Jharkhand: Influence of Arayans and British over Tribal Culture

<<2/”>a >p style=”text-align: justify;”>The kingship system was resisted by the Adivasis. The Hos resisted the malgujari. and so too did the Santhals and the Mundas. This resistance became more prominent during the British rule in India which resulted in the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act, the Santhal Parganas Tenancy Act, and the Wilkinson Rule. These rules and Acts recognised the distinctiveness of the social-cultural and political institutions of the Adivasi people. They also provided the British government with a better way of collecting tax from a people who refused to part with the lands that had been cleared and cultivated for several generations. It is clear that the customary system of self-governance of the Adivasis has existed and evolved in the course of the history as far back as we can trace it Their customary practices have been one of the  main strengths of the Adivasis people. This is how they have been able, in the past, to resist outside forces encroaching into their freedom.

        The economic effects of forcible incorporation of Adivasis into a stratified market economy have been well recorded. However, as well as the economic exploitation and land alienation, the incorporation and subordination of the  Adivasi Society in to the market economy, has led to the destruction of the community  as a whole. This disempowerment was done through a very conscious destruction of the Adivasi institutions of governance.

        In the case of  Jharkhand, with the establishment of British rule we find a conscious effort to destroy the traditional Adivasis institution of self- governance, self-regulation, such as Munda Manki system  and the Parha system. These representative institutions were supplanted by a new set of institutions to enable the British not only to appropriate the economic and labour Resources of the Adivasis communities in the form of land revenue and indentured labour, but also to make these new institutions independent of the control of the Adivasis community.

 It is no accident that unlike the Munda Manki system. which was communitarian and not necessarily hereditary, the new system was always based in an individual authority and in several cases hereditary. These offices of revenue extraction were vested with authorities of a feudatory chief or raja.

A part from the system of revenue and labour extractions a new and bureaucratic civil and criminal administration  was also set up.

Bureaucracy, police and courts were encountered by the Adivasi communities for the first time. These institutions not only destroyed the Adivasi communities, since they were completely out of the control of the society, they also eroded the communitarian principles that permeated the self- regulatory mechanism of the Adivasi society. The impact of this ethos was evident in    mechanism of dispute settlement in the traditional Adivasi institutions.

In the case of disputes, such as inter-clan clashes, murders or debts.the emphasis of the community panchayat was on Justice, ratherer then judgment or punishment. All this changed with the advent of the modern bureaucracy that was based on individualism and impersonality. The Adivasis notion of justice was replaced by the modern binary of crime and punishment. The inability of the Adivasi people to grasp this subtle but deadly shift often led to tragic consequences. In the initial year of the establishment of police stations there are several recorded instances of the Adivasi warrior’s reporting to the police station with the body of their victims.

What has been patronizingly recorded by the police officials as the “innocence and simplicity of the savage tribal’s” was in fact the result of the  failure of the Adivasi communities to understand the full import of the modem judicial principle   crime and punishment. Rather than endeavoring to resolve

the  cause of acrimony between the Adivasi individuals or groups so that harmony could once again be restored,  as was the traditional custom of the Adivasi panchayat the modern institutions resorted to punitive action, since for them an individual was solely responsible for its acts of omission and commission.

The Adivasi mechanism of grievance redress was therefore trespassed and violated. Furthermore, in its dealings with modern bureaucracy,  judiciary and police the Adivasi notion of self-respect was violated. The elitist Attitude of the colonial and Indian mindset was largely responsible for this. It either treated the Adivasi as a barbarian or as a simple or genial savage who was incapable of taking care of himself.

 Apart from the attitude of the officials, the mystifying processes and functions of these new institutions made it impossible for the Adivasis to engage with these institutions on an equal footing. Official work during the colonial period was done entirely in English and in the post independence era in Hindi. Given the preponderance of these non Adivasis languages, the Adivasis were either compelled to learn the language of their conquerors and the attached cultural baggage or depend on the non-Adivasis in their efforts to seek justice from the modern institutions.

