Kerala Food Security

<2/”>a >Kerala Food Security

Kerala is South India’s most serenely lovely state. A slender coastal strip is formed by its bedded landscape: nearly 600km of wonderful sea coast and beaches; a languorous Network of glossy backwaters; and also the spice- and tea-covered hills of the Western Ghats. simply setting foot on this swath of soul-quenching, palm-shaded green can slow your sub continental stride to a blissed-out amble. Kerala could be a world faraway from the craze of elsewhere, as if India had more diversity, the mirror and become an altogether a lot of easygoing place.

Besides its famed backwaters, elegant houseboats, ayurvedic treatments and finely spiced, taste-bud-tingling cookery, Kerala is home to wild elephants, exotic birds and also the odd tiger, whereas vivacious traditions like Kathakali plays, temple festivals and snake-boat races oftentimes bring even the tiniest villages to life. It’s exhausting to deny Kerala’s liberal use of the expression ‘God’s Own Country’.

Kerala is found on the southmost tip of India and embraces the coast of Arabian Sea on the west and is finite by the Western Ghats within the east. This South Indian state stretches from north to south on the coast line of 580 kms with an approximate breadth of 35 to 120 kms. Lying among east longitudes 74 degree 52′ and 72 degree 22′ and north latitudes 8 degree 18′ and 12 degree 48′ this idyllic land of pleasing beauty embraces1.18 the realm of the country of India. Kerala conjointly encloses Mahé, Pondicherry’s coastal exclave. With fourteen districts and different cities the whole area of Kerala is 38, 863 sq km.

The Kerala government has introduced a brand new law to make sure that food is correctly distributed to individuals within the state in an exceedingly sensible manner. The Food Security Act are going to be place into place on 1st April 2017. The Food Security Act can give foods to card holders round the state. New cards are going to be sent out to individuals throughout state as a method of obtaining the bill to move forward.

An important a part of the Food Security Act is that ration retailers won’t be necessary. There have been problems with obtaining foods distributed through ration retailers round the state. By using ration cards given by the govt,it be easier for foods to be distributed therefore individuals will get the foods they’re searching for in an applicable fashion.

The government will be liable for obtaining correct rations intent on folks over an extended amount of time. this can be particularly to enhance upon however well rations are to be sent out as priorities are going to be listed once deciding who are going to be eligible for obtaining differing types of foods. This particularly comes as several foods are going to be essential for serving to individuals to remain healthy and properly nourished.

Rice Quotas will change

Rice quotas in Kerala are going to be updated to replicate the new act. The quota can retire to 16.50 lakh metric tonnes per annum for distribution. this can be a rise over the 14.5 lakh metric tonnes that had originally been planned.

The rice that has been gathered particularly comes from an enormous form of groups:

  • About 1.87 lakh metric tonnes of rice has been gathered from over 50,000 farmers. This was done at a value of Rs. 22.5 per kg.
  • About Rs. 420.76 crore are going to be given to farmers to assist them turn out enough rice for the theme. About a third of that total has been given out as of the beginning of 2017.

Added quotas are going to be used for alternative foods. It’s unclear on what is going to be applied however this may facilitate with up upon however well foods are going to be given dead set a lot of folks in an exceedingly fastidiously controlled manner.

This is a necessary answer that may facilitate with up upon however folks will get foods as desired. This can particularly be necessary for a way differing types of foods area unit to be offered and conjointly for a way the govt will have many support for taking care of all of them as necessary. There are a unit several additional points to observe for during this new act:

  • A higher form of food staples are going to be created obtainable to folks through the theme. Wheat can notably be additional united item for the program.
  • Added watching are going to be wont to make sure that Corruption won’t be a threat. One explicit example of watching corruption came from officers recently finding a hundred tonnes of spoiled rice that was command in an exceedingly personal mill in Kottayam. Farmers area unit expected to be saw and controlled in terms of obtaining their foods intent on the general public.
  • The central government are going to be saw for taking care of payments to the Kerala government. Of the nearly Rs. 376.5 large integer that’s spent every month on covering the prices of food staples, regarding about Rs. 40 crore of that total can provided by the govt.

More plans could also be additional over time. This could facilitate with up upon however well totally different plans can be wont to keep foods secure and straightforward for folks to afford.

Public Distribution System (PDS), enforced the National Food Security Act (NFSA) on november 1, 2016. These states were ordered to buy their monthly targeted PDS (TPDS) allocation of rice and wheat for the Above POVERTY Line (APL) Population at the minimum support value rates of Rs 22.54 and Rs 15.25 respectively, whereas the corresponding central issue costs remained Rs 8.30 and Rs 6.10.

