Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats (IDWH): Protecting India’s Biodiversity

The Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats (IDWH) is a centrally sponsored scheme of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change focused on wildlife conservation in India. It recognizes the critical need for holistic habitat development and management to support the country’s rich biodiversity. The scheme adopts a multi-pronged approach, encompassing protected areas and landscapes beyond their boundaries.

Objectives of IDWH

  • Wildlife Conservation: Support the recovery and long-term conservation of endangered and threatened wildlife species.
  • Habitat Improvement: Restore and enhance the quality of degraded habitats within protected areas and adjoining landscapes.
  • Human-Wildlife Coexistence: Mitigate human-wildlife conflict and promote coexistence in areas surrounding protected areas.
  • Scientific Management: Strengthen science-based wildlife management practices, monitoring, and research within and beyond protected areas.
  • Capacity Building: Enhance the capacity of frontline forest personnel and communities involved in wildlife conservation efforts.

Components of IDWH

The IDWH scheme has three primary components:

  1. Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS): Provides major financial assistance to states for activities within protected areas (National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries).
  2. Recovery of Endangered Species: Focuses on the conservation of critically endangered species, including habitat management and population restoration.
  3. Support to the Development of Zoos: Supports ex-situ conservation efforts and modernization of existing zoos across India.

Interventions Under IDWH

  • Habitat restoration and management activities
  • Anti-poaching infrastructure and patrolling
  • Community engagement and awareness programs
  • Research and monitoring of wildlife populations
  • Veterinary care and rescue centers

Success Stories under IDWH

  • Population Recovery: The scheme has contributed to an increase in the populations of flagship species like tigers and rhinos.
  • Improved Habitat Management: Reduced degradation, invasive species management, and water infrastructure within protected areas.


  • Which wildlife habitats are covered? The scheme primarily focuses on Protected Areas and their surroundings, along with specific programs for endangered species.
  • How is IDWH implemented? State governments prepare management plans and implement projects with support from the Centre.


  1. The primary focus of IDWH is on:
    • A. Promoting export of agricultural goods
    • B. Eradicating rural poverty
    • C. Wildlife and habitat conservation
    • D. Constructing modern roads
  2. Which of these is NOT a focus area of IDWH?
  • A. Combatting poaching
  • B. Wildlife population monitoring
  • C. Habitat improvement
  • D. Free distribution of smartphones

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-D


The Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats scheme plays a crucial role in safeguarding India’s unique natural heritage. By focusing on habitat restoration, species protection, and community involvement, it aims to create a sustainable future for wildlife in India. The success of IDWH depends on collaborative efforts between the government, conservation organizations, and local communities. Integrating traditional knowledge, scientific expertise, and prioritizing the needs of ecosystems surrounding protected areas will be critical for securing a future where both humans and wildlife can thrive.