Financial Arrangements under the National Disaster Management Act, 2005

The National Disaster Management Act (NDM Act) of 2005 was a significant legislative step forward for India, establishing a comprehensive framework for disaster management. A crucial component of this framework is the financial arrangements devised to support disaster management activities. This article explores these financial arrangements, highlighting their significance, structure, and impact on disaster management efforts in India.

Table of Contents
Overview of the NDM Act, 2005
Financial Mechanisms under the NDM Act, 2005
National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF)
State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF)
National Disaster Mitigation Fund (NDMF)
Utilization and Management of Funds
Challenges and Solutions
Impact on Disaster Management
FAQs and MCQs


The enactment of the National Disaster Management Act in 2005 marked a paradigm shift in India’s approach to disaster management, moving from a relief-centric to a more holistic, preventive, and preparedness-oriented strategy. Financial arrangements under the NDM Act are pivotal in ensuring that adequate resources are available for effective disaster management.

Overview of the NDM Act, 2005

The NDM Act of 2005 provides a legal and institutional framework for disaster management in India. It established the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs), and District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) to spearhead disaster management efforts at various levels.

Financial Mechanisms under the NDM Act, 2005

The Act introduces several financial mechanisms to support disaster management activities, including:

National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF)

  • Primarily aimed at providing immediate relief to families affected by disasters.
  • Funded through a levy on certain items, budgetary allocations, and donations.

State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF)

  • Each state in India has its own SDRF to meet the expenses of relief operations.
  • Financially supported by both the central government and the respective state governments.

National Disaster Mitigation Fund (NDMF)

  • Focuses on projects that aim to mitigate the risk of disasters in vulnerable areas.
  • Funded by the central government, donations, and contributions from international agencies.

Utilization and Management of Funds

These funds are utilized for various disaster management activities, including relief operations, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and preparedness measures. The NDMA and SDMAs play a critical role in ensuring the efficient allocation and utilization of these funds.

Challenges and Solutions

While the financial mechanisms under the NDM Act have significantly contributed to enhancing India’s disaster management capabilities, challenges such as delayed fund disbursement and underutilization of funds have been noted. Strengthening the audit and monitoring mechanisms can address these issues, ensuring timely and effective use of funds.

Impact on Disaster Management

The financial arrangements under the NDM Act have had a profound impact on disaster management in India, enabling a more resilient and prepared society. These funds have facilitated immediate relief to disaster-stricken populations, supported reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, and funded mitigation projects to minimize future disaster risks.


The financial arrangements under the National Disaster Management Act of 2005 have been instrumental in strengthening India’s disaster management framework. By ensuring the availability of dedicated funds for disaster response, recovery, and mitigation, India is better positioned to manage disasters more effectively. Continued focus on improving the efficiency and transparency of these financial mechanisms will further enhance the country’s disaster resilience.

FAQs and MCQs

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of the NDRF?
    The National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) is designed to provide immediate relief to individuals affected by disasters.
  • How are the SDRF funds allocated?
    SDRF funds are