Ideal Of Service

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Ideal of service

Upanishads and the ideal of Service

  • The Upanishadic Ideal of service is based on the concepts of Truth, Dharma and Yajna. Without comprehending these three concepts we cannot understand what we have come to recognise as service today – the most appealing and popular component of modern religions.

Discovering the Satyam

  • Thousands of years ago, when humanity was still in a state of slumber, the super scientists of India, the Vedic rishis, were engaged in the knotty task of uncovering the Ultimate Reality of life.
  • This Reality of all realities, they soon found out, was beyond the world of pluralities, beyond whatever the senses could perceive.
  • Through a step- by- step approach, breaking through the world of plurality, they looked into the very core of their inner being and discovered the Ultimate Truth as the Self (atman) within. This they called as Satyam, the Truth.

The Way of Dharma

  • To realise that Eternal Truth within oneself, and feel its presence in the entire universe and adjust all our activities in such a way as to reflect that principle of Oneness in life. This is the dharma kept before every human being.
  • The final aim of dharma is Self realisation. This is what constitutes the essence of Upanishadic knowledge. This was the ancient truth that the rishis presented before us. To know, the Self, again, the dharma is the way.
  • This vision has been summarised in the eloquent words from the Taittiriya Upanishad, satyam vada, dharmam chara (‘speak the truth, follow the dharma)

Yajna, the Perennial Sacrifice

  • The Vedic ideal of Yajna is far more comprehensive, enriching and universal than what is conveyed by the word service.
  • Yajna, hence, is a symbol of the practical relationship between human beings, world and God or the Ultimate Reality (jiva, jagat and ishwara). That Yajna is an act of unification and expansion of the human spirit and is made clear by its basic tenets.
  • Doing a Yajna has the following connotations:

1. Deva puja:

  • Yajna was a tangible, concrete action in the early part of the Vedic tradition. Later the Vedic rishis discovered its deeper meaning of worship of God by respecting parents, teachers, seniors, guests, as also the mighty powers of the five Elements.
  • One may recall here the famous Upanishadic teachings: ‘Worship your mother as Divine. Worship you father as Divine. Worship is not just offering some flowers, incense and fruit supply others’ needs, in a spirit of service detachment is also a form of worship.
  • As Sri Ramakrishna once remarked, ‘Does God manifest only through a stone or wood image. He can manifest in human forms also. So the idea of worship of God in man through attending to their needs is also a compelling form of yajna.

2. Sanghatikaranam (Forging a unity):

  • As stated earlier, Yajna establishing a relationship between man, world and God.
  • The practical implication of establishing this sense of connectivity lies in maintaining unity and Integrity within a home or organisation.
  • This is done by being in tune with the ideals and thoughts of the place or group. The following hymn expresses this ideal of harmony succinctly:
  • ‘Common be your prayer;
  • Common be your end;
  • Common be your purpose;
  • Common be your deliberation;
  • Common be your desire;
  • Unified be your hearts;
  • United be your intentions;
  • Perfect be the union amongst you.’
  • When one keeps this idea of yajna in mind and does his work, he fosters unity of minds which is essential to create healthy and powerful organisations and promote a fellow feeling and righteousness.

3. Dana or donation:

  • Dana or ‘giving’ can be in any form – giving monetary help or respect or knowledge or service and so on. The underlying idea is that it is by giving that a man receives back and that is what leads to real happiness.
  • In this magnificent, all comprehensive Upanishadic vision, in which every individual life is a part of a cosmic yajna, where does the idea of modern life style fit We must understand that living a gross physical and materialistic life, spending all our energies on our food, clothes and shelter, cannot make us happy and strong.

The Ideal of Service in Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism

  • The “Mahaparinibbana Sutta” of the Dighanikaya describes seven conditions for the welfare, prosperity, and happiness of any community, nation or country.
  • These conditions must be considered before serving the people for their gradual development and welfare. These seven conditions are:
  1. To assemble on occasion whenever necessary to discuss the affairs of the community.
  2. To do everything by consensus.
  3. To respect old traditions and not transgress them.
  4. To respect and obey elders and superiors.
  5. To respect Women in general.
  6. To respect, worship and honor all religious shrines.
  7. To honor and respect all holy people, irrespective of their caste, creed or gender.


The ideal of service is a noble one. It is the idea that we should put the needs of others before our own, and that we should use our time, energy, and Resources to help those who are less fortunate. There are many different ways to serve others, and there is no one right way to do it. Some people choose to volunteer their time at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Others donate Money to Charities that support causes they care about. Still others choose to simply be kind and compassionate to the people they meet in their everyday lives.

No matter how you choose to serve, the important thing is that you do something. Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of others. So if you’re looking for a way to make a difference in the world, consider serving others. It’s a great way to feel good about yourself, and it’s also a great way to make the world a better place.

Here are some specific examples of how you can serve others:

  • Volunteer your time. There are many organizations that need volunteers, such as soup kitchens, homeless shelters, animal shelters, and hospitals. You can find volunteer opportunities in your community by searching online or contacting local organizations.
  • Donate money. There are many worthy causes that need financial support, such as disaster relief, Education, and healthcare. You can donate money to a charity that you care about or to a general fund that supports a variety of causes.
  • Be kind and compassionate. One of the simplest ways to serve others is to simply be kind and compassionate to the people you meet in your everyday life. Hold the door open for someone, let someone go ahead of you in line, or simply smile at someone you pass on the street. These small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s day.
  • Be a good listener. Sometimes the best way to serve others is simply to listen to them. If you know someone who is going through a tough time, offer to listen to them without judgment. Sometimes just having someone to talk to can be a great source of support.
  • Be a mentor. If you have experience or expertise in a particular area, consider mentoring someone who is just starting out. You can share your knowledge and experience with them, and help them to succeed.
  • Be a role model. One of the best ways to serve others is to simply be a good role model. Show others how to be kind, compassionate, and helpful. By setting a good example, you can inspire others to do the same.

