Health, Health Infrastructure And Health Policy Of Uttar Pradesh

Health, Health Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE And Health Policy Of Uttar Pradesh



Health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease” according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Physical is about the body. Mental is about how people think and feel. Social talks about how people live with other people. It is about family, work, school, and friends.


Health Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh had been in the grips of a healthcare crisis long before Gorakhpur and Farrukhabad put the spotlight on the state’s ailing public health system. The state’s infant mortality rate is comparable to that of strife-torn African nations. There is one doctor for every 19,000 people; according to WHO, there should be one for every 1,000. This is the third of a four-part series that explores the state’s policy paralysis and places it against the larger backdrop of a systematic public health failure. In 2015-16, Uttar Pradesh spent 3.98 percent of its budget on healthcare, which is Rs 12,104 crore of an overall expenditure of Rs 3.04 lakh crore. The next year, the state spent 4.6 percent of its budget on healthcare and for 2017-18, the estimated expenditure is 4.46 percent. The Money allocated for health policies serves as “Oxygen“, which is hardly made available to Uttar Pradesh. The proposed budget for 2016-17 demanded Rs 30.4 crore for healthcare, of which only Rs 10.19 crore were approved by the Centre. In 2017-18, the demand was cut to Rs 20.01 crore but the Centre managed to further slash it to Rs 5.78 crore – barely 29 percent of the proposed amount. Uttar Pradesh’s per capita expenditure on health, at a mere Rs 452, is 70 percent of India’s national Average. The state, which has more than 16 percent of the country’s Population, gets only nine percent of India’s public health spending.Health, Health Infrastructure And Health Policy Of Uttar Pradesh


Health Infrastructure

Department of   Medical, Health and Family Welfare, Government of
Uttar Pradeshis playing a vital role in improving the health status & quality of living of the People of Uttar Pradesh.

Department of   Medical, Health and Family Welfare has been involved in service of Mankind since its very inception in 1921. The Department initially provided its Services under the name of “ Provincial Subordinate Medical and Provincial Medical Services”.

In 1946 it was divided into PMS – I and PMS – II Services and Provincial Health Services (PHS). In 1964 P.M.S- I and P.M.S- II were unified to form the Provincial Medical Services (PMS). On 26 June 1973 the PMS and PHS were unified to form the present “Provincial Medical and Health Services”.

This department is   responsible for   providing   Medical, Health and Family Welfare related  services to the   densely    populated    state of Uttar Pradesh (166,05,2859) spread over a vast area of 2,40,982 sq. Km.

With the objective of providing health services in Urban and Remote areas, the department provides three tier medical services in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Under this, at the first level, Health Services are provided in urban areas. Health services at the second and third level are provided in rural areas.

First level Health Services are provided in Urban areas through District Male and Female or Combined Hospitals and are at  district level. These hospitals are generally 100 – 500 bedded Hospitals, where various   medical facilities are provided. At present there are 80 District Level Hospitals, 6 Combined Hospitals and 63 Female Hospitals are available.

At this level health services are provided through Community Health Centres established at the Tehsil and Block Level. Presently the standard for setting up the CHC is population. For each one Lakh population in rural areas one CHC is set up. Each CHC is set up with the objective of providing standard Health services to the public in the rural areas. Accordingly CHC also acts as ‘referral unit’ in rural areas.   Each CHC has 30 beds. Operationalisation of CHC requires expenditure of Rs. 20 lakh approximately towards the cost of equipment / infrastructure and salary etc.  At present in the state  there  are  308 CHCs operational. As per July 1987 to March 1997 standards 6 Specialities were required at CHC level viz. Physician, Surgery, Gynecologist, Pediatrics, Radiologist and Dental Doctor. The standard was revised and as per March, 1997 to May 1999, 7 Specialties were required at CHC level which were, Physician, Surgery, Gynecologist, Dental Doctor, Pathologist. At present as per standard laid from May, 1999 following 5 specialties are required at CHC – Physician, Surgery, Gynecologist, Nishchetak, Radiologist.

