India’s Role In G20 And G77

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India's role in G-20

India has emerged as an important member of G20—able to contribute and influence the reshaping of the world economic and financial order. India has an ambitious multi-pronged agenda for the G20 summit in September 2016; ranging from deploying global surpluses for Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE-development/”>Infrastructure Development, inclusive development, Energy Efficiency to global action to mitigate terrorism and black Money. India’s core agenda at the summit would centre on stable and sustainable global Growth for EMPLOYMENT generation, stable Financial Markets and global trading regimes. According to India’s sherpa at the G20 Summit, the country will push for POVERTY eradication and Sustainable Development, besides trade and Investment.

Although trade and investment have always been on the G20 agenda, China is trying to take these to a higher level; therefore, it is imperative that India connects these to the issue of poverty. It will push for cooperation in clean energy to end fossil fuel subsidies in the medium term as demanded by developed countries including the US. Automatic exchange of information among countries to check black money is also a top-priority item on its agenda; though there is an agreement among G20 countries on this issue, there has been hardly any concrete progress. There is also the issue of Base Erosion and Profit Sharing (BEPS), which refers to tax planning strategies that exploit gaps and mismatches in tax rules to artificially shift profits to low- or no-tax locations where there is little or no economic activity, and which therefore result in little or no overall Corporate tax being paid. The BEPS is of utmost significance for countries, like India, due to their reliance on corporate tax, particularly from multinational enterprises.

India, among the strong emerging economies at the G20 summit this year found a focus on terrorism as well as Climate change as major issues, as it also highlighted what it considered some of its achievements and reforms in the sectors of economy such as the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). On the sidelines of the event, with bilateral talks as well as the BRICS informal meet, India raised similar issues in addition to which country-specific issues were also raised.

For India, in recent diplomatic international forums as well as bilateral meets with countries such as the UK, Germany, US and Israel, terror has been the highlight of discussions. As a crucial transnational threat to security, terrorism is an issue that is of growing concern to people across the world, and thus also an important arena for enhancing cooperation to fight against. At the G20 Summit being held in Hamburg, Germany, counter-terrorism measures emerged as one of the crucial points of discussion for India.

India's role in G77

Since the 1960s, the countries of the developing world have approached international negotiations together as the Group of 77, or G77. The G77 has steadily demanded greater participation in international politics. Member-states also argued that negotiations should lead to international agreements that enhanced their development possibilities. After 2000, several countries in the G77 grew economically and politically to take on larger roles. The BASIC countries – Brazil, China, India, and South Africa – emerged as a coalition in 2009 that has teamed up to address Climate Change negotiations together. At the same time, they maintained their ties with the G77 and continued to negotiate within it. This ARTICLE asks how the rise of the BASIC coalition affects the status of the G77 and its members' ability to achieve their central goals in the negotiations: a seat at the table and Resources to support their sustainable development aspirations.

India has always backed the demand of G77 countries that the developed world start helping poorer nations cope with the “loss and damage” from extreme climate events like Typhoon Haiyan that ravaged the Philippines but stopped short of a hardline stand.

The G77 — which has expanded to 133 nations since the group was formed nearly half a century ago.

The Warsaw talks are tried to lay the foundations for a global accord meant to be agreed in 2015 and enter into force from 2020. The rich fear it would be costly and make them legally liable for droughts, heat waves and storms. For poorer countries, the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan earlier this month has raised the urgency of compensation.

India is a member of the G77. But it holds an independent position since 2009 when, along with emerging economies like Brazil, South Africa and China, it formed the BASIC group that worked with developed countries to reach the unofficial Copenhagen Accord, a set of decisions that included creation of a Green Climate Fund (GCF).

The G77 and China want a separate mechanism for compensating loss and damage under the UNFCCC as tagging it with the GCF, they say, would increase competitiveness. The GCF funding from 2020 will have an annual ceiling of $100 billion.

Most observers have seen a relationship of mutual benefit or at least mutual dependency between the members of the G77 and BASIC. In general, the G77 is seen to benefit from the greater visibility and negotiating weight of its larger and wealthier members, while the BASIC countries avoid isolation and gain legitimacy for their demands when they are couched within the G77's agenda. On the other hand, this article shows that many members of the G77 appear to have some concrete disadvantages from asserting similarity with the BASIC countries.   



India’s participation in the G20 and G77 has been significant. India has played a leading role in promoting global economic growth and development. India has also played a leading role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and terrorism.

India’s interests in the G20 and G77 are closely aligned. Both forums provide India with an opportunity to promote its economic interests and to advocate for the interests of developing countries.

India’s participation in the G20 has allowed it to play a leading role in global economic governance. The G20 is a forum for international economic cooperation that brings together the world’s major economies. India’s participation in the G20 has allowed it to shape the global economic agenda and to promote its own economic interests.

India’s role in the G77 has allowed it to represent the interests of developing countries on the global stage. The G77 is a group of developing countries that was founded in 1964. The G77 is a forum for developing countries to advocate for their interests in international forums. India’s role in the G77 has allowed it to speak out on behalf of developing countries and to promote their interests in international negotiations.

India’s contributions to the G20 and G77 have been significant. India has played a leading role in promoting global economic growth and development. India has also played a leading role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and terrorism.

