
Hindu Sects: Hinduism as a federation of various sects – Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shakta

  • Hinduism is a complex religion. It is an artificial collection of several traditions that originated in India in the last few millenniums.
  • Since, the Muslim and British rulers and scholars alike were ignorant of the native traditions, they grouped everything under the generic name Hinduism to contrast them with their own beliefs and practices.
  • Thus the name, Hinduism, came to say. But a close examination of Hinduism reveals that it has many sects and teacher traditions, with large following, which can be treated as religions themselves.
  • Academics categorize contemporary Hinduism into four major denominations: Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Smartism and Shaktism.
  • The denominations differ primarily in the god worshipped as the Supreme One and in the traditions that accompany worship of that god.
  • Vaishnavas worship Vishnu as the supreme God; Shaivites worship Shiva as the supreme; Shaktas worship Shakti (power) personified through a female divinity or Mother Goddess, Devi; while Smartas believe in the essential oneness of five (panchadeva) or six (Shanmata, as Tamil Hindus add Skanda) deities as personifications of the Supreme.


  • It is focused on worshiping of Vishnu. Vaishnavites lead a way of life promoting differentiated monotheism, which gives importance to Lord Vishnu and His ten incarnations.
  • Its beliefs and practices, especially the concepts of Bhakti and Bhakti Yoga/”>Yoga, are based largely on the Upanishads, and associated with the Vedas and Puranic texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, and the Padma, Vishnu and Bhagavata Puranas.
  • Awareness, recognition, and Growth of the belief have significantly increased outside of India in recent years.
  • The Gaudiya Vaishnava branch of the tradition has significantly increased the awareness of Vaishnavism internationally, since the mid-1900s, largely through the activities and geographical expansion of the Hare Krishna movement founded by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in New York City in 1966.
  • In Vaishnavism Lord Vishnu is considered as the supreme being.
  • The cause, sustainer and destroyer of all worlds. Vishnu is considered both in the form and as the formless infinite one. Vaishnava sect is the largest among hindu sects

Sub-sects in Vaishnava tradition

  1. Lakshmi sampradaya
  2. Brahma sampradaya
  3. Rudra sampradaya
  4. Kumara sampradaya


  • Shaivism reveres the god Shiva as the Supreme Being. Shaivas believe that Shiva is All and in all, the creator, preserver, destroyer, revealer and concealer of all that is.
  • Devotees of Shiva wear Sacred ash as a sectarian mark on their foreheads and other parts of their bodies with reverence.
  • The Sanskrit words bhasma and vibhuti can both be translated as “sacred ash”.
  • Shaivism has a vast literature that includes texts representing multiple philosophical schools, including non-dualist (abheda), dualist (bheda), and non-dual-with-dualism (bhedābheda) perspectives.
  • Shaiva tradition is probably the oldest among Hindu sects. In Shaiva sect Lord Shiva is the main deity, he is considered as the form of the supreme being.
  • Ishwara which is another name for Shiva is used in the ancient scriptures to mean the absolute god.
  • The sub-sects within the Shaiva tradition worship different forms of Shiva and attribute different qualities to Shiva.

Sub-sects in Shaiva tradition

  1. Pashupata Shaivism
  2. Shaiva Siddhanta
  3. Kashmir Shaivism
  4. Siddha Siddhanta
  5. Lingayata
  6. Shiva Advaita


  • Shaktism focuses focuses worship upon Shakti or Devi – the Hindu Divine Mother – as the absolute, ultimate Godhead.
  • Shaktism regards Devī as the Supreme Brahman itself, with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered being merely her diverse manifestations.
  • In the details of its philosophy and practice, Shaktism resembles Shaivism.
  • However, Shaktas focus most or all worship on Shakti, as the dynamic feminine aspect of the Supreme Divine.
  • Shaktism is practiced throughout the Indian subcontinent and beyond, in numerous forms, both Tantric and non-Tantric; however, its two largest and most visible schools are the Srikula (lit., family of Sri), strongest in South India, and the Kalikula (family of Kali), which prevails in northern and eastern India


  • Smartism is a liberal or nonsectarian denomination of the Vedic Hindu religion which accepts all the major Hindu deities as forms of the one Brahman.
  • The term Smarta refers to adherents who follow the Vedas and Shastras. Only a section of south Indian brahmins call themselves Smartas now.
  • Smartas are followers and propagators of Smriti or religious texts derived from Vedic scriptures.
  • Smarta religion was practiced by people who believed in the authority of the Vedas as well as the basic premise of puranas.
  • As a consequence usually only a brahmin preferred to use this term to refer to his family tradition.
  • It is most essential for Smarta Brahmins to specialize in the Karma Kanda of the Vedas and associated rituals diligently, and to teach the subsequent generations.

