Hazard Profile of State Himachal Pradesh

Hazard Profile of State Himachal Pradesh

State of Himachal is prone to various hazards both natural and manmade. Main hazards consist of Earthquakes, landslides, flash floods, snow storms and avalanches, draughts, dam failures, fires – domestic and wild, accidents – road, rail, air, stampedes, boat capsizing, biological, industrial and hazardous chemicals etc.Hazard Profile of State Himachal Pradesh


The hazard which however, poses biggest threat to the State is the earthquake hazard. The State has been shaken by more than 80 times by earthquakes having a magnitude of 4 and above on the Richter Scale as per the recorded history of earthquakes. As per the BIS seismic zoning map five districts of the State, namely Chamba (53.2%) Hamirpur (90.9%), Kangra (98.6%), Kullu (53.1%), Mandi (97.4%) have 53 to 98.6 percent of their area liable to the severest design intensity of MSK IX or more, the remaining area of these districts being liable to the next severe intensity VIII. Two districts, Bilaspur (25.3%) and Una (37.0%) also have substantial area in MSK IX and rest in MSK VIII. The remaining districts also are liable to intensity VIII.

Unfortunately, inspite of the probable maximum seismic intensities being hig, the house types mostly fall under Category A, consisting of walls of clay mud, unburnt bricks or random rubble masonry without any earthquake resisting features. Now all such houses are liable to total collapse if intensity IX or more actually occurs in future and will have severe damage called “destruction” with very large cracks and partial collapses even in Intensity VIII areas. Also, the burnt-brick houses, classified as Category B, as built in Himachal Pradesh do not have the earthquake resisting features, namely good cement mortar seismic bands and roof typing etc. therefore, they will also be liable to severe damage under intensity IX as well as in VIII when ever such an earthquake would occur. This became quite evident even in M 5.7 Dharamshala earthquake of 1986.

Land Slides:

Another form of the natural hazards in the state is the frequent occurrences of landslides. The hills and Mountains of Himachal Pradesh are liable to suffer landslides during monsoons and also in high intensity earthquakes. The vulnerability of the geologically young and not so stable steep slopes in various Himalayan ranges, has been increasing at a rapid rate in the recent decade due to inappropriate human activity like deforestation, road cutting, terracing and changes in agriculture crops requiring more intense watering etc. Although widespread floods problems do not exist in the state because of topographical nature, continuing attention is necessary to reduce flood hazards in the state, more particularly the flash flood hazard the incidences of which are increasing causing large scale damage. Besides, with the increase of road connectivity and number of vehicles plying on these roads in the State, the number of road accidents and loss of precious human lives is increasing day by day.


The forests of Himachal Pradesh are rich in vascular Flora, which forms the conspicuous vegetation cover. Out of total 45,000 species of Plants found in the country as many as 3,295 species (7.32%) are reported in the State. More than 95% of species are endemic to Himachal and characteristic of Western Himalayan flora, while about 5% (150 species) are exotic introduced over the last 150 years. Over the years the forest wealth of the State is being destroyed by the incidences of fire attributed to both anthropogenic and other reasons. The destruction of rich flora and Fauna of the State due to forest fires will have serious repercussions on the ecological balance of the State. Besides, domestic fire incidents cause loss of property every day.


The State is known as land of Gods. Many famour temples are located in the State such as Sri Naina Devi, Baba Balak Nath, Sri Chintpurni, Ma Jawalaji, Ma Braheswari and Sri Chamunda Nandikeshwari Dham to name a few. Large number of devotees throngs these places every year. A human stampede at the temple of Naina Devi occurred on 3 August 2008. 162 people died when they were crushed, trampled, or forced over the side of a ravine by the movement of a large panicking crowd. Possibility of such instances is always there if there is any laxity on the part of the management.


Air Accidents:

The State has two Airports and more than 120 helipads/helicopter landing sites in the State. Punjab governor Surendra Nath and nine members of his family were killed when the government’s Super-King aircraft crashed into high mountains in bad weather on July 9, 1994 in Himachal Pradesh. Mr. Nath was then acting Himachal governor also. Himachal has also one ropeway near Parwanoo which witnessed accidents few years back. More ropeways are in the offing in the state. Besides, paragliding activities also take place in Bir Biling every year. Accidents have also taken place during this activity.

