Indian Institute of Technology

Indian Institute of Technology

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) are autonomous public institutes of higher Education, located in India. They are governed by the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 which has declared them as institutions of national importance and lays down their powers, duties, and framework for governance etc. The Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 lists twenty-three institutes (after the last amendment in 2016). Each IIT is an autonomous institution, linked to the others through a common IIT Council, which oversees their administration. The Minister of Human resource development is the ex-officio Chairperson of IIT Council. As of 2018, the total number of seats for undergraduate programmes in all IITs is 11,279.

The first IIT was set up in Kharagpur in 1951, and soon later in Bombay (1958), Madras (1959), Kanpur (1959) and Delhi (1963). An IIT was then established in Guwahati in 1994. The University of Roorkee was converted to IIT Roorkee in 2001. Eight new IITs were set up in Gandhinagar, Jodhpur, Hyderabad, Indore, Patna, Bhubaneswar, Ropar, and Mandi in 2008-09. Following same selection process since 1972, finally in 2012 the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University was given IIT status. Another six new IITs in Tirupati, Palakkad, Dharwad, Bhilai, Goa and Jammu, approved through a 2016 bill amendment were established in 2015-16, along with the conversion of ISM Dhanbad to IIT Dhanbad.  The IITs have a common admission process for undergraduate admissions, the Joint Entrance Examination – Advanced, formerly called the IIT-JEE until 2012. JEE Advanced admits students according to their ranks in the exam. The post-graduate level program that Awards M.Tech., MS degrees, and the doctoral programme that offers Ph.D. in engineering is administered by the older IITs. M.Tech. and MS admissions are done on the basis of Graduate Aptitude test in Engineering (GATE). Additionally, IITs also award other graduate degrees such as M.Sc in Maths, Physics and Chemistry, MBA, etc. Admission to these programs of IITs is done through Common Admission Test (CAT), Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (JAM) and Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED). IIT Guwahati and IIT Bombay offer undergraduate design programmes as well. Joint Seat Allocation Authority conducts the joint admission process for a total of 23 IITs, that offer admission for 10,962 seats in 2017.

The history of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when Sir Jogendra Singh of the Viceroy’s Executive Council set up a committee whose task was to consider the creation of Higher Technical Institutions for post-war industrial development in India. The 22-member committee, headed by Nalini Ranjan Sarkar, recommended the establishment of these institutions in various parts of India, with affiliated secondary institutions.

The President of India is the most powerful person in the organisational structure of Indian Institutes of Technology, being the ex officio Visitor, and having residual powers. Directly under the President is the IIT Council, which comprises the minister-in-charge of technical education in the Union Government, the Chairmen of all IITs, the Directors of all IITs, the Chairman of the University Grants Commission, the Director General of CSIR, the Chairman of IISc, the Director of IISc, three members of Parliament, the Joint Council Secretary of Ministry of Human Resource and Development, and three appointees each of the Union Government, AICTE, and the Visitor.  Under the IIT Council is the Board of Governors of each IIT. Under the Board of Governors is the Director, who is the chief academic and executive officer of the IIT. Under the Director, in the organisational structure, comes the Deputy Director. Under the Director and the Deputy Director, come the Deans, Heads of Departments, Registrar, President of the Students’ Council, and Chairman of the Hall Management Committee. The Registrar is the chief administrative officer of the IIT and overviews the day-to-day operations. Below the Heads of Department (HOD) are the faculty members (Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors). The Wardens come under the Chairman of the Hall Management Committee.

The IITs receive comparatively higher grants than other engineering colleges in India. While the total government funding to most other engineering colleges is around Rs. 10–20 crores (USD 2–4 million) per year, the amount varies between Rs. 90 crores –130 crores (USD 18–26 million) per year for each IIT. Other sources of funds include student fees and research funding from Industry and contributions from the alumni. The faculty-to-student ratio in the IITs is between 1:6 and 1:8. The Standing Committee of IIT Council (SCIC) prescribes the lower limit for faculty-to-student ratio as 1:9, applied department wise. The IITs subsidise undergraduate student fees by approximately 80% and provide scholarships to all Master of Technology students and Research Scholars in order to encourage students for higher studies, per the recommendations of the Thacker Committee (1959–1961). The cost borne by undergraduate students is around Rs. 180,000 per annum. After students from SC and ST categories, physically challenged students will now be the beneficiaries of fee waiver at the IITs in India.

The various IITs function autonomously, and their special status as Institutes of National Importance facilitates the smooth running of IITs, virtually free from both regional as well as student politics. Such autonomy means that IITs can create their own curricula and adapt rapidly to the changes in educational requirements, free from bureaucratic hurdles. The government has no direct control over internal policy decisions of IITs (like faculty recruitment and curricula) but has representation on the IIT Council. The medium of instruction in all IITs is English.The classes are usually held between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm, though there are some variations within each IIT. All the IITs have public libraries for the use of their students. In addition to a collection of prescribed books, the libraries have sections for fiction and other literary genres. The electronic libraries allow students to access on-line journals and periodicals. The IITs and IISc have taken an initiative along with Ministry of Human Resource Development to provide free online Videos of actual lectures of different disciplines under National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning. This initiative is undertaken to make quality education accessible to all students.,

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are public engineering colleges in India. They are funded by the Government of India and are among the most prestigious universities in the country. The IITs were established in the 1950s to meet the growing demand for engineers in India. They are modeled after the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and have a similar curriculum.

