forests of uttarakhand

<2/”>a >The forests of the state have been divided in many regions. The inspection of each forest region is done by the conservator of forest. Conservator of forest who manages the whole forest areas of the state. There are many circles in each forest region. Each circle is divided into various forest areas and sub-areas whose officers are Forester, Deputy Forester, Ranger or Assistant Ranger etc.

Forest related Education is given at ‘Indian Forest College’ (established in 1878) situates at Dehradun. Name of this college is Forest School of Dehradun. Now there are many organisationslike:

  • Forest research Institute (Dehradun in 1929)
  • Uttarakhand Forest Corporation(Kulagarh in 1st April 2001) etc.


Three type of forests are found in uttarakhand

  1. Sub-Himadri & Himadri Forests :  These type of forest are found  between 2900 metres to 3500 metres. Such regions are not suitable for trees. Thorny small bushes of Junipur ,Madhumati creepers etc are found in these forests. These forest has heavy rain and trees are situated on hilly slopes.
  2. Wet & Equal sub-tropical Forests of Himalayas :  These forests are found in the midst chir and sub-Himadri forest regions from the height of 1600 to 2900 metres.itsa evergreen forest belong to thorny species .famous trees are  – Deodar , Beech , Birch along with Chinar, Elm , Rododaidron , chestnut , Maple etc.
  3. Chir Forest of Sub – Temperate Region : Forests are found in lower Himalayan region between the wet-even tropical forests and damp leafy forest region of Torrid Zone.

Protection of forests :

Due to Growth of Population and economical reasons ,the pressure on the forests is increasing always .As a result – violation of forest rules , theft of forest product , illegal cutting of forests , illegal hunting etc. Armed anti- social element cut the forests illegally and hunt in the forests without become necessary to strengthen the security measures for the protection of the forests. The inspection and Supervision of the forests , 31 Armed Protection group and two protection groups , in which 117 ex-soldiers may be appointed.


Industrial & Pulpwood Forestation :

Two projects respectively to plant such species of trees which have economic and industrial importance and forestation these species of trees have rapid growth . ‘industrial& Pulpwood Forestation Project’ was launched . according to this projects – wood based industries – match-making , plywood ,hard-board , pertical- board ,packing  case , catechu ,furniture etc. and  for the supply of necessary items of such industries .


The running projects in forest department prior to 1991-92 are –

  1. Arrangement of trees on both sides of roads
  2. Survey and development of small forest product
  3. Re- emancipation of low category forests. These projects have been-included in ‘ Industrial pulpwood forestation project.’


Development of Forest-parks:  The important forest park is increasing day by day due to noisy Environment of cities and polluted Atmosphere. forest department has launched this project  purpose is Forest –parks, picnic-spots etcbeing constructed .

Ramganga water origin regional valley project :  Various  Soil– preservation programmes such as land reform , development of pastures , forestation are being done by the forest department at kalagarh in Ramganga.

Soil preservation work in the region of Tehri Barrage water origin : soil preservation and forestation programmes were started in the last phase of 1992 -93.

‘ApnaGaonApna Van ‘ project was started to correlate the villages with forests  , according to this project  the trees of saal , sagaun , pine etc.


Uttarakhand is a state in northern India that is home to a diverse range of forests. The state’s forests are home to a variety of plant and animal life, and they play an important role in the state’s economy.

The forests of Uttarakhand can be divided into six main types: alpine forests, deodar forests, dry deciduous forests, moist deciduous forests, subtropical forests, and tropical forests.

Alpine forests are found at high altitudes in the Himalayas. These forests are characterized by their cold Climate and short growing season. The trees in alpine forests are mostly conifers, such as pines and firs.

Deodar forests are found in the lower Himalayas. These forests are characterized by their tall, straight deodar trees. Deodar forests are an important source of timber and firewood.

Dry deciduous forests are found in the northwestern part of Uttarakhand. These forests are characterized by their dry climate and Deciduous trees. The trees in dry deciduous forests shed their leaves during the dry season.

Moist deciduous forests are found in the central and eastern parts of Uttarakhand. These forests are characterized by their moist climate and Evergreen trees. The trees in moist deciduous forests do not shed their leaves during the dry season.

Subtropical forests are found in the southern part of Uttarakhand. These forests are characterized by their warm climate and evergreen trees. The trees in subtropical forests do not shed their leaves during the dry season.

Tropical forests are found in the Terai region of Uttarakhand. These forests are characterized by their hot and humid climate. The trees in tropical forests are mostly evergreen.

The forests of Uttarakhand are an important part of the state’s ecosystem. They provide habitat for a variety of plant and animal life, and they help to regulate the climate. The forests also play an important role in the state’s economy. They provide timber, firewood, and other forest products. The forests also attract tourists, who come to enjoy the state’s natural beauty.

The forests of Uttarakhand are facing a number of threats. Deforestation is a major problem, as trees are cut down for timber, firewood, and agriculture. Forest fires are also a problem, as they can destroy large areas of forest. Climate Change is also a threat to the forests of Uttarakhand, as it is causing changes in the distribution of plant and animal life.

