India’s relation with United States of America, Russia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Maldives and Middle East Countries.

<<2/”>a >p class=”cs40314EBF”>India’s relation with United States of America, Russia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Maldives and Middle East Countries.

’s relation with United States of America

Political Relations:

The frequency of high-level visits and exchanges between and the U.S. has gone up significantly of late. Prime Minister Modi visited the U.S. on 26-30 September 2014; he held meetings with President Obama, members of the U.S. Congress and political leaders, including from various States and cities in the U.S., and interacted with members of President Obama’s Cabinet. He also reached out to the captains of the U.S. commerce and Industry, the American civil Society and think tanks, and the n-American community. A Vision Statement and a Joint Statement were issued during the visit.

Civil Nuclear Cooperation:

The bilateral civil nuclear cooperation agreement was finalized in July 2007 and signed in October 2008. During Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the U.S. in September 2014, the two sides set up a Contact Group for advancing the full and timely implementation of the -U.S. Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, and to resolve pending issues. Culminating a decade of PARTNERSHIP on civil nuclear issues, the two sides have started the preparatory work on site in for six AP 1000 reactors to be built by Westinghouse. Once completed, the project would be among the largest of its kind. The Nuclear Power Corporation of Ltd, and Westinghouse are in talks toward finalizing the contractual arrangements, and addressing related issues.

Defence Cooperation:

Defence relationship has emerged as a major pillar of -U.S. strategic partnership with the signing of ‘New Framework for -U.S. Defense Relations’ in 2005 and the resulting intensification in defence trade, joint exercises, personnel exchanges, collaboration and cooperation in maritime security and counter-piracy, and exchanges between each of the three Services. The Defence Framework Agreement was updated and renewed for another 10 years in June 2015.

Aggregate worth of defence acquisition from U.S. Defence has crossed over US$ 13 billion. and the United States have launched a Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) aimed at simplifying technology transfer policies and exploring possibilities of co-development and co-production to invest the defence relationship with strategic value.

Counter-terrorism and Internal Security:

 Cooperation in counter-terrorism has seen considerable progress with intelligence sharing, information exchange, operational cooperation, counter-terrorism technology and equipment. -U.S. Counter-Terrorism Cooperation Initiative was signed in 2010 to expand collaboration on counter-terrorism, information sharing and capacity building. A Homeland Security Dialogue was announced during President Obama’s visit to in November 2010 to further deepen operational cooperation, counter-terrorism technology transfers and capacity building. Two rounds of this Dialogue have been held, in May 2011 and May 2013, with six Sub-Groups steering cooperation in specific areas. In December 2013, -U.S Police Chief Conference on homeland security was organized in New Delhi. Police Commissioners from ‘s top four metropolis paid a study visit to the U.S. to learn the practices of megacities policing in the U.S. in November 2015. The two sides have agreed on a joint work plan to counter the threat of Improvised Explosives Device (IED).

Trade and Economic:

 -US bilateral trade in goods and services increased from $104 billion in 2014 to $114 billion in 2016. Two-way merchandise trade stood at $66.7 billion. Of this, ’s exports of goods to the US were valued at $46 billion and ’s imports of goods from US were valued at $21.7 billion. -US Trade in Services stood at $47.2 billion. Both countries have made a commitment to facilitate actions necessary for increasing the bilateral trade to $500 billion. The bilateral merchandise trade is showing an encouraging Growth trajectory in 2017.

-Russia Relations

Russia has been a longstanding and time-tested partner for . Development of -Russia relations has been a key pillar of ‘s Foreign Policy. Since the signing of “Declaration on the -Russia Strategic Partnership” in October 2000 (during the visit of Russian President H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin to ), -Russia ties have acquired a qualitatively new character with enhanced levels of cooperation in almost all areas of the bilateral relationship including political, security, trade and economy, defence, science and technology, and culture. Under the Strategic Partnership, several institutionalized dialogue mechanisms operate at both political and official levels to ensure regular interaction and follow up on cooperation activities.

Defence and Security Cooperation

has longstanding and wide-ranging cooperation with Russia in the field of defence. -Russia military technical cooperation has evolved from a buyer – seller framework to one involving joint research, development and production of advanced defence technologies and systems. The two countries also hold exchanges and training exercises between their armed forces annually. The joint military exercise „Indra 2016‟ was held in the Ussuriysk District in Vladivostok from 22 September -02 October 2016. The annual bilateral naval exercise „Indra – Navy‟ took place off the coast of Vishakhapatnam on 14-21 December 2016.

