Inclusive Growth

The following are subtopics of Inclusive Growth:

  • Economic growth
  • Poverty reduction
  • Inequality reduction
  • Human Development
  • Social inclusion
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Governance and institutions
  • Peace and security
  • Gender EqualityEquality
  • Youth empowerment
  • Disability inclusion
  • Indigenous peoples’ rights
  • Migration and refugees
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster risk reduction
  • Technology and innovation
  • Trade and InvestmentInvestment
  • Regional integration
  • Multilateral cooperation
  • (C) By adapting to the effects of climate change
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote peace and security?
    (A) By resolving conflicts peacefully
    (B) By building strong institutions
    (C) By promoting good governance
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote gender equality?
    (A) By empowering women
    (B) By eliminating discrimination against women
    (C) By promoting women’s participation in decision-making
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote youth empowerment?
    (A) By providing education and training
    (B) By creating jobs
    (C) By promoting EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote disability inclusion?
    (A) By providing access to education and employment
    (B) By removing barriers to participation
    (C) By promoting awareness and understanding
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote indigenous peoples’ rights?
    (A) By recognizing and respecting their rights
    (B) By promoting their participation in decision-making
    (C) By providing them with access to resources
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote migration and refugees?
    (A) By providing protection and assistance
    (B) By promoting integration and inclusion
    (C) By addressing the root causes of migration
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote climate change adaptation?
    (A) By building resilience to climate change
    (B) By reducing greenhouse gas emissions
    (C) By investing in adaptation measures
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote disaster risk reduction?
    (A) By building resilience to disasters
    (B) By reducing the risk of disasters
    (C) By investing in disaster risk reduction measures
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote technology and innovation?
    (A) By investing in research and development
    (B) By promoting entrepreneurship
    (C) By creating an enabling environment for innovation
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote trade and investment?
    (A) By reducing trade barriers
    (B) By promoting investment
    (C) By creating an enabling environment for trade and investment
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote regional integration?
    (A) By creating regional trade agreements
    (B) By promoting cooperation on regional issues
    (C) By creating a regional identity
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote multilateral cooperation?
    (A) By working through international organizations
    (B) By promoting cooperation on global issues
    (C) By creating a global community
    (D) By all of the above

  • Which of the following is the best way to promote sustainable development goals?
    (A) By implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
    (B) By mobilizing resources for the Sustainable Development Goals
    (C) By monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
    (D) By all of the above