Indian Rhino Vision 2020

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is a plan to double the population of Indian rhinos in India by the year 2020. The plan was launched in 2008 and is being implemented by the government of India, in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The plan has four main objectives:

  1. To increase the population of Indian rhinos to 3,000 by 2020.
  2. To improve the habitat of Indian rhinos.
  3. To reduce poaching and other threats to Indian rhinos.
  4. To increase public awareness of Indian rhinos and their conservation.

The plan is being implemented through a number of initiatives, including:

  • Increasing the number of rhinos in protected areas.
  • Providing better protection for rhinos in the wild.
  • Raising awareness of the threats to rhinos and the importance of their conservation.
  • Supporting research on rhinos.

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is a ambitious plan, but it has the potential to make a significant contribution to the conservation of Indian rhinos.

The sub topics of Indian Rhino Vision 2020 are:

  • Population management
  • Habitat management
  • Poaching and other threats
  • Public awareness
  • Research
  • Monitoring and evaluation
    Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is a plan to double the population of Indian rhinos in India by the year 2020. The plan was launched in 2008 and is being implemented by the government of India, in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The plan has four main objectives:

  1. To increase the population of Indian rhinos to 3,000 by 2020.
  2. To improve the habitat of Indian rhinos.
  3. To reduce poaching and other threats to Indian rhinos.
  4. To increase public awareness of Indian rhinos and their conservation.

The plan is being implemented through a number of initiatives, including:

  • Increasing the number of rhinos in protected areas.
  • Providing better protection for rhinos in the wild.
  • Raising awareness of the threats to rhinos and the importance of their conservation.
  • Supporting research on rhinos.

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is a ambitious plan, but it has the potential to make a significant contribution to the conservation of Indian rhinos.

Population management

One of the key challenges to the conservation of Indian rhinos is population management. The population of Indian rhinos has declined significantly in recent years due to poaching and habitat loss. In order to increase the population of Indian rhinos, it is important to manage the population carefully. This includes monitoring the population, controlling poaching, and providing habitat protection.

Habitat management

Another key challenge to the conservation of Indian rhinos is habitat loss. Indian rhinos require large areas of habitat in order to survive. However, their habitat is being lost due to development, agriculture, and other human activities. In order to conserve Indian rhinos, it is important to protect their habitat. This includes creating protected areas, managing land use, and restoring degraded habitat.

Poaching and other threats

Poaching is one of the biggest threats to Indian rhinos. Rhino horns are highly prized in traditional Chinese medicine, and this has led to a surge in poaching in recent years. In order to protect Indian rhinos, it is important to crack down on poaching. This includes increasing law enforcement, raising awareness of the problem, and working with communities to reduce demand for rhino horn.

Public awareness

Public awareness is also important for the conservation of Indian rhinos. Many people are not aware of the threats facing Indian rhinos, and this can lead to them making choices that harm the species. In order to conserve Indian rhinos, it is important to raise public awareness of the issue. This includes educating people about the threats facing Indian rhinos, the importance of their conservation, and the choices they can make to help.


Research is also essential for the conservation of Indian rhinos. We need to understand more about Indian rhinos in order to protect them effectively. This includes research on their biology, ecology, behavior, and conservation needs. Research can also help us to develop new strategies for conserving Indian rhinos.

Monitoring and evaluation

Finally, it is important to monitor and evaluate the progress of the Indian Rhino Vision 2020. This will help us to ensure that the plan is effective and that we are making progress towards our goals. Monitoring and evaluation will also help us to identify any problems and make necessary adjustments to the plan.

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is an ambitious plan, but it has the potential to make a significant contribution to the conservation of Indian rhinos. By implementing the plan effectively, we can help to ensure the survival of this iconic species.
What is Indian Rhino Vision 2020?

Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is a plan to double the population of Indian rhinos in India by the year 2020. The plan was launched in 2008 and is being implemented by the government of India, in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

What are the objectives of Indian Rhino Vision 2020?

The plan has four main objectives:

  1. To increase the population of Indian rhinos to 3,000 by 2020.
  2. To improve the habitat of Indian rhinos.
  3. To reduce poaching and other threats to Indian rhinos.
  4. To increase public awareness of Indian rhinos and their conservation.

How is Indian Rhino Vision 2020 being implemented?

The plan is being implemented through a number of initiatives, including:

  • Increasing the number of rhinos in protected areas.
  • Providing better protection for rhinos in the wild.
  • Raising awareness of the threats to rhinos and the importance of their conservation.
  • Supporting research on rhinos.

What are the challenges to implementing Indian Rhino Vision 2020?

There are a number of challenges to implementing Indian Rhino Vision 2020, including:

  • Poaching is a major threat to Indian rhinos.
  • Habitat loss and fragmentation are also threats to Indian rhinos.
  • Human-rhino conflict is a problem in some areas.
  • Lack of funding is a challenge to implementing the plan.

What are the successes of Indian Rhino Vision 2020?

The plan has been successful in increasing the population of Indian rhinos. The population of Indian rhinos has increased from around 1,500 in 2008 to over 3,000 in 2020. The plan has also been successful in improving the habitat of Indian rhinos and reducing poaching.

What are the future challenges for Indian rhinos?

The future challenges for Indian rhinos include:

  • Poaching is still a major threat to Indian rhinos.
  • Habitat loss and fragmentation are also threats to Indian rhinos.
  • Human-rhino conflict is a problem in some areas.
  • Lack of funding is a challenge to implementing the plan.

What can be done to help Indian rhinos?

There are a number of things that can be done to help Indian rhinos, including:

  • Support the implementation of Indian Rhino Vision 2020.
  • Donate to organizations that are working to conserve Indian rhinos.
  • Raise awareness of the threats to Indian rhinos and the importance of their conservation.
  • Avoid buying products that are made from rhino horn.
  • Report poaching and other illegal activities to the authorities.
    Question 1

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is a plan to:

(A) Increase the population of Indian rhinos to 3,000 by 2020.
(B) Improve the habitat of Indian rhinos.
(C) Reduce poaching and other threats to Indian rhinos.
(D) All of the above.

(D) All of the above.

Question 2

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is being implemented through a number of initiatives, including:

(A) Increasing the number of rhinos in protected areas.
(B) Providing better protection for rhinos in the wild.
(C) Raising awareness of the threats to rhinos and the importance of their conservation.
(D) Supporting research on rhinos.

(A), (B), and (C).

Question 3

The sub topics of Indian Rhino Vision 2020 are:

(A) Population management
(B) Habitat management
(C) Poaching and other threats
(D) Public awareness
(E) Research
(F) Monitoring and evaluation

(A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F).

Question 4

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is an ambitious plan, but it has the potential to make a significant contribution to the conservation of Indian rhinos.


Question 5

The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is a plan to double the population of Indian rhinos in India by the year 2020.

False. The plan is to increase the population of Indian rhinos to 3,000 by 2020.