India in the Eighteenth Century- For RAS RTS Mains exam and Ras Rts Prelims Exam

Bahadur Shah 1 (1707-12)

  • Muzam succeeded Aurungzeb after latter’s death in 1707
  • He acquired the title of Bahadur Shah.
  • Though he was quite old (65) and his rule quite short there are many significant achievements he made
  • He reversed the narrow minded and antagonistic policies of Aurungzeb
  • Made agreements with Rajput states
  • Granted sardeshmukhi to Marathas but  not Chauth
  • Released Shahuji (son of Sambhaji) from prison (who later fought with Tarabai)
  • Tried to make peace with Guru Gobind Sahib by giving him a high Mansab. After Guru’s death, Sikhs again revolted under the Leadership of Banda Bahadur. This led to a prolonged war with the Sikhs.
  • Made peace with Chhatarsal, the Bundela chief and Churaman, the Jat chief.
  • State finances deteriorated

Jahandar Shah (1712-13)

  • Death of Bahadur Shah plunged the empire into a civil war
  • A noted feature of this time was the prominence of the nobles
  • Jahandar Shah, son of Bahadur Shah, ascended the throne in 1712 with help from Zulfikar Khan
  • Was a weak ruler devoted only to pleasures
  • Zulfikar Khan, his wazir, was virtually the head of the administration
  • ZK abolished jizyah
  • Peace with Rajputs: Jai Singh of Amber was made the Governor of Malwa. Ajit Singh of Marwar was made the Governor of Gujarat.
  • Chauth and Sardeshmukh granted to Marathas. However, Mughals were to collect it and then hand it over to the Marathas.
  • Continued the policy of suppression towards Banda Bahadur and Sikhs
  • Ijarah: (revenue farming) the government began to contract with revenue farmers and middlemen to pay the government a fixed amount of Money while they were left free to collect whatever they could from the peasants
  • Jahandhar Shah defeated in January 1713 by his nephew Farrukh Siyar at Agra

Farrukh Siyar (1713-19)

  • Owed his victory to Saiyid Brothers: Hussain Ali Khan Barahow and Abdullah Khan
  • Abdullah Khan: Wazir,                    Hussain Ali: Mir Bakshi
  • FS was an incapable ruler. Saiyid brothers were the real rulers.
  • Saiyid Brothers
    • Known the Indian History as King Makers
    •  adopted the policy of religious Tolerance. Abolished jizyah (again?). Pilgrim tax was abolished from a number of places
    • Marathas: Granted Shahuji swarajya and the right to collect chauth and sardeshmukhi of the six provinces of the Deccan
    • They failed in their effort to contain rebellion because they were faced with constant political rivalry, quarrels and conspiracies at the court.
    • Nobles headed by Nizam-ul-Mulk and Muhammad Amin Khan began to conspire against them
    • In 1719, the Saiyid Brothers killed and overthrew FS.
    • This was followed by placing, in quick SUCCESSION, of two young princes who died of consumption
    • Murder of the emperor created a wave of revulsion against the SB. They were looked down as ‘namak haram’
  • Now, they placed 18 year old Muhammad Shah as the emperor of India
  • In 1720, the nobles assassinated Hussain Ali Khan, the younger of the SB. Abdullah Khan was also defeated at Agra

Muhammad Shah ‘Rangeela’ (1719-1748)

  • Weak-minded, frivolous and over-fond of a life of ease
  • Neglected the affairs of the state
  • Intrigued against his own ministers
  • Naizam ul Mulk Qin Qulich Khan, the wazir, relinquished his office and founded the state of Hyderabad in 1724
    • “His departure was symbolic of the flight of loyalty and virtue from the Empire”
  • Heriditary nawabs arose in Bengal, Hyderabad, Awadh and Punjab
  • Marathas conquered Malwa, Gujarat and Bundelkhand
  • 1738: Invasion of Nadir Shah


Nadir Shah’s Invasion (1738)

  • Attracted to India by its fabulous wealth. Continual campaigns had made Persia bankrupt
  • Also, the Mughal Empire was weak.
  • Didn’t meet any resistance as the defense of the north-west frontier had been neglected for years
  • The two armies met at Karnal on 13th Feb 1739. Mughal army was summarily defeated. MS taken prisoner
  • Massacre in Delhi in response to the killing of some of his soldiers
  • Plunder of about 70 crore rupees. Carried away the Peacock throne and Koh-i-noor
  • MS ceded to him all the provinces of the Empire west of the river Indus
  • Significance: Nadir Shah’s invasion exposed the hidden weakness of the empire to the Maratha sardars and the foreign trading companies

