Intended nationally determined contributions

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Intended nationally determined contributions:

  • Mitigation
  • Adaptation
  • Finance
  • Technology
  • Capacity building
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Loss and damage
  • Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls
  • Means of implementation
  • Non-state actors
    Intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) are national climate action plans that countries submit to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). INDCs are intended to help countries meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

INDCs are voluntary and non-binding, but they are an important step in the global effort to address climate change. By submitting INDCs, countries are signaling their commitment to taking action on climate change and are providing information about their plans to do so. This information can be used to track progress, identify gaps, and promote cooperation.

The Paris Agreement requires countries to submit new or updated INDCs every five years. The first round of INDCs was submitted in 2015, and the second round is due in 2020.

INDCs cover a range of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. Mitigation measures are aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while adaptation measures are aimed at reducing the impacts of climate change.

Some of the key mitigation measures that are included in INDCs include:

  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Increasing the use of renewable energy
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Reducing deforestation
  • Capturing and storing carbon dioxide

Some of the key adaptation measures that are included in INDCs include:

  • Building sea walls to protect coastal communities from sea level rise
  • Developing drought-resistant crops
  • Improving water management
  • Restoring forests

INDCs are an important part of the global effort to address climate change. They provide a framework for countries to take action on climate change and to track their progress. INDCs are also a valuable tool for promoting cooperation and collaboration between countries.

However, INDCs are not without their challenges. One challenge is that they are voluntary and non-binding. This means that countries are not legally required to meet their INDC commitments. Another challenge is that INDCs are not always ambitious enough. Some countries have submitted INDCs that do not do enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Despite these challenges, INDCs are an important step in the global effort to address climate change. They provide a framework for countries to take action on climate change and to track their progress. INDCs are also a valuable tool for promoting cooperation and collaboration between countries.

In addition to the subtopics listed above, INDCs also address the following issues:

  • Loss and damage: Loss and damage refers to the impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided or mitigated, such as the loss of life and property due to extreme weather events.
  • Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls: Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are essential for addressing climate change. Women and girls are often disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change, and they play a key role in adaptation and mitigation efforts.
  • Means of implementation: Means of implementation refers to the financial, technological, and capacity-building support that countries need to implement their INDCs.
  • Non-state actors: Non-state actors, such as businesses, civil society organizations, and local governments, can play an important role in implementing INDCs.

INDCs are a work in progress, and they will continue to evolve as countries learn more about climate change and as the international community develops new tools and approaches to address it. However, INDCs are already making a difference, and they will play a critical role in the global effort to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius.

  • What is mitigation?
    Mitigation is the act of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the ability of the Earth’s natural systems to absorb carbon dioxide.

  • Why is mitigation important?
    Mitigation is important because it helps to reduce the risks of climate change. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we can slow the rate of climate change and give ourselves more time to adapt to its impacts.

  • What are some examples of mitigation measures?
    Some examples of mitigation measures include:

    • Investing in renewable energy sources
    • Improving energy efficiency
    • Reducing deforestation
    • Protecting forests


  • What is adaptation?
    Adaptation is the process of adjusting to the impacts of climate change. This can include measures to protect people and property from extreme weather events, as well as measures to reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems to climate change.

  • Why is adaptation important?
    Adaptation is important because it helps to reduce the risks of climate change. By adapting to the impacts of climate change, we can protect people and property, and reduce the damage to ecosystems.

  • What are some examples of adaptation measures?
    Some examples of adaptation measures include:

    • Building sea walls to protect coastal communities from rising sea levels
    • Developing drought-resistant crops
    • Relocating communities to areas that are less vulnerable to climate change


  • What is finance?
    Finance is the provision of money or other financial resources. In the context of climate change, finance refers to the provision of money to help countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

  • Why is finance important?
    Finance is important because it helps to make mitigation and adaptation measures possible. Without finance, many countries would not be able to afford to take the necessary steps to address climate change.

