History of Assam from Vedic age to Gupta Period

History of Assam from Vedic age to Gupta Period

The ancient name of Guwahati was Pragjyotishpur. Protohistoric Assam is reconstructed from Epics and literature from early times (Mahabharata, Kalika Purana, Yogini Tantra, diff. chronicles etc.). The earliest political entity seems to have been led by a non-Aryan Danava dynasty with Mahiranga mentioned as the first king. This dynasty was removed by Narakasura. Naraka appears to be a generic name for many kings belonging to the Naraka dynasty. According to legend, the last of the Naraka kings was killed by Krishna and his son Bhagadatta took the throne. Bhagadatta is said to have participated in The Mahabharata war with an army of “chinas, kiratas and dwellers of the eastern sea”, thereby indicating that his kingdom, Pragjyotisha, included part of Bangladesh. The last in the Naraka dynasty was a ruler named Suparua.

Kamarupa, also called Kamrup or Kamata, ancient Indian state corresponding roughly to what is now the state of Assam, in northeastern India. This region had many rulers but, being protected by natural fortifications, maintained fairly consistent territorial boundaries.

The ANCIENT KINGDOM of Kamariipa, although roughly equivalent to Assam, generally occupied an area larger than that of the modern province, and extended westward to the Karataya river, thus including the Kuch Bihar State and the Rangpur District. The earliest notice of the kingdom which is of any use for the purposes of the historian is the statement in Samudragupta’s inscription on the Allahabad pillar, recorded about 360 or 370 AD, that Kamarupa was then one of the frontier states outside the limits of The Gupta Empire, but paying tribute and owing a certain amount of obedience to the paramount power.

Kamarupa was a typical Hindu kingdom of old. The name Kamrup, or more properly Kamarupa, which now designates a district of Assam, was formerly applied to the whole of the eastern province of the ancient Bharatavarshaf. It is synonymous with Pragjyotishab which, however, seems to have been the older appellation for the country. In the Ramayana and Mahabharata the country is called Pragjyotisha, and its ruler, the Pragjyotisheswara. The term Kamarupa is first made use of in some of the Puranas and Tantras, which are admittedly of a later date than the great epics.

According to the Kalika Purana also a certain Naraka, king of Pragjyotisha, was a contemporary of Rama I. He was preceded in the kingdom of Kamarupa by five other kings, the first of whom, Mahiranga Danava, is said to have been the first king of the country, 2° and must have flourished at least one century before Narak. The origin of the kingdom would thus date twelve centuries before the time of the Mahabharata, or more than four thousand years before the present time.

There is also no definite information regarding the territorial extent of this ancient kingdom. The boundaries appear to have varied in different times. In the Ramayana, Pragjyotisha is described as being situated near the’sea. The Mahabharata too corroborates this, and Bhagadatta’s territories are described as being extended to the sea coast. In the time of the Vishnu Purana the extent of the country was one hundred yojanas on all sides from the city of Pragjyotishpur, modern Gowhati. The Jogini Tantra describes the country as being ofa triangular shape, one hundred yojanas in lenght and thirty in breadth.” Now, taking a yojana to be equal to four kroshes or about eight miles, old Kamarupa would be about 800 miles in length and 240 in breadth. This gives a perimeter or circuit of about 1700 miles. When the Chinese traveller Hiouen Tsiang visited the country in 639 AD, he estimated the circumference at 10,000 Ii, or 1667 miles.

The account of the Yogini Tantra may not therefore be an undue exaggeration. This work is popularly regarded as a great authority on every thing connected with Kamarupa. It contains a good deal of information regarding the ancient geography and history of the country. According to it, ancient Kamarupa was bounded on the north by the Kanjagiri, on the east by the hill stream Dikshu, and on the west by the Karatoya; and it stretched southward as far as the junction of the Laksha with the Brahmaputra.

The powerful kingdom of Kamarupa 2,000 miles in circuit. It apparently included in those times modern Assam, Manipur and Kachar, Mymensing and Sylhet. The Soil was rich and was cultivated, and grew cocoanuts and bread fruit in abundance. Water led from rivers or banked up reservoirs flowed round towns. The Climate was soft and temperate, the manners of the people simple and honest. The men were of small stature, of a dark yellow complexion, and spoke a language different from that of mid-India. They were however impetuous, with very retentive memories, and very earnest in their studies.

The temple of Kamakhya at Gauhati is one of the most sacred shrines of the Sakta Hindus, and the whole country is famed in Hindu traditions as a land of magic and witchcraft. The old tribal beliefs are gradually being abandoned; and the way in which Hindu priests established their influence over non-Aryan chiefs and gradually drew them within their fold is repeatedly exemplified in the pages of Assam History. The Kamakhya Temple near Guwahati is referred to in the Vishnu Purana.

