Local and regional movements as part of freedom struggle

Local and regional movements as part of freedom struggle

Malabar Rebellion 

The non – co – operation movement was in full swing during this period of time.It was particularly strong in Malabar, where the Moppilas were agitated over the Khilafat issue.The Gandhian movement had a tremendous impact in Kerala, with large numbers joining the satyagrapha campaign.Gandhiji visited Malabar in 1921, giving a further impetus to the movement.Khilafat Committees sprang up in large numbers and the Fraternity between the Hindus and Muslims, through the work in Congress-Khilafat Committees, was a truly remarkable feature of the non-cooperation movement in Kerala, in its early stages.The speed with which the Khilafat agitation spread, especially in the Eranad and Valluvanad taluks, created alarm in official circles.A perplexed officialdom clamped down prohibitory orders in the two taluks.

Meetings were banned and many people were arrested in the name of law and order.A tragic episode then ensued, namely the Moppila Rebellion or the Malabar Rebellion of 1921.Police attempted to arrest the secretary of the Khilafat Committee of Pokottur in Eranad on a charge of having stolen a pistol.A crowd of 2000 Moppilas from the neighbourhood foiled the attempt.The next day, a police party in search of Khilafat rebels entered the famous Mambaram mosque at Tirurangadi.They seized some records and arrested a few Khilafat volunteers.A rumour spread that the mosque was desecrated.Hundreds of rustic Moppilas converged on Tirurangadi and besieged the local police station. The police opened fire.The mob reacted in a mad fury.Violence spread and engulfed Eranad and Valluvanad taluks and neighbouring areas for over two months.Congress leaders tried in vain to check the violence.Towards the later stages of the rebellion, owing to unfounded rumour of Hindus having helped the police or sought police help, there were instances of atrocities perpetrated on Hindus.This marred the relations between the two communities. Meanwhile British and Gurkha regiments were rushed to the area.Martial law was clamped.A series of repressive measures followed and by November, the rebellion was practically crushed.Relief operations in the ravaged areas, undertaken mostly by voluntary agencies which received help and funds from Gandhiji, lasted for over six months.

Bardoli satyagraha

Quite like Kheda peasant struggle, the Bardoli (Surat, Gujarat) move­ment was also a no-tax movement. It would not be wrong to say that the Bardoli satyagraha of the peasants was the child of the non-coop­eration movement started by Gandhiji.  Gandhiji selected Bardoli as a suitable place for launching civil disobedience campaign because the place had witnessed and participated in the constructive work. D.N. Dhanagare has sketched a portrait of the socio-economic background of Bardoli. He says that Patidars were the dominant cultivators in Surat taluka.

The Bardoli satyagraha was launched in mid-February 1928. By July all noon-agriculturists’ holdings were forfeited by the govern­ment. Out of the land taken over about one tenth was sold. As regards the cultivating landowners, 50,000 acres of land were forfeited though not sold. The movement thus became serious during the months of April and May.

chittagong armoury raid

The Chittagong armoury raid, also known as the Chittagong uprising, was an attempt on 18 April 1930 to raid the armoury of police and auxiliary forces from the Chittagong armoury in the Bengal Presidency of British India (now in Bangladesh) by armed Indian independence fighters led by Surya Sen.

The raiders were members of revolutionary groups who favoured armed uprisings as a means to achieve India’s independence from British colonial rule. They were inspired by the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland and led by Surya Sen. However, they were ideologically influenced more by the Communists in Soviet Russia. Many of these raiders later became Communists. The group included Ganesh Ghosh, Lokenath Bal, Ambika Chakrobarty, Harigopal Bal (Tegra), Ananta Singh, Anand Prasad Gupta, Tripura Sen, Bidhubhusan Bhattacharya, Pritilata Waddedar, Kalpana Dutta, Himangshu Sen, Binod Bihari Chowdhury, Subodh Roy, Monoranjan Bhattacharya.

The plan was put into action at 10 p.m. on 18 April 1930. The police armoury (in Police Line in Dampara) was captured by a group of revolutionaries led by Ganesh Ghosh, while another group of ten men led by Lokenath Bal took the Auxiliary Forces armoury (now the old Circuit House). Some 65 people took part in the raid, undertaken in the name of Indian Republican Army, Chittagong Branch. They failed to locate ammunition but did succeed in cutting telephone and telegraph wires and disrupting train movements.