Either way, the Adivasis lost their autonomy, self sufficiency and self respect. It is not an accident therefore that in every Adivasi institution; of police, judiciary and bureaucracy were made targets of attack. It is noting here the curious case of the shooting of an arrow by Birsa Munda on a seminary in Sarvada to mark the beginning of his protest. This act has been interpreted  by certain communal minded people as an attack on the religious  beliefs of the inmates of the seminary however, if the intention of   Birsa was to destroy the seminary rather than shooting a single arrow from a great distance he would have organised a full fledged raid on the institution.

However, what a western anglophile failed to recognise is that the problem of Adivasis is not only the inability to successfully represent their case in the modern institutions, but the very act of incorporation of the Adivasi society within the modern institutions. The arrow shot on the pastor by Birsa was not

aimed at his religious belief, but was intended to draw a line of demarcation between the Adivasis desire to retain their traditional autonomy and the desire of an anglophile to facilitate an easy and civilized way of coopting the tribal community into the modern system.

                                       Oral tradition as a basis of customary practices The Adivasi customary practices evolve from the praxis of oral traditional. In other words, the culture defines the customary practices. It is reflected in what people give value to and what they value. The event is important rather than the time in which it took place. It is not important that it is published but that it is remembered and recounted through the generations. The past is not a catalogue of facts but an encoding of events as the marker of Adivasi valor, justice, dignity, etc. Oral traditions are expressions of communality and community unlike the written  script which becomes individual and personal.

The manner in which the Adivasi oral traditions were weakened was through the imposition of the written script by the ruling class. So today any and everything has to be written down in order to have validity. Whatever is unwritten and oral has been put in the category of myths and superstition. Once the commonality of the material resources gets privatised there will be an adverse impact on social relationships among the members of the society and a very negative influence on the cultural values and attitudes of the people. This is precisely what the British did by introducing the individual patta system.

This is exactly what happened to the Adivasi in India and in Jharkhand. As a result Communalism is replaced by individualism. Common property becomes private property. Co-operation becomes competition. Consensus in DECISION MAKING  becomes majority decision. Equality among the members of the community becomes inequality.  When India became independent the local ruling class, which was largely non  Adivasi and which hailed from north Bihar, and whose language was Hindi, systematically imposed  Hindi on the Adivasi people of Jharkhand.

Thus Hindi was made a necessary language both at the level of administration as well as in the formal Education system. As a consequence, the children who started to go primary school had to learn Hindi. The Adivasi school-going children did not fare well in Hindi because: they did not speak it   home, where as non-adivasi children, whose mother tongue was Hindi, much better at school .

 Hindi was also propagated to lessen the importance given to English. In this effort however the independence government largely failed because English continued to hold its sway in college and university education. The net consequence of this language policy was that Adivasi languages suffered

from  a double assault from government patronized Hindi and elite patronized English. National development leading to underdevelopment of the Indigenous people India has one of the largest indigenous populations in the world Adivasis in India form nearly 8 percent of India’s total Population  In the slate of Jharkhand. as SC Bhatt in the District Gazetteer of Jharkhand puts it. “during fifty years since independence, the Jharkhand land and the Jharkhandi people have been in a process of being reduced to shameles in several respects. The region consists of 79.714 sq kms of land with population of whom 30 percent are indigenous Adivasis. Where as they were 60 percent at the sun of the last century.

Due to displacement process the indigenous people of Jharkhand are perhaps the worst hit. otherwise this region is the richest region in the  whole country in terms of Natural Resources,  viz   timber and several kinds of Minerals drawn from far flung areas.” The planners of India’s 5 year plans adopted a

policy of “positive discrimination” towards Adivasis by providing them with certain extra facilities.

