History of post independence telangana

History of post independence Telangana


When India became independent from the British Empire in 1947, Hyderabad remained an independent princely state for a period of 13 months.  The peasants of Telangana waged an armed struggle to liberate the region. Scores of people lost their lives in the armed struggle. The private militia named Razakars, under the Leadership of Qasim Razwi unleashed terror in the state by resorting to looting and murder.  On 17 September 1948, the Indian government conducted a military operation called Operation Polo to bring Hyderabad state into the Indian Union. It appointed a civil servant, M. K. Vellodi, as first chief minister of Hyderabad State on 26 January 1950.  In 1952, Dr. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao was elected chief minister of the Hyderabad State in its first democratic election. During this time, there was an agitation by locals in the state to ensure proper representation was given to locals ( mulkis ) of Hyderabad.

First Telangana Movement

In early 1950s, people of Telangana region in Hyderabad state, started organizing themselves with a demand for separate state. In 1953 the Indian government appointed the States Reorganization Commission (SRC) to look into various statehood demands in the country. The Commission was headed by Fazal Ali, Kavalam Madhava Panikkar and H.N. Kunzru  The SRC toured the whole country to seek representations from various sections of the Society. People of Telangana region submitted several memorandums to the SRC and expressed their wish to constitute Telangana as a separate state. Telangana intellectuals such as late Prof Jayashankar and political leaders such as Sri HC Heda, Sri Konda Venkat Ranga Reddy gave memorandums containing historic, political, economic, social and cultural justifications for creating the Telangana state. The Commission submitted its report on 30 September 1955, and recommended formation of Telangana state.

During the period between 1955 September and 1956 November, the people of Telangana launched a series of protests demanding statehood by implementing the SRC recommendations. But intense lobbying by leaders from Andhra state in New Delhi resulted in the merger of Telangana region in Andhra state to form the Andhra Pradesh state.

Telangana leaders insisted on a Gentlemen’s Agreement before the merger could take place. The agreement was signed by Andhra and Telangana leaders and provided safeguards with the purpose of preventing discrimination against Telangana by the Andhra leaders.However, the agreement was violated from day one by the Andhra leaders.

Telangana Agitation in 1969

Non-implementation of Gentlemen’s Agreement and continued discrimination to Telangana region in government jobs, Education and public spending resulted in the 1969 statehood agitation.

In January 1969, students intensified the protests for a separate state. On 19 January, all party accord was reached to ensure the proper implementation of Telangana safeguards. Accord’s main points were

  • All non-Telangana employees holding posts reserved for Telangana locals will be transferred immediately.
  • Telangana surpluses will be used for Telangana development.
  • Appeal to Telangana students to call off agitation.

But the protests further intensified, as more and more students and employees joined the statehood movement. Police firing on protesters led to the death of about 369 youngsters during this phase of the agitation. Then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi called for a high-level meeting to discuss the statehood issue. After several days of talks with leaders of both regions, on 12 April 1969, the Prime Minister developed an Eight Point Plan. Sri M. Chenna Reddy, founded the Telangana Praja Samithi (TPS) political party in 1969 to spearhead the statehood movement.

Mrs. Indira Gandhi had called snap parliamentary Elections in March 1971. In these parliamentary elections, Telangana Praja Samithi won 10 out the 14 Parliament seats in Telangana. However, Indira Gandhi’s Congress (R) Party scored a landslide victory on a platform of progressive policies such as POVERTY elimination (Garibi Hatao). She was reluctant to accept the Telangana statehood demand at that juncture. Sri M Chenna Reddy then merged TPS in Congress (R) party, after formulating a Six-Point Formula to safeguard Telangana’s interests. The statehood movement continued until 1973, but subsided later.

Since mid 1990s, the people of Telangana started organizing themselves under various organizations with a demand for separate state of Telangana.  In 1997, the state unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) passed a resolution seeking a separate Telangana. Though the party created the states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Uttarakhand in 2000, it did not create a separate Telangana state citing resistance of its coalition partner, Telugu Desam Party.

Sri Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao (KCR), who was then the Deputy Speaker of AP State assembly, had started background work on Telangana issue in early 2000. And after detailed discussions and deliberations with a plethora of Telangana intellectuals, KCR announced the launch of Telangana Rashtra Samithi on May 17th 2001.

KCR had resigned to the post of Deputy Speaker and MLA before launching the Telangana Rashtra Samithi party. Prof Jayashankar, the ideologue of statehood movement extended his support to KCR.  In 2004, TRS entered into a poll alliance with Congress party. The party won 26 MLAs and 5 MPs and entered into both the AP state and Indian government. Telangana issue found a place in UPA-1 Common Minimum Program. Statehood issue was also mentioned by President Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in their speeches.

