Important Commissions and their Recommendations

Shaping the Future: A Look at Important Commissions and Their Recommendations

Throughout history, societies have faced complex challenges that require thoughtful analysis and innovative solutions. To address these issues, governments and institutions have often established commissions – groups of experts tasked with investigating, researching, and recommending solutions. These commissions, comprised of diverse perspectives and expertise, play a crucial role in shaping policy, influencing public discourse, and driving societal progress. This article delves into the impact of several important commissions, highlighting their key recommendations and their lasting influence on various aspects of society.

1. The Royal Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England (2018)

Context: The National Health Service (NHS) in England faced increasing pressure due to an aging population, rising healthcare costs, and growing demand for services. The government established the Royal Commission to examine the future of health and social care, aiming to ensure a sustainable and high-quality system for the future.

Key Recommendations:

  • Integration of Health and Social Care: The Commission emphasized the need for a more integrated approach to health and social care, breaking down silos between services and promoting collaboration between healthcare professionals and social workers.
  • Prevention and Early Intervention: The Commission highlighted the importance of investing in preventative measures and early intervention strategies to address health issues before they escalate, reducing the burden on the NHS.
  • Technology and Innovation: The Commission encouraged the adoption of technology and innovation in healthcare, including digital health solutions and personalized medicine, to improve efficiency and patient outcomes.
  • Workforce Development: The Commission recognized the need for a robust workforce plan to address the growing demand for healthcare professionals, including attracting and retaining skilled staff.
  • Financial Sustainability: The Commission proposed a long-term funding strategy for the NHS, ensuring its financial sustainability and ability to meet future challenges.

Impact: The Commission’s recommendations have significantly influenced the direction of healthcare policy in England. The government has implemented several initiatives based on the report, including the creation of integrated care systems and increased investment in preventative care. The Commission’s work has also sparked a national conversation about the future of healthcare, raising awareness of the challenges and opportunities facing the NHS.

2. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (1996-2005)

Context: The Canadian government established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to address the legacy of residential schools, which forcibly separated Indigenous children from their families and cultures for over a century. The TRC aimed to document the experiences of survivors, educate Canadians about the history of residential schools, and promote reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian government.

Key Recommendations:

  • Truth-Telling and Education: The TRC emphasized the importance of truth-telling and education about the history of residential schools, ensuring that the experiences of survivors are acknowledged and understood.
  • Healing and Reconciliation: The TRC recommended a range of measures to support the healing of survivors and promote reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous Canadians, including cultural revitalization programs and access to mental health services.
  • Justice and Accountability: The TRC called for justice and accountability for the wrongs committed by the government and the churches involved in the residential school system.
  • Implementation of Calls to Action: The TRC issued 94 Calls to Action, outlining specific recommendations for governments, institutions, and individuals to address the legacy of residential schools and advance reconciliation.

Impact: The TRC’s work has had a profound impact on Canadian society. The report has raised awareness of the devastating effects of residential schools and the ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous peoples. The Calls to Action have spurred significant policy changes, including increased funding for Indigenous education and health services, and the establishment of a National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. The TRC’s legacy continues to shape Canada’s efforts towards reconciliation and justice for Indigenous peoples.

3. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) (2002-2004)

Context: The 9/11 Commission was established by the U.S. Congress to investigate the events leading up to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, identify failures in intelligence and security, and recommend measures to prevent future attacks.

Key Recommendations:

  • Intelligence Reform: The Commission recommended significant reforms to the U.S. intelligence community, including the creation of a Director of National Intelligence to improve coordination and communication between agencies.
  • Counterterrorism Strategy: The Commission proposed a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy, emphasizing the need for a multi-faceted approach that includes intelligence gathering, law enforcement, and military action.
  • Border Security: The Commission highlighted the importance of strengthening border security, including improved screening procedures and increased cooperation with other countries.
  • Domestic Preparedness: The Commission recommended enhancing domestic preparedness for terrorist attacks, including improved emergency response capabilities and public awareness campaigns.
  • International Cooperation: The Commission emphasized the need for increased international cooperation to combat terrorism, including sharing intelligence and coordinating efforts to disrupt terrorist networks.

Impact: The 9/11 Commission’s report had a significant impact on U.S. national security policy. The recommendations led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the implementation of new intelligence reforms, and the development of a more comprehensive counterterrorism strategy. The Commission’s work also highlighted the importance of interagency cooperation and the need for a coordinated approach to national security threats.

4. The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1991-1996)

Context: The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples was established by the Canadian government to examine the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian state, and to recommend ways to improve the lives of Aboriginal people.