According to the Kalika Puran and the Jogni Tantra, the realm of Kamarupa included not only the valley of the Brahmaputra, but also Bhutan, Rangpur, Koch Bihar, Mymensingh and the Garo Hills. According to Hiuen Tsang’s descriptions in the seventh century, the Kamarupa country was about 17,000 miles in circuit.

These vast territories of Kamarupa formerly abounded in forests, hills and rivers. In the Kalika Purana and the Yogini Tantra more than seventy different hills are named, most Of which are regarded sacred by that Tantra, and seem to have been situated in the province of modern Assam. The country was largely intersected by rivers and streams, as it continues to be at the present time. Dr. Wade, speaking of Assam, writes that “this country exceeds every other in the universe of similar extent in the number of its rivers.” The Yogini Tantra describes Kamarupa as containing one hundred rivers.“ This evidently means that the number of rivers is large.

The earliest recorded king of kamarupa was named Mahiranga Danava. He is regarded by some to have been the first king of the country. Nothing more is known about him. He was succeeded by three kings of his line, one after another, and the dynasty appears to have come to an end with the third, who was named Ratnasura. After them, Pragjyotishpura seems to have been occupied by a race of Kiratas, who had a rough exterior and fair complexion, who shaved their heads without any necessity, were irreligious, and addicted to eating flesh and drinking liquor. Their chief was named Ghataka, who possessed much physical power, and was defeated and slain by Naraka, the next king.

After the decline of the Pratapgarh family, a people called Chutia rose into power in upper or north Kamarupa. Their king is said to have been descended from Kuvera, the Himalayan treasurer of Mahadeva. He was most likely an Officer Of the court of Pratapgarh, and, on the downfall Of that line, founded a kingdom of his own. The District of Durrang, and, in fact, the whole of the Uttarkola or north valley of the Brahmaputra are supposed to have once been included in the Chutia territory. When the Ahoms came into power the Chutias were driven back to the north east.

It is not known how the rule of the Pala kings of Kamarupa came to an end, or why Pala Raja had no lineal successor to the throne of the country. It is probable that the last of the Pala kings having died without an heir, the part of Kamarupa west of the Brahmaputra remained in a state of Anarchy for some time and was overrun by several tribes of koch, Mech, Garo, Kachari and Bhot. This period of disturbance and disintegration of power was most favorable for the rise of upstarts, and thus a person of humble birth some how acquired power, and, proclaiming himself king of Kamarupa, assumed the title of Niladhavja. He was called Kanta Nath.,

The history of India is long and complex, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization in the 3rd millennium BCE. Over the centuries, India has been ruled by a variety of dynasties and empires, each leaving its own mark on the country’s culture and Society.

The Vedic age is the period in the history of India from the 16th to the 6th centuries BCE. It is named after the Vedas, a collection of sacred texts that were composed during this time. The Vedic age was a time of great change and upheaval in India. The Aryans, a group of Indo-European peoples, migrated into India from Central Asia and began to displace the indigenous peoples. The Aryans brought with them their language, culture, and religion, which had a profound impact on the development of Indian Society.

The Vedic age was also a time of great intellectual and philosophical development. The Vedas contain some of the earliest known writings on philosophy, religion, and law. The Aryans believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses, and they developed a complex system of rituals and sacrifices. They also developed a system of Social Classes, or varnas, which divided society into four main groups: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), and Shudras (workers).

Mahajanapadas/”>The Mahajanapadas were 16 kingdoms that existed in India from the 6th to the 4th centuries BCE. They were the first major political entities to emerge in India after the Vedic age. The Mahajanapadas were located in the Ganges River valley and were ruled by kings. They were characterized by a high level of social and Economic Development.

The Mahajanapadas were a time of great cultural and intellectual ferment. The Buddha and Mahavira, the founders of Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism and Jainism, respectively, lived during this time. Buddhism and Jainism are two of the major Religions of India, and they have had a profound impact on Indian culture and society.

The Mauryan Empire was the first major Indian empire. It was founded by Chandragupta Maurya in the 4th century BCE and reached its peak under the rule of Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century BCE. The Mauryan Empire was a vast and powerful empire that stretched from Afghanistan to Bangladesh. It was a time of great peace and prosperity.

The Mauryan Empire was a major center of Learning and culture. Ashoka the Great was a devout Buddhist and promoted the spread of Buddhism throughout his empire. He also built many roads, canals, and hospitals. The Mauryan Empire came to an end in the 2nd century BCE, but its legacy continues to this day. The Mauryans are remembered as one of the greatest empires in Indian history.

