Green Revolution in India

<<2/”>a >h1>Green Revolution in India

  • A term coined to describe the emergence and diffusion of new seeds of Cereals.
  • Norman-e-Borlaug is the Father of Green Revolution in the world, while Dr. M.S. Swami Nathan is known as the Father of Green Revolution in India.
  • The new cereals were the product of research work and concentrated plant breeding with the objective of creating High Yielding Varieties (HYVs) of use to the developing countries.
  • New varieties of wheat were first bred in Mexico in the 1950s and that of rice, like IR-8 (miracle rice) at the International Rice Research Institute, Manila, (Philippines in the 1960s).
  • The increase in the yield from the new seeds has been spectacular as during the last forty years, agricultural production, particularly of wheat and rice, has experienced a great spurt and this has been designated as the Green Revolution.
  • The Green Revolution has been used to mean two different things. Some experts of agriculture use it for referring to a broad transformation of agricultural sector in the developing countries to reduce food shortages.
  • Others use it when referring to the specific plant improvements, notably the development of HYVs.
  • Whatsoever the meaning of Green Revolution may be taken as, the adoption and diffusion of new seeds of wheat and rice has been considered as a significant achievement as it offered great optimism.
  • In fact, these varieties of seeds have revolutionised the agricultural landscape of the developing countries and the problem of food shortage has been reduced.
  • In India, hybridisation of selected crops, i.e. maize, bajra (bulrush Millets), and millets began in 1960.
  • The Mexican dwarf varieties of wheat were tried out on a selected scale in 1963-64. Exotic varieties of rice such as Taichung Native I were introduced in India in 1964.
  • The diffusion of HYVs, however, became fully operational in the country in the Kharif season of 1965-66.
  • The diffusion of the new seeds was mainly in the Satluj-Ganga Plains and the Kaveri Delta.
  • Subsequently, a number of varieties of wheat and rice were developed by the Indian scientists and adopted by the Indian farmers.


Merits of the High Yielding Varieties

The High Yielding Varieties have certain advantages over the traditional varieties of cereals which are given as under:


  1. Shorter Life Cycle
  2. Economize on Irrigation Water
  3. Generate more EMPLOYMENT

Geographical Constraints in the Adoption of New Seeds

The new seeds are less resistant to droughts and floods and need an efficient management of water, chemical fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides.

The conditions required for the good harvest of new seeds have been described below:


  1. Irrigation
  2. Availability of Chemical Fertilisers
  3. Plant Protection Chemicals
    • The new seeds are very delicate and highly susceptible to pests and diseases.
    • The danger of pests and insects may be reduced by using plant protection chemicals.


  • The problems of crop disease and pests may also be tackled by timely application of insecticides and pesticides


  1. Capital Constraint
  1. Mechanization
  1. Marketing and Storage Facilities
  1. Extension Service
  1. Human Factor

Environmental and Ecological Implications of Green Revolution

Some of the environmental and ecological problems that emerged out of the cultivation of the High Yielding Varieties are depletion of forests, reduction in pastures, salination, water-logging, depletion of underground water-table, Soil erosion, change in the soil chemistry, reduction in bio-diversity, decline in Soil fertility, silting of rivers, increase in Weeds, emergence of numerous new plant diseases, and Health hazards.


An overview of these environmental and ecological problems has been given here.

  1. Salination

 The saline and alkaline affected tracts, locally known as kallar or thur in Punjab and kallar or reh in Uttar Pradesh have expanded and increased in area.The problem of salinity and alkalinity can be solved by use of manure (cow dung, compost, and green manure) and by a judicious selection of leguminous crops in the rotation


  1. Waterlogging

Water Logging is the other major problem associated with over-irrigation.The progressive and ambitious cultivators of the irrigated areas of these districts have changed their Cropping patterns and have introduced rice and wheat in place of bajra, pulses, Cotton, and fodder.Repeated irrigation of these crops in the summer and winter seasons have resulted into waterlogged condition, especially along the canals.


  1. Soil erosion
  2. Pollution:
  3. Lowering of the Underground Water-Table:
  4. Deforestation
  5. Noise Pollution:
  6. Health Hazards:


Green Revolution—Achievements, Problems and Prospects

Green Revolution—Achievements

The main achievements of Green Revolution may be summarized as under:


  1. The production and productivity of wheat, rice, maize, and bajra has increased substantially.
  2. India has become almost self-sufficient in the matter of staple foods.
  3. The double cropped area has increased; thereby intensification of the Indian Agriculture has increased.
  4. In the areas where Green Revolution is a success, the farmers have moved from subsistent to market oriented economy, especially in Punjab, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh, and the plain districts of Uttarakhand (Hardwar and Udhamsinghnagar).
  5. The adoption of High Yielding Varieties under the Green Revolution has generated more rural and urban employment.
  6. Green Revolution has increased the income of farmers and landless labourers, especially that of the big farmers and the semi-skilled rural workers. Thus Green Revolution has increased rural prosperity.
  7. Green Revolution has created jobs in the areas of biological (seed fertilisers) innovations, and repair of agricultural equipments and machinery.