 In the beginning  of the 1990s. the Adivasi members of Parliament  brought the attention of the government both inside and outside parliament to the  continued  deprivation  of their people. In 1992  the central government appointed a special commission under the Leadership of Shri Delip Singh Bhuriua to make specific recommendations towards self-rule and self-development the Adivasi people.

The Aryan people were more dominant and aggressive. They had a monarchical system of governance based on the vama system and a standing army with fighting skills. Egalitarian Adivasi communities did    not  have a kingship system,  since it was based on hierarchy — a concept alien to the tribal ethos. Instead of Kingship the Adivasis had clan groups among the Kily system — the clan system. This later developed into the Khutkati system. Nor did they have a standing army, since the self-sufficient  Adivasis communities did not have a division of labour based on workers and non-workers.


The Aryans and the British were two major groups of people who had a significant impact on the tribal culture of Jharkhand. The Aryans were a group of people who migrated to India from Central Asia around 1500 BC. They brought with them their own language, culture, and religion. The Aryans had a significant impact on the tribal culture of Jharkhand. They introduced new crops, such as rice and wheat, and new technologies, such as ironworking. They also introduced their own religion, Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism, to the tribal people. The Aryans’ influence on tribal culture was both positive and negative. On the one hand, they brought new technologies and crops that helped to improve the lives of the tribal people. On the other hand, they also imposed their own culture and religion on the tribal people, which led to the loss of some of their traditional customs and beliefs.

The British East India Company first arrived in India in the early 17th century. They gradually began to take control of the country, and by the mid-19th century, they had established the British Raj. The British had a significant impact on the tribal culture of Jharkhand. They introduced new laws and regulations that changed the way of life for the tribal people. They also built roads, railways, and other Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE that helped to connect the tribal areas to the rest of India. The British’s influence on tribal culture was both positive and negative. On the one hand, they brought new technologies and infrastructure that helped to improve the lives of the tribal people. On the other hand, they also imposed their own laws and regulations on the tribal people, which led to the loss of some of their traditional customs and beliefs.

The Aryans and the British were both outsiders who came to Jharkhand and imposed their own cultures on the tribal people. The Aryans brought with them their language, culture, and religion, while the British brought with them their laws, regulations, and infrastructure. Both groups of people had a significant impact on the tribal culture of Jharkhand, but their influence was not always positive. The Aryans’ influence led to the loss of some of the tribal people’s traditional customs and beliefs, while the British’s influence led to the loss of some of the tribal people’s land and resources.

Despite the negative impacts of the Aryans and the British, the tribal people of Jharkhand have managed to maintain their unique culture and identity. They have done this by resisting assimilation into the dominant Hindu culture and by continuing to practice their traditional customs and beliefs. The tribal people of Jharkhand are a proud and resilient people who have a rich history and culture. They are determined to preserve their way of life, and they are working to ensure that their culture is passed on to future generations.

The tribal people of Jharkhand are facing many challenges today. They are being displaced from their land by mining and development projects, and they are being marginalized by the dominant Hindu culture. However, they are also working to improve their lives and to protect their culture. They are building schools and hospitals, and they are organizing to demand their rights. The tribal people of Jharkhand are a strong and determined people, and they are working to build a better future for themselves and their children.

What is the influence of Aryans on tribal culture?

The Aryans were a group of people who migrated to India from Central Asia around 1500 BC. They brought with them their own language, religion, and culture, which had a significant impact on the tribal cultures of India.

The Aryans were a warrior people, and they often conquered the tribal peoples they encountered. They imposed their own language, religion, and culture on the tribes, and many tribes were forced to adopt Aryan customs.

The Aryans also brought with them new technologies, such as ironworking and agriculture. These technologies helped to improve the lives of the tribes, but they also led to changes in their traditional way of life.

The Aryans also introduced new ideas about religion and society. They believed in a number of gods, and they worshipped them through rituals and sacrifices. They also believed in a caste system, which divided people into different Social Classes. These ideas had a profound impact on the tribal cultures of India.

What is the influence of British on tribal culture?

