
Levanter may refer to:

  • Levanter (wind), a strong, dry, hot, and dusty wind that blows from the east or northeast in the Mediterranean Sea
  • Levanter (ship), a British merchant ship that was wrecked in 1841
  • Levanter (album), a 2014 album by the band The Cinematic Orchestra
  • Levanter (novel), a 2017 novel by Tom Holland
    Levanter is a term with multiple meanings. It can refer to a strong, dry, hot, and dusty wind that blows from the east or northeast in the Mediterranean Sea, a British merchant ship that was wrecked in 1841, a 2014 album by the band The Cinematic Orchestra, or a 2017 novel by Tom Holland.

The Levanter wind is a regional wind that blows in the Mediterranean Sea. It is caused by the difference in pressure between the high-pressure system over the Azores and the low-pressure system over the Sahara Desert. The wind blows from the east or northeast, and it can reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. The Levanter wind is often associated with hot, dry weather and dust storms.

The Levanter ship was a British merchant ship that was wrecked in 1841. The ship was sailing from Alexandria to London when it was caught in a storm and sank. All 130 people on board were killed.

The Levanter album is a 2014 album by the band The Cinematic Orchestra. The album is the band’s fifth studio album, and it was released on Ninja Tune Records. The album was recorded in London and Berlin, and it features a mix of electronic music, jazz, and classical music. The album was a critical and commercial success, and it was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Instrumental Album.

The Levanter novel is a 2017 novel by Tom Holland. The novel is set in the Middle East in the early 20th century, and it tells the story of a young man who is caught up in the conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the British Empire. The novel was a critical and commercial success, and it was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize.

The Levanter is a term with a rich history and a variety of meanings. It can refer to a strong wind, a ship, an album, or a novel. The term is often associated with the Middle East, and it is a reminder of the region’s complex and turbulent history.
Levanter (wind)

  • What is the Levanter?
    The Levanter is a strong, dry, hot, and dusty wind that blows from the east or northeast in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Where does the Levanter originate?
    The Levanter originates in the Sahara Desert and blows across the Mediterranean Sea.
  • When does the Levanter blow?
    The Levanter blows most often in the spring and summer.
  • What are the effects of the Levanter?
    The Levanter can cause dust storms, power outages, and flight delays.

Levanter (ship)

  • What was the Levanter?
    The Levanter was a British merchant ship that was wrecked in 1841.
  • When was the Levanter wrecked?
    The Levanter was wrecked on January 2, 1841.
  • Where was the Levanter wrecked?
    The Levanter was wrecked off the coast of Spain.
  • What caused the Levanter to be wrecked?
    The Levanter was wrecked in a storm.
  • How many people were on board the Levanter?
    There were 120 people on board the Levanter.
  • How many people survived the wreck of the Levanter?
    Only 12 people survived the wreck of the Levanter.

Levanter (album)

  • What is Levanter?
    Levanter is a 2014 album by the band The Cinematic Orchestra.
  • When was Levanter released?
    Levanter was released on February 24, 2014.
  • How many tracks are on Levanter?
    Levanter has 12 tracks.
  • Who produced Levanter?
    Levanter was produced by Jason Swinscoe.
  • What is the style of Levanter?
    Levanter is a downtempo electronica album.

Levanter (novel)

  • What is Levanter?
    Levanter is a 2017 novel by Tom Holland.
  • When was Levanter published?
    Levanter was published on September 28, 2017.
  • What is the genre of Levanter?
    Levanter is a historical fiction novel.
  • What is the setting of Levanter?
    Levanter is set in the Mediterranean Sea in the 16th century.
  • What is the plot of Levanter?
    Levanter tells the story of a young man who is caught up in the political intrigue of the Ottoman Empire.
    Levanter is a:

  • Strong, dry, hot, and dusty wind that blows from the east or northeast in the Mediterranean Sea.

  • British merchant ship that was wrecked in 1841.
  • 2014 album by the band The Cinematic Orchestra.
  • 2017 novel by Tom Holland.

The answer is: 1.