Popular religion

  • A vast majority of Hindus do not belong to any sect.
  • They worship numerous gods and goddesses and make them offerings.
  • They may have personal gods of their choice, but worship other deities also with equal fervor, and celebrate all important festivals.
  • Other important cults of Hinduism are the Ganapatya cult, whose principal deity is Ganesha and Saura Cult which is centered around the worship of Surya, the sun god.
  • Each of the sect has a history of two or three thousand years and vast body of literature in the form of Puranas, Sutras and Upanishads supporting their beliefs and practices.
  • Within each of the sects there are several teacher traditions and schools of philosophy, which can be divided principally into three categories: Advaita, Dvaita and Vishistadvaita.
  • Followers of Advaita believe that duality is a delusion and God alone is true and real. There is no second.
  • Dvaita schools believes that God and His creation are distinct and different in every aspect. On liberation souls continue to exist as independent entities.
  • Vishistadvaita, holds the middle ground. They believe that God and souls are almost identical and there is no duality between them except notionally.
  • The sects and subsets of Hinduism enjoy wider following than some world religions with a history that is equally ancient and eventful.

Philosophical Sects

Theistic sects

  1. Samkhya: A logic oriented tradition where enquiry into consciousness and mind are of importance
  2. Yoga: Unification with the consciousness is achieved through Meditation, contemplation and other body mind controlling practices
  3. Nyaya: In this tradition primary importance is given to Logical thinking
  4. Vaisheshika: Vaisheshika is based on understanding the nature of objects, i.e all objects can be further divided into atoms
  5. Mimāṃsā: Enquiry into the nature of Dharma
  6. Vedanta: Knowledge is given primary importance

Atheistic Sects

  1. Cārvāka
  2. Jainism: Practice of Non-violence along with other practices is considered the way to liberation
  3. Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism: enquiring into the nature of suffering and the way out of suffering form the basic principles of Buddhism

Other sects

Shrautism –word Shrauti comes from Shruti, Shrauti means the tradition of Shrutis. Shrauti tradition gives higher importance to practices from the earlier portion of Vedas.

Saurism –In Saurism, Surya (sun god) is worshipped as the form of supreme being. This sect comes from the vedic traditions

Ganapatism –The supreme being is worshipped through the form of Lord Ganesha.

Kabir-2/”>Kabir panthi –Teachings of Guru Kabir form the basic structure of Kabir Panthi, It has wide variety of Practices and wide variety of followers.

Aghor panth –It is a branch of Shaivism, an usual adherent of this sect is a wandering monk whose main purpose in life is to attain god through simple living

Tantrik panth – Practice of Tantras is advocated for one’s development on the path of self realization

New Hindu movements

Some of these new Hindu movements were/ are intended for social reforms, some of these movements are aimed at uniting the sects through common spiritual concepts.

  1. Arya Samaj
  2. Brahmo Samaj
  3. Prarthana Samaj
  4. Ramakrishna Mission
  5. Sathya Sai Organization
  6. Siradi SaiBaba
  7. Shyama charan Lahiri Mahasaya mission
  8. Chinmaya Mission



  • God’s cosmic law of karma governs all our experiences through cause and effect. Through karma, our thoughts, emotions and deeds—whether good, bad or mixed—return to us.
  • Karma is not fate. We have free will.
  • No God or external force is controlling our life. By applying the wisdom of the sages to the experiences encountered in life, we resolve our karma rather than create new karma.
  • To be responsible for our karma is strength. To blame others is weakness.
  • Therefore, remember God’s great law of karma and act wisely. Life is the classroom. Karma is the teacher. God GaneSa is the Lord of karma


  • Reincarnation is the natural cycle of birth, death and re birth. We are not the body in which we live, but the immortal soul which inhabits one body after another on the Earth during its evolutionary journey.
  • Like the caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly, physical death is a most natural transition for the soul, never to be feared. We are now the sum total of all our past lives.
  • The actions and re actions we set in mo tion in our last life form the tendencies in the next.
  • Reincarnation ceases when all karmas have been resolved, dharma has been well performed and God fully realized. This is known as mok sha, or liberation from rebirth


  • God is a one Being, yet we UN derstand Him in three perfections. Parasiva, Ab sol ute Reality, timeless, formless, spaceless, is His unmanifest first perfection.
  • His second perfection, Pure Consciousness, is all-pervasive, infinite, and is found in every action and particle of His creation. His third perfection, Primal Soul, Paramesvara, is our personal Lord and Ruler of all three worlds.
  • Pûjâ, bhajana, prayer and meditation are all worshipful means of communion with God and the Gods, who are real beings dwelling in the inner worlds.
  • They can and want to help us in every aspect of our life.
  • The Gods have established many temples to allow us to communicate with them.


