Foreign invasions on India and their impact- GPSC Mains

<<2/”>a >h4 style=”text-align: center;”>The Arab Invasion of India

The first incursion by the new Muslim successor states of the Persian Empire occurred around 664 CE during the Umayyad Caliphate, led by Mohalib towards Multan in Southern Punjab, in modern day Pakistan. Mohalib’s expeditions were not aimed at conquest, though they penetrated only as far as the capital of the Maili, he returned with wealth and prisoners of war. This was an Arab incursion and part of the early Umayyad push onwards from the Islamic conquest of Persia into Central Asia, and within the limits of the eastern borders of previous

Persian empires.

The first attack of Arabs under Ubaidullah failed. He was defeated and killed, After this, a series of expeditions were sent to conquer an outpost of Sindh, which all ended in failure. Then Hajjaj made elaborate preparation for the attack on Sindh and sent a powerful army under the command of his nephew and son-in-law Muhammad bin Qasim in 711 AD with 6000 horses, 6000 camels, 3000 animals loaded with equipments and a large infantry. Muhammad bin Qasim proceded towards Sindh through Makarana and first conquered Debel where he received fresh reinforcement sent by Hjjaj through the sea.

Sind, a principality on the shores of the Arabian Sea and the lower reaches of the Indus,was invaded from the sea by the Muslims in 711. The sea port of Daibul fell first, thenseveral towns on the banks of the Indus, including Arur, the capital. Finally, in 713, the Arabs took Multan and the conquest was complete. The fall of Sind opened the way to the
markets of Central Asia.

The Ghaznavid Invasion of India.

The Ghaznavid Dynasty was founded after the Turk slaves reached higher posts, such as commander-in-chiefs, in the Samanid court; they then took over the state of Khorasan. The real founder of the Ghaznavid Dynasty is, in fact, Sabuktigin. It was in his time that the Ghaznavid Sovereignty expanded. Mahmud Ghazni was Son of Sabuktigin, the founder of Ghazni dynasty & Turkish slave commander.

In all Mahmud Ghazni invaded India 17 times during AD 1000–1026.Mahmud Ghazni first encountered the Hindushai ruler, Jaipal in AD 1001. In the years AD 1004–06 Mahmud Ghazni attacked the rulers of Multan. Soon Punjab also passed into the hands of the Ghaznavids. Between AD 1014–1019, Mahmud enriched his treasury by looting the temples of Nagarkot, Thanesar, Mathura and Kanauj.
The attack against Nagarkot in AD 1008 has been described as his first great triumph. In AD 1025, Mahmud embarked on the most ambitious Indian campaign, the attack on the Somnath temple in Saurashtra. Mahmud captured the city after grim struggle in which more than 50,000 defenders lost their lives. Mahmud left Somnath after a fortnight when he came to know that the Gujarat king Bhima-I had completed preparations to confront him. His attacks on India were an attempt to fulfil his ambi- tion to make Ghazni the formidable power in the politics of Central Asia. Mahmud’s raids into India were only to acquire the famous wealth of India. This wealth would help him to consolidate his vast rule in Central Asia. He did not wish to establish an empire in India. The Ghaznavids had their control on parts of Punjab and Sind which continued till AD 1135. However his invasions exposed the weak defence of Indian kingdoms. They also opened possibility of attacks in future by the Turks.

The Mongol invasion of India

During Sultan Qutb-ud-din Aibak’s time, the Mongols, appeared in the East of India and emerged as a great power under the Leadership of Genghiz Khan (1165-1227). He was born in 1165 to Yesugei and Hoelun. He was brought up by his ablest mother Hoelun after his father was poisoned to death by Tatars. In his incessant wars, he exhibited such remarkable traits of heroism and diplomacy that led him to transform the entire social and military structure of Mongolia.

The Mongol troops had a strict code of discipline and harsh penalties for infringements of regulations. The Mongol
hordes were divided in units of 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000 soldiers (known as an arban, jagun, minghan and tümen respectively; the latter corresponds to a modern regiment).
Under this system fighters from different tribes were united in unified military formations, whose chief strategy was to “march divided, attack united,” and the strategies used were based on large-scale skirmish manoeuvres that helped the Mongols defeat numerically superior but fragmented forces from the Oxus to the Volga.