Road Accidents& Other Reasons:

Hundreds of people are killed and many more injured in road accidents every year. Few parts of State have rail Network also. That makes the state prone to rail accidents too. Pong, Bhakara and Chamera are the three large water reservoirs in the State. These reservoirs besides other river courses are used in the state for transportation purpose also. There is always possibility of boat capsizing during these transport activities. The cases of drowning and washing away in rivers/streams are very common in the State. Cases of snakebite and electrocution are significant during monsoon season.

Avalanche Hazards

The higher hills comprising the districts of Kinnaur, Lahaul & Spiti, Chamba, and Kullu are particularly vulnerable to the hazards of avalanches, and the destruction caused as a result of avalanches in the past in Himachal Pradesh though not widespread is confined to the higher reaches of the state only.

Flood Hazards

Floods are another from of natural disaster which the state experiences every year. Due to the diverse topography of the area, the flood problem in the state is largely isolated in Nature. High monsoon rains in the area of the Shiwalik and lower and mid Himalayan ranges cause extensive floods during rainy seasons.


Retreat of Glaciers

These lakes are quietly growing because of rising temperatures, but a sufficiently close eye is not being kept on them, campaigners say.

Nobody knows how many are close to bursting, and no steps have been taken to establish early warning systems for the villages downstream. A burst lake would cause flash floods which could sweep away people, houses, roads and bridges in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India. Such disasters have already happened more than a dozen times around Nepal in the last 70 years. A glacial lake burst in Khumbu, Nepal, in 1985, killing at least 20 people. It also washed away a hydropower station, a trekking trail and numerous bridges. Despite the real threat, no systematic on-the-ground research has taken place since the mid-1990s.

The diagrammatic representation of hazard profile of Himachal is as under:,

Himachal Pradesh is a state in India that is located in the Himalayas. The state is known for its beautiful scenery, its diverse culture, and its people. However, Himachal Pradesh is also a state that is prone to natural disasters.

The most common type of natural disaster in Himachal Pradesh is landslides. Landslides are caused by a variety of factors, including heavy rains, deforestation, and earthquakes. Landslides can cause significant damage to property and Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, and can also result in loss of life.

Floods are also a common problem in Himachal Pradesh. They are caused by heavy rains, which can cause rivers to overflow their banks. Floods can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure, and can also result in loss of life.

Earthquakes are less common than landslides and floods, but they can be just as devastating. They are caused by the movement of tectonic plates, and can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure, and can also result in loss of life.

Avalanches are a particular problem in the high-altitude areas of Himachal Pradesh. They are caused by heavy snowfall, which can cause snow to accumulate on mountain slopes. When the snow becomes too heavy, it can break loose and slide down the mountain, causing significant damage to property and infrastructure, and can also result in loss of life.

Droughts are a problem in the lower-altitude areas of Himachal Pradesh. They are caused by a lack of rainfall, which can lead to crop failures and water shortages. Droughts can also have a negative impact on the Environment, as they can lead to deforestation and Soil erosion.

Wildfires are a problem in the forested areas of Himachal Pradesh. They are caused by a variety of factors, including lightning strikes, human activity, and dry weather conditions. Wildfires can cause significant damage to forests, and can also result in loss of life.

Epidemics are a problem in Himachal Pradesh, as they can spread quickly in the densely populated areas. They are caused by a variety of factors, including poor sanitation, lack of access to healthcare, and Climate change. Epidemics can cause significant loss of life and can also have a negative impact on the economy.

Man-made disasters are a problem in Himachal Pradesh, as they can be caused by a variety of factors, including industrial accidents, transportation accidents, and terrorism. Man-made disasters can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure, and can also result in loss of life.

The government of Himachal Pradesh has taken a number of steps to mitigate the risks posed by natural disasters. These steps include:

  • Building Dams and reservoirs to control flooding.
  • Reforestation to prevent landslides.
  • Early warning systems to alert people to the risk of earthquakes and avalanches.
  • Disaster preparedness training for the public.

