16 from Rs 398.79 crore in 2013-14.


Sectoral Allocation

Agriculture and Allied Sector

An allocation of Rs 3206.01 crore for agriculture and allied activities in 2017-18 as against Rs 2698.80 crore at RE 2016-17, an increase of 18.79 per cent.

This includes outlay of Rs 1516.01 crore for agriculture, Rs 746.88 crore for Animal Husbandry, Rs 396.93 crore for Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture, Rs 457.62 crore for forests and Rs 88.57 crore for Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries.

Irrigation and Water Resources

Increase in outlay for Irrigation and water resources by 13.62 percent from Rs 2397.68 crore in RE 2016-17 to Rs 2724.26 crore for 2017-18.

Rural Development

An allocation of Rs 4963.09 crore in BE 2017-18 for Rural Development, Community Development and Panchayats, a historic increase of 56.69 per cent over Rs 3167.55 crore at RE 2016-17.


Outlay of Rs 3839.90 crore in 2017-18 for health and family welfare, an increase of 15.52 percent over the RE 2016-17 of Rs 3323.95 crore


A total outlay of Rs 14005 crore for Education (Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education) in BE 2017-18 against the RE 2016-17 of Rs 11825.67 crore, showing an increase of 18.43 per cent

Technical Education

An outlay of Rs 487.84 crore for the Technical Education Department in BE 2017-18

Skill development and Industrial Training

An outlay of Rs 487.39 crore for the Skill Development and Industrial Training Department in BE 2017-18

Sports and Youth Affairs

An outlay of Rs 535.36 crore for sports and Youth Affairs in BE 2017-18 against the RE 2016-17 of Rs 336.49 crore, showing an increase of 59.10 per cent


A historic agreement has been signed by the Haryana Government with the Ministry of Railways for improving railway Network in State of Haryana by forming a Joint Venture Company to mobilize additional resources for undertaking new railway lines and modernization of railway stations. For this sufficient funds are being provided in the Budget.

Solar Energy

An outlay of Rs 112.50 crore for Non-Conventional Energy Department which is 154.18 per cent higher than the last year’s RE outlay of Rs 44.26 crore


Public Health Engineering

An increase of 16.39 per cent in the outlay of the Public Health Engineering Department from Rs 2906.52 crore in RE 2016-17 to Rs 3382.84 crore in 2017-18


Rs 2459.70 crore for the Transport Department vis-a vis RE 2016-17 outlay of Rs 2291.31 crore, an increase of 7.35 per cent


An outlay of Rs 399.88 crore in BE 2017-18 for Industries and Minerals, which is 8.96 per cent higher than RE 2016-17 of Rs 366.99 crore.

Electronics and Information Technology

Rs 125.56 crore for BE 2017-18 for the Department of IT & Electronics which is 41.57 per cent higher than RE of Rs 88.69 crore during 2016-17.

Tourism and Culture

An outlay of Rs 72.14 crore in 2017-18 for Tourism

Welfare of SCs, BCs and Old Age Persons

Rs 736.84 crore for Welfare of SCs and BCs Department, increase of 7.4 per cent over BE 2016-17 and Rs 4875.47 crore for Social Justice and Empowerment Department, increase of 16 per cent over 2016-17 BE.

Women and Child Development

Rs 1247.24 crore in 2017-18 that is 23.53 per cent higher as compared to Rs 1009.66 crore in RE 2016-17.

District Plan Scheme

An outlay of Rs 400 crore under District Plan,

The Haryana budget for 2023-24 is a balanced budget with a revenue deficit of Rs. 2,000 crore, which is 2.5% of the GSDP. The budget has allocated Rs. 1,000 crore for agriculture and allied sectors, Rs. 16,000 crore for infrastructure, Rs. 10,000 crore for the social sector, Rs. 8,000 crore for industry and commerce, Rs. 6,000 crore for energy, Rs. 5,000 crore for water resources, Rs. 4,000 crore for housing, Rs. 3,000 crore for tourism, Rs. 2,000 crore for IT and electronics, Rs. 1,000 crore for science and technology, Rs. 500 crore for sports and youth affairs, Rs. 2,000 crore for general administration, and Rs. 6,000 crore for debt servicing.

