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Styles of learning, Models of memory, Causes of forgetting.




Style of Learning




Learning styles are the different ways people interpret, organize and represent information. For example, some people learn best by having information presented to them in audio form, such as in a classroom lecture or audio book. Others need hands-on experience or real-world contexts to fully grasp a new concept.


There are seven types of learning styles which are as flows:-


  1. Visual (Spatial) : These people prefer to use pictures, images, diagrams, colors and mind maps.


  1. Physical (Kinesthetic) : These people are the “learn by doing” people that use their body to assist in their learning, Drawing diagrams, using physical objects or role playing are all strategies of the Physical learner.



  1. Aural (auditory-musical) : People who prefer using Sound,  rhythms, music, recordings, clever rhymes and so on.


  1. Verbal ( Linguistic) : The verbal learner is someone who prefers using words, both in speech an in writing to assist in their learning. They make the most of word based techniques, scripting and reading content aloud.



  1. Logical (Mathematical) : The people who prefer using logic, reasoning and “systems” to explain or understand concepts. They aim to understand the reasons behind the learning, and have a good ability to understand the bigger picture.


  1. Social (Interpersonal) : These people are the ones who enjoys learning in groups or with other people, and aim to work with others as much as possible.



  1. Solitary (Intrapersonal): The solitary learners prefer to learn alone and through self-study.




A frequently-mentioned learning style model is the VAK/VARK model proposed by Neil Fleming in 1992, which divides people into visual, auditory, read/write or kinaesthetic learners.


Models of Memory



Memory refers to the set of processes involved in storing information. This specific

process is termed as retention. Memory can be defined as a perceptually active mental

system that receives, encodes, modifies, and retrieves information. one can not directly

observe the process of memory. It can be studied indirectly by measuring retention.

Three basic methods of measuring retention are : Recall, Recognition, and Relearning.


Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) suggest that memory is made up of a series of and describe memory in terms of information flowing through a system.


Accordingly, it can be described as an information processing model (like a computer) with an input, process and output.



Psychologist Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) suggests that memory is made up of a series of stores (see below), and describe memory in terms of information flowing through a system.

Accordingly, it can be described as an information processing model (like a computer) with an input, process and output.


Sensory input – Sensory memory- Short term memoryLong term memory


He has discovered that memory is not a single or unitary system. It has

more than one distinct system. In other words, there are more than one type of memory.

According to the most acceptable model of memory, there are three major systems

of memory : Sensory Memory; Short-Term Memory (STM), and Long-Term Memory

(LTM). Information moves successively through these three systems if attention is

given to the material. If attention (focused awareness) is not given, information does

not move further into the system.




Sensory Memory :


A clear visual image of any object will last in sensory memory for about

half a second after the stimulus is removed. Sensory memory holds representations

of sensory input for very brief periods of time, depending upon the modality involved.

There are different sensory registers for each of the senses.



Short-Term Memory (STM) :


It holds relatively small amounts of information for brief periods of time, usually 30

secondsor less. This is the memory system that when look up the phone number

dial it. If it connected on the first instance the telephone number is forgotten.

However, if the line engaged for some time and keep on dialing the number

and through repeated dialing rehearsal of the telephone number it is pushed to the

long-term memory (LTM) storage.


However, it has been found that short-term storage is more than a passive “holding

area” (e.g. holding a telephone number). On the contrary, it involves active processing

of information. This finding has led psychologists to use the term working memory.

It means that something active goes on during the short-term memory.


Long – Term Memory (LTM) :


 It refers to the memory system for the retention of

Large amounts of information for long periods of time. It is the memory system that

permits to remember events that happened many years ago, yesterday, last year,

and so on. It is the long-term memory that allows us to remember factual information

making it possible for us to learn different subjects, appear for examinations and

communicate with others. It brings continuity and meaning to our life.


When human pay attention to a piece of information and engage in active rehearsal the

Material is stored in the long-term memory (LTM). Information in the sensory memory

Enters short-term memory when it becomes the focus of the attention. If person does not

pay attention to the incoming sensory information, the material fades and quickly

Disappears. One has to pay attention to certain information and not to the other.

Paying attention to certain aspects of the world is what we call. “selective attention”.

The information from STM is often rehearsed by us. This rehearsal helps the transfer

of that information from STM to LTM.




In recent years psychologists have conceptualized memory into four types as given



Semantic : This deals with knowledge, meaning and generalized experiences. What

ever we remember from books and information about world events and meanings of

words are included in it.