Key Recommendations:

  • Self-Determination: The Commission emphasized the importance of self-determination for Aboriginal peoples, recognizing their right to govern themselves and control their own affairs.
  • Land Claims and Treaty Rights: The Commission called for the resolution of outstanding land claims and the full recognition of Aboriginal treaty rights.
  • Economic Development: The Commission recommended policies to promote economic development in Aboriginal communities, including access to capital, training, and infrastructure.
  • Education and Culture: The Commission emphasized the importance of culturally appropriate education and the preservation of Aboriginal languages and cultures.
  • Health and Social Services: The Commission called for improved access to health and social services for Aboriginal peoples, addressing the disparities in health outcomes.

Impact: The Royal Commission’s report has been a landmark document in Canadian history, raising awareness of the challenges faced by Aboriginal peoples and advocating for their rights and self-determination. The Commission’s recommendations have influenced government policy and legislation, leading to the creation of new institutions and programs to support Aboriginal communities. However, the full implementation of the Commission’s recommendations remains a work in progress, and the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian government continues to evolve.

5. The Independent Commission on Banking (1979-1980)

Context: The Independent Commission on Banking, also known as the “Committee of Inquiry into the Financial System,” was established by the British government in 1979 to examine the structure and regulation of the UK banking system following a period of financial instability.

Key Recommendations:

  • Separation of Banking and Investment: The Commission recommended separating the activities of commercial banks from those of investment banks, aiming to reduce risk and improve financial stability.
  • Strengthening Bank Supervision: The Commission proposed strengthening the regulatory framework for banks, including enhanced supervision and oversight by the Bank of England.
  • Competition and Innovation: The Commission encouraged competition and innovation in the banking sector, promoting efficiency and consumer choice.
  • Financial Stability: The Commission emphasized the importance of maintaining financial stability, recognizing the systemic risks posed by large banks.

Impact: The Commission’s recommendations had a significant impact on the UK banking system. The government implemented several reforms based on the report, including the creation of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to regulate the financial industry and the introduction of new capital adequacy requirements for banks. The Commission’s work also contributed to the development of a more robust regulatory framework for the financial sector, promoting financial stability and consumer protection.

6. The National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence (1968-1969)

Context: The National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, also known as the “Kerner Commission,” was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968 to investigate the causes of the widespread urban riots that occurred in the United States that year.

Key Recommendations:

  • Racial Equality: The Commission emphasized the need for racial equality and social justice, recognizing the systemic racism and discrimination that contributed to the riots.
  • Economic Opportunity: The Commission called for policies to promote economic opportunity for all Americans, particularly in disadvantaged communities.
  • Police Reform: The Commission recommended reforms to police practices, including improved training, community policing, and accountability measures.
  • Education and Housing: The Commission highlighted the importance of quality education and affordable housing for all Americans, addressing the disparities in access to these resources.
  • National Commitment: The Commission called for a national commitment to addressing the root causes of violence, including poverty, racism, and inequality.

Impact: The Kerner Commission’s report was a landmark document that exposed the deep-seated racial divisions in American society. The Commission’s recommendations, while not fully implemented, have influenced policy debates and social movements for decades. The report’s warning that the United States was becoming “two societies, one black, one white, separate and unequal” remains a powerful reminder of the ongoing challenges of racial justice in the United States.

7. The Royal Commission on the Environment and Sustainable Development (1984-1987)

Context: The Royal Commission on the Environment and Sustainable Development, also known as the “Brundtland Commission,” was established by the United Nations in 1984 to examine the state of the global environment and recommend solutions to address environmental challenges.

Key Recommendations:

  • Sustainable Development: The Commission introduced the concept of sustainable development, defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
  • Environmental Protection: The Commission emphasized the importance of protecting the environment, including reducing pollution, conserving natural resources, and promoting biodiversity.
  • Economic Growth and Development: The Commission recognized the need for economic growth and development, but argued that it should be sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • International Cooperation: The Commission stressed the importance of international cooperation to address global environmental challenges, including climate change and pollution.
  • Public Participation: The Commission encouraged public participation in environmental decision-making, recognizing the importance of citizen engagement.

Impact: The Brundtland Commission’s report, “Our Common Future,” was a groundbreaking document that helped to raise global awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainable development. The Commission’s recommendations have influenced international policy and agreements, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Commission’s work has also inspired numerous initiatives and organizations focused on promoting sustainable development and environmental protection.

8. The National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (2019-2020)

Context: The National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, also known as the “SEL Commission,” was established by the Aspen Institute in 2019 to examine the role of social-emotional learning (SEL) in education and to recommend ways to integrate SEL into schools and communities.

Key Recommendations:

  • SEL for All: The Commission recommended that SEL be integrated into all aspects of education, from early childhood to higher education, ensuring that all students have access to SEL skills.
  • Whole-Child Approach: The Commission emphasized the importance of a whole-child approach to education, recognizing the interconnectedness of social, emotional, and academic development.
  • SEL for Educators: The Commission called for training and support for educators to effectively implement SEL in their classrooms and schools.
  • Community Partnerships: The Commission encouraged partnerships between schools and communities to support SEL, including collaboration with families, community organizations, and businesses.
  • Measurement and Evaluation: The Commission recommended the development of robust measures and evaluation tools to assess the effectiveness of SEL programs and initiatives.