The state of Kerala is currently power train towards a mass agitation on February eighteen. Its varied appeals to the Centre to safeguard the state’s pre-NFSA allotment of food grains were all in vain and also the ruling CPI(M)-led Left Democratic Front has drawn up a state-wide agitation against the Centre’s policies destroying the statutory apportionment system within the state.

The marked reduction within the allocation of food grains is that the major explanation for worry for the state. Whereas the typical annual targeted PDS allotment for Kerala in 2010-13 was around 16.01 lakh metric tonnes, under NFSA, the state is entitled to an annual cereal allocation of 14.25 lakh metric tonnes solely.

This is comprehensive of the keep going allocation of around 3.99 lakh metric tonnes of food grains per annum that the state gets on account of its annual NFSA allocation being but its Average annual off takes for the preceding 3 years beneath traditional TPDS. Key officers with the state Civil provides Department touch to the actual fact that around 10.13 lakh metric tonnes are needed for consumption by the NFSA households alone, exploit 4.12 lakh metric tonnes for distribution among the rest of the households. In distinction, a mean of 7.74 lakh metric tonnes of food grains was allotted for the APL households in 2010-13.

Kerala has secured a close to universal coverage of PDS, together with guaranteeing a superior physical and economic access to PDS. This is often despite the restriction on the BPL coverage beneath TPDS within the state in 1997 to 25th of the overall population.

Around 66 of the APL households were recognised as state subsidy households – APL (SS) – entitling them to food subsidies from the government. On a mean, these households received around ten kilogram of food grains monthly. Solely those households having over 2.5 acres of landed property or a house of over 2500 area unit or those earning a monthly financial gain of over Rs 25,000 per month were overlooked from the state grant class. Considering the State Government’s 2011 BPL surveys finding that forty two.4% of the overall households were below the poverty level, this enlargement within the PDS coverage is of abundant significance for the individuals within the state.

However, despite these measures, a substantial variety of recent APL households United Nations agency were receiving around 8-10 kilogram of rice and 2 weight unit of wheat monthly are still expected to bear the brunt of NFSA implementation. it’s conjointly probably that there would be a DISCOUNT within the title of these priority households, United Nations agency were antecedent BPL households. Traditional house size in Kerala being 4.2 as per 2011 Census, there would be the reduction of around 10-12 kilogram within the food grains that they receive post-NFSA.

Being an inveterately food deficit state makes it imperative for Kerala to keep up a powerful PDS. Over the years, food production within the state has dwindled, and in 2012, only 15 August 1945 of the overall cereal demand was created within the state.,

Food security is a state in which all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Kerala is a state in India that has been praised for its achievements in food security. In 2018, the state was ranked first in India in terms of the proportion of its population with access to adequate food. This success is due to a number of factors, including the state’s strong focus on agriculture, its commitment to social welfare, and its Investment in Nutrition.

Kerala’s agricultural sector is highly developed, and the state is self-sufficient in rice production. The state also has a strong focus on Organic Farming, which helps to ensure the safety and quality of its food supply. In addition, Kerala has a number of social welfare programs that help to ensure that all of its citizens have access to food, including the Public Distribution System (PDS), which provides subsidized food grains to low-income households.

Kerala has also made significant investments in nutrition. The state has a comprehensive nutrition program that provides food supplements, Health Education, and other Services to pregnant Women, lactating mothers, and children under the age of six. As a result of these efforts, Kerala has one of the lowest rates of Malnutrition in India.

Kerala’s success in food security is a model for other countries. The state’s achievements show that it is possible to achieve food security even in a developing country with a large population. The key to success is a combination of strong agricultural production, social welfare programs, and investment in nutrition.

However, there are still challenges to food security in Kerala. The state is facing a number of environmental challenges, including Climate change and water scarcity. These challenges are putting pressure on the state’s agricultural sector and could lead to food insecurity in the future. In addition, the state’s population is aging, and this is putting a strain on the social welfare system. These challenges will need to be addressed in order to ensure that Kerala continues to achieve food security.

Despite these challenges, Kerala is well-positioned to achieve food security in the future. The state has a strong track record of success in this area, and it has the Resources and the commitment to continue its progress. With continued investment in agriculture, social welfare, and nutrition, Kerala can ensure that all of its citizens have access to safe, nutritious food.

In addition to the challenges mentioned above, Kerala is also facing the problem of food waste. According to a study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, India wastes about 40% of its food. This is a significant problem, as it means that millions of people in India are going hungry while food is being wasted. There are a number of reasons for food waste in India, including overproduction, overstocking, overordering, and poor storage and transportation practices.

