Former princely States of Assam and Zamindaris

Former princely States of Assam and Zamindaris

The region that came to be known as undivided Goalpara district came under British rule after the transfer of the Deewani from the Mughal Emperor on August 12, 1765. Due to tribal influences on the region the police thanas of Dhubri, Nageswari, Goalpara and Karaibari were placed under a special administrative unit called “North-Eastern Parts of Rangpur” (Rangpur is in present-day Bangladesh) in January 1822. The First Anglo-Burmese War commenced in 1824, and by March 28 the British had occupied Guwahati, when the Raja of Darrang (a tributary of the Ahom kingdom) and some petty chieftains submitted themselves to the British, who made rudimentary administrative arrangements by October 1824. The Burmese occupiers retreated from the Ahom capital of Rangpur in January 1825 and the nearly the whole of Brahmaputra Valley fell into British hands. In the war against the Burmese the Ahoms did not help the British. In 1828, the Kachari kingdom was annexed under the Doctrine of Lapse after the king Govinda Chandra was killed. In 1832, the Khasi king surrendered and the British increased their influence over the Jaintia ruler. In 1833, upper Assam became a British protectorate under the erstwhile ruler of the Ahom kingdom, Purandhar Singha, but in 1838 the region was formally annexed into the British empire. With the annexation of the Maran/Matak territory in the east in 1839, the annexation of Assam was complete.

Assam was included as a part of the Bengal Presidency. The annexation of upper Assam is attributed to the successful manufacture of tea in 1837, and the beginning of the Assam Company in 1839. Under the Wasteland Rules of 1838, it became nearly impossible for natives to start plantations.[citation needed] After the Liberalization-2/”>Liberalization of the rules in 1854, there was a land rush. The Chinese staff that was imported earlier for the cultivation of tea left Assam in 1843, when tea plantations came to be tended by local labour solely, mainly by those belonging to the Bodo-Kachari ethnic groups. From 1859 central Indian labour was imported for the tea plantations. This labour, based on an unbreakable contract, led to a virtual slavery of this labour group. The conditions in which they were transported to Assam were so horrific that about 10% never survived the journey. The colonial government already had monopoly over the opium trade.

In 1874, the Assam region was separated from the Bengal Presidency, Sylhet was added to it and its status was upgraded to a Chief Commissioner’s Province, also known as the ‘North-East Frontier’ non-regulation province. The capital was at Shillong. Assamese, which had been replaced by Bengali as the Official Language in 1837, was reinstated alongside Bengali. The new Commissionership included the four districts of Assam proper Nagaon, Darrang, Sibsagar and Lakhimpur), The Lalung (Tiwa) Hills, Khasi-Jaintia Hills, Garo Hills, Naga Hills, Goalpara, (Kamrup and Sylhet-Cachar of Bengal comprising about 54,100 sq miles. The people of Sylhet, Goalpara, Kamrup and the Hills protested the inclusion in Assam.

In 1889, oil was discovered at Digboi giving rise to an oil Industry. In this period Nagaon witnessed starvation deaths, and there was a decrease in the indigenous Population, which was more than adequately compensated by the immigrant labor. Colonialism was well entrenched, and the tea, oil and coal-mining industries were putting increasing pressure on the agricultural sector which was lagging behind.

The peasants, burdened under the opium monopoly and the usury by Money lenders, rose again in revolt. Numerous raiz mels decided against paying the taxes. The protests culminated in a bayonet charge against the protesters at Patharughat in 1894. At least 15 were left dead and in the violent repression that followed villagers were tortured and their properties were destroyed or looted. In 1903, Assam Association was formed with Manik Chandra Baruah as the first secretary.

Bengal was partitioned and East Bengal was added to the Chief Commissioner’s Province of Eastern Bengal and Assam. The new region, now ruled by a Lt. Governor, had its capital at Dhaka. This province had a 15-member legislative council in which Assam had two seats. The members for these seats were recommended by rotating groups of public bodies.

The Partition of Bengal was strongly protested in Bengal, and the people of Assam were not happy either. Opposition to partition was co-ordinated by Indian National Congress, whose President was then Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton who had been Chief Commissioner of Assam until he retired in 1902. The partition was finally annulled by an imperial decree in 1911, announced by the King-Emperor at the Delhi Durbar. The Swadeshi movement (1905-1908) from this period, went largely unfelt in Assam, though it stirred some, most notably Ambikagiri Raychoudhury.

