


Integrity means that the moral agent acts according to the inner convictions of a person. His conducts should be free from hypocrisy and deception. His actions should be in conformity with his stated values. But it is hard to follow high morals which one proclaims. The British historian GM Trevelyan has commented on this aspect of Puritanism i.e. rigid pursuit of high morals: “by making a shibboleth of virtue, it (puritanical version of Christianity) bred notorious hypocrites”. But it doesn’t mean that one needs to abandon morals. One should be moral sincerely without making a show of it.

Public leaders who possess integrity create interpersonal trust. Integrity which refers to actions resulting from a set of well ordered commitments and beliefs promotes trusts. Trust implies the capacity to depend on and place confidence in the actions of others. All social interaction depends on integrity and trust. Integrity especially relevant in Public Administration in which cooperative, corroborative and collective efforts are needed to solve interconnected problems. Hence, character, particularly integrity, is essential in leaders and bureaucrats.

In this context public administration writers make a distinction between ‘ethics of compliance’ and ‘ethics of integrity’. In ethics of compliance, public servants are trained or given detailed instructions on various laws, rules, regulations and procedures which govern their working in an organization. After Learning about these matters, public servants are expected to scrupulously follow them. In this process, public servants learn to follow a set of externally imposed commands. However, they may not do any moral thinking on their own.

Ethics of integrity in contrast tries to impart to civil servants the necessary skills to analyze moral problems on their own. They are trained in areas like Public Service ethos, ethical standards and values and in the processes of ethical reasoning. By using such skills public servants will follow ethical norms in their conduct. Ethics of integrity leads to development of moral character with self responsibility and moral autonomy. It relies on internal, positive, proactive and voluntary efforts of public servants rather than on external commands and penalties.



Impartiality is a norm of Justice holding that decisions should be based on objective standards, instead of on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the advantage to one person over another for unsuitable reasons. Impartiality is acting solely according to the merits of the case and serving equally well governments of different political persuasions. Impartiality means that civil bureaucrats in carrying out their official work, including functions like procurement, recruitment, delivery of Services etc., should take decisions based on merit alone. Impartiality implies that the behavior of, and treatment by a bureaucrat to any individual or entity has to be exclusively on the basis of merit. An administrator has to take numerous major decisions such as recruitment, procurement and allotment. To make such decisions effective and efficient, there has to be absolute impartiality. Impartiality is the eminence of a person where one is impartial while allocating any goods or services among several people or selecting a person from a set of people based on certain set of abilities.

In Impartiality, candidates must: Perform his responsibilities in a way that is fair, just and equitable and reflects the Civil Service commitment to Equality and diversity they must not act in a way that unjustifiably favors or discriminates against particular individuals or interests.

In political Impartiality, person must: Serve the government, whatever its political Persuasion, to the best of his ability in a way which maintains political impartiality and is in line with the requirements of this code, no matter what your own political beliefs are.

Act in a way which deserves and retains the confidence of ministers, while at the same time ensuring that you will be able to establish the same relationship with those whom you may be required to serve in some future government.

Comply with any restrictions that have been laid down on your political actions.

Candidates must not act in a way that is determined by party political considerations, or use official Resources for party political purposes and allow their personal political views to determine any advice they give or their actions


Non Partisanship


Non-partisanship is not being precisely owned or allied with any group, party or cause. Non-partisanship can be called political neutrality. Non-partisanship infers that the officer is to do his task without any fear of, or favour to any political party. The values of the administrator will flow from the constitution not from the philosophy of any political party. Non-partisanship is the process of not involving any political party even if the person has strong faith in any political thought.

Non-partisanship strengthens the democratic procedures and institutions along with maintaining the integrity of the service. The administrators are always with continuous interface with the politicians, therefore it is necessary to detach themselves from any political dogma and do his duty sincerely. It does not matter which party is in power. Significance of non-partisanship can be appreciated by considering a situation in which this virtue is absent. If the administrator is motivated to any political party, there would always be a group that would remain alienated from the government services as they would have voted for losing party. It strongly fascinates other prerequisites of moral administration like clearness and trustworthiness.,

Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions. Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy, in that it involves acting according to one’s own beliefs, standards, and principles, even when it may be difficult to do so.

Integrity is often associated with morality and virtue, and is seen as a necessary quality for people in positions of authority and responsibility. It is also important in personal relationships, as it can help to build trust and respect.

There are many different ways to define integrity, but it is generally understood to mean being honest, fair, and consistent in one’s actions. Integrity is often seen as a virtue, and it is something that many people strive for.

There are many different ways to develop integrity. One way is to set high standards for yourself and to always strive to meet them. Another way is to be honest with yourself and others, even when it is difficult. It is also important to be consistent in your actions, and to always act in accordance with your beliefs and values.

Integrity is an important quality to have, and it can help you to be successful in all areas of your life. If you want to develop integrity, there are many things you can do. Set high standards for yourself, be honest with yourself and others, and always act in accordance with your beliefs and values.