Despite these efforts, natural disasters continue to pose a significant threat to the people of Himachal Pradesh. It is important for everyone to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect themselves and their families.

Here are some tips for staying safe during a natural disaster:

  • Have a plan. Know what you will do in the event of a disaster.
  • Make an emergency kit. This should include food, water, first-aid supplies, and other essential items.
  • Stay informed. Listen to the radio or watch TV for updates on the disaster.
  • Follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
  • If you are told to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • If you are unable to evacuate, stay inside and protect yourself from the Elements.
  • Be prepared for power outages and other disruptions to Services.
  • After the disaster, help your neighbors and community recover.

What are the major hazards in Himachal Pradesh?

The major hazards in Himachal Pradesh are earthquakes, landslides, floods, and avalanches.

What are the causes of earthquakes in Himachal Pradesh?

The earthquakes in Himachal Pradesh are caused by the movement of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates.

What are the effects of earthquakes in Himachal Pradesh?

The effects of earthquakes in Himachal Pradesh can be devastating, including loss of life, damage to infrastructure, and landslides.

What are the causes of landslides in Himachal Pradesh?

The landslides in Himachal Pradesh are caused by a variety of factors, including heavy rainfall, deforestation, and mining.

What are the effects of landslides in Himachal Pradesh?

The effects of landslides in Himachal Pradesh can be devastating, including loss of life, damage to infrastructure, and flooding.

What are the causes of floods in Himachal Pradesh?

The floods in Himachal Pradesh are caused by a variety of factors, including heavy rainfall, melting snow, and dam failures.

What are the effects of floods in Himachal Pradesh?

The effects of floods in Himachal Pradesh can be devastating, including loss of life, damage to infrastructure, and landslides.

What are the causes of avalanches in Himachal Pradesh?

The avalanches in Himachal Pradesh are caused by a variety of factors, including heavy snowfall, wind, and changes in temperature.

What are the effects of avalanches in Himachal Pradesh?

The effects of avalanches in Himachal Pradesh can be devastating, including loss of life, damage to infrastructure, and landslides.

What are the government’s efforts to mitigate the effects of hazards in Himachal Pradesh?

The government of Himachal Pradesh has taken a number of measures to mitigate the effects of hazards, including:

  • Building early warning systems
  • Relocating people from high-risk areas
  • Planting trees to stabilize slopes
  • Building dams to control flooding
  • Providing disaster relief

What can individuals do to prepare for and mitigate the effects of hazards in Himachal Pradesh?

Individuals can prepare for and mitigate the effects of hazards in Himachal Pradesh by:

  • Building a disaster kit
  • Having a plan for evacuation
  • Knowing the risks in their area
  • Staying informed about weather and hazard conditions
  • Following the instructions of emergency personnel
  1. Which of the following is not a type of hazard in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Earthquake
    (B) Landslide
    (C) Flood
    (D) Drought

  2. The most common type of hazard in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Earthquake
    (B) Landslide
    (C) Flood
    (D) Drought

  3. The most destructive type of hazard in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Earthquake
    (B) Landslide
    (C) Flood
    (D) Drought

  4. The most deadly type of hazard in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Earthquake
    (B) Landslide
    (C) Flood
    (D) Drought

  5. The most expensive type of hazard in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Earthquake
    (B) Landslide
    (C) Flood
    (D) Drought

  6. The most common time of year for hazards to occur in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Summer
    (B) Monsoon
    (C) Winter
    (D) Spring

  7. The most common place for hazards to occur in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Mountains
    (B) Valleys
    (C) Plains
    (D) Hills

  8. The most common cause of hazards in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Natural causes
    (B) Human causes
    (C) Both natural and human causes
    (D) None of the above

  9. The most effective way to mitigate hazards in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Building strong infrastructure
    (B) Raising awareness of hazards
    (C) Preparing for hazards
    (D) All of the above

  10. The most important thing to do in the event of a hazard in Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Stay calm
    (B) Follow instructions from authorities
    (C) Take shelter
    (D) All of the above