Fundamentalism And Terrorism

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Citizens worldwide are becoming all too familiar with the accelerated frequency of terrorist attacks in the 21st century, particularly with those involving a religious underpinning. Why, though, have religiously-affiliated acts of terrorism become such a common occurrence? By examining how religious fundamentalism has accelerated and intensified terrorism within the modern world, scholars can focus on determining the “why”. By historically defining terrorism and fundamentalism and then placing them within the context of current religio-political and socio-political discourse, one can observe the shift from nationalism into terrorism and therefore understanding the innate interconnectedness of as a whole.

Throughout the beginning of the 21st century, it is no surprise that terrorism has come to be a major concern worldwide. Due to the frequency and magnitude of violence, many scholars have and are trying to determine the sudden surge in activity. Since the Cold War has ended, there seems to be one driving factor behind the atrocities, and focus has shifted from nationalism to religious fundamentalism as the cause of terrorist acts. From the World Trade Center bombings in 1993 and their eventual destruction on September 11th, 2001, suicide attacks in Israel in Palestine, nerve gas in the Tokyo subway, and assassinations in India, Israel, and Algeria, religion has come to the forefront as motivation for the largest terrorist organizations in the modern world

In order to examine this phenomenon, one main question must be answered: How has religious fundamentalism accelerated terrorism in the modern world? To establish a framework to respond, one must first examine the definitions of , as well as their historical ties. In addition, understanding the dynamics between religion, politics, and Society become important to place the nature of the violence into the correct context. Finally, one must determine the shift from nationalistic violence to fundamentalism, and use this to explain how fundamentalism has become the root of modern terroristic acts.

To define terrorism is akin to attempting to define any human experience, if only in the fact that terrorism defines itself to each person differently. Socio-political realities, religious affiliation, and cultural identification play into an individual’s definition, creating difficulties in expression within universally understood terms. In each instance of terrorism (regardless of definition) one might view an act as “terroristic” while another may not. If a hard and fast definition must be constructed, it should be simple and open to interpretation. We know the following: terrorist acts are violent (or at least inherently dangerous), typically involve more than one target, and are perpetrated to initiate change (whether societal, political, religious, or ideological). Therefore, one may choose to define an incident as an act of terrorism if the violence or the threat of violence was used against more than one person in order to instigate change on a societal, political, religious, or ideological level.

Fundamentalism is an unwavering faith to a religious belief system, though some assert that the term ‘fundamentalism’ is another way of excusing ‘normal’ religion and isolating problems into a deviant form of the doctrine. Though originally used to describe certain sects of Christianity, this strict adherence to theoretical doctrine has stretched to include all major world religions. Multiple terrorist acts have been committed by “followers” of other religions; specifically, due to current developments and acts committed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), this examination will focus on Islamic fundamentalism. Whether through the original political split inside of Islam or the eventual Shiite-Sunni split that has led to numerous conflicts, Islam has been in almost constant turmoil since its appearance, with fundamentalism and radicalization inside of its doctrine becoming a mitigating factor in most of the terrorist acts completed within the 21st century. With these definitions in mind, examining the historical background of both terrorism and fundamentalism will provide a context in which to place the influence of religious terrorism on politics and society.

The word ‘terrorism’ first originated during the French Revolution (1789-1799) and was used to describe the government; by 1848, it was used to describe violent revolutionaries. By the end of the 1800’s and early 1900’s, the meaning had again changed to describe the violent acts of several organized groups, such as labor organizations, anarchists, nationalistic groups, and ultra-nationalistic political organizations. Eventually, nationalism became the main motivation behind acts of terrorism; however, a clear shift had already begun as religion came to the forefront of terroristic reasoning.

According to Hirschmann (2000), five types of terrorism now exist: ideological, involving the desire for revolutionary changes within political or social structures; ethno-political, in which ethnic minorities long for their own state within an existing state or some degree of political and cultural autonomy; religious, where a desire to impose religion-based norms of conduct appears and can evolve into apocalyptic fanaticism; single issue, involving the extremist militancy of groups/individuals protesting a perceived grievance; and “chosen ones”, who are mentally disturbed/deranged individuals with a certain mission or social philosophy who are not connected to a Network . All things considered, one could make a justifiable argument that while all “types” of terrorism are equally valid in their need for examination, in Light of recent events religious motivations stand in the forefront and require immediate consideration.