About 16 of the group captured the European club’s headquarters (in Pahartali, now the Railway Office next to Shahjahan Field) but there were few club members present because of it being Good Friday. Upon Learning of the situation, the Europeans were able to get the alarm out to troops, which the revolutionaries had not expected. After the raids, the revolutionaries gathered outside the police armoury, where Sen took a military salute, hoisted a National Flag, and proclaimed a Provisional Revolutionary Government. The revolutionaries left Chittagong town before dawn and marched towards the Chittagong hill ranges, looking for a safe place to hide.

Eka movement

Eka Movement or Unity Movement is a peasant movement which surfaced in Hardoi, Bahraich and Sitapur during the end of 1921 by Madari Pasi, an offshoot of Non Cooperation Movement. The initial thrust was given by the leaders of Congress and Khilafat movement. The main reason for the movement was high rent, which was generally higher than 50% of recorded rent in some areas. Oppression by thikadhars who were entrusted to collect rent and practice of share rent also contributed to this movement.

The Eka meetings were marked by a religious ritual in which a hole that represented River Ganga was dug in the ground and filled with water, a priest was brought in to preside and assembled peasants vowed that they would pay only recorded rent but pay it on time, would not leave when ejected, would refuse to do forced labour, would give no help to criminals and abide by the Panchayat decisions, they would not pay the revenue without receipt and would remain united under any circumstance. Small zamindars who were disenchanted with British Government due to heavy land revenue demand were also a part of this movement.  Soon the Leadership of Movement changed from Congress to Madari Pasi, a low caste leader who was not inclined to accept non-violence. This led the movement losing contact with nationalist class.Because in this the national leader was Mahatma Gandhi and his ideology was based on none violence.  By March 1922, due to severe repression of British the Eka Movement came to an end.,

The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, also known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the First War of Indian Independence, the Indian Mutiny, or the Sepoy Revolt, was a major uprising in India against British rule. The rebellion began on 10 May 1857 with the mutiny of the 3rd Bengal Native Infantry at Meerut, and spread rapidly to other parts of northern India. The rebels were motivated by a variety of factors, including religious and economic grievances, as well as resentment of British rule. The rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a profound impact on the course of Indian history.

The Revolt of 1857 in Awadh was a major uprising in the Indian state of Awadh (now part of Uttar Pradesh) against British rule. The revolt began on 10 May 1857, the same day as the Sepoy Mutiny, and was led by the Nawab of Awadh, Wajid Ali Shah. The rebels were motivated by a variety of factors, including religious and economic grievances, as well as resentment of British rule. The revolt was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a profound impact on the course of Indian history.

The Santhal Rebellion of 1855 was a major uprising by the Santhal people of India against British rule. The rebellion began on 30 June 1855, and was led by Sidhu and Kanhu Murmu. The rebels were motivated by a variety of factors, including economic grievances, as well as resentment of British rule. The rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a profound impact on the course of Indian history.

The Kuka Rebellion of 1871 was a major uprising by the Kuka people of India against British rule. The rebellion began on 10 January 1871, and was led by Balak Singh. The rebels were motivated by a variety of factors, including religious and economic grievances, as well as resentment of British rule. The rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a profound impact on the course of Indian history.

The Deccan Riots of 1875 were a series of riots that took place in the Deccan region of India. The riots were motivated by a variety of factors, including religious and economic grievances, as well as resentment of British rule. The riots were ultimately unsuccessful, but they had a profound impact on the course of Indian history.

The Indigo Revolt of 1859 was a major uprising by indigo farmers in India against British rule. The rebellion began on 18 July 1859, and was led by Bishnu Biswas. The rebels were motivated by a variety of factors, including economic grievances, as well as resentment of British rule. The rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a profound impact on the course of Indian history.

The Champaran Satyagraha of 1917 was a major protest movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in the Champaran district of Bihar, India. The protest was against the British government’s forced cultivation of indigo by Indian farmers. The protest was successful in getting the British government to abolish the practice of forced cultivation.

The Kheda Satyagraha of 1918 was a major protest movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in the Kheda district of Gujarat, India. The protest was against the British government’s high taxes on farmers. The protest was successful in getting the British government to reduce the taxes.

The Non-Cooperation Movement of 1920-22 was a major protest movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in India. The movement was against the British government’s policies in India. The movement was successful in getting the British government to release political prisoners and to grant some concessions to Indians.

The Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930-32 was a major protest movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in India. The movement was against the British government’s salt monopoly. The movement was successful in getting the British government to abolish the salt monopoly.