While chasing Jalal-ud-Din Khwarzam Shah (Ruler of Khwarazmian dynasty), Genghiz Khan stormed Afghanistan and the territories nowadays parts of Pakistan. Initially, Jalal-ud-Din defeated an advance Mongol army with the help of the Afghan fighters. However after the coming of Genghiz Khan, Jalal-ud-Din left Ghazni and entered into the areas of the Delhi Sultanate and encamped at the west bank of river Indus. In December 1221 AD, Genghiz Khan followed him and crushed his army while he fled crossing the Indus waters. He was given refuge by the Delhi Sultan. Genghiz Khan marched back due to hot summer. But in his way back he devastated the present day Punjab, Afghan borderland, Ghazni and Herat.

In 1235 Mongol force invaded Kashmir, stationing a darughachi (administrative governor) there for several years, and Kashmir became a Mongolian dependency

In 1285 AD, the Mongols invaded Multan and killed Prince Muhammad Khan.

During the reign of Ala-ud-din Khilji, Mongols invaded the country several times but were successfully repulsed. From these invasion Alla-ud-din Khilji learnt the lessons of keeping himself prepared, by fortifying and organizing his armed forces.

The invasion of Mongol ruler Timur in 1398 A.D. sealed the fate of the Tughluq dynasty. Muhammad fled and Timur captured the city and destroyed many temples in north India. Thousands of people were killed and Delhi was plundered for fifteen days, Timur returned to Samarkhand carrying away a large amount of wealth with him.,

Foreign invasions have had a profound impact on the history of India. From the Aryan Invasion Theory to the British Raj, foreign powers have shaped the country’s culture, politics, and Society.

The Aryan Invasion Theory is a controversial theory that suggests that the Aryans, a group of Indo-European peoples, invaded India from Central Asia around 1500 BCE. The theory is based on the study of the Vedas, a collection of ancient Hindu texts, and on archaeological evidence. However, the theory has been challenged by some scholars, who argue that there is no evidence of a mass invasion and that the Aryans may have migrated to India peacefully.

The Indus Valley Civilization was an ancient civilization that flourished in the Indus River valley from about 2600 to 1900 BCE. The civilization was centered in what is now Pakistan and northwestern India. The Indus Valley people were skilled farmers and traders. They built large cities with well-planned streets and Drainage Systems. The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1900 BCE, for reasons that are not fully understood.

The Vedic Period was a time of great religious and Cultural Development in India. The Vedas, a collection of ancient Hindu texts, were composed during this period. The Vedic people were skilled warriors and farmers. They lived in small villages and practiced a polytheistic religion.

The Mauryan Empire was the largest empire in Indian history. It was founded by Chandragupta Maurya in the 4th century BCE. The Mauryan Empire reached its peak under the reign of Ashoka the Great (272-232 BCE). Ashoka was a Buddhist ruler who promoted peace and non-violence. He is considered one of the greatest rulers in Indian history.

The Gupta Empire was a golden age in Indian history. It was founded by Chandra Gupta I in the 4th century CE. The Gupta Empire reached its peak under the reign of Samudragupta (335-375 CE). Samudragupta was a powerful warrior who conquered much of northern India. The Gupta Empire was a time of great cultural and Economic Development.

The Mughal Empire was a Muslim empire that ruled over much of India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526. The Mughal Empire reached its peak under the reign of Akbar the Great (1556-1605). Akbar was a tolerant ruler who promoted religious harmony. He is considered one of the greatest rulers in Indian history.

The British Raj was the period of British rule in India from 1858 to 1947. The British East India Company established a trading post in India in 1600. The British East India Company gradually gained control of more and more of India. In 1858, the British government took direct control of India. The British Raj was a time of great economic and Social Change in India.

The Indian Independence Movement was a movement that sought to end British rule in India. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The Indian Independence Movement was successful in achieving its goal of independence in 1947.

The Partition of India was the division of British India into two independent dominions, India and Pakistan, in 1947. The partition was a violent and chaotic event that led to the deaths of millions of people.

The Republic of India is the current state of India. It was founded in 1947 after the partition of India. The Republic of India is a secular, democratic republic. It is the world’s largest Democracy.

Foreign invasions have had a profound impact on the history of India. They have shaped the country’s culture, politics, and society. The Aryan Invasion Theory, the Indus Valley Civilization, the Vedic Period, the Mauryan Empire, the Gupta Empire, the Mughal Empire, the British Raj, the Indian Independence Movement, and the Partition of India are all important events in Indian history. These events have helped to make India the country it is today.

