Khadi Gramodyog Vikas Yojana (KGDY): Reviving India’s Heritage Textile Industry

The Khadi Gramodyog Vikas Yojana (KGDY) is a flagship scheme of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) under India’s Ministry of MSME. Aimed at reviving and promoting the Khadi and village industries, KGDY embraces Gandhian ideals of self-reliance and rural development with a focus on sustainable practices.

Objectives of KGDY

  • Employment Generation: Creating sustainable employment opportunities in rural areas, especially for women and marginalized communities.
  • Preserving Heritage: Promoting Khadi – an emblem of India’s freedom struggle – and other traditional village industries, preserving India’s rich craft heritage.
  • Economic Empowerment: Enhancing the income and skill levels of Khadi artisans and rural entrepreneurs.
  • Self-Reliance: Promoting local production and self-sufficiency, contributing to the Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) vision.
  • Sustainability: Encouraging eco-friendly and sustainable production practices within the Khadi sector.

Components of KGDY

KGDY is an umbrella scheme with two major components:

  1. Khadi Vikas Yojana (KVY): Focuses on the production, promotion, and marketing of Khadi products.
  2. Gramodyog Vikas Yojana (GVY): Encompasses a wide range of village industries such as pottery, beekeeping, carpentry, etc., providing training, financial support, and marketing assistance.

Interventions under KGDY

  • Financial Support: Provides subsidies, loans, and grants for infrastructure development, modernization, and working capital.
  • Skill Development: Offers training in design, production techniques, and entrepreneurship for Khadi artisans and rural entrepreneurs.
  • Market Access: Supports participation in exhibitions, e-commerce platforms, and retail chain development.
  • Technological Support: Promotes innovation for improved productivity, product quality, and sustainability.

Impact of KGDY

  • Job Creation: KGDY has been instrumental in creating millions of jobs within the Khadi sector and related industries.
  • Empowering Women: Women form a significant proportion of beneficiaries, fostering their economic independence.
  • Reviving Traditional Crafts: KGDY has helped preserve India’s rich heritage of crafts and artisanal skills.


  • How can I avail of benefits under KGDY? Contact your nearest KVIC office or visit the KVIC website for eligibility and application details.
  • What kind of support does KGDY provide? KGDY offers a range of support, including subsidies, loans, training, and market linkages.


  1. KGDY is implemented by:
  • a) Ministry of Textiles
  • b) NITI Aayog
  • c) Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)
  • d) State Governments
  1. Which of these is NOT a focus area of KGDY?
    • a) Khadi Production
    • b) Skill Development
    • c) Rural Entrepreneurship
    • d) Heavy Industries

Answer Key: 1-c, 2-d


The Khadi Gramodyog Vikas Yojana carries forward a legacy while driving modernization and empowerment within rural India. By revitalizing Khadi and other village industries, KGDY promotes sustainable livelihoods, preserves cultural heritage, and contributes significantly to India’s socioeconomic progress.