Economic Relations

Making the economic partnership a strong pillar of the bilateral partnership like other areas of cooperation between and Russia is a key priority for both governments. In December 2014, the leaders of the two countries set a target of US $ 30 billion bilateral trade by 2025. According to Russian Federal Customs Service data, bilateral trade during in 2016 amounted to US$ 7.71 billion (decline of 1.5 % over 2015), with n exports amounting to US$ 2.39 billion and imports from Russia amounting to US$ 5.32 billion.

Nuclear Energy

Russia is an important partner for in the area of peaceful use of nuclear energy. It recognizes as a country with advanced nuclear technology with an impeccable non-proliferation record. In December 2014, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and Russia‟s Rosatom signed the Strategic Vision for strengthening cooperation in peaceful uses of atomic energy between and Russia. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) is being built in with Russian cooperation.

China Relation

Despite lingering suspicions remaining from the 1962 Sino-n War, the 1967 Nathu La and Cho La incidents, and continuing boundary disputes over Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh, Sino-n relations have improved gradually since 1988. Both countries have sought to reduce tensions along the frontier, expand trade and cultural ties, and normalise relations. Sino-n relations suffered a brief setback in May 1998 when the n Defence minister justified the country’s nuclear tests by citing potential threats from the PRC. However, in June 1999, during the Kargil crisis, then-External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh visited Beijing and stated that did not consider China a threat. . By 2001, relations between and the PRC were on the mend, and the two sides handled the move from Tibet to of the 17th Karmapa in January 2000 with delicacy and tact. In 2003, formally recognised Tibet as a part of China, and China recognised Sikkim as a formal part of in 2004.

Since 2004, the economic rise of both China and has also helped forge closer relations between the two. Sino-n trade reached US$65.47 billion in 2013–14, making China the single largest trading partner of . The increasing economic reliance between and China has also bought the two nations closer politically, with both and China eager to resolve their boundary dispute. They have also collaborated on several issues ranging from WTO’s Doha round in 2008 to regional Free Trade Agreement. Similar to Indo-US nuclear deal, and China have also agreed to co-operate in the field of civilian nuclear energy. However, China’s economic interests have clashed with those of . Both the countries are the largest Asian investors in Africa and have competed for control over its large natural Resources.

Relations between and Pakistan 

and Pakistan are neighbors with a history of tensions between one another. Since the independence of , and then Pakistan, these two states have been at odds over issues that include the Kashmir conflict. The conflict has not intensified recently, but given that both and Pakistan have nuclear weapons, any heightened conflict between these two countries is cause for even greater alarm; there have been genuine fears that these two states would possibly fight a nuclear conflict. Therefore, diplomats have worked to reduce -Pakistan tensions over Kashmir.

-Pakistan Relations and Nuclear Weapons

Given the conflict over Kashmir, there are always concerns that a war between these two states could escalate because of nuclear weapons. Historically, there have been questions as to whether either side would actually be willing to use such powerful and dangerous weapons, knowing the implications of such an act. However, there is at least some evidence to suggest that the worsening -Pakistani relations over Kashmir have led leaders to at least consider the possibility of a nuclear attack.

Improving -Pakistan Relations

Given the state of conflict between these two countries, scholars and policymakers have long posited Options for improved ties between and Pakistan. Some have long argued that a reduction of nuclear weapons would be one positive step in ensuring that a major conflict with such devastating tools would not be possible. Others have suggested that cooperation is what is necessary not only to prevent a war, but also to build strong states and institutions. The Carter Center (2003) has argued that positive cases between and Pakistan can provide a path to further cooperation initiatives; “Energy trade is one area of considerable promise. could consume as much energy as it could receive from any and all of its neighbors. Energy relationships create dependency relationships, almost by definition. And and Pakistan’s experience with the Indus Water Treaty is one of the rare positive examples of prudence and creativity in the otherwise troubled bilateral relationship” 

‘s relations with Bangladesh

‘s relations with Bangladesh could not have been stronger because of ‘s unalloyed support for independence and opposition against Pakistan in 1971. During the independence war, many refugees fled to . When the struggle of resistance matured in November 1971, also intervened militarily and may have helped bring international attention to the issue through Indira Gandhi’s visit to Washington, D.C. Afterwards furnished relief and reconstruction aid. extended recognition to Bangladesh prior to the end of the war in 1971 (the second country to do so after Bhutan) and subsequently lobbied others to follow suit. also withdrew its military from the land of Bangladesh when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman requested Indira Gandhi to do so during the latter’s visit to Dhaka in 1972.

