Judicial Activism

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Judicial Activism

Judicial activism, an approach to the exercise of Judicial Review, or a description of a particular judicial decision, in which a judge is generally considered more willing to decide constitutional issues and to invalidate legislative or executive actions. Although debates over the proper role of the judiciary date to the founding of the American republic, the phrase judicial activism appears to have been coined by the American historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in a 1947 ARTICLE in Fortune. Although the term is used quite frequently in describing a judicial decision or philosophy, its use can cause confusion, because it can bear several meanings, and even if speakers agree on which meaning is intended, they will frequently not agree on whether it correctly describes a given decision.

The term activism is used in both political rhetoric and academic research. In academic usage activism usually means only the willingness of a judge to strike down the action of another branch of government or to overturn a judicial precedent, with no implied judgment as to whether the activist decision is correct or not. Activist judges enforce their own views of constitutional requirements rather than deferring to the views of other government officials or earlier courts. Defined in this way, activism is simply the antonym of restraint. It is not pejorative, and studies suggest that it does not have a consistent political valence. Both liberal and conservative judges may be activist in this sense, though conservative judges have been more likely to invalidate federal laws and liberals more likely to strike down those of the states.

In political rhetoric activism is used as a pejorative. To describe judges as activist in this sense is to argue that they decide cases on the basis of their own policy preferences rather than a faithful interpretation of the law, thus abandoning the impartial judicial role and “legislating from the bench.” Decisions may be labeled activist either for striking down legislative or executive action or for allowing it to stand. In the early 21st century one of the most-criticized Supreme Court decisions in the United States was in Kelo v. City of New London (2005), in which the court allowed the city to exercise its eminent domain power to transfer property from homeowners to a private developer. Because judges may be called activist for either striking down government action or permitting it (in Kelo they permitted it) and because activism in political usage is always considered wrongful, this sense of activism is not the antonym of restraint.

Less controversially, but less frequently, a judicial decision may be called activist in a procedural sense if it resolves a legal issue unnecessary to the disposition of the case. In the Anglo-American legal system, such pronouncements are called obiter dicta (Latin: “things said in passing”) and do not bind other courts considering the issue in the future. Procedural activism is generally considered improper at the federal level in the United States and in countries that follow the U.S. system (e.g., Kenya and New Zealand) on the grounds that the function of courts is to resolve concrete disputes between adverse parties, not to issue legal pronouncements in the abstract. In other systems, however (e.g., Austria, France, Germany, South Korea, Spain, and some U.S. states), courts are permitted to decide issues in the absence of disputes or adverse parties.

judicial activism in india

Its emergence can be traced back to 1893, when Justice Mahmood of Allahabad High Court delivered a dissenting judgement.

It was a case of an under trial who could not afford to engage a lawyer, So the question was whether the court could decide his case by merely looking his papers, Justice Mahmood held that the pre-condition of the case being “heard” would be fulfilled only when somebody speaks.

The following trends were the cause for the emergence of judicial activism — expansion of rights of hearing in the administrative process, excessive delegation without limitation, expansion of judicial review over administration, promotion of open government, indiscriminate exercise of contempt power, exercise of jurisdiction when non-exist; over extending the standard rules of interpretation in its search to achieve economic, social and educational objectives; and passing of orders which are unworkable.

In the first decade of independence, activism on part of the judiciary was almost nil with political stalwarts running the executive and the parliament functioning with great enthusiasm, judiciary went along with the executive. In the 50s through half of the 70s, the apex court wholly held a judicial and structural view of the constitution.

In the famous Keshavananda Bharati case, two years before the declaration of emergency, The Supreme Court declared that the Executive had no right to tamper with the Constitution and alter its fundamental features. But it could not avert the emergency declared by Mrs. Gandhi and it was only at the end of it that the apex court and the lower courts began to continuously intervene in executive as well as legislative areas.

The first major case of judicial activism through social action litigation was the Bihar under trials case. In 1980 it came in the form of a Writ Petition under article 21, by some professors of law revealing the barbaric conditions of detention in the Agra Protective Home, followed by a case against Delhi Women’s Home filed by a Delhi law faculty student and a social worker. Then three journalists filed a petition for the Prohibition of the prostitution trade in which women were bought and sold as cattle.