Impact: The SEL Commission’s report has been widely praised for its comprehensive approach to SEL and its call for a national commitment to SEL in education. The Commission’s recommendations have influenced policy and practice in schools and communities across the United States, leading to increased investment in SEL programs and initiatives. The Commission’s work has also helped to raise awareness of the importance of SEL for student success and well-being.

9. The National Commission on the Future of Higher Education (2019-2020)

Context: The National Commission on the Future of Higher Education, also known as the “Commission on the Future of Higher Education,” was established by the Lumina Foundation in 2019 to examine the challenges and opportunities facing higher education in the United States and to recommend ways to ensure that higher education remains accessible, affordable, and relevant in the 21st century.

Key Recommendations:

  • Accessibility and Affordability: The Commission recommended policies to make higher education more accessible and affordable, including expanding financial aid, reducing tuition costs, and promoting alternative pathways to college.
  • Quality and Relevance: The Commission emphasized the importance of ensuring the quality and relevance of higher education, including aligning programs with the needs of the workforce and promoting innovation in teaching and learning.
  • Student Success: The Commission recommended strategies to improve student success, including providing support services, promoting mental health and well-being, and fostering a sense of belonging on campus.
  • Equity and Inclusion: The Commission called for efforts to promote equity and inclusion in higher education, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed regardless of their background or identity.
  • Innovation and Transformation: The Commission encouraged innovation and transformation in higher education, including the adoption of new technologies, the development of new models of learning, and the creation of new partnerships with businesses and communities.

Impact: The Commission on the Future of Higher Education’s report has sparked a national conversation about the future of higher education in the United States. The Commission’s recommendations have influenced policy debates and initiatives at the state and federal levels, leading to increased investment in higher education and efforts to address the challenges of affordability, accessibility, and quality. The Commission’s work has also inspired numerous initiatives and organizations focused on improving higher education and ensuring that it remains a pathway to opportunity for all Americans.

10. The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service (2017-2019)

Context: The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, also known as the “National Service Commission,” was established by Congress in 2017 to examine the role of national service in American society and to recommend ways to strengthen and expand opportunities for service.

Key Recommendations:

  • Expanded Opportunities for Service: The Commission recommended expanding opportunities for national service, including creating new programs and expanding existing ones, such as AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps.
  • Increased Recognition and Support: The Commission called for increased recognition and support for national service, including providing financial assistance to service members and promoting the value of service in society.
  • Civic Engagement: The Commission emphasized the importance of civic engagement and encouraged all Americans to find ways to serve their communities.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: The Commission recommended efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in national service, ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to serve.
  • Innovation and Technology: The Commission encouraged innovation and the use of technology to enhance national service programs and make them more accessible.

Impact: The National Service Commission’s report has helped to reignite the national conversation about the importance of national service in American society. The Commission’s recommendations have influenced policy debates and initiatives at the federal and state levels, leading to increased funding for national service programs and efforts to expand opportunities for service. The Commission’s work has also inspired numerous initiatives and organizations focused on promoting national service and civic engagement.


The commissions discussed in this article represent a diverse range of topics and contexts, but they share a common thread: the desire to address complex societal challenges through thoughtful analysis, expert recommendations, and a commitment to positive change. These commissions have played a crucial role in shaping policy, influencing public discourse, and driving societal progress. Their recommendations have led to significant reforms, new initiatives, and a deeper understanding of the challenges facing our world. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the lessons learned from these commissions remain relevant and provide valuable insights for addressing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Table 1: Important Commissions and Their Key Recommendations

