Finances – Gram Panchayats

Finances – Gram Panchayats

A gram panchayat is a village council in India. It is the lowest level of government in India, and is responsible for providing basic services to the people living in the village. Gram panchayats are funded by a variety of sources, including taxes, grants from the state government, and loans from banks.

Sources of Finance for Gram Panchayats

The main sources of finance for gram panchayats are:

  • Taxes: Gram panchayats can levy taxes on a variety of items, including land, property, and businesses.
  • Grants from the state government: The state government provides grants to gram panchayats to help them finance their activities.
  • Loans from banks: Gram panchayats can borrow money from banks to finance their activities.

Expenditure of Gram Panchayats

Gram panchayats spend their money on a variety of activities, including:

  • Providing basic services: Gram panchayats are responsible for providing basic services to the people living in the village, such as water, sanitation, and electricity.
  • Maintaining infrastructure: Gram panchayats are responsible for maintaining the infrastructure in the village, such as roads, bridges, and schools.
  • Providing social welfare schemes: Gram panchayats can provide social welfare schemes to the people living in the village, such as pensions, scholarships, and health care.

Challenges Faced by Gram Panchayats

Gram panchayats face a number of challenges, including:

  • Lack of funds: Gram panchayats often do not have enough funds to finance their activities.
  • Corruption: Corruption is a major problem in gram panchayats.
  • Lack of capacity: Gram panchayats often lack the capacity to manage their finances effectively.


Gram panchayats play an important role in providing basic services to the people living in the village. However, they face a number of challenges, including lack of funds, corruption, and lack of capacity. It is important to address these challenges in order to improve the functioning of gram panchayats.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a gram panchayat?

A gram panchayat is a village council in India. It is the lowest level of government in India, and is responsible for providing basic services to the people living in the village.

What are the sources of finance for gram panchayats?

The main sources of finance for gram panchayats are taxes, grants from the state government, and loans from banks.

What are the challenges faced by gram panchayats?

Gram panchayats face a number of challenges, including lack of funds, corruption, and lack of capacity.

What can be done to improve the functioning of gram panchayats?

It is important to address the challenges faced by gram panchayats, such as lack of funds, corruption, and lack of capacity. This can be done by providing more funds to gram panchayats, strengthening the anti-corruption mechanisms, and building the capacity of gram panchayats.


  1. What is a gram panchayat?
    (A) A village council in India
    (B) A state government in India
    (C) A central government in India

  2. What are the main sources of finance for gram panchayats?
    (A) Taxes, grants from the state government, and loans from banks
    (B) Taxes, grants from the central government, and loans from banks
    (C) Taxes, grants from the state government, and loans from the World Bank

  3. What are the challenges faced by gram panchayats?
    (A) Lack of funds, corruption, and lack of capacity
    (B) Lack of funds, corruption, and lack of transparency
    (C) Lack of funds, corruption, and lack of accountability

  4. What can be done to improve the functioning of gram panchayats?
    (A) Provide more funds to gram panchayats, strengthen the anti-corruption mechanisms, and build the capacity of gram panchayats
    (B) Provide more funds to gram panchayats, strengthen the anti-corruption laws, and build the capacity of gram panchayats
    (C) Provide more funds to gram panchayats, strengthen the anti-corruption agencies, and build the capacity of gram panchayats
