Functioning under a Coalition Government

<2/”>a >Coalition Government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. Coalition governments are usually formed as no party can individually achieve a majority in the parliament. However, a coalition government may also be created in a time of national difficulty or crisis. If a coalition collapses, a confidence vote is held or a motion of no confidence is taken.

The 1967 Elections also initiated the dual era of short-lived coalition govemments and politics of defection. However, the elections broke Congress’s monopoly of power in the states. Congress was replaced not by a single party in any of the states but by a multiplicity of parties and groups and independents. Coalition governments were formed in all opposition-ruled states except in Tamil Nadu. In Punjab, Bihar and U.P., opposition governments included Swatantra, Jan Sangh, BKD, Socialists and CPI. Though CPM did not join these governments, it, too, actively supported them.

Congress too formed coalition governments in some of the states where it had been reduced to a minority, allying with independents and breakaway groups from the opposition parties. Except the DMK government in Tamil Naau and the Swatantra-led government in Orissa, the coalition governments in all the other states, whether formed by Congress or the opposition, proved to be highly unstable and could not stay in power for long. All the coalition governments suffered from constant tensions and internal strains because of the heterogeneity of the partners. These governments would get formed, break up as a result of changing loyalties of MLAs and then are re-formed again.

Parties, including Congress, would topple existing governments, change partners and form new governments. In between governments, a state would sometimes undergo a period of President’s Rule or even mid-term polls, which seldom changed the pattern of seats in the assembly. Thus, from the 1967 general elections to the end of 1970, Bihar had seven governments, U.P. four, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and West Bengal three each and Kerala two governmental changes, with a total of eight spells of President’s Rule in the seven states.

The other important feature of the coalition governments of the period was the beginning of the politics of defection. Many of the governmental changes in the northern states were the result of defections or floor crossings by individual legislators, both party members and independents. Corrupt legislators indulged in horse-trading and freely changed sides, attracted mainly by lure of office or Money. In Haryana, where the defection phenomenon was first initiated, defecting legislators began to be called Ay a Ram and Goya Ram (in-coming Ram and out-going Ram). Consequently, except in the case of the two Communist parties and Jan Sangh, party discipline tended to break down. Between 1967 and 1970, nearly 800 assembly members crossed the floor, and nearly 155 of them were rewarded with ministerial offices.,

A coalition government is a government formed by a grouping of Political Parties that together have more seats in the legislature than any other single party. Coalition governments are often formed when no single party wins a majority of seats in an election.

There are several ways in which coalition governments can work. One way is for the parties to agree on a common platform before the election. This platform would then be used to guide the government’s policies. Another way is for the parties to agree to share power, with each party holding a certain number of ministries. This can be a more difficult arrangement to manage, as the parties may have different priorities.

There are several advantages to coalition governments. One advantage is that they can provide stability in government. When no single party has a majority, it can be difficult to form a government. A coalition government can provide a more stable alternative. Another advantage is that coalition governments can bring together different viewpoints and perspectives. This can lead to more innovative and effective policies.

However, there are also some disadvantages to coalition governments. One disadvantage is that they can be slow to make decisions. This is because the parties in a coalition government often have different priorities. Another disadvantage is that they can be unstable. This is because the parties in a coalition government may not always agree on policies.

There are many examples of coalition governments around the world. In Germany, for example, the current government is a coalition between the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD). In Italy, the current government is a coalition between the Five Star Movement and the League.

Coalition governments can be successful if the parties involved are able to work together effectively. This requires trust, Communication, and compromise. If the parties are able to do this, then a coalition government can be a positive force for change.

However, coalition governments can also face challenges. One challenge is that the parties involved may have different priorities. This can make it difficult to agree on policies. Another challenge is that the parties may not always be able to work together effectively. This can lead to instability and gridlock.

Despite the challenges, coalition governments can be a positive force for change. They can provide stability and bring together different viewpoints and perspectives. However, they require trust, communication, and compromise from the parties involved.

The future of coalition governments is uncertain. In some countries, such as Germany, coalition governments are the norm. In other countries, such as the United States, they are rare. It is possible that coalition governments will become more common in the future, as the political landscape becomes more fragmented.

What is a coalition government?

A coalition government is a government formed by a grouping of political parties that together have more seats in the legislature than any other single party.

What are the advantages of a coalition government?

There are several advantages of a coalition government. First, it can provide stability and continuity in government. Second, it can help to build consensus and compromise. Third, it can give a voice to minority groups.

What are the disadvantages of a coalition government?

There are also several disadvantages of a coalition government. First, it can be slow and inefficient to make decisions. Second, it can be difficult to maintain unity within the coalition. Third, it can be unstable, as coalitions are often fragile and can collapse.

What are some examples of coalition governments?

Some examples of coalition governments include the current government of Germany, which is a coalition between the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Another example is the current government of Italy, which is a coalition between the Five Star Movement and the League.

What are some challenges of functioning under a coalition government?

One of the biggest challenges of functioning under a coalition government is the need to maintain unity within the coalition. This can be difficult, as coalitions are often made up of parties with different ideologies and priorities. Another challenge is the need to make decisions by consensus. This can be slow and inefficient, as it can take a long time to get everyone on board with a decision.

What are some tips for functioning effectively under a coalition government?

One tip for functioning effectively under a coalition government is to have a clear understanding of the coalition agreement. This agreement should outline the goals of the coalition, the roles of the different parties, and the decision-making process. Another tip is to build trust and communication between the different parties in the coalition. This can help to prevent disagreements from escalating and can make it easier to reach consensus. Finally, it is important to be flexible and willing to compromise. This is because coalition governments often have to make decisions that are not ideal for any one party.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of:

  • The Role of the Prime Minister in a parliamentary system
  • The relationship between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet
  • The role of the Opposition in a parliamentary system
  • The role of the media in a parliamentary system

  • The Prime Minister is the head of government in a parliamentary system. True or False?

  • The Prime Minister is appointed by the President. True or False?
  • The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the most seats in Parliament. True or False?
  • The Prime Minister appoints the members of the Cabinet. True or False?
  • The Prime Minister is responsible to Parliament. True or False?
  • The Prime Minister can be removed from office by a vote of no confidence in Parliament. True or False?
  • The Opposition is the party or parties that do not form the government. True or False?
  • The Leader of the Opposition is the leader of the largest party in Parliament that is not in government. True or False?
  • The Opposition has the responsibility to hold the government to account. True or False?
  • The Opposition can propose legislation and introduce Motions in parliament. True or False?
  • The media plays an important role in informing the public about the work of government. True or False?
  • The media can hold the government to account by reporting on its activities and decisions. True or False?
  • The media can also influence public opinion about the government. True or False?

I hope these MCQs are helpful!