TRS president KCR, was initially allotted the Shipping portfolio. But another UPA ally DMK demanded Shipping portfolio and threatened to walk out of the coalition, if its demand was not met, KCR voluntarily relinquished the Shipping portfolio to save the fledgling UPA-1 government. KCR remained as a Union Minister without portfolio, before being given the L​abour and EMPLOYMENT portfolio. As the UPA government continued to dilly-dally on the decades old demand for Telangana state, KCR resigned to his ministry in 2006.

When a Congress leader made a belittling statement on the statehood movement in September 2006, KCR resigned to the Karimnagar Lok Sabha seat and won it with a thumping majority. The massive majority achieved by KCR in that election proved the strong statehood aspirations in the region.

In April 2008, TRS party MLAs resigned also walked out of the State Government in protest against the delay in Telangana formation. But, TRS could retain only 7 MLA and 2 Lok Sabha seats in this by-election.  In 2009 elections, TRS allied with TDP, CPI and CPM parties. The grand alliance did not yield the desired result, as the Pro-Telangana vote got split between TRS, Congress, PRP and BJP. In the end, TRS could win only 10 MLA seats and 2 MP seats.

State formation

On Nov 29th, 2009 , KCR had announced an indefinite hunger strike demanding statehood to Telangana. But en route, the state police had arrested him and sent to Khammam sub-jail. The movement spread like wildfire with students, empl​​oyees, peoples’ organizations plunging into it. In the next 10 days, the whole of Telangana region came to a standstill.  The state government, headed by Sri K Rosaiah had called for an all-party meeting on 7th December. Leaders of TDP and PRP parties promised that they would support a Telangana statehood resolution if it was tabled in the state Assembly. As KCR’s Health was deteriorating very fast, on Dec 9th 2009, the UPA government announced that the process of statehood for Telangana would be initiated.

But within 2 weeks, resistance from Seemandhra leadership resulted in UPA backtracking on this issue. KCR then brought all political forces in Telangana region together to form the Telangana JAC – an umbrella body of several organizations and parties, with Prof Kodandaram as its Chairman. TRS cadre and leaders actively participated in several agitations and protests launched by TJAC.

After 4 years of peaceful and impactful protests, the UPA government started the statehood process in July 2013 and concluded the process by passing the statehood bill in both houses of Parliament in Feb 2014.  In the General Elections held in April 2014, Telangana Rashtra Samithi emerged victorious by winning 63 of the 119 seats and formed the government. Sri K Chandrashekar Rao was sworn in as the First Chief Minister of Telangana. The Telangana state was inaugurated formally on June 2nd 2014.,

The history of post-independence Telangana is a long and complex one. The region has been home to a number of different cultures and languages, and it has been ruled by a variety of different empires and kingdoms. In the early 20th century, Telangana was part of the Hyderabad State, which was ruled by the Nizam of Hyderabad. The Nizam was a Muslim ruler, and the majority of the Population-of-telangana/”>Population of Telangana was Hindu. This led to a great deal of tension between the two groups, and in 1948, the Indian Army invaded Hyderabad and annexed the state.

After independence, Telangana was merged with the state of Andhra Pradesh. This merger was not popular with many people in Telangana, who felt that they were being discriminated against by the Andhra Pradesh government. In the 1960s, a movement began to demand a separate state of Telangana. This movement gained momentum in the 1980s, and in 2014, the Telangana state was finally formed.

The formation of Telangana was a major victory for the people of the region. However, the state still faces a number of challenges. The economy of Telangana is not as developed as the economies of some of the other states in India, and there is a great deal of poverty in the region. The government of Telangana is working to address these challenges, but it will take time to make a significant difference.

Despite the challenges, the people of Telangana are hopeful for the future. They are proud of their culture and heritage, and they are determined to build a prosperous state.

The Telangana movement was a political movement that sought to create a separate state of Telangana out of the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The movement began in the early 1960s and gained momentum in the 1980s. In 2014, the Telangana state was formed.

The main demands of the Telangana movement were that Telangana be granted statehood, that the Telugu language be given official status in Telangana, and that the region be given more autonomy from the Andhra Pradesh government. The movement was led by a number of different groups, including the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), and the Communist Party of India (Marxist).

The Telangana movement faced a number of challenges, including opposition from the Andhra Pradesh government, the lack of support from the central government, and the lack of unity among the different groups involved in the movement. However, the movement eventually succeeded in its goal of creating a separate state of Telangana.

The formation of Telangana was a major victory for the people of the region. However, the state still faces a number of challenges. The economy of Telangana is not as developed as the economies of some of the other states in India, and there is a great deal of poverty in the region. The government of Telangana is working to address these challenges, but it will take time to make a significant difference.