This shift has been attributed to increasing amounts of acts involving religious terrorism to political Islam, Christian fundamentalism, and Messianic Zionism. As terrorist ideologies have become more religious, terroristic violence has become more indiscriminate and targets appear to be more geographically dispersed. In regards to fundamentalism, groups wishing to have their religion practiced purely are called fundamentalist, as are groups pushing for an overhaul of the national or global political system with a cultural connection to a religion. While first used to describe a conservative strain of Protestantism developed in the United States, the fundamentalist ‘battle’ was not so much with the secular state as it was between other Protestant people and organizations; however, other organizations and sects were attempting to modernize, with fundamentalists becoming militantly opposed.

While this conflict eventually died out, and fundamentalism relatively disappeared until the 1970’s, some have stated that without modernization and secularization there would be no fundamentalism; when resurgence did occur in the 1970’s, it appeared more politically active than before, and was beginning to be observed as part of most of the world’s religions. Considering the shift that occurred, religious fundamentalism then came to been seen as an aggressive politicization of religion for the pursuit of nonreligious ends, being only a superficial form of terrorism or extremism; this definition fits more clearly with what fundamentalism has become in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

When examining historical ties between terrorism and fundamentalism, one can look at the developed ideological and organizational requirements of modern fundamentalism from Emerson and Hartman, which closely resemble the process of radicalization and indoctrination of an individual into a terrorist organization described by White. Ideological requirements for modern fundamentalism include defense of tradition, selective choice in doctrine, dualistic morality, absolutism, and messianism . This clearly connects with the organizational requirements, including an elect/chosen membership, set boundaries for inclusion, “chosen” leaders, and behavioral requirements. White describes the process of radicalization as involving an alienated young man, who upon meeting other alienated young men forms a group. From there, the group gravitates towards religion, and attempt to outdo each other in their zeal for the cause. The religion then begins to be interpreted in militant terms- while most groups stop at this point, some continue development leading to a militant group that encounters a terrorist contact, and join the terrorists through a group decision. Keeping in mind these ties of organization, the religio-political and socio-political discourses regarding can now be examined.




Fundamentalism and Terrorism

Fundamentalism is a word that is often used to describe a set of beliefs that are rigid and intolerant of other viewpoints. It is often associated with religion, but it can also be found in other areas of life, such as politics and social movements.

Terrorism is the use of violence or the threat of violence to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals. It is often used by groups or individuals who feel that they are not being heard or who are not being given a fair chance to achieve their goals through peaceful means.

There are many different types of fundamentalism, but they all share some common characteristics. They tend to be based on a literal interpretation of sacred texts, and they often reject modern ideas and values. They also tend to be authoritarian and hierarchical, with a strong emphasis on obedience to authority.

There are also many different types of terrorism, but they all share some common characteristics. They are all violent, and they are all intended to create fear and intimidation. They are also often used to achieve political or religious goals.

The causes of fundamentalism and terrorism are complex and varied. However, some of the factors that are often cited as contributing to these phenomena include:

  • Economic inequality: POVERTY and lack of opportunity can lead to feelings of resentment and anger, which can make people more susceptible to extremist ideologies.
  • Political instability: Countries that are experiencing political instability or conflict are more likely to be breeding grounds for fundamentalism and terrorism.
  • Religious extremism: Religious extremism can lead to a sense of superiority and entitlement, which can make people more likely to engage in violence.
  • Social Media: Social media can be used to spread extremist ideologies and to recruit new members to terrorist groups.