The administrative unit was reverted to a Chief Commissioner’s Province (Assam plus Sylhet), with a Legislative Council added and Assam Province was created. The Council had 25 members, of which the Chief Commissioner and 13 nominated members[clarification needed] formed the bulk. The other 12 members were elected by local public bodies like municipalities, local boards, landholders, tea planters and Muslims.

Under the Government of India Act 1935, the Council was expanded into an Assembly of 108 members, with even more powers. The period saw the sudden rise of Gopinath Bordoloi and Muhammed Saadulah and their tussle for power and influence.

zamindari in Assam province

Permanently settled estates were created during the time of Lord Cornwallis in and around 1793 in Bengal, Bihar and Odissa (Orissa). Subsequently, the system was exteded to Tamilnadu, Benaras districts of UP and middle part of Koch Kingdom (part of present Goalpara District), whole sylhet districts (part of present Karimganj District). The holders of the Permanently settled Estates were Proprietors nad were known as Zamindars and the Land Tenure System is otherwise known as Zamindari system. The Land Revenue (Kushiyara) System prevalent in the surama and Barak Valley was somewhat different from that was in practice in Brahmaputra Valley. The permanently settled estate in the then Sylhet were classified under the following names (a) Permanently settled Waste Land Grants, (b) Dassana, (c) Illam Daimi, (d) Halabadi etc. In case of large estates, the owners were known as Zamindar or Talukdar and those whom the lands were sublet were known as Patni. Large temporary settled estates were Illam which could be sublet to actual cultivators or middle man. In case such middle man was known as Mirasdar. The temporary settled estates of Sylhet proper were known locally under the following names (a) Illam, (b) Nankar Patwarigeeri etc.. The revenue survey in Sylhet was carried out in 1860-66. It was called “Thakbast” Survey in the sense that “thak” or demarcation marks of the estates were under taken. Illam Settlement Rules, 1876 were under taken for Resettlement and Reassessment of revenue.


The former princely states of Assam and Zamindaris were a diverse group of polities that existed in the region before the Indian independence movement. They were ruled by a variety of different ethnic groups, including the Ahoms, Chutiyas, Dimasas, Kacharis, Koches, Manipuris, and Tripuris. The Zamindaris were a type of feudal system in which land was held by a hereditary landlord, or zamindar, who collected taxes from the peasants who worked the land.

The Ahom kingdom was the most powerful of the former princely states of Assam. It was founded in 1228 by Sukaphaa, a prince from the Shan kingdom of Mong Mao. The Ahoms ruled Assam for over 600 years, until they were overthrown by the British in 1826. The Ahoms were a Buddhist people who spoke a Tibeto-Burman language. They were skilled in warfare and agriculture, and they built a strong kingdom that was able to resist the Mughal Empire.

The Chutiya kingdom was a smaller kingdom that existed in the Brahmaputra Valley in the 13th and 14th centuries. The Chutiyas were a Hindu people who spoke a Tibeto-Burman language. They were conquered by the Ahoms in the 14th century.

The Dimasa kingdom was a kingdom that existed in the Cachar Hills in the 13th and 14th centuries. The Dimasas were a Hindu people who spoke a Tibeto-Burman language. They were conquered by the Ahoms in the 14th century.

The Kachari kingdom was a kingdom that existed in the Barak Valley in the 13th and 14th centuries. The Kacharis were a Hindu people who spoke a Tibeto-Burman language. They were conquered by the Ahoms in the 14th century.

The Koch kingdom was a kingdom that existed in the Brahmaputra Valley in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Koches were a Hindu people who spoke an Indo-Aryan language. They were conquered by the Ahoms in the 17th century.

The Manipur kingdom was a kingdom that existed in the Manipur Valley in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Manipuris were a Hindu people who spoke an Indo-Aryan language. They were conquered by the Burmese in the 18th century.

The Tripura kingdom was a kingdom that existed in the Tripura Hills in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Tripuris were a Hindu people who spoke an Indo-Aryan language. They were conquered by the Mughals in the 17th century.

The Goalpara Zamindari was a zamindari that existed in the Goalpara district of Assam. The Goalpara Zamindars were a Muslim family who ruled the region from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

The Kamrup Zamindari was a zamindari that existed in the Kamrup district of Assam. The Kamrup Zamindars were a Hindu family who ruled the region from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

The Darrang Zamindari was a zamindari that existed in the Darrang district of Assam. The Darrang Zamindars were a Hindu family who ruled the region from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

The Cooch Behar Zamindari was a zamindari that existed in the Cooch Behar district of Assam. The Cooch Behar Zamindars were a Hindu family who ruled the region from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

The Goalpara Raj, Kamrup Raj, Darrang Raj, and Cooch Behar Raj were all princely states that existed in Assam before the Indian independence movement. They were ruled by a variety of different ethnic groups, including the Ahoms, Chutiyas, Dimasas, Kacharis, Koches, Manipuris, and Tripuris. The princely states were abolished after the Indian independence movement in 1947.

