Feudatory states in Haryana

Feudatory states in Haryana

Feudatory states in Haryana In 1947 when India become independent  their were 565 native states.  India: Native Feudatory States  are Alwar ,Bamra ,Barwani ,Bhopal ,Bhor ,Bijawar ,Bundi ,Bussahir ,Charkhari ,Cochin ,Dhar ,Duttia ,Faridkot ,Hyderabad ,Idar ,Indore ,Jaipur ,Jammu and Kashmir ,Jasdan, Jhalawar ,Jind ,Kishangarh ,Las Bela ,Morvi ,Nandgaon ,Nowanuggur ,Orchha ,Poonch Rajasthan ,Rajpeepla ,Sirmoor ,Soruth ,Travancore ,Travancore-Cochin ,Wadhwan .

Feudatory states in Haryana are those states in India which operates their own internal postage service during the time period of british empire. Issuing stampes were only valid within their states.Haryana is one of the 29 states  in India.

One of the earliest postage stamps of Hyderabad state, the half-anna 1871 Stanley Gibbons ser 4.Two anna red-brown 1916 postage stamp of Orchha state.

A post box from Travancore period known as Anchal petty still being used in Kerala.

India had a great many feudatory states, but not all issued postal stamps and/or stationery. The feudatory states issuing stamps were as follows (the dates are the starting and ending dates of stamp issuance

Indian postal systems for efficient military and governmental communications had developed long before the arrival of Europeans. When The Portuguese, Dutch, French, Danish and British displaced The Marathas who had already defeated the Mughals, their postal systems existed alongside those of many somewhat independent states. The British East India Company gradually displaced other powers and brought into existence a British administrative system over most of India, with a need to establish and maintain both official and commercial mail systems.

Although the Indian Post Office was established in 1837, Sir Bartle Frere, the British East India Company’s administrator of the province of Sind, introduced Asia’s first adhesive stamp, the ScindeDawk, in 1852. The Indian postal system developed into an extensive, dependable and robust Network providing connectivity to almost all parts of India, Burma, the Straits Settlements and other areas controlled by the British East India Company (EIC). Based on the model postal system introduced in England by the reformer, Rowland Hill, efficient postal Services were provided at a low cost and enabled the smooth commercial, military and administrative functioning of the EIC and its successor, the British Raj. The Imperial Posts co-existed with the several postal systems maintained by various Indian states, some of which produced stamps for use within their respective dominions, while British Indian postage stamps were required for sending mail beyond the boundaries of these states. Telegraphy and telephony made their appearance as part of the Posts before becoming separate departments. After the Independence of India in 1947, the Indian postal service continues to function on a countrywide basis and provides many valuable, low cost services to the public of India.

Haryana district play very important role in postage stamp duty during british empire. Ambala district in Haryana play very important role.

Amid the Mughal domain period zamindari have a place with the respectability. The zamindars regularly assumed a vital part in the local histories of the subcontinent. A standout amongst the most striking cases is the sixteenth century confederation shaped by 12 zamindars in the Bhati area, which, as per the Jesuits and Ralph Fitch, earned a notoriety for progressively repulsing Mughal attacks through maritime fights. The confederation was driven by a zamindar-lord, Isa Khan, and included the two Muslims and Hindus, for example, Pratapaditya. The zamindars were likewise supporters of expressions of the human experience. The Tagore family created India’s first Nobel laureate in writing in 1913, Rabindranath Tagore, who was regularly based at his home. The zamindars likewise advanced neoclassical and Indo-Saracenic engineering.


Pelkha is a town that falsehoods 10 km north-west of Shamli in the locale of Shamli in the province of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is arranged in the old place where there is Kuru, now western Uttar Pradesh, a standout amongst the most ripe and horticulturally propelled districts of India alongside the Punjab and Haryana. Geologically, it is arranged in the upper Doab, the territory between the 2 awesome waterways Ganges and Jamuna.