In recent years has increasingly complained that Bangladesh does not secure its border properly. It fears an increasing flow of poor Bangladeshis and it accuses Bangladesh of harbouring n separatist groups like ULFA and alleged terrorist groups. The Bangladesh government has refused to accept these allegations.

  and Bangladesh also have free trade agreement in June 7, 2015. Both countries solved its border dispute on June 6, 2015 To connect Kolkata with Tripura via Bangladesh through railway, the Union Government on 10 February 2016 sanctioned about 580 crore rupees. The Money was sanctioned for constructing the 15-kilometer railway track between Kolkata and Tripura. The project that is expected to be completed by 2017 will pass through Bangladesh. The Agartala-Akhaura rail link between n Railway and Bangladesh Railway will reduce the current 1700 km road distance between Kolkata to Agartala via Siliguri to just 350-kilometer by railway. The project ranks high on Prime Minister’s ‘Act East’ Policy, and is expected to increase connectivity and boost trade between and Bangladesh.

 Relations between Sri Lanka and

 Relations between Sri Lanka and have been generally friendly, but were affected by the Sri Lankan Civil War and by the failure of n intervention during the civil war as well as ‘s support for Tamil Tiger militants. is Sri Lanka’s only neighbour, separated by the Palk Strait; both nations occupy a strategic position in South Asia and have sought to build a common security umbrella in the n Ocean.

-Sri Lanka relations have undergone a qualitative and quantitative transformation in the recent past. Political relations are close, trade and investments have increased dramatically, infrastructural linkages are constantly being augmented, defence collaboration has increased and there is a general, broad-based improvement across all sectors of bilateral co-operation. was the first country to respond to Sri Lanka’s request for assistance after the tsunami in December 2004. In July 2006, evacuated 430 Sri Lankan nationals from Lebanon, first to Cyprus by n Navy ships and then to Delhi and Colombo by special Air flights.

There exists a broad consensus within the Sri Lankan Polity on the primacy of in Sri Lanka’s external relations matrix. Both the major Political Parties in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and the United Nationalist Party have contributed to the rapid development of bilateral relations in the last ten years. Sri Lanka has supported ‘s candidature to the permanent membership of the UN Security Council.

 Relations between and Afghanistan

 Relations between and Afghanistan have been traditionally strong and friendly. While was the only South Asian country to recognise the Soviet-backed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in the 1980s, its relations were diminished during the Afghan civil wars and the rule the Islamist Taliban in the 1990s. aided the overthrow of the Taliban and became the largest regional provider of humanitarian and reconstruction aid.

The new democratically elected Afghan government strengthened its ties with in wake of persisting tensions and problems with Pakistan, which is continuing to shelter and support the Taliban.  pursues a policy of close co-operation to bolster its standing as a regional power and contain its rival Pakistan, which it maintains is supporting Islamic militants in Kashmir and other parts of . is the largest regional investor in Afghanistan, having committed more than US$2.2 billion for reconstruction purposes.

Relations between and Nepal

Relations between and Nepal are close yet fraught with difficulties stemming from border disputes, geography, economics, the problems inherent in big power-small power relations, and common ethnic and linguistic identities that overlap the two countries’ borders. In 1950 New Delhi and Kathmandu initiated their intertwined relationship with the Treaty of Peace and Friendship and accompanying secret letters that defined security relations between the two countries, and an agreement governing both bilateral trade and trade transiting n Soil. The 1950 treaty and letters stated that “neither government shall tolerate any threat to the security of the other by a foreign aggressor” and obligated both sides “to inform each other of any serious friction or misunderstanding with any neighboring state likely to cause any breach in the friendly relations subsisting between the two governments”, and also granted the n and Nepali citizens right to get involved in any economic activity such as work and business related activity in each other’s territory. These accords cemented a “special relationship” between and Nepal that granted Nepalese in the same economic and educational opportunities as n citizens.