The Quit India Movement of 1942 was a major protest movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in India. The movement was against the British government’s continued rule in India. The movement was successful in getting the British government to agree to Indian independence.

These are just some of the local and regional movements that took place in India as part of the freedom struggle. These movements were important in shaping the course of Indian history and in leading to the eventual independence of India.

Local and regional movements were an important part of the Indian freedom struggle. They played a vital role in mobilizing people and raising awareness about the need for independence. Some of the most important local and regional movements include:

  • The Non-Cooperation Movement: This movement was launched in 1920 by Mahatma Gandhi. It called for Indians to boycott British goods and institutions. The movement was successful in mobilizing millions of people and bringing the British Raj to its knees.
  • The Civil Disobedience Movement: This movement was launched in 1930 by Mahatma Gandhi. It called for Indians to disobey British laws and regulations. The movement was successful in further weakening the British Raj and bringing India closer to independence.
  • The Quit India Movement: This movement was launched in 1942 by Mahatma Gandhi. It called for the British to leave India immediately. The movement was successful in uniting Indians against the British and bringing about India’s independence in 1947.

These are just a few of the many local and regional movements that took place during the Indian freedom struggle. These movements played a vital role in the struggle for independence and helped to shape the modern Indian nation.

Here are some frequently asked questions about local and regional movements as part of the freedom struggle:

  1. What were the main goals of local and regional movements?

The main goals of local and regional movements were to:

  • Mobilize people and raise awareness about the need for independence.
  • Boycott British goods and institutions.
  • Disobey British laws and regulations.
  • Unite Indians against the British.

  • What were some of the most important local and regional movements?

Some of the most important local and regional movements include:

  • The Non-Cooperation Movement (1920)
  • The Civil Disobedience Movement (1930)
  • The Quit India Movement (1942)

  • What was the impact of local and regional movements on the freedom struggle?

Local and regional movements had a significant impact on the freedom struggle. They played a vital role in mobilizing people, raising awareness, and bringing about India’s independence.

  1. What are some of the challenges faced by local and regional movements?

Some of the challenges faced by local and regional movements include:

  • Lack of Resources
  • Lack of coordination
  • Lack of support from the British government

  • What are some of the successes of local and regional movements?

Some of the successes of local and regional movements include:

  • Mobilizing millions of people
  • Raising awareness about the need for independence
  • Weakening the British Raj
  • Bringing India closer to independence

  • What are some of the lessons learned from local and regional movements?

Some of the lessons learned from local and regional movements include:

  • The importance of mobilization
  • The importance of raising awareness
  • The importance of unity
  • The importance of perseverance
  1. The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885. Who was its first president?
    (A) Dadabhai Naoroji
    (B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
    (C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
    (D) Mahatma Gandhi

  2. The Swadeshi movement was started in 1905. What was its main objective?
    (A) To boycott British goods
    (B) To promote Indian industries
    (C) To overthrow British rule
    (D) To achieve self-government

  3. The Non-Cooperation Movement was launched in 1920. Who was its leader?
    (A) Mahatma Gandhi
    (B) Jawaharlal Nehru
    (C) Subhash Chandra Bose
    (D) Vallabhbhai Patel

  4. The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched in 1930. What was its main objective?
    (A) To achieve swaraj
    (B) To abolish the salt monopoly
    (C) To boycott British goods
    (D) To overthrow British rule

  5. The Quit India Movement was launched in 1942. What was its main objective?
    (A) To achieve swaraj
    (B) To overthrow British rule
    (C) To divide India into two independent nations
    (D) To achieve a united India

  6. The Indian National Army was formed in 1942. Who was its leader?
    (A) Subhash Chandra Bose
    (B) Mohan Singh
    (C) Shah Nawaz Khan
    (D) Jatin Das

  7. The Partition of India took place in 1947. What were the two new nations that were created?
    (A) India and Pakistan
    (B) India and Bangladesh
    (C) India and Sri Lanka
    (D) India and Nepal

  8. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. Who was his assassin?
    (A) Nathuram Godse
    (B) Rajguru
    (C) Sukhdev Thapar
    (D) Vishnu Karkare

  9. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India in 1947. Who was the President of India at that time?
    (A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    (B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
    (C) Dr. Zakir Hussain
    (D) V.V. Giri

  10. India became a republic in 1950. What is the name of the Constitution of India?
    (A) The Indian Constitution
    (B) The Constitution of India, 1950
    (C) The Constitution of India, 1949
    (D) The Constitution of India, 1947