Ahmed Shah Abdali

  • One of the generals of Nadir Shah
  • Repeatedly invaded and plundered India right down to Delhi and Mathura between 1748 and 1761. He invaded India five times.
  • 1761: Third battle of Panipat. Defeat of Marathas.
  • As a result of invasions of Nadir Shah and Ahmed Shah, the Mughal empire ceased to be an all-India empire. By 1761 it was reduced merely to the Kingdom of Delhi

Shah Alam II (1759-

  • Ahmed Bahadur (1748-54) succeeded Muhammad Shah
  • Ahmed Bahadur was succeeded by Alamgir II (1754-59)
    • 1756: Abdali plundered Mathura
  • Alamgir II was succeeded by Shah Jahan III
  • Shah Jahan III succeeded by Shah Alam II in 1759
  • Shah Alam spent initial years wandering for he lived under the fear of his wazir
  • In 1764, he joined forces with Mir Qasim of Bengal and Shuja-ud-Daula of Awadh in declaring a war upon the British East India company. This resulted in the Battle of Buxar
  • Pensioned at Allahabad
  • Returned to Delhi in 1772 under the protection of Marathas

Decline of the Mughal Empire

  • After 1759, Mughal empire ceased to be a military power.
  • It continued from 1759 till 1857 only due to the powerful hold that the Mughal dynasty had on the minds of the people of India as a symbol of the political unity of the country
  • In 1803, the British occupied Delhi
  • From 1803 to 1857, the Mughal emperors merely served as a political front of the British.
  • The most important consequence of the fall of the Mughal empire was that it paved way for the British to conquer India as there was no other Indian power strong enough to unite and hold India.

Succession States

  • These states arose as a result of the assertion of autonomy by governors of Mughal provinces with the decay of the central power
  • Bengal, Awadh, Hyderabad

Hyderabad and the Carnatic

  • Founded by Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah in 1724
  • Tolerant policy towards Hindus
    • A Hindu, Puran Chand, was his Dewan.
  • Established an orderly administration in Deccan on the basis of the jagirdari system on the Mughal pattern
  • He died in 1748
  • Nawab of Carnatic freed himself of the control of the Viceroy of the Deccan and made his office hereditary
    • Saadutullah Khan of Carnatic made his nephew Dost Ali his successor


  • 1700: Murshid Quli Khan made the Dewan of Bengal
  • Freed himself of the central control
  • Freed Bengal of major uprisings
    • Three major uprisings during his time: Sitaram Ray, Udai Narayan and Ghulam Muhammad, and then by Shujat Khan, and finally by Najat Khan
  • Carried out fresh revenue settlement. Introduced the system of revenue-farming.
  • Revenue farming led to the increased distress of the farmers
  • Laid the foundations of the new landed aristocracy in Bengal
  • MQK died in 1727. Succeeded by Shuja-ud-din.
  • 1739: Alivardi Khan killed and deposed Shuja-ud-din’s son, Sarfaraz Khan, and made himself the Nawab
  • All three Nawabs encouraged merchants, both Indian and foreign.
  • Safety of roads and rivers. Thanas and Chowkies at regular intervals.
  • Maintained strict control over the foreign trading companies
  • They, however, did not firmly put down the increasing tendency of the English East India Company to use military force, or to threaten its use, to get its demands accepted.
  • They also neglected to build a strong army


  • 1722: Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk
  • Suppressed rebellions and disciplined the Zamindars
  • Fresh revenue settlement in 1723
  • Did not discriminate between Hindus and Muslims. The highest post in his government was held by a Hindu, Maharaja Nawab Rai
  • Died in 1739. Succeeded by Safdar Jung.
  • SJ’s reign was an era of peace
  •  made an alliance with the Maratha sardars
  • Carried out warfare against Rohelas and Bangash Pathans
  • Organized an equitable system of Justice
  • Distinct culture of Lucknow developed during his period


  • Haidar Ali, in 1761, overthrew Nanjaraj and established his own authority over Mysore
  • 1755: Established a modern arsenal at Dindigal with the help of French experts
  • Conquered Bidnur, Sunda, Sera, Canara and Malabar
  • He conquered Malabar because he wanted access to the Indian Ocean
  • First and Second Anglo-Mysore War
  • 1782: Succeeded by Tipu Sultan
  • TS was an innovator. Introduced a new calendar, a new system of coinage and new scales of weights and measures.
  • Keen interest in French Revolution
    • Planted a ‘tree of Liberty’ at Srirangapatnam and became a member of the Jacobin Club
  • Made efforts to build a modern navy
  • Mysore flourished economically under Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan
  • Sent missions to France, Turkey, Iran and Pegu Myanmar to develop Foreign Trade
  • Some historians say that Tipu was a religious fanatic. But facts don’t support this assertion.