Relations between and Maldives

enjoys a considerable influence over Maldives’ foreign policy and provides extensive security co-operation especially after the Operation Cactus in 1988 during which repelled Tamil mercenaries who invaded the country.

is starting the process to bring the island country into ‘s security grid. The move comes after the moderate Islamic nation approached New Delhi earlier this year over fears that one of its island resorts could be taken over by terrorists given its lack of military assets and surveillance capabilities. also signed an agreement with the Maldives in 2011 which is centred around the following:

  • shall permanently base two helicopters in the country to enhance its surveillance capabilities and ability to respond swiftly to threats. One helicopter from the Coast Guard was handed over during A. K. Antony’s visit while another from the Navy will be cleared for transfer shortly.
  • Maldives has coastal radars on only two of its 26 atolls. will help set up radars on all 26 for seamless coverage of approaching vessels and aircraft.
  • The coastal radar chain in Maldives will be networked with the n coastal radar system. has already undertaken a project to install radars along its entire coastline. The radar chains of the two countries will be interlinked and a central control room in ‘s Coastal Command will get a seamless radar picture.
  • The n Coast Guard (ICG) will carry out regular Dornier sorties over the island nation to look out for suspicious movements or vessels. The Southern Naval Command will facilitate the inclusion of Maldives into the n security grid.
  • Military teams from Maldives will visit the tri-services Andaman & Nicobar Command (ANC) to observe how manages security and surveillance of the critical island chain.


 Relation between and the Middle East

The relationship between and the Middle East will be one to continue to watch in the months and years ahead. Given ’s attempts to build their economy and military, their relations with regional countries will continue to be high importance. ’s economic rise requires an increased use of energy. For example, is heavily reliant on oil and natural gas from the Middle East, with 58 percent of oil coming from the region, and an even higher 88 percent of liquified natural gas deriving from states in the Middle East.   is now being courted by different countries in the Middle East, part of this is for political reasons. One of the largest rivalries in the Middle East is the Iran-Saudi Arabia relationship. In looking to find ways to reduce the influence of one another, both Iran and Saudi Arabia are looking to allies.





India has a long and complex history with its neighbors. Some of these relationships are friendly and cooperative, while others are more fraught with tension. In this ARTICLE, we will take a look at India’s relations with the United States, Russia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Maldives, and the Middle East countries.

India-United States relations

India and the United States have a strong and growing relationship. The two countries are strategic partners and have a shared interest in promoting peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. India is the United States’ largest trading partner in South Asia, and the two countries have a robust defense relationship. In recent years, the United States has also become a major investor in India’s economy.

India-Russia relations

India and Russia have a long history of friendship and cooperation. The two countries are strategic partners and have a strong defense relationship. India is one of the largest buyers of Russian arms, and the two countries have also worked together on nuclear energy and space exploration. In recent years, India and Russia have also deepened their economic ties.

India-China relations

India and China are the world’s two most populous countries and have a long and complex history. The two countries share a border that is over 2,000 miles long, and they have been engaged in a border dispute for decades. In recent years, relations between India and China have been strained by a number of issues, including China’s support for Pakistan and its military buildup in the Himalayas. However, the two countries have also made efforts to improve their relationship, and they have held a number of high-level meetings in recent years.

India-Pakistan relations

India and Pakistan have a long and troubled history. The two countries have fought four wars since they gained independence from Britain in 1947, and they continue to have a number of disputes, including the Kashmir conflict. Relations between India and Pakistan have improved in recent years, but they remain fragile.

India-Bangladesh relations

India and Bangladesh have a close and friendly relationship. The two countries share a long border, and they have a number of cultural and historical ties. India is Bangladesh’s largest trading partner, and the two countries have also cooperated on a number of development projects.

India-Sri Lanka relations

India and Sri Lanka have a long and complex history. The two countries share a long border, and they have a number of cultural and historical ties. However, relations between India and Sri Lanka have been strained in recent years, due to Sri Lanka’s Human Rights record and its treatment of its Tamil minority.

India-Afghanistan relations

India and Afghanistan have a close and friendly relationship. India has been a major donor to Afghanistan, and it has also provided military and training assistance to the Afghan government. India is concerned about the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and it has urged the international community to continue to support the Afghan government.

India-Nepal relations

India and Nepal have a close and friendly relationship. The two countries share a long border, and they have a number of cultural and historical ties. India is Nepal’s largest trading partner, and the two countries have also cooperated on a number of development projects.

India-Maldives relations

India and Maldives have a close and friendly relationship. The two countries share a long history, and they have a number of cultural and historical ties. India is Maldives’ largest trading partner, and the two countries have also cooperated on a number of development projects.

India-Middle East relations

India has a long and complex history with the Middle East. The two regions have a number of cultural and historical ties, and India has a large Muslim Population. India has also been a major buyer of oil from the Middle East. In recent years, India has sought to deepen its ties with the Middle East, and it has signed a number of agreements with Middle Eastern countries on trade, Investment, and security.

In conclusion, India has a complex and multifaceted relationship with its neighbors. Some of these relationships are friendly and cooperative, while others are more fraught with tension. India is a rising power in the world, and its relations with its neighbors will be increasingly important in the years to come.

