Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan: Boosting Agriculture and Empowering Farmers

The Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan, launched in 2016-17, is a focused campaign by the Government of India aimed at providing integrated support to farmers and accelerating the adoption of best practices in agriculture. This intensive drive focuses on select villages with a high concentration of farmers, aiming to enhance productivity, promote sustainable farming techniques, and improve farmer welfare.

Objectives of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan

  • Doubling Farmers’ Income: Implement action plans with a specific focus on increasing farm productivity and diversifying income sources for farmers.
  • Technology Transfer: Promoting the adoption of improved agricultural technologies, inputs, and scientific farming methods.
  • Soil and Water Conservation: Encouraging practices that enhance soil health, water conservation, and sustainable use of resources.
  • Convergence of Schemes: Creating awareness about various government schemes in agriculture and allied sectors, ensuring benefits reach the targeted beneficiaries.
  • Skill Development & Capacity Building: Training farmers in improved cultivation techniques, post-harvest management, and value addition.

Implementation of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan

  • Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs): KVKs (agricultural science centers) play a pivotal role in identifying villages with a high concentration of farmers and implementing the campaign activities.
  • Multidisciplinary Teams: Teams comprising experts in various agricultural fields, along with officials from relevant departments, are deployed in the selected villages.
  • Integrated Activities: The campaign includes activities like soil testing, seed distribution, farm demonstrations, livestock camps, awareness programs, and more.

Impact of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan

  • Enhanced Productivity: Adoption of improved agricultural practices and technologies has led to increased yields and production in several areas.
  • Skill Development: Farmers have developed better skills in crop cultivation, livestock management, and post-harvest techniques.
  • Awareness and Empowerment: The campaign has raised awareness among farmers about various government schemes and their benefits.

FAQs About Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan

  • How are villages selected for the campaign? Villages with a high concentration of farmers and potential for improvement are selected based on consultations with district-level authorities.
  • How can farmers participate? Farmers in the selected villages can avail benefits and participate in the activities organized by the Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan teams.


The primary focus of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan is to:

A. Promote tourism in rural areas

B. Provide housing to rural communities

C. Aid agricultural development and farmers’ welfare

D. Construct modern infrastructure

Which of these is NOT a focus area of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan?

A. Soil health promotion

B. Skill development of farmers

C. Technology adoption

D. Free distribution of imported machinery