  • Dharma is God’s di vine law prevailing on every level of existence, from the sustaining cosmic order to religious and moral laws which bind us in harmony with that order. It is piety and ethical practice, duty and obligation.
  • Dharma is to the individual what its normal development is to a seed—the orderly fulfillment of an inherent nature and destiny.
  • Hindu Dharma is embodied in the ten yamas (restraints) and ten niyamas (observances).
  • The yamas are noninjury, truthfulness, nonstealing, sexual purity, patience, steadfastness, compassion, straightforwardness and moderate appetite.
  • The niyamas are purity, remorse, contentment, giving, faith, worship, scriptural study, Cognition, vows, recitation and austerity.
  • Noninjury, ahisâ, is the cardinal virtue, the mahâvrata.


  • Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions.
  • By our actions, we create our destiny. Beliefs about sacred matters—God, soul and cosmos—are essential to one’s approach to life.
  • Hindus believe many diverse things, but there are a few bedrock concepts on which most Hindus concur. The following nine beliefs, though not exhaustive, offer a simple summary of Hindu spirituality.


Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, with a history that dates back over 4,000 years. It is a complex and diverse religion, with a wide range of beliefs and practices. Some of the key concepts of Hinduism include:

  • Ahimsa: Non-violence. This is one of the most important principles of Hinduism, and it is often interpreted as meaning that Hindus should avoid harming any living creature.
  • Avatar: A divine being who incarnates on Earth to help humans. The most famous avatar is Krishna, who is believed to have been born to a human mother and a god father.
  • Brahman: The ultimate reality or God. Brahman is often described as being beyond human comprehension, and it is the source of all creation.
  • Dharma: The right way of living. Dharma can be interpreted in many ways, but it generally refers to living a life that is in accordance with the laws of nature and the will of God.
  • Gita: A sacred text that is part of The Mahabharata. The Gita is a dialogue between the warrior Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna, and it is considered to be one of the most important texts in Hinduism.
  • Guru: A spiritual teacher. A guru can be a man or a woman, and they are often revered as being very holy.
  • Hinduism: The religion of the Hindus. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, and it is characterized by a wide range of beliefs and practices.
  • Karma: The law of cause and effect. Karma is the belief that our actions in this life will determine our future lives.
  • Moksha: Liberation from the cycle of rebirth. Moksha is the ultimate goal of Hinduism, and it is achieved through a combination of good deeds, meditation, and devotion to God.
  • Puja: A ritual worship service. Puja can be performed at home or in a temple, and it involves offering prayers, flowers, and food to God.
  • Rama: A hero in the Ramayana. Rama is the seventh avatar of Vishnu, and he is considered to be the ideal man.
  • Ramayan: An epic poem that tells the story of Rama. The Ramayana is one of the most important texts in Hinduism, and it is widely read and recited throughout India.
  • Vedas: The oldest scriptures of Hinduism. The Vedas are a collection of hymns, rituals, and philosophical texts. They are considered to be the most sacred texts in Hinduism, and they are often recited in temples and at home.
  • Vishnu: One of the three main gods of Hinduism. Vishnu is the god of preservation, and he is often depicted as a blue-skinned man with four arms.
  • Yoga: A system of physical and mental exercises that are designed to achieve union with God. Yoga is one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world, and it is practiced by people of all faiths.

Hinduism is a rich and complex religion, and it is impossible to do Justice to it in a short ARTICLE. However, I hope that this brief overview has given you a better understanding of some of the key concepts of Hinduism.

What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is a religion that originated in India over 2,500 years ago. It is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is also known as the Buddha. The Buddha taught that suffering is caused by desire and that the way to end suffering is to follow the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is a set of guidelines for living a moral and ethical life.

What are the main beliefs of Buddhism?