East India Company presented this framework in 1793, when Lord Cornwallis went into ‘perpetual settlement’ with proprietors with a view to expanding the income of the Company. East India Company has gone into changeless settlement with landowners who had enormous piece of terrains, for the business pick up that is to extend their business. Under the settlement, the landowners were announced full proprietors of expansive regions of land, subsequently making a lasting enthusiasm for the land and the assignment of gathering rent from the ranchers was likewise endowed to them for which they got a commission. With the progression of time these proprietors turned into the mediators between the cultivators and the State.

The Zamindari System experienced various imperfections. It presented boundless rights on the Zamindars to seize as much lease as they wished. It likewise qualified them for share the deliver without taking part by and by in the profitable procedure. The real cultivator was left with no surplus to put Resources into better instruments nor was there any additional impetus for him to increment rural generation and efficiency.

Before the partion of India 1947 there was 565 native states. Now in most states zamindaries system was mostly abolished in India. First amendment is createdto the constitution of the India which amendment Right to Property act.

Tomar dynasty as Feudatory states in Haryana :

The soonest surviving verifiable reference to the Tomaras happens in the Pehowa engraving issued amid the rule of the Pratihara ruler Mahendrapala I .This undated engraving states that Jaula of the Tomara family wound up plainly prosperous by serving an anonymous lord. His relatives included Vajrata, Jajjuka, and Gogga. The engraving proposes that Gogga was a vassal of Mahendrapala I. It records the development of three Vishnu sanctuaries by Gogga and his progression siblings Purna-raja and Deva-raja. The sanctuaries were situated at Prithudaka, on the banks of the stream Sarasvati.

Feudatory states in Haryana

No data is accessible about the prompt successors of Gogga.ThePehowa engraving proposes that this specific Tomara family was settled around the Karnal region. Be that as it may, F. Kielhorn recommended that this Tomara family really dwelled in Delhi: they may have gone by Pehowa on journey, and assembled a sanctuary there.,

Feudatory states in Haryana

Haryana is a state in northern India. It was formed in 1966 from the southern and western parts of the erstwhile state of Punjab. The state is bordered by Punjab to the north, Himachal Pradesh to the east, Uttarakhand to the southeast, Rajasthan to the south, and Delhi to the southwest. The capital of Haryana is Chandigarh, which is also the joint capital of Punjab.

The history of Haryana can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. The region was later ruled by a number of dynasties, including the Mauryas, Guptas, and Tomaras. In the 12th century, the region was conquered by the Muslims. The Mughals ruled the region for over 300 years. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the region was ruled by a number of local rulers. In the 19th century, the region was annexed by the British East India Company.

After independence from British rule in 1947, Haryana was a part of the state of Punjab. In 1966, Haryana was carved out of Punjab to form a separate state.

The feudal states of Haryana were a number of small kingdoms that existed in the region before the British Raj. The most important of these states were Ahirwal, Bhiwani, Hisar, Jhajjar, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Mahendragarh, Mewat, Palwal, Rohtak, Sirsa, Sonipat, and Yamunanagar.

Ahirwal was a state in the southern part of Haryana. The capital of Ahirwal was Rewari. The rulers of Ahirwal were from the Ahir clan.

Bhiwani was a state in the northern part of Haryana. The capital of Bhiwani was Bhiwani. The rulers of Bhiwani were from the Chauhan clan.

Hisar was a state in the central part of Haryana. The capital of Hisar was Hisar. The rulers of Hisar were from the Tomar clan.

Jhajjar was a state in the eastern part of Haryana. The capital of Jhajjar was Jhajjar. The rulers of Jhajjar were from the Jhajjar clan.

Karnal was a state in the western part of Haryana. The capital of Karnal was Karnal. The rulers of Karnal were from the Tomar clan.

Kurukshetra was a state in the central part of Haryana. The capital of Kurukshetra was Kurukshetra. The rulers of Kurukshetra were from the Kuru clan.

Mahendragarh was a state in the southern part of Haryana. The capital of Mahendragarh was Mahendragarh. The rulers of Mahendragarh were from the Tomar clan.