  • Divided into large number of feudal chiefs in the 18th century
  • Four important states
    • Calicut (under Zamorin), Chirakkal, Cochin and Travancore
  • In 1729, Travancore rose to prominence under King Martanda Varma
  • Conquered Quilon and Elayadam, and defeated the Dutch
  • From 1766 Haidar Ali invaded Kerala and annexed northern Kerala up to Cochin
  • Revival of Malyalam literature
    • Trivandram became a famous centre of Sanskrit scholarship

Rajput States

  • Rajputana states continued to be divided as before
  • Raja Sawai Jai Singh of Amber was the most outstanding ruler of the era
    • Founded the city of Jaipur
    • Made Jaipur a great seat of science and art
    • Astronomer. Erected observatories at Jaipur, Ujjain, Varanasi, and Mathura
    • Drew up a set of tables, entitled Zij Muhammadshahi, to enable people to make astronomical observations
    • Translated Euclid’s “Elements of Geometry” into Sanskrit
    • Social reformers. Reduce lavish marriage expenditures.


  • Jat peasants revolted in 1669 and 1688
  • Jat state of Bharatpur set up by Churaman and  Badan Singh
  • Reached its highest glory under Suraj Mal, who ruled from 1756 to 1763


  • Sikhsim transformed into a militant religion during Guru Hargobind (1606-45), the sixth guru.
  • Guru Gobind Singh waged constant war against the armies of Aurangzeb and the hill rajas
  • After Guru Gobind Singh’s death (1708), leadership passed to Banda Singh (Banda Bahadur)
    • He struggled with the Mughal army for 8 years
    • Put to death in 1715
  • Banda Bahadur failed because
    • Mughal centre was still strong
    • Upper classes and castes of Punjab joined forces against him
    • He could not integrate all the anti-Mughal forces because of his religious bigotry
  • After the withdrawal of Abdali from Punjab, Sikhs were again resurgent
  • Between 1765 and 1800 they brought the Punjab and Jammu under their control
  • They were organized into 12 misls
  • Ranjit Singh
    • Chief of the Sukerchakia Misl
    • Captured Lahore (1799) and Amritsar (1802)
    • Conquered Kashmir, Peshawar and Multan
    • Possessed the second best army in Asia
    • Tolerant and liberal
    • Fakir Azizuddin and Dewan Dina Nath were his important ministers
    • “known to step down from his throne to wipe the dust off the feet of Muslim mendicants with his long grey beard”
    • Negative point: He did not remove the threat of British. He only left it over to his successors. And so, after his death, when his kingdom was torn by intense internal struggle, English conquered it.


  • Maratha Families
    • Peshwa – Pune
    • Gaekwad – Baroda
    • Bhosle – Nagpur
    • Holkar – Indore
    • Scindia – Gwalior
  • The most powerful of the succession states
  • Could not fill the political vacuum because
    • Maratha Sardars lacked unity
    • Lacked the outlook and programme which were necessary for founding an all-India empire
  • Shahuji
    • Son of Sambhaji
    • Imprisoned by Aurungzeb
    • Released in 1707
    • Civil war between Shahu and his aunt Tarabai who ruled in the name of her infant son Shivaji II
    • The conflict gave rise to a new era of Maratha leadership, the era of Peshwa leadership
  • Balaji Vishwnath
    • 1713: Peshwa of King Shahu
    • Induced Zulfikar Khan to grant the chauth and sardeshmukhi of the Deccan
    • Helped the Saiyid brothers in overthrowing Farukh Siyar
    • Maratha sardars were becoming individually strong but collectively weak
    • Died in 1720. Succeeded by his son Baji Rao I
  • Baji Rao I
    • the greatest extent of guerrilla tactics after Shivaji
    • Vast areas ceded by the Mughals
    • Marathas won control over Malwa, Gujarat and parts of Bundelkhand
    • Rivalry with Nizam ul Mulk
    • Compelled the Nizam to grant chauth and sardeshmukhi of the Deccan provinces
    • 1733: Campaign against Sidis of Janjira and The Portuguese (Salsette and Bassein)
    • Died in 1740
    • Captured territories but failed to lay the foundations of an empire
    • Succeeded by Balaji Baji Rao (Nana Saheb)
  • Balaji Baji Rao (1740-61)
    • Shahu died in 1749. Peshwas became the de facto rulers
    • Shifted the capital to Poona
    • Captured Orissa
    • Mysore forced to pay tributes
    • In 1752, helped Imad-ul-Mulk to become the wazir
    • Brought Punjab under their control and expelled the agent of Ahmad Shah Abdali
      • This led AS Abdali to come to India to settle accounts with Marathas in the Third Battle of Panipat
    • Third Battle of Panipat
      • ASA formed an alliance with Najib-ud-daulah of Rohilkhand and Shuja-ud-daulah of Awadh.