The government of Uttarakhand is taking steps to protect the state’s forests. The government has banned the felling of trees in certain areas, and it has established a number of forest reserves. The government is also working to educate people about the importance of forests, and it is working to develop alternative sources of income for people who depend on forests for their livelihood.

The forests of Uttarakhand are a valuable resource, and they need to be protected. The government of Uttarakhand is taking steps to protect the forests, but it is important for everyone to do their part to help. We can all help to protect the forests by planting trees, recycling paper, and reducing our consumption of wood products.

What are the different types of forests?

There are three main types of forests: tropical rainforests, temperate forests, and boreal forests. Tropical rainforests are found near the equator and are characterized by their warm, humid climate and dense vegetation. Temperate forests are found in the middle latitudes and are characterized by their four seasons and mixed forests of deciduous and coniferous trees. Boreal forests, also known as taiga, are found in the far north and are characterized by their cold climate and coniferous forests.

What are the benefits of forests?

Forests provide many benefits, including:

  • Oxygen: Forests produce oxygen, which we need to breathe.
  • Water: Forests help to regulate the water cycle and prevent flooding.
  • Soil: Forests help to prevent soil erosion and landslides.
  • Climate change: Forests help to mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity: Forests are home to a wide variety of Plants and animals.
  • Recreation: Forests provide a place for people to enjoy nature and recreation.

What are the threats to forests?

Forests are threatened by a number of factors, including:

  • Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing of forests for other uses, such as agriculture or development.
  • Climate change: Climate change is causing forests to change in ways that are harmful to plants and animals.
  • Fires: Forest fires can destroy forests and the plants and animals that live there.
  • Pollution: Pollution can damage forests and the plants and animals that live there.
  • Invasive species: Invasive species are plants or animals that are not native to an area and can harm forests and the plants and animals that live there.

What can we do to protect forests?

There are many things we can do to protect forests, including:

  • Reduce deforestation: We can reduce deforestation by choosing products that are made from sustainable wood and by supporting organizations that are working to protect forests.
  • Reduce climate change: We can reduce climate change by reducing our carbon footprint and by supporting organizations that are working to address climate change.
  • Prevent forest fires: We can prevent forest fires by clearing away dead trees and brush, by creating fire breaks, and by supporting organizations that are working to prevent forest fires.
  • Reduce pollution: We can reduce pollution by reducing our use of fossil fuels, by recycling, and by supporting organizations that are working to reduce pollution.
  • Control invasive species: We can control invasive species by identifying and removing invasive species, by supporting organizations that are working to control invasive species, and by educating people about the dangers of invasive species.

What is the future of forests?

The future of forests depends on the actions we take to protect them. If we continue to deforest, pollute, and damage forests, they will eventually disappear. However, if we take steps to protect forests, they can continue to provide us with many benefits for many years to come.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a type of forest?

(A) Tropical rainforest
(B) Temperate rainforest
(C) Boreal forest
(D) Savanna


(D) Savanna is a type of Grassland with scattered trees. The other three Options are all types of forests.

Question 2

What is the largest forest in the world?

(A) The Amazon rainforest
(B) The Congo rainforest
(C) The Taiga
(D) The Siberian taiga


(A) The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world, covering an area of over 5 million square kilometers. The Congo rainforest is the second largest rainforest in the world, covering an area of over 2 million square kilometers. The Taiga is a type of boreal forest that covers an area of over 10 million square kilometers. The Siberian taiga is the largest part of the Taiga, covering an area of over 6 million square kilometers.

Question 3

What is the main cause of deforestation?

(A) Agriculture
(B) Logging
(C) Mining
(D) Urbanization


(A) Agriculture is the main cause of deforestation. Forests are cleared to make way for agricultural land, such as crop fields and pastures. Logging is the second largest cause of deforestation. Trees are cut down for timber, which is used to make products such as paper, furniture, and construction materials. Mining and urbanization also contribute to deforestation, but to a lesser extent than agriculture and logging.

Question 4

What are the effects of deforestation?

(A) Loss of biodiversity
(B) Climate change
(C) Soil erosion
(D) All of the above


(D) Deforestation has a number of negative effects, including loss of biodiversity, climate change, soil erosion, and Water Pollution. Loss of biodiversity occurs when forests are cleared, as many plants and animals lose their habitat. Climate change occurs when forests are cleared, as trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Soil erosion occurs when forests are cleared, as the exposed soil is more likely to be blown away by wind or washed away by rain. Water pollution occurs when forests are cleared, as runoff from cleared land can carry sediment and chemicals into waterways.

Question 5

What are some of the ways to prevent deforestation?

(A) Reduce demand for products that contribute to deforestation
(B) Plant trees
(C) Support sustainable forest management practices
(D) All of the above


(D) There are a number of ways to prevent deforestation, including reducing demand for products that contribute to deforestation, planting trees, and supporting sustainable forest management practices. Reducing demand for products that contribute to deforestation can be done by choosing products that are made from recycled materials or that are certified by a sustainable forest management organization. Planting trees helps to restore forests that have been cleared. Supporting sustainable forest management practices helps to ensure that forests are managed in a way that protects the environment and the people who live in and around forests.