  • What are some sources of finance for climate change?
    Some sources of finance for climate change include:

    • Public finance from national governments
    • Private finance from banks, investors, and other businesses
    • Multilateral finance from international organizations such as the World Bank and the Green Climate Fund


  • What is technology?
    Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. In the context of climate change, technology refers to the development and use of new technologies that can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

  • Why is technology important?
    Technology is important because it can help to make mitigation and adaptation measures more effective and efficient. For example, new technologies can help to reduce the cost of renewable energy, make buildings more energy-efficient, and develop drought-resistant crops.

Capacity building

  • What is capacity building?
    Capacity building is the process of developing the skills, knowledge, and resources that are necessary to achieve a particular goal. In the context of climate change, capacity building refers to the process of helping countries develop the skills, knowledge, and resources that they need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

  • Why is capacity building important?
    Capacity building is important because it helps to ensure that countries have the ability to implement mitigation and adaptation measures. Without capacity building, many countries would not be able to take the necessary steps to address climate change.

Transparency and accountability

  • What is transparency?
    Transparency is the quality of being open and honest. In the context of climate change, transparency refers to the need for countries to be open about their greenhouse gas emissions and their efforts to reduce them.

  • Why is transparency important?
    Transparency is important because it helps to build trust and confidence between countries. It also helps to ensure that countries are held accountable for their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Loss and damage

  • What is loss and damage?
    Loss and damage refers to the impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided or mitigated. This includes impacts such as the loss of life, property, and livelihoods.

  • Why is loss and damage important?
    Loss and damage is important because it is a real and growing problem. The impacts of climate change are already causing significant losses and damages, and these are expected to increase in the future.

Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls

  • What is gender equality?
    Gender equality is the state of being equal in terms of the rights, opportunities, and treatment of women and men.

  • Why is gender equality important in the context of climate change?
    Gender equality is important in the context of climate change because women and girls are often disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. For example, women are more likely to be displaced by climate-related disasters, and they are often more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on food security and health.

  • What can be done to promote gender equality in
    Question 1

Which of the following is not an Intended nationally determined contribution (INDC)?

(A) Mitigation
(B) Adaptation
(C) Finance
(D) Technology
(E) Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls

(E) Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls is not an INDC. INDCs are national-level climate change mitigation and adaptation plans that countries submit to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They are intended to help countries meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Question 2

Which of the following is the most important goal of INDCs?

(A) To reduce greenhouse gas emissions
(B) To adapt to the impacts of climate change
(C) To provide financial assistance to developing countries
(D) To transfer technology to developing countries
(E) To build capacity in developing countries

(A) The most important goal of INDCs is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is because climate change is caused by human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as burning fossil fuels. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential to preventing the worst impacts of climate change.

Question 3

Which of the following is the most important challenge facing INDCs?

(A) Ensuring that they are ambitious enough to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement
(B) Ensuring that they are implemented effectively
(C) Ensuring that they are fair and equitable
(D) Ensuring that they are supported by developed countries
(E) Ensuring that they are supported by developing countries

(A) The most important challenge facing INDCs is ensuring that they are ambitious enough to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. To achieve this goal, INDCs must be ambitious enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly.

Question 4

Which of the following is the most important way to support INDCs?

(A) Providing financial assistance to developing countries
(B) Transferring technology to developing countries
(C) Building capacity in developing countries
(D) Monitoring and reporting on progress
(E) Raising awareness of climate change

(A) The most important way to support INDCs is to provide financial assistance to developing countries. Developing countries need financial assistance to implement their INDCs. This assistance can be used to invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

Question 5

Which of the following is the most important way to ensure that INDCs are implemented effectively?

(A) Monitoring and reporting on progress
(B) Raising awareness of climate change
(C) Building capacity in developing countries
(D) Transferring technology to developing countries
(E) Providing financial assistance to developing countries

(A) The most important way to ensure that INDCs are implemented effectively is to monitor and report on progress. This will help to identify any challenges that countries are facing and to ensure that they are getting the support they need to implement their INDCs.