Episodic : It refers to the experiences which are personal to an individual. You do

so many things in a day. They are your unique experiences. Memory of such

experiences is accessible by you only. They are part of your episodic memory.


Procedural : This deals with memory for actions or ways of doing certain things or

performing certain activities.


Meta Memory : It is memory for your memory. We not only remember things but

also remember that we can remember. People may be good or poor in understanding

their own memories.



Causes of Forgetting


Forgetting is the inability to remember. Psychologists generally use the term forgetting to refer to the apparent loss of information already encoded and stored in long- term memory.


The main causes of forgetting are :


1 Retrieval Faliue

2 Ineffective Encoding

3 Interference

4 Decay or Fading

5Motivated Forgetting

6 Amnesia


    1. Retrival Faliure


The inability to retrieve a memory is one of the most common causes of forgetting. Retrieval failure is the failure to recall a memory due to missing stimuli or cues that were present at the time the memory was encoded. With retrieval failure, the information still exists in memory, but just not readily without specific cues. A good retrieval cue will be consistent with the original encoding pf the information.


    1. Ineffective Encoding


The inability to remember information may sometimes have less to do with forgetting and more to do with the fact that is never made its way into long-term memory. This type of forgetting is caused because the person did not pay attention in the first palace. Encoding failure or ineffective coding may prevent information from entering long-term memory, and thus the information never being stored to be able to be retrieved at a later date.


    1. Interference


Interference occurs when information gets confused with other information in our long-term memory. The interference theory suggests that some memories compete and interfere with other memories, and that memory loss occurs when information stored either before or after a given memory hinders the ability to remember it. Essentially, cues for different memories may be too similar so a wrong memory gets retrieved.

There are two types of interference:


Proactive  (when newly learned information makes people forget old information)

Retroactive (When old information makes people forget newly learned information)


Proactive interference is when an old memory makes it more difficult to remember new information. Current information is lost because it is mixed with previously learned information that may be similar.

Retroactive interference occurs when new information interference with the abilty to remember previously leaned information. Basically it occurs whaen information works backwards to interference with earlier information, so previously learned information is lost because it is mixed up with new and somewhat similar information.


    1. Decay Theory (Fading)


The decay theory suggests that when something new is learned, a memory “trace” is formed in the brain and over time the trace begins to fade and disappear, unless it is occasionally used. With this theory if information is not occasionally retrieved, it will eventually be lost. The decay theory explains the loss of memories from sensory and short-term memory, but not from long term memory.

With the decay theory, when information fades from long-term memory, what really fades is the link to that information, not the information itself. The information is there, but we just cannot find it.



    1. Motivated Forgetting


The Motivated Forgetting theory suggests people forget because they push unpleasant thoughts and feeling deep into their unconscious. People may actively work to forget memories, especially those of traumatic or disturbing events or experience.

 The two basic forms of motivated forgetting are:


Suppression: a conscious form of forgetting.

Repression: an unconscious form of forgetting.



    1. Amnesia


The term amnesia refers to loss of memory. It is a kind of memory disorder which occurs from a loss of what has already been stored. There are two kinds of amnesia.


i. Psychological amnesia:


This kind of amnesia takes place as a result of major disturbances in the process of encoding, storage and retrieval. There are different kinds of psychological amnesia:


(ii) Biological amnesia:


This amnesia is caused due to abnormal functioning of brain. Such abnormality may be due to causes such as, a blow on the head, temporary disturbances in blood supply to brain, certain drugs like, marijuana, alcohol, brain diseases and some other damages to brain.

These problems may result in amnesia called transient global amnesia which is a profound memory loss.

It is called global because all the stored information is lost and no new memories can be formed during this state. There are two types of such amnesia


Anterograde amnesia in which there will be inability to store new information from after the incident, and

Retrograde amnesia in which there will be forgetting of the past memories before the incident.


Chronic alcoholism produce brain damage and leads to a disorder called Korsakoff syndrome in which memory loss is predominant. Arteriosclerosis and Senile dementia due to age and Alzheimer’s disease caused due to brain disease also cause amnesia.

In addition to these causes-passages of time, disuse, relative inactivity, absence of appropriate stimuli, obliterating memory stimuli, emotional shock, set or preparedness of the individual, meaningless material, etc. may also cause forgetting.





Learning is a lifelong process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It can take place in formal settings, such as schools and universities, or in informal settings, such as at home or in the workplace. There are many different theories about how learning takes place, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching and learning.

