Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)

Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is a statutory body of the Government of India that promotes khadi and village industries. It was established in 1956 under the Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act, 1956. The KVIC is headquartered in New Delhi and has a network of over 100 offices across India.

The KVIC’s mission is to promote khadi and village industries for the economic upliftment of rural India. It does this by providing financial assistance, training, and marketing support to khadi and village industries. The KVIC also undertakes research and development activities in the field of khadi and village industries.

The KVIC has been successful in promoting khadi and village industries. In 2019-20, the KVIC provided financial assistance of over Rs. 1,000 crore to khadi and village industries. The KVIC also trained over 1 million people in khadi and village industries in 2019-20. The KVIC’s marketing efforts have also been successful, with the KVIC selling over Rs. 5,000 crore worth of khadi and village products in 2019-20.

The KVIC has played a significant role in the economic upliftment of rural India. The KVIC’s activities have created employment for millions of people in rural India. The KVIC has also helped to improve the quality of life in rural India by providing access to basic amenities such as education, healthcare, and sanitation.

The KVIC is a valuable asset to the Government of India. The KVIC’s work has helped to improve the lives of millions of people in rural India. The KVIC is a model for other countries that are looking to promote rural development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is khadi?

Khadi is a hand-spun and hand-woven fabric that is made from cotton. Khadi is a symbol of India’s freedom struggle and is considered to be a national fabric.

What are village industries?

Village industries are small-scale industries that are located in rural areas. Village industries typically use traditional methods of production and employ local people.

What does the KVIC do?

The KVIC is a statutory body of the Government of India that promotes khadi and village industries. The KVIC provides financial assistance, training, and marketing support to khadi and village industries. The KVIC also undertakes research and development activities in the field of khadi and village industries.

How can I get involved with the KVIC?

There are many ways to get involved with the KVIC. You can volunteer your time, donate money, or purchase khadi and village products. You can also learn more about the KVIC’s work by visiting their website or contacting their office.

What are the benefits of working with the KVIC?

There are many benefits to working with the KVIC. The KVIC is a well-respected organization that is committed to promoting khadi and village industries. The KVIC provides financial assistance, training, and marketing support to khadi and village industries. The KVIC also undertakes research and development activities in the field of khadi and village industries.

What are the challenges of working with the KVIC?

One of the challenges of working with the KVIC is that it can be difficult to get funding for khadi and village industries. The KVIC is also facing competition from other organizations that are promoting rural development.

What is the future of the KVIC?

The KVIC is committed to continuing its work to promote khadi and village industries. The KVIC is working to improve its marketing efforts and to increase its outreach to rural communities. The KVIC is also working to develop new technologies that will help to improve the quality of khadi and village products.


  1. What is the full form of KVIC?

A. Khadi and Village Industries Commission

  1. When was KVIC established?

A. 1956

  1. What is the mission of KVIC?

A. To promote khadi and village industries for the economic upliftment of rural India

  1. What are the key activities of KVIC?

A. Providing financial assistance, training, and marketing support to khadi and village industries

  1. What are the benefits of working with KVIC?

A. KVIC is a well-respected organization that is committed to promoting khadi and village industries

  1. What are the challenges of working with KVIC?

A. One of the challenges of working with KVIC is