<<2/”>a href=””>h2>ISI and RAW: India’s Intelligence Agencies

What are ISI and RAW?

ISI stands for Inter-Services Intelligence, the primary intelligence agency of Pakistan. It was established in 1948, shortly after the partition of India and Pakistan. The ISI’s mandate is to gather intelligence on internal and external threats to Pakistan’s security, and to conduct covert operations in support of Pakistan’s national interests.

RAW stands for Research and Analysis Wing, the primary foreign intelligence agency of India. It was established in 1968, following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. RAW’s mandate is to gather intelligence on foreign threats to India’s security, and to conduct covert operations in support of India’s national interests.

Structure and Organization


  • Director General (DG): The head of the ISI, appointed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
  • Directorates: The ISI is organized into various directorates, each responsible for a specific area of intelligence gathering or operations. These include:
    • Counter-Intelligence Directorate: Responsible for countering espionage and subversion within Pakistan.
    • Foreign Intelligence Directorate: Responsible for gathering intelligence on foreign countries.
    • Operations Directorate: Responsible for conducting covert operations.
  • Regional Offices: The ISI has regional offices throughout Pakistan and in key foreign countries.


  • Secretary: The head of RAW, appointed by the Prime Minister of India.
  • Directorates: RAW is organized into various directorates, each responsible for a specific area of intelligence gathering or operations. These include:
    • Counter-Intelligence Directorate: Responsible for countering espionage and subversion within India.
    • Foreign Intelligence Directorate: Responsible for gathering intelligence on foreign countries.
    • Operations Directorate: Responsible for conducting covert operations.
  • Regional Offices: RAW has regional offices throughout India and in key foreign countries.

Functions and Activities


  • Internal Security: The ISI is responsible for monitoring and countering internal threats to Pakistan’s security, including terrorism, separatism, and religious extremism.
  • External Security: The ISI gathers intelligence on foreign countries, particularly India, Afghanistan, and Iran. It also conducts covert operations in support of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy objectives.
  • Counter-Terrorism: The ISI plays a significant role in Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts, both domestically and internationally.
  • Support for Militant Groups: The ISI has been accused of supporting militant groups in Kashmir, Afghanistan, and other regions.


  • Internal Security: RAW is responsible for monitoring and countering internal threats to India’s security, including terrorism, separatism, and religious extremism.
  • External Security: RAW gathers intelligence on foreign countries, particularly Pakistan, China, and other neighboring countries. It also conducts covert operations in support of India’s foreign policy objectives.
  • Counter-Terrorism: RAW plays a significant role in India’s counter-terrorism efforts, both domestically and internationally.
  • Support for Separatist Groups: RAW has been accused of supporting separatist groups in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other regions.

Relationship with Governments and Military


  • Close Ties with Military: The ISI has historically had close ties with the Pakistan Army, and its operations are often coordinated with the military.
  • Influence on Government: The ISI has been accused of wielding significant influence over Pakistan’s government, particularly in matters of foreign policy and security.


  • Close Ties with Government: RAW is directly under the control of the Indian government and reports to the Prime Minister.
  • Coordination with Military: RAW works closely with the Indian military on matters of intelligence gathering and counter-terrorism.

Controversies and Accusations


  • Support for Terrorism: The ISI has been accused of supporting terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Jaish-e-Mohammed.
  • Interference in Afghanistan: The ISI has been accused of interfering in Afghan politics and supporting militant groups in Afghanistan.
  • Human Rights Abuses: The ISI has been accused of human rights abuses, including torture and extrajudicial killings.


  • Support for Separatist Groups: RAW has been accused of supporting separatist groups in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other regions.
  • Interference in Sri Lanka: RAW has been accused of interfering in Sri Lankan politics and supporting Tamil separatists.
  • Human Rights Abuses: RAW has been accused of human rights abuses, including torture and extrajudicial killings.

Comparison of ISI and RAW

MandateGather intelligence on internal and external threats to Pakistan’s security; conduct covert operations in support of Pakistan’s national interestsGather intelligence on foreign threats to India’s security; conduct covert operations in support of India’s national interests
StructureOrganized into various directorates, each responsible for a specific area of intelligence gathering or operationsOrganized into various directorates, each responsible for a specific area of intelligence gathering or operations
Relationship with GovernmentClose ties with the Pakistan Army; accused of wielding significant influence over Pakistan’s governmentDirectly under the control of the Indian government and reports to the Prime Minister
ControversiesAccused of supporting terrorist groups, interfering in Afghanistan, and human rights abusesAccused of supporting separatist groups, interfering in Sri Lanka, and human rights abuses

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between ISI and RAW?

A: ISI is the primary intelligence agency of Pakistan, while RAW is the primary foreign intelligence agency of India. Both agencies are responsible for gathering intelligence and conducting covert operations, but their focus and activities differ based on their respective countries’ national interests.

Q: Are ISI and RAW involved in terrorism?

A: Both agencies have been accused of supporting terrorist groups or engaging in activities that contribute to terrorism. However, these accusations are highly contested and often politically motivated.

Q: What is the role of ISI and RAW in the Kashmir conflict?

A: Both agencies have been accused of supporting militant groups in Kashmir, contributing to the ongoing conflict. The ISI is alleged to support Pakistani-backed militants, while RAW is accused of supporting Indian-backed militants.

Q: How do ISI and RAW compare in terms of effectiveness?

A: The effectiveness of both agencies is difficult to assess objectively. Both agencies have achieved successes in their respective missions, but they have also faced criticism for their failures and alleged abuses.

Q: What is the future of ISI and RAW?

A: The future of both agencies is likely to be shaped by the evolving security landscape in South Asia. Both agencies will need to adapt to new threats, such as cyberwarfare and transnational terrorism, while also navigating the complex political dynamics in the region.
