Karnataka Food Security

Karnataka Food Security Nutrition is major Public Health emergency in India, with about 50% of its Population suffering from it in some form of protein calorie deficit or micronutrient malnourishment. It causes for 50% of child mortality. According to World Health Organisation report 2015 :-42% of children between 0- 5 years of age in India are underweight and 59% are stunted.

There is wide diversity within India in all kind of social, educational and economic indicators.  Most of littoral states do good in these indicators while hinterland states are backward.

Karnataka is one of the most developed state in India in terms of social  and Human Development  indicators. NITI Aayog has placed Karnataka at eighth position in India in terms of human development indicators. Some comparative statistics  of state is

1).Literacy rate in Karnataka is 75.6% according to 2011 Census, marginally higher than national Average.
2).Out of 6.1 bilion people in Karnataka;  just1.2 million children between  0-6 years of age are malnourished and underweight.
3). POVERTY ratio in Karnataka is 20.91% compared to National average of 21.92%.
CM Siddaramaiah announced his commitment to eliminate poverty from state and make Karnataka hunger free state with social  governance. To achieve this objective government has taken various steps to eliminate poverty and hunger from the state.
Current scheme of Karnataka government  for food security:–

1. PaditharaKhathi:- launch in 2014 for delivery of food grains at Public Distribution shops.

2.KsheezaBhagga :–under this scheme distribution of 150 ml milk thrice a week to school children and child care centre will be provided. This provision will be in addition to mid day meal scheme of Central Government .Under KsheeraBhagyascheme; Budget 2017-18 proposes to increase distribution of milk from existing 3 days to 5 days in a week.
3.Karnataka government launched foodsecurity program in 2013. Under thisprogramme  government will provide 30 kg of rice at 1 rupees per kg to below Poverty Line people, this  scheme was launched at world economic forum conference in London. This scheme is expected to  improve socio economic condition of poor people in Karnataka as  people will now have more Money to spend onfamily health and education of their children.
Abovescheme will help to address problem of undernourishment, Malnutrition and hunger in the state.But analysis of this scheme by  MSSwaminathan revealed  that Food Security Act will solve caloric deficiency problem but not Hunger and malnutrition; protein and micronutrient deficiency problem.
Finally, effective implementation and success of this scheme will depend  on it’s execution at ground level;  like how much problem of Hunger and  malnutritionwill be solved by this scheme.
4. Anna Bhagya Scheme:-

Under this scheme government is distributing food grains to BPL familiesin the state free of cost. This scheme has been quite successful  for food security in state as 20 lakh poor families have already been brought under ‘Anna Bhagya’ scheme through Public Distribution System Network. To further enhance the outreach underAnnaBhagyascheme an increase in food grains distribution from current 5 kg to 7 kg per person proposed in current year budget.
5.Steps to improve Public Distribution system:-
This scheme was launched by  “food, civil supplies and Consumer Affairs department” of Karnataka Government. Recently; steps have taken to improve performance of the scheme, to eliminate leakages and reduce Corruption.
A.Digitalization of public distribution system process( it is also a good example of Internet of things(IoT)).
Example:- Online request for new ration card
-SMS service about food allotment to cardholder.
– Food coupon will be given to consumers through which food can be purchased from any Public Distribution shop in Taluka.

– Online details of ration cards,Monthly allotment of food etc.
B.  Grievance redressal mechanism related to public distribution system.

5. MathruPurna Scheme:-Karnataka Food Security

This scheme was launched for pregnant and lactating Women. It aims to provide at least one nutritious meal everyday to pregnant women particularly those living in rural areas.  Under this scheme, diet will include rice, dal,sambhar, green vegetable, pulses, egg and groundnuts. This scheme was launched by child and welfare department, Government of Karnataka.


  1. Namma Canteen:-

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announces ‘Namma Canteen’ on the lines of Tamil Nadu’s ‘Amma Canteen’ in budget 2017-18.  Namma Canteen in Bengalurand Saviruchi Mobile Canteens in all 30 districts through ZillaStreeShakthi associations.Namma canteen to serve breakfast for Rs 5 and lunch for Rs 10 with a budget provision of Rs 100 crore for  year 2017-18.

  1. Further, Budget 2017-18proposedthat Eggs for Anganwadi children will be provide for two days a week from June 2017 across state.

    Way forward:-

  2. improvement in performance of integrated child development scheme(ICDS) like replacing packed food with better nutrition rich food, like local cooking food.

    2.   Food cooking and distribution with the help of self helpgroups(SHG) and non – government organisations(NGO).

    3. Diversification in procurement i.e. Inclusion of pulses lentils, oil seeds etc.



Food security is a major challenge in Karnataka. The state has made significant progress in reducing hunger and malnutrition, but there are still significant challenges that need to be addressed. The main challenges to food security in Karnataka are poverty, Climate change, and inequality. The State Government needs to invest in agriculture, expand the PDS, provide nutrition Education, promote Sustainable Agriculture, and reduce inequality in order to improve food security in the state.

Investing in agriculture is essential to increasing food production. The state government needs to provide farmers with access to land, water, and credit. The government also needs to invest in research and development to develop new crops and technologies that can withstand Climate Change.

Expanding the PDS is another important strategy for improving food security. The state government needs to increase the number of ration shops and the amount of food that is distributed. The government also needs to make sure that the PDS is accessible to all people, regardless of their income or social status.