Some of the most common theories of learning include:

  • Active learning: This is a student-centered approach to learning that emphasizes participation and engagement. Active learners are actively involved in their own learning, and they take responsibility for their own progress.
  • Adaptive learning: This is a type of learning that adapts to the individual learner’s needs and abilities. Adaptive learning systems use Artificial Intelligence to provide personalized instruction that is tailored to each learner’s unique profile.
  • Blended learning: This is a combination of face-to-face instruction and online learning. Blended learning can be a more effective way to learn than either traditional face-to-face instruction or online learning alone.
  • Cognitive load theory: This theory suggests that there is a limit to how much information the human brain can process at any given time. Cognitive load theory can be used to design instruction that is more effective and efficient.
  • Constructivism: This is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of the learner in constructing their own knowledge. Constructivist learning environments provide opportunities for learners to actively explore and discover new information.
  • E-learning: This is a type of learning that takes place using electronic media, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. E-learning can be a more convenient and affordable way to learn than traditional face-to-face instruction.
  • Gamification: This is the use of game Elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, in non-game contexts. Gamification can be used to make learning more engaging and fun.
  • Human-computer interaction: This is the study of how humans interact with computers. Human-computer interaction research can be used to design more user-friendly and effective learning tools.
  • Instructional design: This is the process of planning and developing instructional materials and activities. Instructional design can be used to create more effective and efficient learning experiences.
  • Intelligent tutoring systems: These are computer-based systems that provide individualized instruction to learners. Intelligent tutoring systems can be used to provide more personalized and effective instruction than traditional face-to-face instruction.
  • Learning analytics: This is the use of data to understand and improve learning. Learning analytics can be used to track student progress, identify areas of need, and provide feedback to learners.
  • Learning management systems: These are Software applications that are used to deliver and manage online learning. Learning management systems can be used to create and deliver courses, track student progress, and provide feedback to learners.
  • Metacognition: This is the ability to think about one’s own thinking. Metacognition can be used to improve learning by helping learners to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning.
  • Mobile learning: This is a type of learning that takes place using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile learning can be a more convenient and flexible way to learn than traditional face-to-face instruction or online learning.
  • Motivation: This is the willingness to put forth effort to achieve a goal. Motivation is essential for learning, and there are many different factors that can influence motivation.
  • Problem-based learning: This is a type of learning that involves solving real-world problems. Problem-based learning can be a more engaging and effective way to learn than traditional lecture-based instruction.
  • Programmed instruction: This is a type of instruction that is based on the principles of behaviorism. Programmed instruction is typically delivered using a series of self-paced modules.
  • Reciprocal teaching: This is a cooperative learning strategy in which students take turns teaching each other. Reciprocal teaching can be an effective way to improve reading comprehension.
  • Self-regulated learning: This is the ability to control one’s own learning. Self-regulated learners are able to set goals, plan and monitor their learning, and evaluate their own progress.
  • Social learning theory: This theory suggests that learning takes place through observation and imitation of others. Social learning theory can be used to explain how people learn new behaviors and attitudes.
  • Situated learning: This is a theory of learning that emphasizes the importance of context in learning. Situated learning takes place in authentic contexts, and learners are able to apply what they learn to real-world situations.
  • Socratic method: This is a form of inquiry-based learning in which the teacher asks a series of questions to help the learner discover the answer for themselves. The Socratic method can be an effective way to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • **Spiral

What is the difference between learning and Education?

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.

What are the different types of learning?

There are many different types of learning, including:

  • Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to associate a stimulus with a response. For example, a dog might learn to associate the sound of a bell with food, and will start to salivate when it hears the bell.
  • Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to associate a behavior with a consequence. For example, a rat might learn to press a lever to get food, and will start to press the lever more often if it is rewarded for doing so.
  • Observational learning is a type of learning in which an organism learns by watching others. For example, a child might learn how to use a spoon by watching their parents eat.
  • Cognitive learning is a type of learning that involves changes in mental processes, such as thinking, memory, and problem-solving. For example, a student might learn how to solve a math problem by thinking about it in a different way.
  • Social learning is a type of learning that involves learning from others through interactions with them. For example, a child might learn how to behave by watching their parents and other adults.

What are the stages of learning?

There are many different models of the stages of learning, but one common model includes the following stages:

  • Unconscious incompetence is the stage in which a person is not aware of their lack of knowledge or skills.
  • Conscious incompetence is the stage in which a person is aware of their lack of knowledge or skills, and is actively trying to learn.
  • Conscious competence is the stage in which a person has learned the knowledge or skills, but they still have to think about what they are doing.
  • Unconscious competence is the stage in which a person has learned the knowledge or skills so well that they can do them without thinking about them.