Green Revolution—Problems and Prospects

  1. Depletion of soil owing to the continuous cultivation of soil exhaustive crops like rice and wheat.
  2. Depletion of underground water table due to over-irrigation of more moisture requiring crops like rice and wheat.
  3. Green Revolution has increased the income disparity amongst the farmers.
  4. Green Revolution led to polarization of the rural Society. It has created three types of conflicts in the rural community, namely, between large and small farmers, between owner and tenant farmers, between the employers and employees on agricultural farms.
  5. Green Revolution has displaced the agricultural labourers, leading to rural Unemployment. The mechanical innovations like tractors have displaced the agricultural labour. 6. Agricultural production in the Green Revolution areas is either stationary or has shown declining trend.
  6. Some valuable agricultural lands have submerged under water (water-logging) or are adversely affected by salinity and alkalinity.
  7. Green Revolution is crop specific. It could not perform well in the case pulses and oil-seeds.
  8. The traditional institution of Jijmani system has broken. Consequently, the barbers, carpenters, iron-smith, and watermen have migrated to the urban areas.
  9. The Soil Texture, structure, soil chemistry, and soil fertility have changed.
  10. About 60 per cent of agricultural land in the country remains unaffected by Green Revolution.
  11. Green Revolution technologies are scale neutral but not resource neutral.
  12. Punjab feeds the nation but farmers in the state, especially in the Malwa region fall prey to cancer. The take ‘Cancer Train’ to Bikaner for cheap treatment.


The Green Revolution in India was a period of agricultural development in India from the mid-1960s to the late 1970s. The goal of the Green Revolution was to increase agricultural production in India by introducing new agricultural technologies, such as high-yield varieties of wheat and rice, and by improving irrigation and fertilizer use. The Green Revolution was successful in increasing agricultural production in India, but it also had some negative consequences, such as the displacement of small farmers and the increased use of pesticides.

The Green Revolution was a response to the food crisis in India in the 1960s. The country was facing a severe shortage of food, and the government was concerned that the Population would continue to grow, further exacerbating the problem. The Green Revolution was seen as a way to increase food production and prevent famine.

The Green Revolution was based on the use of new agricultural technologies, such as high-yield varieties of wheat and rice. These new varieties of crops were more productive than traditional varieties, and they helped to increase agricultural production in India. The Green Revolution also improved irrigation and fertilizer use in India. This helped to increase crop yields and make agriculture more efficient.

The Green Revolution was successful in increasing agricultural production in India. Between 1965 and 1975, food production in India increased by 25%. This helped to prevent famine and improve the lives of many people. However, the Green Revolution also had some negative consequences.

One of the negative consequences of the Green Revolution was the displacement of small farmers. Many small farmers were unable to afford the new agricultural technologies, and they were forced to sell their land to larger farmers. This led to the concentration of land ownership in the hands of a few large farmers.

Another negative consequence of the Green Revolution was the increased use of pesticides. Pesticides were used to control pests that were attacking the new high-yield varieties of crops. However, the use of pesticides led to Environmental Pollution and Health problems for farmers and consumers.

Overall, the Green Revolution was a successful period of agricultural development in India. It helped to increase agricultural production and improve the lives of many people. However, it also had some negative consequences, such as the displacement of small farmers and the increased use of pesticides.

The Green Revolution has been criticized for its focus on increasing production at the expense of other factors, such as environmental sustainability and social Justice. Some critics argue that the Green Revolution has led to the overuse of water and pesticides, and that it has benefited large farmers at the expense of small farmers. Others argue that the Green Revolution has not done enough to address the problem of hunger in India, and that it has contributed to the decline of traditional agricultural practices.

Despite these criticisms, the Green Revolution remains a significant achievement in Indian history. It helped to increase food production and improve the lives of millions of people. However, it is important to be aware of the negative consequences of the Green Revolution, and to work to address these problems.

What is the Green Revolution?

The Green Revolution was a period of agricultural development that began in the mid-20th century and led to increased crop yields. It was driven by the introduction of new technologies, such as high-yield varieties of crops and Fertilizers, and by the expansion of irrigation systems.