Foreign invasions on India have had a profound impact on the country’s history, culture, and society. Some of the most significant invasions include the following:

  • The Aryan invasion: The Aryans were a group of Indo-European people who migrated to India from Central Asia around 1500 BC. They brought with them their language, culture, and religion, which had a major impact on the development of Indian Society.
  • The Mughal invasion: The Mughals were a Muslim dynasty that ruled over India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. They were a powerful and influential force, and their rule left a lasting legacy on Indian culture.
  • The British invasion: The British East India Company began trading in India in the 17th century, and by the 19th century, they had established control over most of the country. The British Raj, as it was known, lasted for nearly 200 years and had a profound impact on India’s economy, politics, and society.

These are just a few of the many foreign invasions that have taken place in India over the centuries. Each invasion has had its own unique impact on the country, and together they have shaped the India we know today.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Foreign invasions on India and their impact:

  • What were the main reasons for foreign invasions on India?

There were many reasons for foreign invasions on India. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • To gain control of India’s rich Resources, such as its land, gold, and spices.
  • To spread their religion or culture.
  • To conquer new territory and expand their empire.

  • What were the effects of foreign invasions on India?

The effects of foreign invasions on India were far-reaching and long-lasting. Some of the most significant effects include:

  • The destruction of Indian culture and society.
  • The introduction of new religions and cultures.
  • The development of new trade routes.
  • The rise of new dynasties and empires.

  • What are some examples of foreign invasions on India?

Some examples of foreign invasions on India include:

  • The Aryan invasion: The Aryans were a group of Indo-European people who migrated to India from Central Asia around 1500 BC. They brought with them their language, culture, and religion, which had a major impact on the development of Indian society.
  • The Mughal invasion: The Mughals were a Muslim dynasty that ruled over India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. They were a powerful and influential force, and their rule left a lasting legacy on Indian culture.
  • The British invasion: The British East India Company began trading in India in the 17th century, and by the 19th century, they had established control over most of the country. The British Raj, as it was known, lasted for nearly 200 years and had a profound impact on India’s economy, politics, and society.

  • What are some of the lasting impacts of foreign invasions on India?

Some of the lasting impacts of foreign invasions on India include:

  • The development of a pluralistic society.
  • The rise of a strong national identity.
  • The development of a rich and diverse culture.
  • The emergence of a powerful and influential nation.
  1. The first Muslim invasion of India took place in:
    (A) 711 AD
    (B) 1001 AD
    (C) 1206 AD
    (D) 1526 AD

  2. The most famous Muslim ruler of India was:
    (A) Muhammad bin Qasim
    (B) Mahmud of Ghazni
    (C) Muhammad Ghori
    (D) Akbar

  3. The Mughal Empire was founded by:
    (A) Babur
    (B) Humayun
    (C) Akbar
    (D) Jahangir

  4. The most famous Mughal emperor was:
    (A) Akbar
    (B) Jahangir
    (C) Shah Jahan
    (D) Aurangzeb

  5. The British East India Company was founded in:
    (A) 1600 AD
    (B) 1612 AD
    (C) 1690 AD
    (D) 1757 AD

  6. The Battle Of Plassey was fought in:
    (A) 1757 AD
    (B) 1764 AD
    (C) 1765 AD
    (D) 1772 AD

  7. The Battle of Buxar was fought in:
    (A) 1764 AD
    (B) 1765 AD
    (C) 1767 AD
    (D) 1769 AD

  8. The First Anglo-Maratha War was fought from:
    (A) 1775 to 1782 AD
    (B) 1782 to 1783 AD
    (C) 1783 to 1785 AD
    (D) 1785 to 1787 AD

  9. The Third Anglo-Maratha War was fought from:
    (A) 1817 to 1818 AD
    (B) 1818 to 1820 AD
    (C) 1820 to 1822 AD
    (D) 1822 to 1824 AD

  10. The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was also known as:
    (A) The Sepoy Mutiny
    (B) The First War of Independence
    (C) The Indian Mutiny
    (D) The Great Revolt

  11. The British government took over the administration of India from the East India Company in:
    (A) 1858 AD
    (B) 1859 AD
    (C) 1860 AD
    (D) 1861 AD

  12. The Indian National Congress was founded in:
    (A) 1885 AD
    (B) 1886 AD
    (C) 1887 AD
    (D) 1888 AD

  13. The first Indian to be awarded the Nobel Prize was:
    (A) Rabindranath Tagore
    (B) CV Raman
    (C) Subhash Chandra Bose
    (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

  14. The Indian Independence Act was passed in:
    (A) 1947 AD
    (B) 1948 AD
    (C) 1949 AD
    (D) 1950 AD

  15. India became a republic on:
    (A) 26 January 1950 AD
    (B) 15 August 1947 AD
    (C) 2 October 1947 AD
    (D) 26 December 1947 AD