The former princely states of Assam and Zamindaris were a diverse group of polities that existed in the region before the Indian independence movement. They were ruled by a variety of different ethnic groups, and they played an important role in the history of Assam.

Former princely States of Assam

  • What are the former princely states of Assam?

The former princely states of Assam are:

  • Ahom Kingdom
  • Koch Kingdom
  • Chutiya Kingdom
  • Dimasa Kingdom
  • Kachari Kingdom
  • Jaintia Kingdom
  • Garo Kingdom
  • Khasi Kingdom
  • Manipur Kingdom
  • Tripura Kingdom

  • When did the former princely states of Assam become part of India?

The former princely states of Assam became part of India on 15 August 1947, when India gained independence from British rule.

  • What was the impact of the merger of the former princely states of Assam with India?

The merger of the former princely states of Assam with India had a significant impact on the region. It led to the integration of the region into the Indian Union and the establishment of a new political system. The merger also had a positive impact on the economy of the region, as it led to the development of Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE and the expansion of trade.

  • What are some of the challenges faced by the former princely states of Assam after they became part of India?

One of the biggest challenges faced by the former princely states of Assam after they became part of India was the integration of the region into the Indian Union. The region was culturally and linguistically diverse, and it took time for the different groups to adjust to the new political system. Another challenge was the Economic Development of the region. The former princely states were largely rural and underdeveloped, and it took time for the region to catch up with the rest of India.


  • What is a zamindari?

A zamindari is a type of land tenure system in India in which a large landowner, known as a zamindar, holds a hereditary right to collect revenue from a group of peasants.

  • When did the zamindari system emerge in India?

The zamindari system emerged in India during the Mughal period (1526-1857). The Mughals granted large tracts of land to their nobles, who in turn collected revenue from the peasants who lived on the land.

  • How did the zamindari system operate?

The zamindari system was based on a system of revenue collection. The zamindars were responsible for collecting revenue from the peasants who lived on their land. The revenue was then paid to the government.

  • What were the benefits of the zamindari system?

The zamindari system had a number of benefits. It provided a stable source of revenue for the government. It also helped to promote agricultural development.

  • What were the drawbacks of the zamindari system?

The zamindari system also had a number of drawbacks. The zamindars often exploited the peasants who lived on their land. They also often collected more revenue than they were entitled to.

  • When was the zamindari system abolished?

The zamindari system was abolished in India in 1950. The abolition of the zamindari system was one of the major Land reforms that were carried out after India gained independence in 1947.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a former princely state of Assam?

(A) Cooch Behar
(B) Goalpara
(C) Kamrup
(D) Darrang


(B) Goalpara is not a former princely state of Assam. It was a district of British India.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a zamindar?

(A) Raja of Cooch Behar
(B) Raja of Goalpara
(C) Raja of Kamrup
(D) Raja of Darrang


(B) Raja of Goalpara was not a zamindar. He was the ruler of the princely state of Goalpara.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a characteristic of zamindaris?

(A) Zamindars were hereditary landlords.
(B) Zamindars collected revenue from the peasants.
(C) Zamindars were responsible for maintaining law and order in their estates.
(D) Zamindars had the power to punish peasants who disobeyed them.


(D) Zamindars did not have the power to punish peasants who disobeyed them. This power was vested in the British government.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a consequence of the abolition of zamindaris?

(A) The peasants lost their traditional rights and privileges.
(B) The zamindars lost their land and wealth.
(C) The government took over the responsibility of collecting revenue from the peasants.
(D) The government introduced a new system of land tenure called the ryotwari system.


(A) The peasants did not lose their traditional rights and privileges. They were allowed to continue to cultivate their land and pay rent to the government.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a feature of the ryotwari system?

(A) The government directly collected revenue from the peasants.
(B) The peasants were given permanent rights to cultivate their land.
(C) The peasants were required to pay a fixed rent to the government.
(D) The peasants were allowed to sell or mortgage their land.


(D) The peasants were not allowed to sell or mortgage their land under the ryotwari system. This was because the government wanted to ensure that the peasants would continue to cultivate their land and pay rent.