What were the benefits of the Green Revolution?

The Green Revolution had a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased crop yields: The Green Revolution led to a significant increase in crop yields, which helped to feed a growing population.
  • Reduced POVERTY: The Green Revolution also helped to reduce poverty in many parts of the world by providing farmers with a way to increase their incomes.
  • Improved Nutrition: The Green Revolution also led to improved nutrition in many parts of the world by making more food available.

What were the drawbacks of the Green Revolution?

The Green Revolution also had a number of drawbacks, including:

  • Environmental damage: The Green Revolution often led to environmental damage, such as the depletion of water Resources and the pollution of air and water.
  • Social problems: The Green Revolution also led to social problems, such as the displacement of small farmers and the concentration of land ownership in the hands of a few large farmers.
  • Health problems: The Green Revolution also led to health problems, such as the overuse of pesticides and the development of herbicide-resistant weeds.

What is the future of the Green Revolution?

The future of the Green Revolution is uncertain. Some experts believe that the Green Revolution has reached its limits and that further increases in crop yields will be difficult to achieve. Others believe that new technologies, such as Genetic engineering, will lead to a new Green Revolution that will help to feed the world’s growing population.

What are some of the challenges facing agriculture today?

Some of the challenges facing agriculture today include:

  • Climate change: Climate Change is leading to more extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, which are making it difficult for farmers to grow crops.
  • Population Growth: The world’s population is growing rapidly, which is putting a strain on the world’s food supply.
  • Water scarcity: Water is becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world, which is making it difficult for farmers to irrigate their crops.
  • Soil degradation: Soil degradation is a major problem in many parts of the world, which is making it difficult for farmers to grow crops.
  • Pests and diseases: Pests and diseases are a major problem for farmers, which can lead to crop losses.

What are some of the solutions to these challenges?

Some of the solutions to the challenges facing agriculture today include:

  • Climate change adaptation: Farmers need to adapt to climate change by adopting new practices, such as planting drought-tolerant crops.
  • Population Growth: We need to find ways to reduce population growth, such as providing access to family planning Services.
  • Water scarcity: We need to find ways to conserve water, such as using Drip Irrigation.
  • Soil degradation: We need to find ways to improve soil health, such as using cover crops.
  • Pests and diseases: We need to find ways to control pests and diseases, such as using integrated pest management.

Here are some MCQs on the topics of agriculture, Food Security, and Sustainable Development:

  1. Which of the following is not a goal of sustainable development?
    (A) Eradicating poverty and hunger
    (B) Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages
    (C) Achieving Equality/”>Gender Equality and empowering all Women and girls
    (D) Protecting the Environment and promoting sustainable development

  2. Which of the following is not a major challenge to food security?
    (A) Climate change
    (B) Conflict and violence
    (C) Economic instability
    (D) Population growth

  3. Which of the following is not a major factor in the decline of agricultural Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity?
    (A) Monoculture
    (B) Overgrazing
    (C) Pollution
    (D) Pesticide use

  4. Which of the following is not a major benefit of agricultural biodiversity?
    (A) Increased crop yields
    (B) Improved soil health
    (C) Increased resistance to pests and diseases
    (D) Reduced reliance on pesticides

  5. Which of the following is not a major way to promote Sustainable Agriculture?
    (A) Reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers
    (B) Increasing the use of RENEWABLE ENERGY
    (C) Protecting Water Resources
    (D) Increasing the use of genetically modified crops

  6. Which of the following is not a major goal of the Green Revolution?
    (A) Increasing crop yields
    (B) Reducing poverty
    (C) Improving food security
    (D) Protecting the environment

  7. Which of the following is not a major criticism of the Green Revolution?
    (A) It has led to the overuse of pesticides and fertilizers
    (B) It has led to the decline of agricultural biodiversity
    (C) It has benefited large farmers at the expense of small farmers
    (D) It has contributed to Environmental Degradation

  8. Which of the following is not a major way to improve food security?
    (A) Increasing agricultural productivity
    (B) Reducing food waste
    (C) Improving access to food
    (D) Promoting sustainable agriculture

  9. Which of the following is not a major challenge to sustainable development?
    (A) Climate change
    (B) Poverty
    (C) Inequality
    (D) Deforestation

  10. Which of the following is not a major goal of sustainable development?
    (A) Ensuring a healthy planet
    (B) Promoting social and Economic Development
    (C) Building peaceful and inclusive societies
    (D) Strengthening institutions for Good Governance

I hope these MCQs are helpful!