Serving others is a great way to make a difference in the world. It’s also a great way to feel good about yourself and to connect with others. So if you’re looking for a way to make a positive impact, consider serving others. It’s a decision you won’t regret.

Here are frequently asked questions and short answers about the following topics:

  • What is the ideal of service?
    The ideal of service is the belief that everyone should strive to help others and make the world a better place. It is based on the idea that we are all connected and that we have a responsibility to care for one another.

  • What are some examples of service?
    There are many ways to serve others. Some examples include volunteering your time, donating money to charity, or simply being kind and compassionate to those around you.

  • Why is service important?
    Service is important because it allows us to connect with others, make a difference in the world, and feel good about ourselves. It can also help us to develop important skills such as teamwork, Communication, and problem-solving.

  • How can I get involved in service?
    There are many ways to get involved in service. You can volunteer your time at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter, donate money to a charity that you care about, or simply start a small project in your community.

  • What are some benefits of service?
    There are many benefits of service. Some of these benefits include:

  • Feeling good about yourself: When you help others, you feel good about yourself. You know that you are making a difference in the world, and this can give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

  • Connecting with others: Service can help you to connect with others in your community. You will meet new people who share your interests, and you will develop strong relationships with those you serve.
  • Developing important skills: Service can help you to develop important skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. These skills can be helpful in all areas of your life, both personal and professional.
  • Making a difference in the world: When you serve others, you are making a difference in the world. You are helping to make the world a better place, and this can be a very rewarding experience.

  • What are some challenges of service?
    There are some challenges that can come with service. Some of these challenges include:

  • Finding the time: Service can take time, and it can be difficult to find time to volunteer or donate money when you are busy with work, school, and other commitments.

  • Dealing with difficult situations: When you serve others, you may encounter difficult situations. You may see people who are suffering, and you may have to deal with difficult emotions.
  • Not seeing immediate results: Service can be a long-term commitment, and you may not see immediate results from your efforts. It can be difficult to stay motivated when you don’t see the impact of your work right away.

  • How can I overcome the challenges of service?
    There are some things you can do to overcome the challenges of service. Some of these things include:

  • Make time for service: If you are serious about service, you need to make time for it. This means saying no to other commitments so that you can make time for service.

  • Find a service that you are passionate about: If you are passionate about the cause you are serving, it will be easier to stay motivated.
  • Be patient: Service is a long-term commitment, and you may not see immediate results. It is important to be patient and to trust that your efforts are making a difference.
  • Find a support system: Service can be challenging, and it is helpful to have a support system. This could include friends, family, or other volunteers who can offer encouragement and support.

  • What is the future of service?
    The future of service is bright. There is a growing movement of people who are committed to making a difference in the world. This movement is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing awareness of social and environmental issues, the desire to connect with others, and the need to feel good about oneself.

  • What can I do to help the future of service?
    There are many things you can do to help the future of service. Some of these things include:

  • Get involved in service: The best way to help the future of service is to get involved yourself. You can volunteer your time, donate money to a charity, or simply start a small project in your community.

  • Educate others about service: Many people are not aware of the many ways they can serve others. You can help to educate others about service by talking to them about it, sharing information about service organizations, or simply setting a good example.
  • Support service organizations: There are many great service organizations that are making a difference in the world. You can support these organizations by donating money, volunteering your time, or simply spreading the word about their work.
  1. The following are the four main types of service quality:

(a) Tangibles
(b) Reliability
(c) Responsiveness
(d) Assurance
(e) Empathy

  1. Which of the following is not a dimension of service quality?

(a) Tangibles
(b) Reliability
(c) Responsiveness
(d) Assurance
(e) Empathy

  1. Which of the following is an example of a tangible?

(a) The appearance of physical facilities
(b) The appearance of personnel
(c) The ability to perform the promised service
(d) The willingness to help customers
(e) The ability to communicate effectively with customers

  1. Which of the following is an example of a reliable service?

(a) The ability to perform the promised service
(b) The willingness to help customers
(c) The ability to communicate effectively with customers
(d) The ability to provide accurate information
(e) The ability to keep promises

  1. Which of the following is an example of a responsive service?

(a) The ability to perform the promised service
(b) The willingness to help customers
(c) The ability to communicate effectively with customers
(d) The ability to provide accurate information
(e) The ability to respond to customer requests quickly and efficiently

  1. Which of the following is an example of an assured service?

(a) The ability to perform the promised service
(b) The willingness to help customers
(c) The ability to communicate effectively with customers
(d) The ability to provide accurate information
(e) The ability to create a positive image and convey confidence

  1. Which of the following is an example of an empathetic service?

(a) The ability to perform the promised service
(b) The willingness to help customers
(c) The ability to communicate effectively with customers
(d) The ability to provide accurate information
(e) The ability to understand and respond to the customer’s individual needs

  1. Which of the following is not a benefit of providing good service quality?

(a) Increased customer satisfaction
(b) Increased customer loyalty
(c) Increased sales
(d) Increased profits
(e) Increased employee satisfaction

  1. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining service quality?

(a) The customer’s perception of the service
(b) The company’s policies and procedures
(c) The employee’s Attitude and behavior
(d) The physical Environment
(e) The company’s reputation

  1. Which of the following is the best way to improve service quality?

(a) Conduct regular customer surveys
(b) Train employees on customer service skills
(c) Monitor customer satisfaction levels
(d) Implement a customer service improvement program
(e) All of the above