Here are some examples of integrity in different areas of life:

  • Academic integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness that students should display in their academic work. For example, students should not plagiarize other people’s work, and they should always give credit where credit is due.
  • Business integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness that businesses should display in their dealings with customers, employees, and other businesses. For example, businesses should not engage in false advertising or deceptive practices.
  • Data integrity: This refers to the accuracy and completeness of data. For example, data should be collected and stored in a way that ensures that it is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Ethical integrity: This refers to the adherence to ethical principles in all areas of life. For example, people should not engage in unethical behavior, such as lying, cheating, or stealing.
  • Financial integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness in financial dealings. For example, people should not engage in fraud or embezzlement.
  • Personal integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness in one’s personal life. For example, people should not cheat on their partners or lie to their friends.
  • Professional integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness in one’s professional life. For example, professionals should not engage in unethical behavior, such as accepting bribes or conflicts of interest.
  • Scientific integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness in scientific research. For example, scientists should not fabricate or falsify data, and they should always report their findings accurately.
  • Technical integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness in technical work. For example, engineers should not design products that are unsafe or that do not meet the requirements.
  • Workplace integrity: This refers to the honesty and fairness in the workplace. For example, employees should not engage in workplace bullying or harassment.

Integrity is an important quality to have in all areas of life. It can help you to be successful in your personal and professional life, and it can also help you to build trust and respect with others. If you want to develop integrity, there are many things you can do. Set high standards for yourself, be honest with yourself and others, and always act in accordance with your beliefs and values.

What is integrity?

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

What are the benefits of integrity?

There are many benefits to integrity. People with integrity are more likely to be trusted, respected, and successful. They are also more likely to have strong relationships and be happy.

How can I develop integrity?

There are many ways to develop integrity. One way is to practice honesty and ethical behavior in all areas of your life. Another way is to set high standards for yourself and hold yourself accountable to those standards. Finally, you can develop integrity by surrounding yourself with people who have integrity and who will support you in your efforts.

What are some examples of integrity?

There are many examples of integrity. One example is a person who tells the truth even when it is difficult. Another example is a person who keeps their promises even when it is inconvenient. Finally, an example of integrity is a person who stands up for what they believe in even when it is unpopular.

What are some challenges to integrity?

There are many challenges to integrity. One challenge is the temptation to lie or cheat in order to get ahead. Another challenge is the pressure to conform to the expectations of others, even if those expectations are not ethical. Finally, the challenge of integrity can be difficult when it means standing up for what you believe in, even when it is unpopular.

What is the importance of integrity?

Integrity is important because it is the foundation of trust. When people have integrity, they are more likely to be trusted by others. This trust can lead to stronger relationships, more opportunities, and a more successful life.

What are some quotes about integrity?

There are many quotes about integrity. One quote is “The man who does not know how to blush is lost.” This quote means that a person who is not ashamed of their actions is not a good person. Another quote is “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.” This quote means that a person with integrity does the right thing even when there is no one to reward them for it. Finally, the quote “Character is what you are in the dark” means that a person’s true character is revealed when they are alone and no one is watching them.

What are some famous people who have integrity?

There are many famous people who have integrity. One example is Martin Luther King, Jr. King was a civil rights leader who fought for equality for all people. He was a man of great integrity and his actions inspired many people around the world. Another example is Nelson Mandela. Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary who spent 27 years in prison for his beliefs. He was a man of great integrity and his actions helped to end apartheid in South Africa. Finally, Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer and anti-colonial nationalist who employed nonviolent civil disobedience to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule. He was a man of great integrity and his actions inspired many people around the world.

Here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Integrity:

  1. Which of the following is not a principle of Good Governance?
    (A) Transparency
    (B) Accountability
    (C) Integrity
    (D) Efficiency

  2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good leader?
    (A) Honesty
    (B) Fairness
    (C) Integrity
    (D) Loyalty

  3. Which of the following is not a type of conflict?
    (A) Intrapersonal conflict
    (B) Interpersonal conflict
    (C) Intragroup conflict
    (D) Integrity conflict

  4. Which of the following is not a way to manage conflict?
    (A) Avoidance
    (B) Accommodation
    (C) Compromise
    (D) Integrity

  5. Which of the following is not a type of decision-making?
    (A) Rational decision-making
    (B) Intuition
    (C) Contingency decision-making
    (D) Integrity decision-making

  6. Which of the following is not a step in the rational decision-making process?
    (A) Identify the problem
    (B) Generate alternatives
    (C) Evaluate alternatives
    (D) Integrity

  7. Which of the following is not a type of Leadership style?
    (A) Autocratic
    (B) Democratic
    (C) Laissez-faire
    (D) Integrity

  8. Which of the following is not a way to improve Communication?
    (A) Be clear and concise
    (B) Be respectful
    (C) Be honest
    (D) Be integrity

  9. Which of the following is not a type of feedback?
    (A) Positive feedback
    (B) Negative feedback
    (C) Constructive feedback
    (D) Integrity feedback

  10. Which of the following is not a way to give feedback?
    (A) Be specific
    (B) Be timely
    (C) Be constructive
    (D) Be integrity

I hope these MCQs are helpful!