The IITs are highly selective and admit only the best students from India. The admission process is very competitive and requires students to take a series of exams. The IITs offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in engineering, science, and management. They also have strong research programs and have produced many Nobel laureates and other eminent scientists.

The IITs are located in different parts of India. The first IIT was established in Bombay in 1950. The other IITs were established in Madras (1957), Delhi (1961), Kanpur (1958), Kharagpur (1951), Roorkee (1947), Guwahati (1994), Hyderabad (1966), Indore (1995), Varanasi (1993), Patna (2008), Bhubaneswar (1992), Jodhpur (2004), Mandi (2008), Ropar (2008), Tirupati (2008), Indore (2009), Bhilai (2016), Goa (2016), Dharwad (2016), Jammu (2016), Palakkad (2016), and Surathkal (2016).

The IITs have a long history of excellence in education and research. They have produced many eminent scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. The IITs are also known for their strong alumni Network. The IITs have played a major role in the development of India’s economy and Society. They have helped to create a pool of highly skilled engineers and scientists who have contributed to the country’s progress. The IITs are also a source of national pride. They are among the best engineering colleges in the world and attract students from all over the world.

The IITs are facing a number of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the increasing competition from private engineering colleges. The private engineering colleges are offering better facilities and more scholarships than the IITs. This is making it difficult for the IITs to attract the best students.

Another challenge is the brain drain. Many of the best students from the IITs are going abroad for higher education and jobs. This is depriving India of its best talent. The IITs need to find ways to retain their best students.

The IITs are also facing the challenge of Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization. The world is becoming increasingly interconnected and the IITs need to keep up with the latest trends. They need to offer courses that are relevant to the global economy. They also need to attract more international students.

Despite the challenges, the IITs are still among the best engineering colleges in the world. They have a long history of excellence and have produced many eminent scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. The IITs are a source of national pride and will continue to play a major role in the development of India’s economy and society.

What is a university?

A university is a higher education institution that grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects and provides research facilities for postgraduates.

What are the different types of universities?

There are many different types of universities, including public universities, private universities, and international universities. Public universities are funded by the government, while private universities are funded by tuition and donations. International universities are located outside of the country in which they are accredited.

What are the benefits of attending a university?

There are many benefits to attending a university, including the opportunity to earn a degree, gain knowledge and skills, and network with other students and professionals. Universities also offer a variety of extracurricular activities and Resources that can help students develop their interests and talents.

What are the costs of attending a university?

The costs of attending a university vary depending on the type of university, the location of the university, and the student’s financial aid package. In general, students can expect to pay tuition, fees, room and board, and other expenses.

How do I choose a university?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a university, including the university’s academic reputation, location, cost, and extracurricular activities. Students should also visit the university’s website and campus to get a feel for the school’s culture.

What are the requirements for admission to a university?

The requirements for admission to a university vary depending on the university. In general, students must have a high school diploma or equivalent, and they may also need to take standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT. Some universities also require applicants to submit essays or letters of recommendation.

What is the application process for a university?

The application process for a university typically involves submitting an application form, transcripts, test scores, and other required materials. Students may also be required to interview with a representative from the university.

What is the cost of living in a university?

The cost of living in a university varies depending on the location of the university and the student’s lifestyle. In general, students can expect to pay for housing, food, transportation, and other expenses.

What are the job prospects for graduates of a university?

The job prospects for graduates of a university vary depending on the student’s field of study and the economy. In general, graduates of universities have good job prospects and earn higher salaries than those who do not have a college degree.

What are the challenges of attending a university?

There are many challenges of attending a university, including the academic workload, the cost of tuition, and the social adjustment. Students may also experience Stress, anxiety, and depression.

What are the resources available to students at a university?

There are many resources available to students at a university, including academic advising, financial aid, career counseling, and Health Services. Students can also get involved in extracurricular activities and organizations.

What is the future of universities?

The future of universities is uncertain. Some experts believe that universities will become more specialized and focus on research and graduate education. Others believe that universities will become more open and accessible to all students.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the following topics without mentioning the topic Indian Institute of Technology:

  1. Which of the following is not a type of programming language?
    (A) Object-oriented
    (B) Functional
    (C) Imperative
    (D) IIT

  2. Which of the following is not a Database management system?
    (A) MySQL
    (B) Oracle
    (C) SQL Server
    (D) IIT

  3. Which of the following is not a web server?
    (A) Apache
    (B) Nginx
    (C) IIS
    (D) IIT

  4. Which of the following is not a programming framework?
    (A) Django
    (B) Ruby on Rails
    (C) Spring Boot
    (D) IIT

  5. Which of the following is not a cloud computing platform?
    (A) Amazon Web Services
    (B) Microsoft Azure
    (C) Google Cloud Platform
    (D) IIT

  6. Which of the following is not a programming language for Artificial Intelligence?
    (A) Python
    (B) R
    (C) Java
    (D) IIT

  7. Which of the following is not a machine learning algorithm?
    (A) Linear regression
    (B) Logistic regression
    (C) Decision trees
    (D) IIT

  8. Which of the following is not a deep learning algorithm?
    (A) Convolutional neural networks
    (B) Recurrent neural networks
    (C) Long short-term memory networks
    (D) IIT

  9. Which of the following is not a big data technology?
    (A) Hadoop
    (B) Spark
    (C) Hive
    (D) IIT

  10. Which of the following is not a data science tool?
    (A) R
    (B) Python
    (C) Tableau
    (D) IIT

I hope these MCQs were helpful!