The budget has a number of key features, including:

  • A focus on agriculture and allied sectors, with a view to increasing productivity and incomes of farmers.
  • A focus on infrastructure, with a view to improving connectivity and providing basic amenities to citizens.
  • A focus on the social sector, with a view to improving education, health, and other social services.
  • A focus on industry and commerce, with a view to promoting Investment and job creation.
  • A focus on energy, with a view to ensuring adequate and affordable power supply.
  • A focus on water resources, with a view to ensuring water security for the state.
  • A focus on housing, with a view to providing affordable housing to all citizens.
  • A focus on tourism, with a view to promoting tourism and generating EMPLOYMENT.
  • A focus on IT and electronics, with a view to promoting IT and electronics industries and creating jobs.
  • A focus on science and technology, with a view to promoting research and development and innovation.
  • A focus on sports and youth affairs, with a view to promoting sports and providing opportunities for youth development.
  • A focus on general administration, with a view to ensuring efficient and effective governance.
  • A focus on debt servicing, with a view to ensuring that the state’s debt is sustainable.

The budget is expected to have a positive impact on the state’s economy and Society. It is expected to boost agricultural production, improve infrastructure, provide quality education and healthcare, create jobs, and promote investment. The budget is also expected to help the state achieve its goal of becoming a developed state by 2025.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the main features of budgets of Haryana:

  1. What is the budget of Haryana for the financial year 2022-23?
    The budget of Haryana for the financial year 2022-23 is Rs. 2,46,000 crore.

  2. What are the major highlights of the budget?
    The major highlights of the budget include:

  3. An increase in the allocation for agriculture and allied sectors by 10%
  4. A new scheme for the development of rural infrastructure
  5. A new scheme for the promotion of Entrepreneurship among women
  6. A new scheme for the development of sports infrastructure

  7. What are the implications of the budget for the people of Haryana?
    The budget has a number of positive implications for the people of Haryana. These include:

  8. Increased investment in agriculture and allied sectors
  9. Improved rural infrastructure
  10. Increased opportunities for women entrepreneurs
  11. Improved sports infrastructure

  12. What are the challenges that the government of Haryana will face in implementing the budget?
    The government of Haryana will face a number of challenges in implementing the budget. These include:

  13. The need to ensure that the increased investment in agriculture and allied sectors leads to increased production and productivity
  14. The need to ensure that the improved rural infrastructure is used effectively by the people
  15. The need to ensure that the increased opportunities for women entrepreneurs are taken up by women
  16. The need to ensure that the improved sports infrastructure is used effectively by the people

  17. What are your views on the budget?
    I believe that the budget is a good one. It has a number of positive implications for the people of Haryana. However, the government of Haryana will face a number of challenges in implementing the budget. I hope that the government will be able to overcome these challenges and deliver on its promises.

  1. The budget of Haryana is prepared by the:
    (a) Finance Department of Haryana
    (b) Planning Department of Haryana
    (c) Economic Affairs Department of Haryana
    (d) None of the above

  2. The budget of Haryana is presented in the:
    (a) Haryana Legislative Assembly
    (b) Haryana Legislative Council
    (c) Both Haryana Legislative Assembly and Haryana Legislative Council
    (d) None of the above

  3. The budget of Haryana is for a period of:
    (a) One year
    (b) Two years
    (c) Three years
    (d) Five years

  4. The budget of Haryana is divided into:
    (a) Revenue Budget and Capital Budget
    (b) Revenue budget and expenditure budget
    (c) Capital budget and expenditure budget
    (d) None of the above

  5. The revenue budget of Haryana includes:
    (a) Taxes
    (b) Non-taxes
    (c) Loans
    (d) All of the above

  6. The capital budget of Haryana includes:
    (a) Capital expenditure
    (b) Loans
    (c) Borrowings
    (d) All of the above

  7. The main sources of revenue of Haryana are:
    (a) Taxes
    (b) Non-taxes
    (c) Loans
    (d) All of the above

  8. The main items of expenditure of Haryana are:
    (a) Salaries and pensions
    (b) Interest payments
    (c) Subsidies
    (d) All of the above

  9. The fiscal deficit of Haryana is:
    (a) The difference between the revenue receipts and the Revenue Expenditure of the state
    (b) The difference between the capital receipts and the capital expenditure of the state
    (c) The difference between the total receipts and the total expenditure of the state
    (d) None of the above

  10. The debt of Haryana is:
    (a) The total amount of Money that the state owes
    (b) The total amount of money that the state has borrowed
    (c) The total amount of money that the state has spent
    (d) None of the above