Here are some frequently asked questions about India’s relations with other countries:

  • What is India’s relationship with the United States?
    India and the United States have a strong and growing relationship. The two countries are partners in a wide range of areas, including trade, defense, and technology. The United States is India’s largest trading partner, and the two countries have a strong defense relationship. India is also a major recipient of US foreign aid.

  • What is India’s relationship with Russia?
    India and Russia have a long history of friendship and cooperation. The two countries are partners in a number of areas, including defense, energy, and space. India is a major buyer of Russian arms, and the two countries have a close strategic relationship.

  • What is India’s relationship with China?
    India and China are the world’s two most populous countries, and they share a long border. The two countries have a complex relationship, which is marked by both cooperation and competition. India and China are major trading partners, and they have worked together on a number of issues, such as Climate change. However, the two countries also have a number of disputes, including over their shared border.

  • What is India’s relationship with Pakistan?
    India and Pakistan have a long history of hostility. The two countries have fought four wars, and they continue to have a number of disputes, including over the Kashmir region. India and Pakistan have made some progress in recent years in improving their relationship, but there are still a number of challenges.

  • What is India’s relationship with Bangladesh?
    India and Bangladesh have a close relationship. The two countries share a long border, and they have a number of cultural and historical ties. India is Bangladesh’s largest trading partner, and the two countries have a close security relationship.

  • What is India’s relationship with Sri Lanka?
    India and Sri Lanka have a long history of interaction. The two countries share a long border, and they have a number of cultural and historical ties. India is Sri Lanka’s largest trading partner, and the two countries have a close security relationship.

  • What is India’s relationship with Afghanistan?
    India and Afghanistan have a close relationship. India has provided significant economic and military assistance to Afghanistan. The two countries have a number of cultural and historical ties.

  • What is India’s relationship with Nepal?
    India and Nepal have a close relationship. The two countries share a long border, and they have a number of cultural and historical ties. India is Nepal’s largest trading partner, and the two countries have a close security relationship.

  • What is India’s relationship with the Maldives?
    India and the Maldives have a close relationship. The two countries share a long history of interaction. India is the Maldives’ largest trading partner, and the two countries have a close security relationship.

  • What is India’s relationship with the Middle East Countries?
    India has close ties with many of the countries in the Middle East. India is a major importer of oil from the region, and it has a large number of workers living and working in the Middle East. India has also been involved in a number of peacekeeping missions in the Middle East.

India’s Economy

  1. Which of the following is not a major sector of the Indian economy?
    (A) agriculture
    (B) Industry
    (C) Services
    (D) Tourism

  2. India’s GDP is the world’s ____ largest.
    (A) 7th
    (B) 6th
    (C) 5th
    (D) 4th

  3. India’s GDP growth rate in 2022 is expected to be ____%.
    (A) 8%
    (B) 7%
    (C) 6%
    (D) 5%

  4. India’s main exports are ____.
    (A) Software
    (B) Pharmaceuticals
    (C) Gems and jewelry
    (D) All of the above

  5. India’s main imports are ____.
    (A) Crude oil
    (B) Gold
    (C) Machinery
    (D) All of the above

India’s Society

  1. India is a ____ country.
    (A) Federal republic
    (B) Unitary republic
    (C) Parliamentary Democracy
    (D) Presidential democracy

  2. The President of India is the ____ of the country.
    (A) Head of state
    (B) Head of government
    (C) Prime minister
    (D) Chief Justice

  3. The Prime Minister of India is the ____ of the country.
    (A) Head of state
    (B) Head of government
    (C) President
    (D) Chief justice

  4. The Parliament of India is made up of the _ and the _.
    (A) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
    (B) Rajya Sabha and Vidhan Sabha
    (C) Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha
    (D) None of the above

  5. The Supreme Court of India is the ____ court of the country.
    (A) Highest
    (B) Lower
    (C) Appellate
    (D) None of the above

India’s Culture

  1. India is a ____ country.
    (A) Hindu
    (B) Muslim
    (C) Christian
    (D) Sikh

  2. The Official Language of India is ____.
    (A) Hindi
    (B) English
    (C) Sanskrit
    (D) None of the above

  3. The national animal of India is the ____.
    (A) Tiger
    (B) Lion
    (C) Elephant
    (D) None of the above

  4. The national bird of India is the ____.
    (A) Peacock
    (B) Parrot
    (C) Eagle
    (D) None of the above

  5. The national flower of India is the ____.
    (A) Lotus
    (B) Rose
    (C) Jasmine
    (D) None of the above