
Kitab-ul-Hind is a 12th-century treatise on Hinduism written by Al-Biruni, a Persian polymath and scholar. The book is considered to be one of the most important sources of information on Hinduism from the medieval period.

  •  Author: Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni
  • Original Title (Arabic): Kitab al-Hind
  • Translated Title: Alberuni’s India
  • Topics Covered:
  • Religion (Hinduism)
  • Philosophy
  • Mathematics
  • Astronomy
  • Science (including medicine)
  • Social customs
  • Language
  • Literature
  • History

Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni, a polymath far ahead of his time, penned a remarkable work titled Kitab al-Hind (translated as Alberuni’s India). This 11th-century masterpiece stands as a testament to his insatiable curiosity and meticulous research on the Indian subcontinent.

Al-Biruni, more than just a visitor, spent years studying Indian culture and society. This deep immersion is reflected in the vast array of topics covered in Kitab-ul-Hind.

Delving into the realm of religion, Al-Biruni meticulously documented Hindu philosophies and practices. He explored core concepts like creation, reincarnation, and salvation, offering a nuanced perspective that went beyond simple descriptions.

The book doesn’t shy away from philosophical inquiry. Al-Biruni grappled with complex concepts, comparing and contrasting Indian philosophical schools with those of ancient Greece and Islam.

For those with a scientific bent, Kitab-ul-Hind offers a treasure trove of information. Al-Biruni documented advancements in mathematics, astronomy, and medicine practiced in India. His keen observations on scientific instruments and methods provide valuable insights into the intellectual landscape of the subcontinent.

Beyond the scientific realm, Al-Biruni delved into the social fabric of Indian life. His writings shed light on social customs, including practices related to marriage, diet, and caste systems. This information offers a window into the social structures of medieval India.

Language, the cornerstone of communication, wasn’t neglected by Al-Biruni. He studied Sanskrit, a key language of Indian scholarship, and compared it with Arabic. His linguistic insights bridge cultures and illuminate the vast literary traditions of India.

Literature also finds its place in Kitab-ul-Hind. Al-Biruni explored Indian epics, poetry, and drama, highlighting the rich tapestry of Indian storytelling.

History, the grand narrative of the past, wasn’t overlooked. Al-Biruni meticulously documented the history of Indian kingdoms, dynasties, and rulers. This information serves as a valuable resource for historians studying the subcontinent’s past.

Kitab-ul-Hind transcends the boundaries of a mere travelogue. It’s a comprehensive and insightful study of a civilization, a testament to Al-Biruni’s dedication to understanding the world around him.

Al-Biruni was born in Khwarazm (present-day Uzbekistan) in 973 CE. He studied mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. In 1017 CE, he was invited to the court of Mahmud of Ghazni, the ruler of the Ghaznavid Empire. Al-Biruni served as Mahmud’s advisor and accompanied him on his military campaigns.

During his travels, Al-Biruni had the opportunity to meet with Hindu scholars and learn about Hinduism. He was impressed by the Hindu religion and its philosophical system. He wrote Kitab-ul-Hind to share his knowledge of Hinduism with the Muslim world.

Kitab-ul-Hind is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the geography of India. The second part discusses the history of India. The third part is a treatise on Hinduism. The fourth part is a discussion of the differences between Hinduism and Islam.

Al-Biruni’s account of Hinduism is based on his own observations and conversations with Hindu scholars. He provides a detailed description of Hindu beliefs and practices. He also discusses the caste system, Hindu law, and Hindu philosophy.

Al-Biruni’s account of Hinduism is one of the most important sources of information on the religion from the medieval period. His work is a valuable resource for scholars of Hinduism and Indian history.

Table of Contents


What is Kitab-ul-Hind?

Kitab-ul-Hind is a 12th-century treatise on Hinduism written by Al-Biruni, a Persian polymath and scholar.

Who was Al-Biruni?

Al-Biruni was born in Khwarazm (present-day Uzbekistan) in 973 CE. He studied mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. In 1017 CE, he was invited to the court of Mahmud of Ghazni, the ruler of the Ghaznavid Empire. Al-Biruni served as Mahmud’s advisor and accompanied him on his military campaigns.

When was Kitab-ul-Hind written?

Kitab-ul-Hind was written in the 12th century.

What is the purpose of Kitab-ul-Hind?

The purpose of Kitab-ul-Hind is to provide a detailed description of Hinduism.

What are the main sources of information in Kitab-ul-Hind?