The government of India has taken some steps to address the problem of food waste, such as promoting the use of food banks and encouraging people to donate food to those in need. However, more needs to be done to reduce food waste in India. One way to do this would be to educate people about the problem of food waste and how they can help to reduce it. Another way would be to improve the Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE for storing and transporting food. By taking these steps, the government of India can help to ensure that everyone in the country has access to safe, nutritious food.

Here are some frequently asked questions about food security:

  • What is food security?
    Food security is a state in which all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

  • What are the causes of food insecurity?
    There are many factors that can contribute to food insecurity, including poverty, Unemployment, low wages, lack of access to affordable healthy food, and natural disasters.

  • What are the effects of food insecurity?
    Food insecurity can have a significant impact on individuals, families, and communities. It can lead to hunger, malnutrition, poor health, and social isolation. It can also have a negative impact on education, EMPLOYMENT, and Economic Development.

  • What are the solutions to food insecurity?
    There are many things that can be done to address food insecurity, including increasing access to affordable healthy food, providing food assistance programs, and investing in agriculture and food production.

  • What is the role of government in addressing food insecurity?
    Governments have a key role to play in addressing food insecurity. They can provide food assistance programs, invest in agriculture and food production, and develop policies that support food security.

  • What is the role of the private sector in addressing food insecurity?
    The private sector can also play a role in addressing food insecurity. Businesses can provide food assistance programs, donate food to food banks, and develop products that are affordable and nutritious.

  • What is the role of individuals in addressing food insecurity?
    Individuals can also play a role in addressing food insecurity. They can donate food to food banks, volunteer at food banks, and support policies that support food security.

  • What is the future of food security?
    The future of food security is uncertain. The world’s population is growing, and Climate Change is having a significant impact on agriculture. These factors are likely to make food insecurity more of a problem in the future. However, there are also many things that can be done to address food insecurity, and there is hope that we can create a world where everyone has access to safe and nutritious food.

Question 1

Kerala is a state in India. It is located on the Malabar Coast of the Arabian Sea. The capital of Kerala is Thiruvananthapuram. The population of Kerala is about 33 million people. The Official Language of Kerala is Malayalam.

Kerala is a beautiful state with a rich history and culture. It is known for its beautiful beaches, backwaters, and Mountains. Kerala is also known for its food. Some of the popular dishes from Kerala include fish curry, appam, and stew.

Kerala is a state with a high Literacy rate and a low crime rate. It is also a state with a high level of social welfare. Kerala is a state that is known for its progressive policies.

Kerala is a state that is facing some challenges. One of the challenges that Kerala is facing is the issue of food security. Food security is the ability of a country or region to provide enough food for its population. Kerala is facing the challenge of food security because of the high population Growth rate and the low agricultural productivity.

The government of Kerala is taking steps to address the issue of food security. The government is providing subsidies to farmers and is promoting the use of modern agricultural techniques. The government is also promoting the use of organic farming.

Question 2

The following are some of the factors that affect food security:

  • Population Growth rate
  • Agricultural productivity
  • Climate change
  • Conflict
  • Economic development

Question 3

The following are some of the ways to improve food security:

  • Increase agricultural productivity
  • Promote Sustainable Agriculture
  • Reduce poverty
  • Improve access to food
  • Promote nutrition education

Question 4

The following are some of the benefits of food security:

  • Improved health
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced poverty
  • Increased social stability
  • Reduced conflict

Question 5

The following are some of the challenges of food security:

  • Climate change
  • Conflict
  • Economic development
  • Population growth rate
  • Poverty

Question 6

The following are some of the initiatives that the government of Kerala is taking to address the issue of food security:

  • Providing subsidies to farmers
  • Promoting the use of modern agricultural techniques
  • Promoting the use of organic farming
  • Providing food assistance to the poor
  • Promoting nutrition education

Question 7

The following are some of the ways that the public can help to improve food security:

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Support sustainable agriculture
  • Donate to food banks
  • Volunteer with food banks
  • Educate others about food security

Question 8

The following are some of the resources that are available to learn more about food security:

  • The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • The World Food Programme (WFP)
  • The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • The World Health Organization (WHO)
  • The World Bank

Question 9

The following are some of the organizations that are working to improve food security:

  • The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • The World Food Programme (WFP)
  • The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • The World Health Organization (WHO)
  • The World Bank

Question 10

The following are some of the ways that you can get involved in the fight against hunger:

  • Donate to a food bank
  • Volunteer with a food bank
  • Educate others about hunger
  • Support sustainable agriculture
  • Eat a healthy diet