Despite the challenges, the people of Telangana are hopeful for the future. They are proud of their culture and heritage, and they are determined to build a prosperous state.

What is the history of post-independence Telangana?

Telangana is a state in India that was formed on June 2, 2014, by the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. The state is located in the south-central part of India and has a population of over 35 million people. The capital of Telangana is Hyderabad.

The history of post-independence Telangana can be divided into three main periods: the pre-statehood period, the statehood period, and the post-statehood period.

The pre-statehood period was from 1947 to 2014. During this period, Telangana was a part of Andhra Pradesh. The people of Telangana had been demanding a separate state for many years. In 2009, the United Progressive Alliance government announced that it would create a separate state of Telangana. However, the decision was met with protests from the people of Andhra Pradesh. In 2014, The Supreme Court of India upheld the decision to create a separate state of Telangana.

The statehood period was from 2014 to 2019. During this period, the government of Telangana was focused on developing the state. The government made significant investments in Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, education, and healthcare. The state also witnessed rapid economic Growth.

The post-statehood period is from 2019 onwards. During this period, the government of Telangana has been focused on consolidating its gains. The government has continued to invest in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. The state has also witnessed continued economic growth.

What are some of the major events in the history of post-independence Telangana?

Some of the major events in the history of post-independence Telangana include:

  • The formation of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) in 2001.
  • The launch of the Telangana movement in 2006.
  • The announcement of the creation of a separate state of Telangana in 2009.
  • The formation of the state of Telangana in 2014.
  • The victory of the TRS in the 2014 Telangana Legislative Assembly elections.
  • The swearing-in of K. Chandrashekar Rao as the first Chief Minister of Telangana in 2014.
  • The launch of the Mission Bhagiratha water project in 2015.
  • The launch of the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme in 2016.
  • The victory of the TRS in the 2018 Telangana Legislative Assembly elections.
  • The swearing-in of K. Chandrashekar Rao as the second Chief Minister of Telangana in 2018.

What are some of the challenges facing Telangana?

Some of the challenges facing Telangana include:

What are some of the opportunities for Telangana?

Some of the opportunities for Telangana include:

  • Its strategic location
  • Its rich natural Resources
  • Its young and educated population
  • Its growing economy
  • Its vibrant culture

What is the future of Telangana?

The future of Telangana is bright. The state has a strong foundation and is poised for rapid development. With the right policies and investments, Telangana can become one of the most prosperous states in India.

  1. The first Chief Minister of Telangana was:
    (A) N. T. Rama Rao
    (B) K. Chandrashekar Rao
    (C) Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy
    (D) Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao

  2. The Telangana region was formed on:
    (A) 2 June 2014
    (B) 1 November 2013
    (C) 26 January 2014
    (D) 15 August 2014

  3. The capital of Telangana is:
    (A) Hyderabad
    (B) Vijayawada
    (C) Amaravati
    (D) Warangal

  4. The Official Language of Telangana is:
    (A) Telugu
    (B) Urdu
    (C) Hindi
    (D) English

  5. The main crops grown in Telangana are:
    (A) Rice, Cotton, and tobacco
    (B) Wheat, barley, and maize
    (C) Sugarcane, coconut, and palm oil
    (D) Tea, coffee, and rubber

  6. The main industries in Telangana are:
    (A) Textiles, pharmaceuticals, and electronics
    (B) Steel, cement, and chemicals
    (C) Automobiles, aerospace, and defense
    (D) Software, IT Services, and BPO

  7. The main tourist attractions in Telangana are:
    (A) Golconda Fort, Charminar, and Qutb Shahi Tombs
    (B) Warangal Fort, Kakatiya Rudreshwara Temple, and Ramappa Temple
    (C) Mahaboobnagar Fort, Belum Caves, and Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
    (D) Srisailam Temple, Bhadrachalam Temple, and Yadadri Temple

  8. The Famous Personalities from Telangana are:
    (A) Alluri Sitarama Raju, Komaram Bheem, and Potti Sriramulu
    (B) C. Narayana Reddy, Sri Sri, and Dasari Narayana Rao
    (C) M. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jawaharlal Nehru
    (D) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Periyar E. V. Ramasamy, and Jyotirao Phule

  9. The famous festivals in Telangana are:
    (A) Bonalu, Bathukamma, and Dasara
    (B) Sankranti, Ugadi, and Ramzan
    (C) Holi, Diwali, and Christmas
    (D) Pongal, Vishu, and Onam

  10. The famous cuisine of Telangana is:
    (A) Hyderabadi biryani, Dum biryani, and Kacchi biryani
    (B) Rasam, Idli, and Dosa
    (C) Chole bhature, Pav bhaji, and Butter chicken
    (D) Paneer tikka masala, Butter chicken, and Chicken tikka masala