India’s contributions to the G20 have included promoting global economic growth, addressing climate change, and reforming the international financial system. India has also played a leading role in the G20’s efforts to combat terrorism.

India’s contributions to the G77 have included promoting South-South cooperation, addressing climate change, and reforming the international trade system. India has also played a leading role in the G77’s efforts to combat poverty and inequality.

India faces a number of challenges in the G20 and G77. One challenge is the increasing power of emerging economies such as China and Brazil. These countries are challenging India’s traditional role as a leader of developing countries. Another challenge is the rise of protectionist sentiment in developed countries. This sentiment could threaten India’s exports and economic growth.

Despite these challenges, India’s future in the G20 and G77 is bright. India is a growing economic power and a rising global leader. India’s participation in these forums will continue to be important for promoting its economic interests and advocating for the interests of developing countries.

India’s participation in the G20 and G77 has been beneficial for both India and the world. India has used these forums to promote its economic interests and to advocate for the interests of developing countries. The G20 and G77 have also benefited from India’s participation. India has brought a unique perspective to these forums and has helped to shape the global agenda.

What is the G20?

The G20 is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors of 20 major economies. It was established in 1999 to promote international economic cooperation and to respond to the financial crisis of 2008.

What is the G77?

The G77 is a group of 134 developing countries that was established in 1964. It is the largest intergovernmental organization of developing countries in the United Nations.

What is India’s role in the G20?

India is a member of the G20 and has been a regular participant in its meetings since 2009. India has played a constructive role in the G20, and has been a strong advocate for the interests of developing countries.

What is India’s role in the G77?

India is a founding member of the G77 and has been a leading voice in the group. India has played a key role in promoting the interests of developing countries in the G77, and has been a strong advocate for the reform of the international economic system.

What are the challenges facing India in the G20 and the G77?

India faces a number of challenges in the G20 and the G77. One challenge is to ensure that the interests of developing countries are represented in the G20. Another challenge is to promote the reform of the international economic system.

What are the opportunities for India in the G20 and the G77?

India has a number of opportunities in the G20 and the G77. One opportunity is to promote its own economic interests. Another opportunity is to play a leading role in the reform of the international economic system.

What is the future of India’s role in the G20 and the G77?

India’s role in the G20 and the G77 is likely to grow in the future. India is a rising power, and its economy is growing rapidly. India is also a Democracy, and it is a member of the BRICS group of emerging economies. These factors are likely to give India a greater voice in the G20 and the G77 in the future.

Question 1

India is a member of the following international organizations:

(A) G20
(B) G77
(C) Both G20 and G77
(D) Neither G20 nor G77


(C) Both G20 and G77

India is a member of both the G20 and the G77. The G20 is a group of 20 major economies in the world, while the G77 is a group of 134 developing countries.

Question 2

The G20 was founded in:

(A) 1999
(B) 2008
(C) 2010
(D) 2013


(A) 1999

The G20 was founded in 1999 by the finance ministers and central bank governors of the world’s major economies.

Question 3

The G77 was founded in:

(A) 1964
(B) 1974
(C) 1984
(D) 1994


(A) 1964

The G77 was founded in 1964 by 77 developing countries at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

Question 4

The main goal of the G20 is to:

(A) Promote international economic cooperation
(B) Address global economic challenges
(C) Both promote international economic cooperation and address global economic challenges
(D) Neither promote international economic cooperation nor address global economic challenges


(C) Both promote international economic cooperation and address global economic challenges

The G20’s main goal is to promote international economic cooperation and address global economic challenges.

Question 5

The main goal of the G77 is to:

(A) Promote the interests of developing countries
(B) Address the special needs of developing countries
(C) Both promote the interests of developing countries and address the special needs of developing countries
(D) Neither promote the interests of developing countries nor address the special needs of developing countries


(C) Both promote the interests of developing countries and address the special needs of developing countries

The G77’s main goal is to promote the interests of developing countries and address the special needs of developing countries.

Question 6

India’s role in the G20 is to:

(A) Promote India’s economic interests
(B) Represent the interests of developing countries
(C) Both promote India’s economic interests and represent the interests of developing countries
(D) Neither promote India’s economic interests nor represent the interests of developing countries


(C) Both promote India’s economic interests and represent the interests of developing countries

India’s role in the G20 is to promote India’s economic interests and represent the interests of developing countries.

Question 7

India’s role in the G77 is to:

(A) Promote India’s economic interests
(B) Represent the interests of developing countries
(C) Both promote India’s economic interests and represent the interests of developing countries
(D) Neither promote India’s economic interests nor represent the interests of developing countries


(B) Represent the interests of developing countries

India’s role in the G77 is to represent the interests of developing countries.

Question 8

India’s membership in the G20 and the G77 is important because it allows India to:

(A) Promote India’s economic interests
(B) Represent the interests of developing countries
(C) Both promote India’s economic interests and represent the interests of developing countries
(D) Neither promote India’s economic interests nor represent the interests of developing countries


(C) Both promote India’s economic interests and represent the interests of developing countries

India’s membership in the G20 and the G77 is important because it allows India to promote India’s economic interests and represent the interests of developing countries.