International Solar Alliance

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a global alliance of 121 countries, most of which are located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The ISA was founded in 2015 by India and France with the goal of promoting solar energy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

The ISA has three main objectives:

  • To promote the use of solar energy in member countries
  • To facilitate the transfer of technology and knowledge on solar energy
  • To mobilize finance for solar energy projects

The ISA has made significant progress in its short history. In 2017, the ISA launched the ISA Framework Agreement, which provides a framework for cooperation on solar energy between member countries. The ISA has also launched a number of initiatives, including the ISA Solar Capacity Building and Training Network, the ISA Solar Rooftop Programme, and the ISA Solar Innovation and Research Fund.

The ISA has the potential to play a major role in the global transition to renewable energy. The ISA has a large and diverse membership, and it has the potential to mobilize significant resources for solar energy projects. The ISA is also working to promote the use of solar energy in developing countries, which could help to reduce poverty and improve energy access.

The ISA is facing a number of challenges, however. One challenge is the high cost of solar energy. Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure in many developing countries, which makes it difficult to install solar panels. The ISA is also facing competition from other renewable energy sources, such as wind power.

Despite these challenges, the ISA has the potential to make a significant contribution to the global transition to renewable energy. The ISA has a strong membership, it has the potential to mobilize significant resources, and it is working to promote the use of solar energy in developing countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the International Solar Alliance?

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a global alliance of 121 countries, most of which are located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The ISA was founded in 2015 by India and France with the goal of promoting solar energy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

  1. What are the objectives of the ISA?

The ISA has three main objectives:

  • To promote the use of solar energy in member countries
  • To facilitate the transfer of technology and knowledge on solar energy
  • To mobilize finance for solar energy projects
  1. What has the ISA achieved so far?

The ISA has made significant progress in its short history. In 2017, the ISA launched the ISA Framework Agreement, which provides a framework for cooperation on solar energy between member countries. The ISA has also launched a number of initiatives, including the ISA Solar Capacity Building and Training Network, the ISA Solar Rooftop Programme, and the ISA Solar Innovation and Research Fund.

  1. What are the challenges facing the ISA?

The ISA is facing a number of challenges, however. One challenge is the high cost of solar energy. Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure in many developing countries, which makes it difficult to install solar panels. The ISA is also facing competition from other renewable energy sources, such as wind power.

  1. What is the future of the ISA?

Despite these challenges, the ISA has the potential to make a significant contribution to the global transition to renewable energy. The ISA has a strong membership, it has the potential to mobilize significant resources, and it is working to promote the use of solar energy in developing countries.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. The International Solar Alliance was founded in:
    (a) 2015
    (b) 2016
    (c) 2017

  2. The ISA has a membership of:
    (a) 121 countries
    (b) 122 countries
    (c) 123 countries

  3. The main objectives of the ISA are:
    (a) To promote the use of solar energy in member countries
    (b) To facilitate the transfer of technology and knowledge on solar energy
    (c) To mobilize finance for solar energy projects

  4. The ISA has launched a number of initiatives, including:
    (a) The ISA Solar Capacity Building and Training Network
    (b) The ISA Solar Rooftop Programme
    (c) The ISA Solar Innovation and Research Fund

  5. The ISA is facing a number of challenges, including:
    (a) The high cost of solar energy
    (b) The lack of infrastructure in many developing countries
    (c) Competition from other renewable energy sources, such as wind power