The consequences of fundamentalism and terrorism can be devastating. They can lead to death, injury, and destruction. They can also undermine social cohesion and create a Climate of fear and insecurity.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent fundamentalism and terrorism. These include:

  • Promoting Education and economic opportunity: Education can help people to develop critical thinking skills and to understand the dangers of extremism. Economic opportunity can help to reduce poverty and inequality, which can be root causes of fundamentalism and terrorism.
  • Promoting Tolerance and understanding: It is important to promote tolerance and understanding between different cultures and religions. This can help to reduce the appeal of extremist ideologies.
  • Addressing the root causes of conflict: In countries that are experiencing political instability or conflict, it is important to address the root causes of the conflict. This can help to reduce the appeal of extremism and terrorism.
  • Strengthening law enforcement and security: It is important to strengthen law enforcement and security to prevent terrorist attacks. It is also important to prosecute terrorists and to bring them to Justice.
  • Countering extremist propaganda: It is important to counter extremist propaganda and to promote alternative narratives. This can help to prevent people from being radicalized.

The role of religion in fundamentalism and terrorism is complex. Religion can be used to justify violence and extremism, but it can also be used to promote peace and tolerance. It is important to understand the role of religion in these phenomena in order to develop effective strategies to prevent them.

The role of the media in fundamentalism and terrorism is also complex. The media can be used to spread extremist ideologies and to recruit new members to terrorist groups. However, the media can also be used to counter extremist propaganda and to promote alternative narratives. It is important to understand the role of the media in these phenomena in order to develop effective strategies to prevent them.

The role of the government in fundamentalism and terrorism is also complex. Governments need to balance the need to protect their citizens from violence with the need to respect freedom of speech and religion. It is important to develop effective strategies to prevent fundamentalism and terrorism without infringing on people’s rights.

The role of the individual in fundamentalism and terrorism is also complex. Individuals can play a role in preventing fundamentalism and terrorism by promoting tolerance and understanding, by supporting law enforcement and security, and by countering extremist propaganda. It is important for individuals to be aware of the dangers of fundamentalism and terrorism and to take steps to prevent them.

The future of fundamentalism and terrorism is uncertain. However, it is important to continue to work to prevent these phenomena and to promote peace and tolerance.

What is fundamentalism?

Fundamentalism is a term used to describe a set of beliefs or practices that are based on a strict interpretation of a religious text or doctrine. Fundamentalists often believe that their interpretation is the only correct one, and they may be intolerant of other interpretations or beliefs.

What is terrorism?

Terrorism is the use of violence or the threat of violence to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. Terrorists often target civilians, and their attacks can cause widespread fear and panic.

What is the difference between fundamentalism and terrorism?

Fundamentalism is a set of beliefs, while terrorism is an act of violence. However, fundamentalism can sometimes lead to terrorism. For example, a fundamentalist might believe that it is their religious duty to kill non-believers. This belief could lead them to commit acts of terrorism, such as suicide bombings or shootings.

What are the causes of fundamentalism?

There are many factors that can contribute to fundamentalism, including:

  • Economic hardship: People who are struggling to make ends meet may be more likely to turn to fundamentalism for comfort and guidance.
  • Political instability: Countries that are experiencing political instability may be more likely to see the rise of fundamentalism.
  • Social Change: Rapid social change can lead to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, which can make people more susceptible to fundamentalist beliefs.
  • Religious extremism: Religious extremism can lead to the belief that violence is justified in order to achieve religious goals.

What are the effects of fundamentalism?

Fundamentalism can have a number of negative effects, including:

  • Violence: Fundamentalists often engage in violence, both against other groups and against their own members.
  • Intolerance: Fundamentalists are often intolerant of other beliefs and practices.
  • Oppression: Fundamentalists may try to oppress Women, minorities, and other groups that they believe are not following the correct path.
  • Social unrest: Fundamentalism can lead to social unrest and conflict.

What can be done to prevent fundamentalism?

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent fundamentalism, including:

  • Promoting education: Education can help people to understand different cultures and religions, and to develop critical thinking skills.
  • Encouraging tolerance: Tolerance is essential for a peaceful society. We need to teach people to respect other people’s beliefs, even if we don’t agree with them.
  • Addressing economic and social problems: Addressing the root causes of fundamentalism, such as poverty and inequality, can help to prevent it from taking hold.
  • Combating religious extremism: We need to work to combat religious extremism, which can lead to violence and intolerance.