What are the factors that affect learning?

There are many factors that can affect learning, including:

  • Age – People of different ages learn in different ways.
  • Intelligence – People with different levels of intelligence learn in different ways.
  • Motivation – People who are motivated to learn are more likely to be successful.
  • Previous experience – People who have had previous experience with a topic are more likely to learn it quickly.
  • Attitude – People who have a positive attitude towards learning are more likely to be successful.
  • Environment – The environment in which learning takes place can have a significant impact on learning.

What are the benefits of learning?

There are many benefits to learning, including:

  • Increased knowledge – Learning can help you to increase your knowledge of the world around you.
  • Improved skills – Learning can help you to improve your skills in a variety of areas.
  • Personal development – Learning can help you to develop your personal skills and qualities.
  • Career advancement – Learning can help you to advance your career.
  • Life satisfaction – Learning can help you to live a more satisfying and fulfilling life.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of learning?
    (A) Classical conditioning
    (B) Operant conditioning
    (C) Social learning
    (D) Habituation

  2. Which of the following is an example of classical conditioning?
    (A) A dog salivates when it hears a bell.
    (B) A child learns to avoid a hot stove.
    (C) A person learns to drive a car.
    (D) A person learns a new language.

  3. Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?
    (A) A dog salivates when it hears a bell.
    (B) A child learns to avoid a hot stove.
    (C) A person learns to drive a car.
    (D) A person learns a new language.

  4. Which of the following is an example of social learning?
    (A) A child learns to avoid a hot stove.
    (B) A person learns to drive a car.
    (C) A person learns a new language.
    (D) A person learns to behave in a certain way by observing others.

  5. Which of the following is not a type of memory?
    (A) Short-term memory
    (B) Long-term memory
    (C) Working memory
    (D) Habitual memory

  6. Which of the following is an example of short-term memory?
    (A) You can remember a phone number for a few seconds after you look it up.
    (B) You can remember the name of someone you just met.
    (C) You can remember the directions to your friend’s house.
    (D) You can remember the lyrics to a song.

  7. Which of the following is an example of long-term memory?
    (A) You can remember the name of someone you just met.
    (B) You can remember the directions to your friend’s house.
    (C) You can remember the lyrics to a song.
    (D) You can remember the events of your childhood.

  8. Which of the following is an example of working memory?
    (A) You can remember a phone number for a few seconds after you look it up.
    (B) You can remember the name of someone you just met.
    (C) You can remember the directions to your friend’s house.
    (D) You can hold a conversation with someone.

  9. Which of the following is not a type of intelligence?
    (A) Fluid intelligence
    (B) Crystallized intelligence
    (C) Emotional Intelligence
    (D) Habitual intelligence

  10. Which of the following is an example of fluid intelligence?
    (A) Your ability to solve new problems.
    (B) Your ability to remember information.
    (C) Your ability to understand and use language.
    (D) Your ability to control your emotions.

  11. Which of the following is an example of crystallized intelligence?
    (A) Your ability to solve new problems.
    (B) Your ability to remember information.
    (C) Your ability to understand and use language.
    (D) Your ability to control your emotions.

  12. Which of the following is an example of emotional intelligence?
    (A) Your ability to understand and use language.
    (B) Your ability to control your emotions.
    (C) Your ability to understand and manage the emotions of others.
    (D) Your ability to motivate yourself and others.

  13. Which of the following is not a type of Personality?
    (A) Extraversion
    (B) Neuroticism
    (C) Openness to experience
    (D) Habitual personality

  14. Which of the following is an example of extraversion?
    (A) You are outgoing and sociable.
    (B) You are shy and reserved.
    (C) You are curious and open to new experiences.
    (D) You are consistent and reliable.

  15. Which of the following is an example of neuroticism?
    (A) You are outgoing and sociable.
    (B) You are shy and reserved.
    (C) You are curious and open to new experiences.
    (D) You are prone to anxiety and depression.

  16. Which of the following is an example of openness to experience?
    (A) You are outgoing and sociable.
    (B) You are shy and reserved.
    (C) You are curious and open to new experiences.
    (D) You are consistent and reliable.

  17. Which of the following is not a type of motivation?
    (A) Intrinsic motivation
    (B) Extrinsic motivation
    (C) Habitual motivation
    (D) Amotivation

  18. Which of the following is an example of intrinsic