The Gupta Empire was a golden age in Indian history. It was founded by Chandragupta I in the 4th century CE and reached its peak under the rule of Samudragupta in the 4th century CE. The Gupta Empire was a time of great cultural and intellectual achievement. The Guptas were patrons of the arts and sciences, and their reign saw the development of some of the most important works of Indian Literature, art, and architecture.

The Gupta Empire was also a time of great economic prosperity. The Guptas built a strong and efficient government that promoted Trade and Commerce. The Gupta Empire came to an end in the 6th century CE, but its legacy continues to this day. The Guptas are remembered as one of the greatest empires in Indian history.

The history of India is a long and complex one, but it is also a rich and fascinating one. The country has been home to a variety of cultures and civilizations over the centuries, and it has produced some of the world’s greatest thinkers, artists, and scientists. India is a country with a unique and vibrant culture, and it is a country that is constantly evolving.

The history of Assam is a long and complex one, dating back to the Vedic age. The region was first inhabited by the Austroasiatic peoples, who were later displaced by the Indo-Aryans. The first major kingdom in Assam was the Kamarupa Kingdom, which was founded in the 3rd century CE. The Kamarupa Kingdom was a powerful and prosperous kingdom, and it played a major role in the development of Assamese culture. The kingdom was eventually conquered by the Ahoms in the 13th century. The Ahoms were a Shan people from Burma, and they ruled Assam for over 600 years. The Ahoms were a tolerant and inclusive rulers, and they helped to develop Assamese culture. The Ahom rule came to an end in the 19th century, when the British East India Company conquered Assam. The British ruled Assam for over 100 years, and they had a major impact on the region. The British built roads, railways, and schools in Assam, and they also introduced Christianity to the region. Assam became a part of India in 1947, and it has been a part of the Indian Union ever since.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the history of Assam:

  1. When was Assam first inhabited?
    Assam was first inhabited by the Austroasiatic peoples, who were later displaced by the Indo-Aryans.

  2. What was the first major kingdom in Assam?
    The first major kingdom in Assam was the Kamarupa Kingdom, which was founded in the 3rd century CE.

  3. What was the impact of the Ahoms on Assamese culture?
    The Ahoms were a tolerant and inclusive rulers, and they helped to develop Assamese culture.

  4. What was the impact of the British on Assam?
    The British had a major impact on Assam, building roads, railways, and schools in the region.

  5. When did Assam become a part of India?
    Assam became a part of India in 1947.

  1. The earliest inhabitants of Assam were the:
    (a) Bodos
    (b) Ahoms
    (c) Kacharis
    (d) Nagas

  2. The first major kingdom in Assam was the:
    (a) Kamarupa Kingdom
    (b) Ahom Kingdom
    (c) Kachari Kingdom
    (d) Naga Kingdom

  3. The Kamarupa Kingdom was founded by:
    (a) Harshavardhana
    (b) Bhaskaravarman
    (c) Narakasura
    (d) Indravarman

  4. The Ahom Kingdom was founded by:
    (a) Sukaphaa
    (b) Pratap Singha
    (c) Rudra Singha
    (d) Swargadeo Gadadhar Singha

  5. The Ahom Kingdom reached its peak under the reign of:
    (a) Sukaphaa
    (b) Pratap Singha
    (c) Rudra Singha
    (d) Swargadeo Gadadhar Singha

  6. The Ahom Kingdom was overthrown by the:
    (a) British
    (b) Mughals
    (c) Burmese
    (d) Marathas

  7. The British East India Company established a trading post in Assam in:
    (a) 1696
    (b) 1770
    (c) 1826
    (d) 1857

  8. Assam became a part of British India in:
    (a) 1826
    (b) 1857
    (c) 1947
    (d) 1950

  9. Assamese is a language spoken by the:
    (a) Bodos
    (b) Ahoms
    (c) Kacharis
    (d) Nagas

  10. The Assamese language is written in the:
    (a) Devanagari Script
    (b) Bengali script
    (c) Roman script
    (d) Assamese script

  11. The main religion of Assam is:
    (a) Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism
    (b) Islam
    (c) Christianity
    (d) Buddhism

  12. The main crops grown in Assam are:
    (a) Rice
    (b) Tea
    (c) Jute
    (d) Oilseeds

  13. The main rivers of Assam are:
    (a) Brahmaputra
    (b) Barak
    (c) Manas
    (d) Dibrugarh

  14. The main cities of Assam are:
    (a) Guwahati
    (b) Dibrugarh
    (c) Silchar
    (d) Jorhat

  15. The main tourist attractions of Assam are:
    (a) Kaziranga National Park
    (b) Manas National Park
    (c) Dibru-Saikhowa National Park
    (d) Nameri National Park