Saranjami system:- Social and economic condition

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The eighteenth century was a time of great change and upheaval in India. The Mughal Empire, which had once ruled over most of the subcontinent, began to decline in the early part of the century. This led to a period of political instability, as different regional powers vied for control.

One of the most powerful of these regional powers was the MARATHA EMPIRE. The Marathas were a Hindu warrior group who had emerged in the Deccan region in the late seventeenth century. They were led by a series of charismatic leaders, including Shivaji Maharaj and his son, Sambhaji. The Marathas were able to conquer large parts of central and western India, and they posed a serious threat to the Mughal Empire.

Another major power in eighteenth-century India was the Sikh Empire. The Sikhs were a religious group who had emerged in the Punjab region in the early sixteenth century. They were led by a series of gurus, or spiritual teachers. The Sikhs were a powerful military force, and they were able to establish a large empire in the Punjab region.

The Mughal Empire finally collapsed in the early nineteenth century. This was due to a combination of factors, including internal weakness, external pressure from the British, and the rise of regional powers like the Marathas and the Sikhs.

The British East India Company was a trading company that was founded in England in the early seventeenth century. The company began to trade with India in the late seventeenth century, and it quickly became one of the most powerful companies in the world. The company’s main interest was in trade, but it also became involved in politics. In the late eighteenth century, the company began to take control of parts of India. This led to the establishment of the East India Company Raj, which lasted from the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century.

The East India Company Raj was a period of British rule in India. The company was able to establish control over most of the subcontinent through a combination of military force and political maneuvering. The company’s rule was often harsh and exploitative, and it led to a great deal of resentment among the Indian people.

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was a major uprising against British rule in India. The rebellion was sparked by a number of factors, including religious tensions, economic hardship, and resentment of British rule. The rebellion was initially successful, and it led to the capture of Delhi, the capital of the East India Company Raj. However, the British were eventually able to suppress the rebellion, and they reasserted their control over India.

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was a major turning point in Indian history. It marked the end of the East India Company Raj, and it led to the establishment of the British Raj, which lasted from 1858 to 1947. The rebellion also had a profound impact on Society/”>Indian Society and culture. It led to a greater sense of Indian nationalism, and it helped to pave the way for India’s independence in 1947.

Q1. What were the major political developments in India in the Eighteenth Century?

A1. The eighteenth century was a time of great political upheaval in India. The Mughal Empire, which had dominated the subcontinent for over two centuries, began to decline in the early part of the century. This decline was due to a number of factors, including internal instability, economic problems, and external threats. As the Mughal Empire weakened, a number of regional powers emerged, including the Maratha Empire, the Mysore Kingdom, and the Bengal Nawabs. These powers fought for control of the subcontinent, and the eighteenth century was a time of constant warfare.

Q2. What were the major economic developments in India in the eighteenth century?

A2. The eighteenth century was also a time of great economic change in India. The Mughal Empire had been a major center of Trade and Commerce, but the decline of the empire led to a decline in trade. This was exacerbated by the fact that the eighteenth century was a time of global economic Recession. As a result, many Indian merchants and traders went out of business, and the economy of the subcontinent suffered.

Q3. What were the major social developments in India in the eighteenth century?

A3. The eighteenth century was also a time of great Social Change in India. The Mughal Empire had been a relatively tolerant empire, but the decline of the empire led to an increase in religious and social tensions. This was exacerbated by the fact that the eighteenth century was a time of global religious revival. As a result, there was a great deal of conflict between Hindus, Muslims, and other religious groups.

Q4. What were the major cultural developments in India in the eighteenth century?

A4. The eighteenth century was also a time of great cultural change in India. The Mughal Empire had been a major center of art, literature, and music, but the decline of the empire led to a decline in these arts. This was exacerbated by the fact that the eighteenth century was a time of global cultural change. As a result, many Indian artists, writers, and musicians went out of business, and the culture of the subcontinent suffered.

Q5. What were the major foreign influences on India in the eighteenth century?

A5. The eighteenth century was a time of great foreign influence on India. The Mughal Empire had been a relatively closed empire, but the decline of the empire led to an increase in foreign contact. This was due to a number of factors, including the rise of European powers such as the British and the French, and the decline of the Ottoman Empire. As a result, India was exposed to a number of new ideas and technologies from Europe.