Mewat was a state in the southern part of Haryana. The capital of Mewat was Nuh. The rulers of Mewat were from the Mewati clan.

Palwal was a state in the southern part of Haryana. The capital of Palwal was Palwal. The rulers of Palwal were from the Tomar clan.

Rohtak was a state in the northern part of Haryana. The capital of Rohtak was Rohtak. The rulers of Rohtak were from the Tomar clan.

Sirsa was a state in the southern part of Haryana. The capital of Sirsa was Sirsa. The rulers of Sirsa were from the Bhatti clan.

Sonipat was a state in the northern part of Haryana. The capital of Sonipat was Sonipat. The rulers of Sonipat were from the Tomar clan.

Yamunanagar was a state in the northern part of Haryana. The capital of Yamunanagar was Yamunanagar. The rulers of Yamunanagar were from the Tomar clan.

The feudal states of Haryana were abolished in 1948 after independence from British rule. The states were merged into the new state of Haryana.

The feudal states of Haryana played an important role in the history of the region. The states were ruled by a number of dynasties, and they were home to a number of important historical sites. The states were abolished in 1948, but they continue to be an important part of the history and culture of Haryana.

What is a feudal state?

A feudal state is a political system in which land is owned by a small number of powerful people, who then grant it to others in exchange for their loyalty and service.

What are the characteristics of a feudal state?

The characteristics of a feudal state include:

  • A small number of powerful people own most of the land.
  • They grant land to others in exchange for their loyalty and service.
  • There is a strong social hierarchy, with the nobles at the top and the peasants at the bottom.
  • The economy is based on agriculture.

What are the benefits of a feudal state?

The benefits of a feudal state include:

  • It provides stability and order.
  • It can be a very efficient way to organize an economy.
  • It can create a strong sense of community.

What are the drawbacks of a feudal state?

The drawbacks of a feudal state include:

  • It can be very oppressive for the peasants.
  • It can be very difficult to change or reform.
  • It can be very inefficient.

What are some examples of feudal states?

Some examples of feudal states include:

  • The Holy Roman Empire
  • Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate
  • China during the Ming and Qing dynasties

What is the history of feudalism?

Feudalism emerged in Europe during the Middle Ages. It was a System of Government in which land was owned by a small number of powerful people, who then granted it to others in exchange for their loyalty and service. Feudalism began to decline in the 15th century, and it was largely replaced by capitalism in the 16th century.

What is the future of feudalism?

Feudalism is no longer a major form of government in the world. However, there are some countries that still have feudal-like systems, such as Saudi Arabia and Oman. It is possible that feudalism could make a comeback in the future, as some people believe that it is a more stable and efficient system than capitalism.

Sure. Here are some MCQs about the topics of Haryana, India, and the Indian subcontinent:

  1. Which of the following is not a state in India?
    (A) Haryana
    (B) Punjab
    (C) Rajasthan
    (D) Uttar Pradesh

  2. The capital of Haryana is:
    (A) Chandigarh
    (B) Jaipur
    (C) New Delhi
    (D) Lucknow

  3. The Official Language of Haryana is:
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Punjabi
    (C) English
    (D) Urdu

  4. The Population of Haryana is approximately:
    (A) 25 million
    (B) 50 million
    (C) 75 million
    (D) 100 million

  5. The Literacy rate in Haryana is approximately:
    (A) 70%
    (B) 80%
    (C) 90%
    (D) 100%

  6. The main religion in Haryana is:
    (A) Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Sikhism
    (D) Christianity

  7. The main crops grown in Haryana are:
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Sugarcane
    (D) Cotton

  8. The main industries in Haryana are:
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Manufacturing
    (C) Services
    (D) Tourism

  9. The main exports from Haryana are:
    (A) Agricultural products
    (B) Manufactured goods
    (C) Services
    (D) Tourism

  10. The main imports to Haryana are:
    (A) Petroleum products
    (B) Machinery
    (C) Consumer goods
    (D) Capital Goods

I hope these MCQs were helpful!