<<2/”>a href=””>h2>FORTRAN: A Legacy Language Still Relevant Today

History and Evolution

FORTRAN, short for FORmula TRANslator, was developed in the mid-1950s at IBM by a team led by John Backus. It was the first high-level programming language designed for scientific and engineering applications.

Key Milestones:

  • FORTRAN I (1957): The first version, introduced concepts like arithmetic expressions, variables, and control flow statements.
  • FORTRAN II (1958): Added features like subroutines, common blocks, and improved input/output capabilities.
  • FORTRAN IV (1962): Became the standard version, widely adopted by the scientific community.
  • FORTRAN 77 (1977): Introduced structured programming constructs, character data types, and improved input/output facilities.
  • FORTRAN 90 (1990): Introduced modern features like array operations, dynamic memory allocation, and object-oriented programming concepts.
  • FORTRAN 95 (1995): Minor enhancements to FORTRAN 90.
  • FORTRAN 2003 (2003): Added support for object-oriented programming, interoperability with C, and improved debugging capabilities.
  • FORTRAN 2008 (2008): Introduced coarrays for parallel programming and improved support for Unicode.
  • FORTRAN 2018 (2018): Added features like support for the ISO C standard, improved interoperability with other languages, and enhancements to the parallel programming features.

Key Features

1. Strong Typing: FORTRAN is a strongly typed language, meaning that each variable must be declared with a specific data type. This helps prevent errors and improves code readability.

2. Array Processing: FORTRAN excels in handling arrays and matrices, making it ideal for scientific and engineering applications. It provides powerful array operations and functions for efficient data manipulation.

3. Numerical Computation: FORTRAN is designed for numerical computation and provides a wide range of built-in functions for mathematical operations, including trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions.

4. Scientific Libraries: A vast collection of scientific libraries, such as LAPACK, BLAS, and NAG, are available for FORTRAN, providing pre-built routines for complex mathematical and statistical calculations.

5. Legacy Code: FORTRAN has a vast legacy codebase, with millions of lines of code written over decades. This makes it essential for maintaining and updating existing applications in various scientific and engineering domains.

6. High Performance: FORTRAN compilers are highly optimized for performance, making it suitable for computationally intensive tasks.

7. Parallel Programming: Modern versions of FORTRAN support parallel programming, allowing developers to leverage multi-core processors and distributed systems for faster execution.


  • Performance: FORTRAN is known for its high performance, particularly in numerical computations.
  • Legacy Code: Its extensive legacy codebase makes it essential for maintaining and updating existing applications.
  • Scientific Libraries: A wide range of scientific libraries provide pre-built routines for complex calculations.
  • Array Processing: FORTRAN excels in handling arrays and matrices, making it ideal for scientific and engineering applications.
  • Community Support: A large and active community provides support and Resources for FORTRAN developers.


  • Limited Flexibility: FORTRAN is a relatively rigid language, making it less flexible than modern languages like Python or Java.
  • Steep Learning Curve: Learning FORTRAN can be challenging for beginners, especially those familiar with more modern languages.
  • Limited Use Cases: While powerful for scientific and engineering applications, FORTRAN is less suitable for general-purpose programming or web development.


FORTRAN is widely used in various fields, including:

  • Scientific Computing: Simulation, modeling, and analysis in fields like physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy.
  • Engineering: Design, analysis, and optimization of structures, systems, and processes.
  • Finance: Financial modeling, risk analysis, and portfolio optimization.
  • Weather Forecasting: Numerical weather prediction models.
  • High-Performance Computing: Large-scale simulations and data analysis.

Example Code

program hello
implicit none

write(,) “Hello, world!”

end program hello

This simple program prints “Hello, world!” to the console.

Comparison with Other Languages

Ease of UseModerateHighModerate
Scientific LibrariesExtensiveGrowingExtensive
Legacy CodeAbundantLimitedModerate
Parallel ProgrammingSupportedSupportedSupported

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is FORTRAN still relevant in the modern era?

Yes, FORTRAN remains relevant for scientific and engineering applications due to its high performance, extensive legacy codebase, and powerful scientific libraries.

2. What are the advantages of using FORTRAN over other languages?

FORTRAN offers high performance, excellent array processing capabilities, and a vast collection of scientific libraries.

3. What are the disadvantages of using FORTRAN?

FORTRAN can be challenging to learn, lacks flexibility compared to modern languages, and has limited use cases beyond scientific and engineering applications.

4. Is FORTRAN suitable for web development?

No, FORTRAN is not suitable for web development. It lacks the necessary features and libraries for web-based applications.

5. What are some popular FORTRAN compilers?

Popular FORTRAN compilers include gfortran, Intel Fortran Compiler, and PGI Fortran Compiler.

6. What are some resources for learning FORTRAN?

There are numerous online resources available for learning FORTRAN, including tutorials, documentation, and online courses.

7. What are some examples of real-world applications of FORTRAN?

FORTRAN is used in various applications, including weather forecasting models, simulations in physics and chemistry, and financial modeling.

8. Is FORTRAN a good choice for beginners?

FORTRAN can be challenging for beginners, especially those familiar with more modern languages. It is recommended to start with a more beginner-friendly language like Python or Java.

9. What are some future trends in FORTRAN?

Future trends in FORTRAN include continued improvements in parallel programming capabilities, enhanced interoperability with other languages, and the development of new libraries and tools for specific applications.

10. Is FORTRAN a dying language?

While FORTRAN is not as widely used as some modern languages, it remains relevant in specific domains and is likely to continue to be used for many years to come.