Q6. What were the major Indian influences on the world in the eighteenth century?

A6. The eighteenth century was also a time of great Indian influence on the world. The Mughal Empire had been a major center of trade and commerce, and Indian goods such as textiles, spices, and precious stones were in high demand throughout the world. This led to an increase in Indian cultural influence, as people from all over the world came into contact with Indian goods and culture.

Q7. What were the major challenges facing India in the eighteenth century?

A7. The eighteenth century was a time of great challenges for India. The Mughal Empire was in decline, and the subcontinent was divided into a number of smaller states. These states were constantly at war with each other, and the economy of the subcontinent was in shambles. In addition, India was facing increasing foreign influence from Europe.

Q8. What were the major achievements of India in the eighteenth century?

A8. Despite the challenges facing India in the eighteenth century, the subcontinent made a number of important achievements. The Maratha Empire emerged as a major power, and the Mysore Kingdom and the Bengal Nawabs also played important roles in Indian history. In addition, India continued to be a major center of trade and commerce, and Indian culture continued to influence the world.

Q9. What was the legacy of the eighteenth century for India?

A9. The eighteenth century was a time of great change and upheaval for India. The Mughal Empire declined, and the subcontinent was divided into a number of smaller states. These states were constantly at war with each other, and the economy of the subcontinent was in shambles. In addition, India was facing increasing foreign influence from Europe. However, despite these challenges, India made a number of important achievements in the eighteenth century. The Maratha Empire emerged as a major power, and the Mysore Kingdom and the Bengal Nawabs also played important roles in Indian history. In addition, India continued to be a major center of trade and commerce, and Indian culture continued to influence the world. The legacy of the eighteenth century for India is complex and multifaceted.

  1. Which of the following was not a major event in India in the eighteenth century?
    (A) The Mughal Empire declined.
    (B) The British East India Company established trading posts in India.
    (C) The Maratha Empire rose to power.
    (D) The Sikhs established a kingdom in Punjab.

  2. The Mughal Empire declined in the eighteenth century due to a number of factors, including:
    (A) The death of Aurangzeb in 1707.
    (B) The rise of regional powers such as the Marathas and the Sikhs.
    (C) The decline of the Mughal army.
    (D) All of the above.

  3. The British East India Company established trading posts in India in the seventeenth century. These trading posts eventually grew into British colonies. The British East India Company was able to establish these colonies because:
    (A) The Mughal Empire was in decline.
    (B) The British had superior military technology.
    (C) The British were able to exploit divisions among Indian rulers.
    (D) All of the above.

  4. The Maratha Empire rose to power in the eighteenth century under the leadership of Shivaji Maharaj. The Marathas were a Hindu warrior group who opposed Mughal rule. They were able to establish a powerful kingdom in central and western India. The Maratha Empire declined in the nineteenth century due to internal divisions and British expansion.

  5. The Sikhs established a kingdom in Punjab in the eighteenth century. The Sikhs were a religious group who were persecuted by the Mughals. They were able to establish a powerful kingdom in Punjab under the leadership of Guru Gobind Singh. The Sikh kingdom declined in the nineteenth century due to British expansion.

  6. The eighteenth century was a time of great change and upheaval in India. The Mughal Empire declined, regional powers rose to prominence, and the British East India Company established colonies in India. These changes had a profound impact on the history of India.

  7. The decline of the Mughal Empire was a major event in Indian history. The Mughal Empire had been a powerful force in India for over two centuries, but it began to decline in the eighteenth century. This decline was due to a number of factors, including the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the rise of regional powers such as the Marathas and the Sikhs, and the decline of the Mughal army.

  8. The rise of regional powers such as the Marathas and the Sikhs was another major event in Indian history. These powers were able to rise to prominence due to the decline of the Mughal Empire. The Marathas were a Hindu warrior group who opposed Mughal rule. They were able to establish a powerful kingdom in central and western India. The Sikhs were a religious group who were persecuted by the Mughals. They were able to establish a powerful kingdom in Punjab under the leadership of Guru Gobind Singh.

  9. The establishment of British colonies in India was another major event in Indian history. The British East India Company established trading posts in India in the seventeenth century. These trading posts eventually grew into British colonies. The British East India Company was able to establish these colonies because the Mughal Empire was in decline, the British had superior military technology, and the British were able to exploit divisions among Indian rulers.

  10. The eighteenth century was a time of great change and upheaval in India. The Mughal Empire declined, regional powers rose to prominence, and the British East India Company established colonies in India. These changes had a profound impact on the history of India.