The British East India Company first arrived in India in the early 17th century. They began to trade with the local rulers, and they gradually gained control of more and more territory. By the end of the 18th century, the British had conquered most of India and established the British Raj.

The British had a significant impact on the tribal cultures of India. They introduced new technologies, such as railways and telegraphs, which helped to improve the lives of the tribes. They also built schools and hospitals, which helped to improve the education and Health of the tribes.

However, the British also had a negative impact on the tribal cultures of India. They often forced the tribes to work for them, and they often discriminated against them. They also destroyed many tribal temples and shrines.

The British Raj ended in 1947, when India gained independence. However, the legacy of British rule continues to be felt in the tribal cultures of India.

What are the challenges faced by tribal people in India?

Tribal people in India face a number of challenges. They are often poor and uneducated, and they have limited access to healthcare and other basic Services. They are also often discriminated against by the majority population.

One of the biggest challenges faced by tribal people is POVERTY. Many tribal people live in remote areas, and they have limited opportunities for EMPLOYMENT. They often rely on subsistence farming, which is not always enough to provide for their basic needs.

Tribal people are also often uneducated. The Literacy rate among tribal people is much lower than the national Average. This lack of education makes it difficult for tribal people to find good jobs and improve their lives.

Tribal people also have limited access to healthcare. Many tribal areas do not have hospitals or clinics, and tribal people often have to travel long distances to get medical care. This can be difficult, especially if they are poor and do not have access to transportation.

Tribal people are also often discriminated against by the majority population. They may be denied access to education, employment, and other basic services. They may also be subjected to violence and abuse.

What are the efforts being made to improve the lives of tribal people in India?

The Indian government has made a number of efforts to improve the lives of tribal people. They have launched a number of programs to provide education, healthcare, and other basic services to tribal people. They have also passed laws to protect the rights of tribal people.

However, these efforts have not been enough to address all of the challenges faced by tribal people. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done to improve the lives of tribal people in India.

One of the most important things that can be done to improve the lives of tribal people is to provide them with education. Education will help them to get better jobs and improve their lives. It will also help them to understand their rights and how to protect them.

Another important thing that can be done is to provide tribal people with healthcare. Healthcare will help them to stay healthy and live longer lives. It will also help them to avoid diseases that are common in tribal areas.

The government should also pass more laws to protect the rights of tribal people. These laws should protect them from discrimination and violence. They should also protect their land and resources.

Tribal people are an important part of India’s culture and history. It is important to do everything we can to improve their lives.

Sure. Here are some MCQs about Jharkhand:

  1. Which of the following is not a tribal group in Jharkhand?
    (A) Santhal
    (B) Munda
    (C) Oraon
    (D) Brahmin

  2. The capital of Jharkhand is:
    (A) Ranchi
    (B) Jamshedpur
    (C) Dhanbad
    (D) Bokaro

  3. The main language spoken in Jharkhand is:
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Bengali
    (C) Odia
    (D) Mundari

  4. Jharkhand is a state in:
    (A) North India
    (B) South India
    (C) East India
    (D) West India

  5. The main occupation of the people of Jharkhand is:
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Mining
    (C) Industry
    (D) Tourism

  6. The main religion of the people of Jharkhand is:
    (A) Hinduism
    (B) Christianity
    (C) Islam
    (D) Sikhism

  7. The main exports of Jharkhand are:
    (A) Coal
    (B) Iron Ore
    (C) Mica
    (D) All of the above

  8. The main tourist attractions of Jharkhand are:
    (A) The Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary
    (B) The Betla National Park
    (C) The Hazaribagh National Park
    (D) All of the above

  9. The main festivals of Jharkhand are:
    (A) The Sohrai Festival
    (B) The Karma Festival
    (C) The Sarhul Festival
    (D) All of the above

  10. The main food of Jharkhand is:
    (A) Rice
    (B) Roti
    (C) Dal
    (D) All of the above

I hope these MCQs are helpful!