KUSUM: Energizing Agriculture with Solar Power

The Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) scheme, launched by India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), is a pivotal stride towards sustainable agriculture and energy independence for farmers. It aims to transform India’s agricultural landscape by enabling farmers to become energy producers through solar power.

Key Objectives of KUSUM

  • Solarizing Irrigation: Replacing traditional diesel and electric pumps with solar-powered pumps, reducing farmers’ energy costs and carbon footprint.
  • Supplemental Income: Allowing farmers to sell surplus solar power back to the grid, generating additional income.
  • Decentralized Power Generation: Promoting a decentralized model of power generation that lessens transmission losses and strengthens rural energy infrastructure.
  • Financial Support: Providing substantial subsidies to make solar power installations affordable for farmers.

Components of KUSUM

The KUSUM scheme has three main components:

  • Component A: Installation of off-grid solar pumps for farmers without access to the grid.
  • Component B: Solarization of existing grid-connected agricultural pumps.
  • Component C: Setting up solar power plants on barren or agricultural land with the option for farmers to lease their land and earn revenue.

Benefits of KUSUM for Farmers

  • Reliable Irrigation: Solar pumps ensure uninterrupted irrigation, boosting crop productivity.
  • Reduced Input Costs: Lower energy expenses significantly cut down farming costs.
  • Additional Income Generation: Selling surplus power to the grid becomes an attractive revenue stream.
  • Environmentally-Friendly: Replacing conventional pumps helps reduce pollution and mitigate climate change impacts.


  • Who is eligible for the KUSUM scheme? Individual farmers, groups of farmers, cooperatives, panchayats, and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) are eligible.
  • What is the extent of subsidy provided? The government offers substantial subsidies covering a percentage of the solar pump or power plant installation cost.


  1. The primary focus of the KUSUM scheme is:
  • a) Promoting large-scale solar power plants
  • b) Solarizing agricultural irrigation
  • c) Skill development in the renewable energy sector
  • d) Electrification of rural households
  1. A key benefit of KUSUM for farmers is:
    • a) Reduced input costs and potential income generation
    • b) Free land distribution
    • c) Guaranteed crop prices
    • d) Access to advanced farm machinery

Answer Key: 1-b, 2-a


The KUSUM scheme marks a significant shift towards a greener and more prosperous future for Indian agriculture. By harnessing solar energy, the scheme addresses the twin challenges of energy and irrigation while empowering farmers economically. As KUSUM adoption grows, it has the potential to revolutionize Indian agriculture, driving sustainable growth and contributing to India’s climate goals.

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