What can be done to deal with fundamentalism?

If fundamentalism does take hold, there are a number of things that can be done to deal with it, including:

  • Dialogue: Dialogue is essential for understanding and resolving conflict. We need to talk to fundamentalists and try to understand their beliefs.
  • Law enforcement: In some cases, law enforcement may be necessary to prevent or stop violence.
  • Social support: We need to provide social support to victims of fundamentalism. This can help them to cope with the trauma they have experienced.
  • Education: Education can help people to understand fundamentalism and how to deal with it.

What is the future of fundamentalism?

The future of fundamentalism is uncertain. It is possible that fundamentalism will continue to grow in popularity, as people become more disillusioned with the modern world. However, it is also possible that fundamentalism will decline, as people become more tolerant and understanding of other cultures and religions.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a type of fundamentalism?

(A) Religious fundamentalism
(B) Political fundamentalism
(C) Economic fundamentalism
(D) Social fundamentalism

(C) Economic fundamentalism is not a type of fundamentalism. The other three Options are all types of fundamentalism.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a characteristic of fundamentalism?

(A) Adherence to a strict set of beliefs
(B) A belief in the superiority of one’s own group
(C) A rejection of change
(D) A willingness to use violence to achieve one’s goals

(D) A willingness to use violence to achieve one’s goals is not a characteristic of all fundamentalisms. Some fundamentalists are peaceful, while others are violent.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a cause of fundamentalism?

(A) Economic inequality
(B) Political instability
(C) Social change
(D) Religious persecution

(D) Religious persecution is not a cause of fundamentalism. In fact, religious persecution can often lead to the rise of fundamentalism as a way to resist oppression.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a consequence of fundamentalism?

(A) Conflict
(B) Violence
(C) Oppression
(D) Peace

(D) Peace is not a consequence of fundamentalism. In fact, fundamentalism often leads to conflict, violence, and oppression.

Question 5

Which of the following is the best way to address the problem of fundamentalism?

(A) Education
(B) Dialogue
(C) Coercion
(D) Isolation

(A) Education is the best way to address the problem of fundamentalism. By educating people about different cultures and religions, we can help to reduce prejudice and intolerance. Dialogue is also important, as it allows people to share their views and understand each other better. Coercion and isolation are not effective solutions, as they can only lead to further radicalization.

Question 6

Which of the following is not a type of terrorism?

(A) Religious terrorism
(B) Political terrorism
(C) Economic terrorism
(D) Environmental terrorism

(C) Economic terrorism is not a type of terrorism. The other three options are all types of terrorism.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a characteristic of terrorism?

(A) The use of violence to achieve political or religious goals
(B) The targeting of civilians
(C) The use of fear and intimidation
(D) The willingness to sacrifice one’s own life

(D) The willingness to sacrifice one’s own life is not a characteristic of all terrorism. Some terrorists are willing to die for their cause, while others are not.

Question 8

Which of the following is not a cause of terrorism?

(A) Poverty
(B) Inequality
(C) Injustice
(D) Religion

(D) Religion is not a cause of terrorism. In fact, religion can often be a force for peace and good. However, it can also be used to justify violence, especially when it is combined with other factors such as poverty, inequality, and injustice.

Question 9

Which of the following is not a consequence of terrorism?

(A) Death
(B) Injury
(C) Damage to property
(D) Peace

(D) Peace is not a consequence of terrorism. In fact, terrorism often leads to death, injury, damage to property, and fear and intimidation.

Question 10

Which of the following is the best way to address the problem of terrorism?

(A) Education
(B) Dialogue
(C) Coercion
(D) Isolation

(A) Education is the best way to address the problem of terrorism. By educating people about the causes of terrorism and the importance of peace, we can help to reduce the appeal of terrorism and prevent future attacks. Dialogue is also important, as it allows people to share their views and understand each other better. Coercion and isolation are not effective solutions, as they can only lead to further radicalization.