The main sources of information in Kitab-ul-Hind are Al-Biruni’s own observations and conversations with Hindu scholars.

What are the main topics covered in Kitab-ul-Hind?

The main topics covered in Kitab-ul-Hind are Hindu beliefs and practices, the caste system, Hindu law, and Hindu philosophy.

What is the significance of Kitab-ul-Hind?

Kitab-ul-Hind is one of the most important sources of information on Hinduism from the medieval period.

Who wrote Kitab-Ul-Hind?

Kitab-Ul-Hind was authored by a renowned scholar and historian.

What is the content of Kitab-Ul-Hind?

Kitab-Ul-Hind contains detailed information about a specific region, covering various aspects such as geography, culture, society, and history.

When was Kitab-Ul-Hind written?

Kitab-Ul-Hind was written during a specific historical period, reflecting the knowledge and perspectives of that time.

Why is Kitab-Ul-Hind significant?

Kitab-Ul-Hind holds importance as a primary source of information about the region it covers, providing valuable insights into its past and heritage.

What topics does Kitab-Ul-Hind cover?

Kitab-Ul-Hind covers a wide range of topics, including geography, religion, politics, economy, and social customs of the region.

Who were the intended readers of Kitab-Ul-Hind?

Kitab-Ul-Hind was primarily intended for scholars, students, and anyone interested in learning about the region it describes.

How reliable is the information in Kitab-Ul-Hind?

The reliability of the information in Kitab-Ul-Hind depends on various factors such as the author’s sources, biases, and the historical context in which it was written.

Is Kitab-Ul-Hind still studied today?

Yes, Kitab-Ul-Hind continues to be studied by historians, scholars, and researchers interested in the history and culture of the region it covers.

What is the legacy of Kitab-Ul-Hind?

The legacy of Kitab-Ul-Hind includes its contribution to our understanding of the region’s past, its influence on subsequent scholarship, and its role in preserving cultural heritage.


Who wrote Kitab-ul-Hind?

  • (a) Al-Biruni
  • (b) Mahmud of Ghazni
  • (c) Ibn Khaldun
  • (d) Al-Ghazali

When was Kitab-ul-Hind written?

  • (a) 10th century
  • (b) 11th century
  • (c) 12th century
  • (d) 13th century

What is the purpose of Kitab-ul-Hind?

  • (a) To provide a detailed description of Hinduism
  • (b) To compare and contrast Hinduism and Islam
  • (c) To criticize Hinduism
  • (d) To convert Hindus to Islam

What are the main sources of information in Kitab-ul-Hind?

  • (a) Al-Biruni’s own observations
  • (b) Conversations with Hindu scholars
  • (c) Hindu texts
  • (d) All of the above

What are the main topics covered in Kitab-ul-Hind?

  • (a) Hindu beliefs and practices
  • (b) The caste system
  • (c) Hindu law
  • (d) Hindu philosophy

What is the significance of Kitab-ul-Hind?

  • (a) It is one of the most important sources of information on Hinduism from the medieval period.
  • (b) It is a valuable resource for scholars of Hinduism and Indian history.
  • (c) It is a critical analysis of Hinduism.
  • (d) All of the above

Which medieval scholar authored a famous work detailing the geography, culture, and history of the Indian subcontinent?

  • A) Al-Biruni
  • B) Ibn Khaldun
  • C) Ibn Battuta
  • D) Avicenna

Who is credited with introducing the decimal positional number system to the Western world?

  • A) Al-Khwarizmi
  • B) Al-Razi
  • C) Al-Farabi
  • D) Al-Kindi

Which Persian polymath is known for his contributions to various fields including mathematics, astronomy, and medicine?

  • A) Al-Ghazali
  • B) Al-Razi
  • C) Al-Kindi
  • D) Al-Biruni

Who wrote extensively on Indian religions, philosophy, and customs during the Islamic Golden Age?

  • A) Ibn Khaldun
  • B) Al-Tabari
  • C) Al-Biruni
  • D) Ibn Sina

Which scholar conducted extensive studies on Indian culture and science, producing detailed works such as “Tahqiq ma li-l-Hind”?

  • A) Al-Razi
  • B) Al-Kindi
  • C) Al-Biruni
  • D) Al-Farabi

Who is known for his significant contributions to the fields of anthropology, geology, and linguistics, particularly regarding Indian civilization?

  • A) Al-Ghazali
  • B) Al-Razi
  • C) Al-Biruni
  • D) Al-Tabari

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