At the third level Health Services are provided in Remote Rural areas through the Primary Health Centres, Additional Primary Health Centres and Sub Centre. PHCs/ Additional PHCs are established level at the village Level, having 4 beds each.  There are presently 1,85,65 sub-centres, 810 Block level PHCs and 2830 additional PHCs operational. Basically mainly Mother and Child care programme is implemented using Sub Centre . Apart from these there are few rural Women hospitals where safe delivery facility is provided. Around 20,000/- subcentres on 5000 village population are functioning manned by ANMsThe Department is coordinating the implementation of National Health Program in each   District. Important programmes like Family Planning, Immunization, Malaria   eradication, Prevention    from AIDS,    Filaria eradication, Blindness   control, and   Iodine Deficiency Disorders being run and monitored  by the department officials.

The department also provides Medical facilities in hospitals created in Police Jails, Central Prisons and PAC. In all, there are 4304   medical units in the state providing the above services with a total Bed strength of 53,247.

USAID assisted SIFPSA and World Bank funded AIDS Control Society are also functioning to augment Family Welfare & Reproductive Child Health CFW & RCH and AIDS program.

Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Development Project (UPHSDP) is also working in the state with commitment to improve the delivery system through institutional and human resource  development initiatives and to build partnerships in order to provide high quality, affordable, accountable, responsive & integrated health care in the state of Uttar Pradesh.



Health Policy

Uttar Pradesh Health System Strengthening Project

UPHSSP is a World Bank assisted project started to enhance Medical Health care facilities in Uttar Pradesh. Government of Uttar Pradesh has been accepted to start this project as per following norms:

  • Project will be started with the name of UP Health System Strengthening Project.
  • Proposed cost of UPHSSP is US$ 170 million (Rupees 763.55 crore).
  • Expenditure cost of the project Elements will be allocated in the budget of the State Government every year and payment should be given through treasuries.
  • PMU office of UPHSDP and its infrastructure including staff will be the office of UPHSSP.
  • Activities of the UPHSSP will be monitored by the governing board, project steering committee and PMU.
  • Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, Uttar Pradesh is authorized to finalized the credit agreement of the project, negotiation with the World Bank and Finance Ministry Government of India.



State Innovations in Family Planning Services Project Agency (SIFPSA) has been a joint venture of Government of India, USAID and Government of Uttar Pradesh under Indo-US bilateral agreement for implementing the Innovations in Family Planning Services (IFPS) project in the State. During the two decades of successful implementation of IFPS project, SIFPSA has made its mark in the global arena in Family Planning and Reproductive Child Health.,

Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India, with a population of over 200 million people. The state has a diverse population, with a wide range of languages, religions, and cultures. The state’s economy is the second largest in India, after Maharashtra.

The health system in Uttar Pradesh is complex and fragmented. There are a number of different government and private health care providers, as well as a large number of traditional healers. The state government has been working to improve the health system in recent years, but there are still many challenges.

One of the biggest challenges facing the health system in Uttar Pradesh is the lack of access to quality health care. Many people in the state live in rural areas, where there are few health care facilities. Those who do live in urban areas often have to travel long distances to get to a hospital. The cost of health care is also a major barrier for many people.

Another challenge facing the health system in Uttar Pradesh is the lack of qualified health care workers. There are not enough doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals to meet the needs of the population. This is due in part to the low salaries that are offered in the public sector.

The health system in Uttar Pradesh is also facing the challenge of an aging population. The number of people over the age of 60 is increasing rapidly, and this will put a strain on the health system in the years to come.

The government of Uttar Pradesh has been working to improve the health system in recent years. The state has increased spending on health care, and it has also launched a number of initiatives to improve access to health care. The government has also been working to improve the quality of health care, and it has been training more health care workers.

Despite the challenges, the health system in Uttar Pradesh is making progress. The state has made significant investments in health care, and it has launched a number of initiatives to improve access to quality health care. The government is also working to improve the quality of health care, and it is training more health care workers. With continued effort, the health system in Uttar Pradesh can be improved to meet the needs of the population.

Here are some specific examples of the government’s efforts to improve the health system in Uttar Pradesh:

  • The state government has increased spending on health care. In 2017-18, the government spent Rs. 24,000 crore on health care, which is an increase of 20% from the previous year.
  • The government has launched a number of initiatives to improve access to health care. These initiatives include the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), which provides free health care to over 100 million families, and the Ayushman Bharat Mission, which aims to improve the quality of health care in rural areas.
  • The government is also working to improve the quality of health care. It has launched a number of initiatives to improve the training of health care workers, and it is also working to improve the infrastructure of health care facilities.

