Geologic Sequestration

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Geologic Sequestration:

  • Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
  • Geological storage
  • Underground storage
  • Deep saline aquifers
  • Oil and gas reservoirs
  • Unmineable coal seams
  • Salt domes
  • Fractured basalt
  • Monitoring and verification
  • Risks and challenges
  • Public acceptance
  • Economics
  • Future of CCS

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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a process that captures carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from large point sources, such as power plants, and stores them underground in geological formations. CCS is a potential mitigation option for climate change, as it can help to reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.

CCS involves three main steps: capture, transport, and storage. In the capture step, CO2 is separated from other gases in the flue gas from a power plant or other industrial source. The CO2 is then compressed and transported to a storage site. The storage site can be a deep saline aquifer, an oil or gas reservoir, an unmineable coal seam, or a salt dome. The CO2 is injected into the storage site under high pressure, where it remains trapped for long periods of time.

CCS is a complex and expensive technology, but it has the potential to play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CCS is currently being used at a small number of power plants around the world, and the technology is still under development. However, CCS has the potential to be scaled up to meet the needs of the global economy.

There are a number of risks and challenges associated with CCS. One of the biggest challenges is the cost of CCS. CCS is a relatively expensive technology, and the cost of capturing and storing CO2 is likely to remain high for the foreseeable future. Another challenge is the availability of storage sites. There are a limited number of suitable storage sites, and the competition for these sites is likely to increase as CCS becomes more widely used.

Despite the risks and challenges, CCS is a promising technology that has the potential to play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CCS is still under development, but the technology is advancing rapidly. As the cost of CCS decreases and the availability of storage sites increases, CCS is likely to become more widely used.

Public acceptance is another important factor that will affect the future of CCS. CCS is a relatively new technology, and there is still some public skepticism about its safety and effectiveness. However, public acceptance is likely to increase as CCS becomes more widely used and as the public becomes more familiar with the technology.

The economics of CCS are also important. The cost of CCS is currently high, but the cost is likely to decrease as the technology is developed and as economies of scale are achieved. The cost of CCS will also be affected by the price of CO2 emissions. If the price of CO2 emissions increases, the cost of CCS will also increase.

The future of CCS is uncertain, but the technology has the potential to play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CCS is still under development, but the technology is advancing rapidly. As the cost of CCS decreases and the availability of storage sites increases, CCS is likely to become more widely used.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a process that captures carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from large point sources, such as power plants, and stores them underground in geological formations. CCS is one of the most promising technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

Geological storage is the process of injecting CO2 into deep underground geological formations, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline aquifers, and unmineable coal seams. The CO2 is then trapped in the formation and prevented from returning to the atmosphere.

Underground storage is the general term for the process of storing CO2 underground. This can include geological storage, as well as other methods such as storage in deep saline aquifers or in the ocean.

Deep saline aquifers are large underground reservoirs of salty water. They are ideal for CCS because they are very deep and have low permeability, which means that the CO2 will not leak back to the surface.

Oil and gas reservoirs are also potential sites for CCS. In these reservoirs, the CO2 can be injected into the same formations that contain oil and gas. This can help to maintain pressure in the reservoir and extend the life of the oil and gas field.

Unmineable coal seams are coal seams that are too deep or too thin to be mined economically. These seams can be used for CCS by injecting CO2 into them. The CO2 will then react with the coal to form methane, which can be used as a fuel.

Salt domes are large, underground deposits of salt. They are ideal for CCS because they are very impermeable and have a high storage capacity.

Fractured basalt is a type of rock that is found in many parts of the world. It is a good candidate for CCS because it is relatively easy to fracture and inject CO2 into.

Monitoring and verification are essential parts of CCS. Monitoring is used to ensure that the CO2 is being stored safely and effectively. Verification is used to confirm that the CO2 is actually being stored and not leaking back to the atmosphere.

Risks and challenges

CCS is a complex technology with a number of risks and challenges. Some of the main risks include:

  • The potential for leaks of CO2 back to the atmosphere
  • The potential for the CO2 to react with the geological formation and cause problems
  • The potential for the CO2 to impact groundwater resources
  • The potential for the CO2 to impact the local environment

Public acceptance

Public acceptance is a major challenge for CCS. Many people are concerned about the risks of the technology and are not convinced that it is safe. This lack of public acceptance can make it difficult to get CCS projects approved.


CCS is a relatively expensive technology. The cost of CCS is likely to come down over time as the technology develops, but it is still likely to be more expensive than other methods of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Future of CCS

CCS is a promising technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are a number of challenges that need to be addressed before CCS can be widely deployed. These challenges include the need to reduce the cost of CCS, the need to address public concerns about the technology, and the need to develop new CCS projects.
Question 1

Which of the following is not a type of geological storage?

(A) Deep saline aquifers
(B) Oil and gas reservoirs
(C) Unmineable coal seams
(D) Salt domes
(E) Fractured basalt

Answer (C)

Question 2

Which of the following is the most common type of geological storage?

(A) Deep saline aquifers
(B) Oil and gas reservoirs
(C) Unmineable coal seams
(D) Salt domes
(E) Fractured basalt

Answer (A)

Question 3

Which of the following is the most important risk associated with geological storage?

(A) The risk of leakage
(B) The risk of earthquakes
(C) The risk of groundwater contamination
(D) The risk of climate change
(E) The risk of public opposition

Answer (A)

Question 4

Which of the following is the most important challenge associated with geological storage?

(A) The cost of construction
(B) The lack of public acceptance
(C) The lack of technical knowledge
(D) The lack of regulatory framework
(E) The lack of storage capacity

Answer (B)

Question 5

Which of the following is the most important factor in the economics of geological storage?

(A) The cost of construction
(B) The cost of operation
(C) The cost of monitoring and verification
(D) The cost of liability insurance
(E) The cost of carbon credits

Answer (A)

Question 6

Which of the following is the most important factor in the future of geological storage?

(A) The development of new technologies
(B) The increase in the cost of carbon emissions
(C) The increase in public acceptance
(D) The development of new regulatory frameworks
(E) The development of new storage sites

Answer (A)