Providing nutrition education is also important for improving food security. The state government needs to provide nutrition education to people so that they can make healthy choices about what they eat. This includes teaching people about the importance of eating a balanced diet and the dangers of malnutrition.

Promoting sustainable agriculture is another important strategy for improving food security. The state government needs to promote sustainable agriculture practices that can help to increase food production while protecting the Environment. This includes using less water, using less fertilizer, and planting crops that are resistant to pests and diseases.

Reducing inequality is also important for improving food security. The state government needs to reduce inequality by providing more opportunities for the poor to access education, EMPLOYMENT, and healthcare. This will help to improve the lives of the poor and make them less vulnerable to food insecurity.

Improving food security in Karnataka is a complex challenge. However, by investing in agriculture, expanding the PDS, providing nutrition education, promoting sustainable agriculture, and reducing inequality, the state government can make significant progress in addressing this challenge.

Here are some frequently asked questions about food security:

  • What is food security?
    Food security is a state in which all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

  • What are the causes of food insecurity?
    There are many factors that can contribute to food insecurity, including poverty, Unemployment, natural disasters, and conflict.

  • What are the effects of food insecurity?
    Food insecurity can have a significant impact on individuals, families, and communities. It can lead to malnutrition, poor health, and social isolation.

  • What are the solutions to food insecurity?
    There are many things that can be done to address food insecurity, including increasing access to food, improving nutrition education, and supporting sustainable agriculture.

  • What is the role of government in addressing food insecurity?
    Governments play a vital role in addressing food insecurity. They can provide food assistance programs, support research on food security, and develop policies that promote food security.

  • What is the role of the private sector in addressing food insecurity?
    The private sector also plays a vital role in addressing food insecurity. Businesses can provide food assistance, support sustainable agriculture, and develop innovative solutions to food insecurity.

  • What is the role of civil Society in addressing food insecurity?
    Civil society organizations play a vital role in addressing food insecurity. They can provide food assistance, advocate for policies that promote food security, and educate the public about food insecurity.

  • What is the role of individuals in addressing food insecurity?
    Individuals can also play a role in addressing food insecurity. They can donate to food banks, volunteer at food pantries, and support sustainable agriculture.

  • What is the future of food security?
    The future of food security is uncertain. The world’s population is growing, and climate change is making it more difficult to produce food. However, there are many things that can be done to address food insecurity, and there is hope that we can create a world where everyone has access to safe and nutritious food.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a component of food security?

(A) Availability
(B) Access
(C) Utilization
(D) Sustainability

(D) Sustainability

Food security is defined as “access by all people at all times to enough safe and nutritious food for an active and healthy life.” It includes four pillars: availability, access, utilization, and stability. Sustainability is not a pillar of food security.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a factor that can affect food security?

(A) Climate change
(B) Conflict
(C) Economic Growth
(D) Population Growth

(C) Economic growth

Economic growth can actually help to improve food security by increasing incomes and making it easier for people to afford food. However, it can also lead to increased demand for food, which can put pressure on food supplies.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to food security?

(A) Zero hunger
(B) Good health and well-being
(C) Decent work and economic growth
(D) Reduced inequalities

(C) Decent work and economic growth

The SDGs are a set of 17 goals that were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Goal 2 is to “end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.” Goal 3 is to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” Goal 8 is to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.” Goal 10 is to “reduce inequality within and among countries.”

Question 4

Which of the following is not a type of food insecurity?

(A) Chronic food insecurity
(B) Transitory food insecurity
(C) Cyclic food insecurity
(D) Seasonal food insecurity

(C) Cyclic food insecurity

Cyclic food insecurity is not a recognized type of food insecurity. The three main types of food insecurity are chronic, transitory, and seasonal. Chronic food insecurity is when people lack access to adequate food for an extended period of time. Transitory food insecurity is when people experience a period of food insecurity due to a sudden event, such as a job loss or illness. Seasonal food insecurity is when people experience a period of food insecurity due to changes in the availability of food, such as during a drought or famine.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a strategy for improving food security?

(A) Increasing agricultural production
(B) Improving access to food
(C) Reducing food waste
(D) Promoting sustainable agriculture

(A) Increasing agricultural production

Increasing agricultural production is not a sustainable strategy for improving food security. It can lead to environmental problems, such as deforestation and Soil erosion. It can also lead to social problems, such as the displacement of small farmers.

Question 6

Which of the following is not a benefit of improving food security?

(A) Reduced hunger and malnutrition
(B) Improved health and well-being
(C) Increased economic productivity
(D) Reduced poverty

(D) Reduced poverty

Improving food security can help to reduce poverty, but it is not a direct cause of poverty reduction. Poverty is caused by a number of factors, including lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, and discrimination.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a challenge to improving food security?

(A) Climate change
(B) Conflict
(C) Economic inequality
(D) Population growth

(C) Economic inequality

Economic inequality is not a challenge to improving food security. In fact, economic inequality can actually help to improve food security by providing more Resources to people who need them. However, it can also lead to increased demand for food, which can put pressure on food supplies.

Question 8

Which of the following is not a role of the government in improving food security?

(A) Providing food assistance to the poor
(B) Regulating the food Industry
(C) Investing in agricultural research and development
(D) Promoting sustainable agriculture

(B) Regulating the food industry

The government does regulate the food industry,