The main beliefs of Buddhism are:

  • The Four Noble Truths: The Four Noble Truths are the foundation of Buddhist teachings. They are:
    • Suffering exists.
    • Suffering is caused by desire.
    • Suffering can be ended.
    • The way to end suffering is to follow the Eightfold Path.
  • The Eightfold Path: The Eightfold Path is a set of guidelines for living a moral and ethical life. It includes:
    • Right understanding
    • Right thought
    • Right speech
    • Right action
    • Right livelihood
    • Right effort
    • Right mindfulness
    • Right concentration
  • Karma: Karma is the law of cause and effect. It states that every action has a corresponding reaction. Good actions lead to good results, while bad actions lead to bad results.
  • Rebirth: Rebirth is the belief that after death, the soul is reborn into a new body. This cycle of death and rebirth is known as samsara.
  • Enlightenment: Enlightenment is the goal of Buddhism. It is a state of perfect peace and happiness. It is achieved by following the Eightfold Path and understanding the Four Noble Truths.

What are the different schools of Buddhism?

There are many different schools of Buddhism. The two main schools are Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada Buddhism is the oldest school of Buddhism. It is based on the teachings of the Buddha as recorded in the Pali Canon. Mahayana Buddhism is a more recent school of Buddhism. It is based on the teachings of the Buddha as interpreted by later Buddhist scholars.

What are the practices of Buddhism?

The practices of Buddhism vary depending on the school of Buddhism. However, some common practices include:

  • Meditation: Meditation is a practice that helps to develop concentration, mindfulness, and insight.
  • Prayer: Prayer is a way of communicating with the Buddha and other Buddhist deities.
  • Ritual: Rituals are performed to mark important events in the Buddhist calendar.
  • Charity: Charity is a way of giving back to the community and helping others.

What are the contributions of Buddhism to the world?

Buddhism has made many contributions to the world. Some of these contributions include:

  • The development of meditation: Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to improve mental and physical Health.
  • The promotion of peace and non-violence: Buddhism teaches that violence is never the answer. This message has been used to promote peace and non-violence throughout the world.
  • The development of a unique philosophy: Buddhism has a unique philosophy that has influenced many other religions and philosophies.
  • The promotion of Education: Buddhism has a long history of promoting education. This has helped to improve the lives of millions of people around the world.

What are the challenges facing Buddhism today?

Buddhism faces a number of challenges today. Some of these challenges include:

  • The rise of Secularism-2/”>Secularism: Secularism is the belief that religion should not play a role in public life. This has led to a decline in the number of people who practice Buddhism.
  • The rise of fundamentalism: Fundamentalism is a form of religion that is characterized by strict adherence to traditional beliefs and practices. This has led to conflict between Buddhists and other religious groups.
  • The spread of materialism: Materialism is the belief that material possessions are the most important things in life. This has led to a decline in the number of people who are interested in Buddhism.

Despite these challenges, Buddhism remains a vibrant religion with millions of followers around the world. It is a religion that offers a unique perspective on life and a path to enlightenment.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Hinduism:

  1. Which of the following is not a major religion in the world?
    (A) Hinduism
    (B) Christianity
    (C) Islam
    (D) Judaism

  2. Which of the following is not a major sect of Hinduism?
    (A) Vaishnavism
    (B) Shaivism
    (C) Shaktism
    (D) Jainism

  3. Which of the following is not a major Hindu deity?
    (A) Vishnu
    (B) Shiva
    (C) Lakshmi
    (D) Buddha

  4. Which of the following is not a major Hindu festival?
    (A) Diwali
    (B) Holi
    (C) Christmas
    (D) Maha Shivratri

  5. Which of the following is not a major Hindu text?
    (A) The Vedas
    (B) The Upanishads
    (C) The Bhagavad Gita
    (D) The Bible

  6. Which of the following is not a major Hindu pilgrimage site?
    (A) Varanasi
    (B) Ayodhya
    (C) Mathura
    (D) Mecca

  7. Which of the following is not a major Hindu symbol?
    (A) The Om symbol
    (B) The Swastika symbol
    (C) The Star of David symbol
    (D) The Aum symbol

  8. Which of the following is not a major Hindu practice?
    (A) Yoga
    (B) Meditation
    (C) Puja
    (D) Baptism

  9. Which of the following is not a major Hindu belief?
    (A) The belief in reincarnation
    (B) The belief in karma
    (C) The belief in moksha
    (D) The belief in the Trinity

  10. Which of the following is not a major Hindu contribution to the world?
    (A) The decimal system
    (B) The concept of zero
    (C) The Kama Sutra
    (D) The Bhagavad Gita

I hope these MCQs were helpful!