Taking cognisance of custody deaths Supreme Court ordered the police not to handcuff a man arrested purely on suspicion, not to take a woman to the police station after dusk. High Court judges visited the prisons to check the living conditions of prisoners, in the year 1993, in just a month the apex court proclaimed judgment protecting the rights of innocents held in Hazaratbal mosque in Srinagar, defining the constitutional powers of the Chief Election Commissioner, threatening multi-crore rupees industries with closure if they continued to pollute the Ganga and Taj Mahal and brought all government and semi government bodies under the purview of the Consumer protection Act.

In a 1994, judgement it asked the Chief of Army Staff to pay Rs. 6, 00,000 to the widow and two children of an army officer who died due to the callousness of the authorities concerned some 16 years before.  The controversial 27% reservation of jobs in Central Government and Public Sector Undertakings was referred to the Supreme Court by the Rao Government. The court decision favoured 49% of jobs for backward castes and class but the ‘creamy layers; were exempted from this reservation. Simi­larly the court put a curb on the operation of capitation fee in colleges in Karnataka.

The Supreme Court giving directions to the CBI and summoning the head of the CBI to report on the hawala case reveals the breakdown of other machineries of the government. The court interfer­ence with the CBI working became inevitable in the wake of the tactics of delay and technical evasion that was undertaken by the investigative agencies.


Judicial activism is a term used to describe the practice of judges using their power to make decisions that have a significant impact on public policy. This can be done by striking down laws that judges believe are unconstitutional, or by interpreting laws in a way that favors one side over another.

There are a number of different subtopics that can be discussed in relation to judicial activism. These include:

  • The role of the judiciary in a Democracy
  • The Separation of Powers
  • The doctrine of judicial review
  • The use of precedent
  • The role of public opinion in judicial decision-making
  • The impact of judicial activism on Social Change

It is important to note that there is no single definition of judicial activism, and there is much debate about whether or not it is a positive or negative force in Society.

The role of the judiciary in a democracy

In a democracy, the judiciary is one of the three branches of government, along with the executive and legislative branches. The judiciary is responsible for interpreting the law and ensuring that it is applied fairly and justly.

The judiciary plays an important role in protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring that the government does not overstep its bounds. The judiciary can also play a role in shaping public policy by striking down laws that it deems unconstitutional or by interpreting laws in a way that favors one side over another.

The separation of powers

The separation of powers is a System of Government in which the powers of the government are divided among three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. This system is designed to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

The judiciary plays an important role in the separation of powers by ensuring that the other two branches of government do not overstep their bounds. The judiciary can do this by striking down laws that it deems unconstitutional or by interpreting laws in a way that limits the power of the other branches of government.

The doctrine of judicial review

The doctrine of judicial review is the power of the courts to strike down laws that they deem unconstitutional. This doctrine was established in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison (1803), in which the Supreme Court ruled that it had the power to strike down laws that it found to be in violation of the Constitution.

The doctrine of judicial review is an important check on the power of the legislative branch. It allows the courts to ensure that the laws that are passed by Congress are consistent with the Constitution.

The use of precedent

Precedent is a legal principle that obligates courts to follow the decisions of previous cases when deciding similar cases. This principle is based on the idea that the law should be predictable and consistent.

The use of precedent is an important part of the judicial system. It helps to ensure that the law is applied fairly and justly, and it also helps to promote stability and predictability in the law.

The role of public opinion in judicial decision-making

The role of public opinion in judicial decision-making is a complex and controversial issue. Some people believe that judges should be insulated from public opinion and should only rule based on the law. Others believe that judges should take public opinion into account when making decisions.

There is no easy answer to this question. It is important to remember that judges are human beings, and they are influenced by their own experiences and beliefs. It is also important to remember that the law is not always clear-cut, and judges often have to make difficult decisions.

The impact of judicial activism on social change

Judicial activism can have a significant impact on social change. By striking down laws that it deems unconstitutional or by interpreting laws in a way that favors one side over another, the judiciary can help to promote social change.

For example, in the landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. This decision helped to pave the way for the Civil Rights Movement and the desegregation of schools across the United States.