The government’s efforts to improve the health system in Uttar Pradesh are making a difference. The state has made significant progress in recent years, and it is continuing to work to improve the health of its citizens.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about health, health infrastructure, and health policy in Uttar Pradesh:

  1. What is the health status of Uttar Pradesh?

Uttar Pradesh has a population of over 200 million people, making it the most populous state in India. The state has a high rate of POVERTY and illiteracy, which contribute to poor health outcomes. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), 53% of women in Uttar Pradesh are anaemic, and 28% of children under the age of five are stunted. The state also has a high maternal mortality rate (MMR) of 174 per 100,000 live births.

  1. What is the health infrastructure in Uttar Pradesh like?

Uttar Pradesh has a Network of government and private hospitals and clinics. However, the state has a shortage of doctors and nurses, and many of the facilities are poorly equipped. According to the NFHS-4, only 60% of households in Uttar Pradesh have access to a health facility within 30 minutes of their home.

  1. What is the health policy of Uttar Pradesh?

The health policy of Uttar Pradesh is aimed at improving the health of the population by providing access to quality healthcare services. The state has implemented a number of initiatives to achieve this goal, including the construction of new hospitals and clinics, the recruitment of more doctors and nurses, and the provision of free healthcare to the poor.

  1. What are the challenges to improving health in Uttar Pradesh?

The main challenges to improving health in Uttar Pradesh are poverty, illiteracy, and lack of access to quality healthcare services. The state also has a high rate of Malnutrition, which contributes to poor health outcomes.

  1. What are the opportunities for improving health in Uttar Pradesh?

The state has a number of opportunities to improve health, including the large population, the growing economy, and the political will to improve the health of the population. The state can also leverage the expertise of the private sector to improve healthcare services.

  1. What are the key stakeholders in improving health in Uttar Pradesh?

The key stakeholders in improving health in Uttar Pradesh are the government, the private sector, civil society, and the community. The government has the responsibility to provide quality healthcare services to the population. The private sector can help to improve healthcare services by providing Investment and expertise. Civil society can help to improve health by advocating for the rights of the poor and marginalized. The community can help to improve health by participating in health Education and awareness campaigns.

  1. What are the key interventions that can be made to improve health in Uttar Pradesh?

The key interventions that can be made to improve health in Uttar Pradesh include:

  • Investing in primary healthcare
  • Providing free healthcare to the poor
  • Expanding access to quality healthcare services
  • Reducing poverty and illiteracy
  • Addressing malnutrition
  • Promoting healthy lifestyles
  • Building a strong health system

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Health, Health Infrastructure And Health Policy Of Uttar Pradesh:

  1. Which of the following is not a type of health insurance?
    (A) Private health insurance
    (B) Public health insurance
    (C) Social health insurance
    (D) Health Savings account

  2. Which of the following is not a component of the health care system?
    (A) Hospitals
    (B) Clinics
    (C) Pharmacies
    (D) Schools

  3. Which of the following is not a factor that affects health?
    (A) Genetics
    (B) Environment
    (C) Lifestyle
    (D) Education

  4. Which of the following is not a goal of public health?
    (A) To prevent disease
    (B) To promote health
    (C) To provide care for the sick
    (D) To regulate the health care Industry

  5. Which of the following is not a type of health care provider?
    (A) Doctor
    (B) Nurse
    (C) Pharmacist
    (D) Lawyer

  6. Which of the following is not a type of health care facility?
    (A) Hospital
    (B) Clinic
    (C) Pharmacy
    (D) School

  7. Which of the following is not a type of health care policy?
    (A) Medicare
    (B) Medicaid
    (C) Social Security
    (D) The Affordable Care Act

  8. Which of the following is not a type of health care payment method?
    (A) Fee-for-service
    (B) Managed care
    (C) Capitation
    (D) Out-of-pocket

  9. Which of the following is not a type of health care research?
    (A) Clinical research
    (B) Basic research
    (C) Applied research
    (D) Policy research

  10. Which of the following is not a type of health care quality measure?
    (A) Mortality rate
    (B) Morbidity rate
    (C) Patient satisfaction rate
    (D) Cost per patient

I hope these MCQs are helpful!