CommissionContextKey RecommendationsImpact
Royal Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England (2018)Addressing the challenges facing the NHS in EnglandIntegration of health and social care, prevention and early intervention, technology and innovation, workforce development, financial sustainabilityInfluenced healthcare policy in England, leading to integrated care systems and increased investment in preventative care
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (1996-2005)Addressing the legacy of residential schools in CanadaTruth-telling and education, healing and reconciliation, justice and accountability, implementation of Calls to ActionRaised awareness of the effects of residential schools, spurred policy changes, and advanced reconciliation efforts
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) (2002-2004)Investigating the 9/11 attacks and recommending measures to prevent future attacksIntelligence reform, counterterrorism strategy, border security, domestic preparedness, international cooperationInfluenced U.S. national security policy, leading to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and new intelligence reforms
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1991-1996)Examining the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian stateSelf-determination, land claims and treaty rights, economic development, education and culture, health and social servicesInfluenced government policy and legislation, leading to new institutions and programs to support Aboriginal communities
Independent Commission on Banking (1979-1980)Examining the structure and regulation of the UK banking systemSeparation of banking and investment, strengthening bank supervision, competition and innovation, financial stabilityInfluenced UK banking regulation, leading to the creation of the Financial Services Authority and new capital adequacy requirements
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence (1968-1969)Investigating the causes of urban riots in the United StatesRacial equality, economic opportunity, police reform, education and housing, national commitmentExposed racial divisions in American society and influenced policy debates and social movements
Royal Commission on the Environment and Sustainable Development (1984-1987)Examining the state of the global environment and recommending solutionsSustainable development, environmental protection, economic growth and development, international cooperation, public participationRaised global awareness of environmental issues and influenced international policy and agreements
National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (2019-2020)Examining the role of social-emotional learning (SEL) in educationSEL for all, whole-child approach, SEL for educators, community partnerships, measurement and evaluationInfluenced policy and practice in schools and communities, leading to increased investment in SEL programs
National Commission on the Future of Higher Education (2019-2020)Examining the challenges and opportunities facing higher educationAccessibility and affordability, quality and relevance, student success, equity and inclusion, innovation and transformationInfluenced policy debates and initiatives, leading to increased investment in higher education and efforts to address affordability, accessibility, and quality
National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service (2017-2019)Examining the role of national service in American societyExpanded opportunities for service, increased recognition and support, civic engagement, diversity and inclusion, innovation and technologyInfluenced policy debates and initiatives, leading to increased funding for national service programs and efforts to expand opportunities for service

Note: This table provides a brief overview of the key recommendations of each commission. For a more detailed analysis of each commission’s work and impact, please refer to the original reports and related research.

Frequently Asked Questions about Important Commissions and their Recommendations

1. What is a commission, and why are they important?

A commission is a group of experts assembled to investigate a specific issue, gather information, and provide recommendations for action. They are important because they bring together diverse perspectives and expertise to address complex challenges, often with a focus on long-term solutions. Commissions can help shape policy, influence public discourse, and drive societal progress.

2. How do commissions make their recommendations?

Commissions typically conduct extensive research, gather evidence through public hearings and consultations, and analyze data to develop their recommendations. They often involve a variety of stakeholders, including experts, government officials, community leaders, and members of the public.

3. Are commission recommendations always implemented?

While commissions aim to provide valuable insights and recommendations, their implementation depends on various factors, including political will, public support, and available resources. Some recommendations may be fully implemented, while others may be partially adopted or rejected altogether.

4. What are some examples of successful commission recommendations?

Many commissions have had a significant impact on policy and society. For example, the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and significant intelligence reforms. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action have spurred significant policy changes, including increased funding for Indigenous education and health services.

5. What are some challenges faced by commissions?

Commissions can face challenges such as limited resources, political pressure, and difficulty in achieving consensus among members. They also need to navigate complex issues and balance competing interests.

6. How can I get involved in a commission?

You can get involved in a commission by participating in public hearings, submitting written testimony, or contacting commission members to share your views. You can also support organizations that advocate for the implementation of commission recommendations.

7. What are some current commissions working on important issues?

There are many commissions currently working on important issues, such as climate change, racial justice, and economic inequality. You can find information about these commissions online or through news sources.

8. What is the role of the public in commission work?

The public plays a crucial role in commission work by providing input, sharing experiences, and holding commissions accountable. Public engagement is essential for ensuring that commissions address the needs and concerns of the people they serve.

9. How can I learn more about specific commissions and their recommendations?

You can find information about specific commissions and their recommendations online through government websites, commission websites, and news sources. You can also access commission reports and publications through libraries and research institutions.

10. What is the future of commissions in addressing societal challenges?

Commissions are likely to continue playing a vital role in addressing complex societal challenges. As the world faces new and evolving issues, commissions will be essential for providing expert analysis, recommending solutions, and driving progress towards a more just and equitable future.

Here are a few multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about Important Commissions and their Recommendations:

1. Which commission was established to investigate the events leading up to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks?

a) The Royal Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England
b) The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
c) The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission)
d) The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

2. Which commission recommended the separation of banking and investment activities to reduce risk and improve financial stability?

a) The Independent Commission on Banking
b) The National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
c) The Royal Commission on the Environment and Sustainable Development
d) The National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

3. Which commission introduced the concept of “sustainable development” as a way to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations?

a) The Independent Commission on Banking
b) The National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
c) The Royal Commission on the Environment and Sustainable Development
d) The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service

4. Which commission’s report highlighted the deep-seated racial divisions in American society and called for racial equality and social justice?

a) The National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence (Kerner Commission)
b) The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
c) The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission)
d) The National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

5. Which commission’s Calls to Action aimed to address the legacy of residential schools in Canada and promote reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian government?

a) The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
b) The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
c) The National Commission on Military, Nat