Judicial activism can also be used to block social change. For example, in the case of Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court ruled that women have a constitutional right to abortion. This decision has been controversial ever since, and it has been the subject of numerous legal challenges.

The impact of judicial activism on social change is complex and often unpredictable. It is important to remember that the judiciary is only one branch of government, and that its decisions can be overturned by the other branches of government or by the people through the legislative process.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the topics of judicial activism, Judicial Restraint, and originalism:

Judicial Activism

  • What is judicial activism?
    Judicial activism is a judicial philosophy that encourages judges to use their power to make policy decisions that they believe are in the best interests of society.
  • What are some examples of judicial activism?
    Some examples of judicial activism include the Supreme Court’s decisions in Brown v. Board of Education, which struck down racial segregation in public schools, and Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion.
  • What are some arguments in favor of judicial activism?
    Some arguments in favor of judicial activism include the idea that judges have a duty to protect the rights of minorities and the disadvantaged, and the idea that the Constitution is a living document that should be interpreted in Light of contemporary values.
  • What are some arguments against judicial activism?
    Some arguments against judicial activism include the idea that judges should not be making policy decisions, and the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted according to its original meaning.

Judicial Restraint

  • What is judicial restraint?
    Judicial restraint is a judicial philosophy that encourages judges to defer to the decisions of elected officials, unless those decisions violate the Constitution.
  • What are some examples of judicial restraint?
    Some examples of judicial restraint include the Supreme Court’s decisions in United States v. Nixon, which upheld President Richard Nixon’s right to withhold certain documents from Congress, and Bush v. Gore, which upheld the results of the 2000 presidential election.
  • What are some arguments in favor of judicial restraint?
    Some arguments in favor of judicial restraint include the idea that judges should not be making policy decisions, and the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted according to its original meaning.
  • What are some arguments against judicial restraint?
    Some arguments against judicial restraint include the idea that judges have a duty to protect the rights of minorities and the disadvantaged, and the idea that the Constitution is a living document that should be interpreted in light of contemporary values.


  • What is originalism?
    Originalism is a theory of Constitutional Interpretation that holds that the meaning of the Constitution should be determined by its original meaning, as understood by the framers.
  • What are some arguments in favor of originalism?
    Some arguments in favor of originalism include the idea that the Constitution is a contract between the people and the government, and that the people should be able to hold the government accountable for violating the terms of that contract.
  • What are some arguments against originalism?
    Some arguments against originalism include the idea that the Constitution is a living document that should be interpreted in light of contemporary values, and the idea that the framers could not have anticipated the challenges that the nation would face in the 21st century.

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions about the topics of judicial activism, judicial restraint, and the role of the Supreme Court in American government:

  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of judicial activism?
    (A) The Court overturns laws that it believes are unconstitutional.
    (B) The Court defers to the decisions of elected officials.
    (C) The Court takes an active role in shaping public policy.
    (D) The Court interprets the Constitution in a way that expands the rights of individuals.

  2. Which of the following is an example of judicial activism?
    (A) The Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which overturned racial segregation in public schools.
    (B) The Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion.
    (C) The Court’s decision in Bush v. Gore, which decided the outcome of the 2000 presidential election.
    (D) All of the above.

  3. Which of the following is an example of judicial restraint?
    (A) The Court’s decision in McCulloch v. Maryland, which upheld the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States.
    (B) The Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, which upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation.
    (C) The Court’s decision in Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the constitutionality of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
    (D) All of the above.

  4. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. It has the power to overturn laws that it believes are unconstitutional. The Court also has the power to interpret the Constitution. This means that the Court can decide what the Constitution means and how it should be applied.

  5. The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices who are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The justices serve for life, or until they resign or retire.

  6. The Supreme Court plays an important role in American government. It is the final authority on the meaning of the Constitution. The Court’s decisions can have a major impact on public policy.

  7. There is debate about the proper role of the Supreme Court in American government. Some people believe that the Court should be an active participant in shaping public policy. Others believe that the Court should defer to the decisions of elected officials.

  8. The debate over the proper role of the Supreme Court is likely to continue for many years to come.
